
    It's Not Just A Hat Rack

    Renewing your mind one episode at a time. Through every day stories, we transform the ordinary into the extraordinary and triumph over adversity. Formerly the TECKtalks Podcast.

    en-usMatt Teck79 Episodes

    Episodes (79)

    FREEDOM | Interview with Terrance Alfaro | Brittney Griner's Release & Social Media Craziness

    FREEDOM | Interview with Terrance Alfaro | Brittney Griner's Release & Social Media Craziness

    My friend Terrance Alfaro posted a Facebook Live about the backlash he received on his Facebook page simply for posting a news article about Brittney Griner's release. Most of it came from Christians. His video rocked me so I invited him onto the 'cast to share more.

    Watch his video here.

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    SQUASH THE ANTS | Six Ways To Combat Automatic Negative Thoughts & Way Too Many Seinfeld References

    SQUASH THE ANTS | Six Ways To Combat Automatic Negative Thoughts & Way Too Many Seinfeld References

    Humans have up to 70,000 thoughts per day -- and most of them are negative. 

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Psychology behind negative thinking
    • Personal stories of changing my mindset
    • Six methods to beat these repetitive, automatic negative thoughts

    Episode: THOUGHTS | Toxic Thinking, Irrational Fear & Both Times I Thought I Had Cancer

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    MORNINGS | Not-So-Obvious Secrets That Helped Me Quadruple My Income, Lose 85 Pounds & Strengthen Relationships

    MORNINGS | Not-So-Obvious Secrets That Helped Me Quadruple My Income, Lose 85 Pounds & Strengthen Relationships

    This episode is going to step on some toes -- and excuses will abound! But if you want results in your life, follow these not-so-obvious secrets. 

    In this episode, we'll discuss:

    • My parent's lifelong struggle to wake me up
    • What mornings used to look like as a young parent
    • Step-by-step guide to train your mind and body to wake up early SO THAT you can control your mornings.
    • How controlling your mornings give you the power to change your life

    The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

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    Let's Talk About Deconstruction | Pastor Chris Williams

    Let's Talk About Deconstruction | Pastor Chris Williams

    There is a trendy new word we are hearing about in the Church -- Deconstruction. 

    Today, we sit down with Pastor Chris Williams to discuss:

    • What is deconstruction?
    • Why is it so popular?
    • Healthy vs unhealthy deconstruction
    • Is there any sincerity in it?
    • What can we do to encourage Spirit-led, biblical understanding of Scripture?

    BOOK | I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist by Norman L Geisler
    BOOK | Faith & Doubt by John Ortberg
    BOOK | The Apologetics Study Bible
    PODCAST | The Alisa Childers Podcast
    PODCAST | Cooperstuff with John Cooper
    PODCAST | Got Questions Podcast

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    It's Not Just A Hat Rack
    en-usMarch 03, 2022

    CAREER CORNER | Eight Proven Networking Techniques to Flourish in a Crowded Room

    CAREER CORNER | Eight Proven Networking Techniques to Flourish in a Crowded Room

    Welcome to our newest segment -- CAREER CORNER. 

    Today, we begin with some proven methods to make new friends in a crowded room. Whether you're at a networking event, a friends party where you know very few, or at an event for the first time -- these are the tools you need to turn strangers into friends. 

    INTERVIEW | Human Resources Experts, Colette Pavelle and Witney Rightler, on How We Stand Out Among the Upcoming COVID-19 Hiring Boom

    Connect with Matt Teck on LinkedIn.

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    REMASTERED | How Jesus Saved Me

    REMASTERED | How Jesus Saved Me

    This is by far one of the most downloaded episodes of TECKtalks.

    This was originally recorded in April 2020 -- right as the world went into lockdown.

    Almost two years later, this episode has been remastered for easier listening and features a brand new music bed. Enjoy!

    If you know someone who needs encouragement or a boost of faith, please consider sharing this episode with them. 

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    Slow Down to Speed Up

    Slow Down to Speed Up

    It's been a long time since our last episode! Thank you being so patient as we relaunch TECKtalks with a renewed vision. 

    Today, we talk about a concept that runs counter to everything around us -- slow down to speed up.  

    We cover:

    • The difference between two specific world views we find ourselves in.
    • Why should we slow down and what do we do in this state of deceleration?
    • My personal experience slowing down and how it got us where we are today.
    • How to course correct.

    Please take a moment to leave us a 5-star review!

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    What Tragic Loss Taught Me About Friendship

    What Tragic Loss Taught Me About Friendship

    On August 20, 2021, I lost a friend in a tragic motorcycle accident. Not only did I lose a friend -- a wife lost her husband, a son lost his Dad, a Dad lost his son and everyone that knew Chris lost a great friend. 

    And although I only knew Chris about six months, his death taught me more about friendship than I could imagine. 

    We can all learn a lesson from Chris. Enjoy this episode!

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    It's Not Just A Hat Rack
    en-usOctober 22, 2021

    Your Questions -- Answered!

    It's Not Just A Hat Rack
    en-usJuly 28, 2021

    Virtue Signaling vs True Virtue

    Virtue Signaling vs True Virtue

    Pandering politicians. Pronouns in your social media profile. "Holier than thou" postings.

    Although the phrase virtue signaling is fairly new, the actions have been around for along time. 

    In this episode, we cover:

    • What is virtue signaling?
    • Why do we fall into it's trap?
    • Evaluating your motivations
    • 4-step process to move closer towards true virtue
    • How communities actually change

    Start your podcast today with Buzzsprout!

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    Protecting Your Hope

    Protecting Your Hope

    "Three things will last forever -- faith, hope, and love."
    1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT

    Did you know there are different kinds of hope? In this episode, we cover:

    • God's first command
    • Three different types of hope
    • What happens when we get them out of order
    • Where our ultimate hope should reside
    • Biblical restoration versus annihilation
    • Heaven is not your eternal home

    Episode: My Testimony, Luke 22 & What I Learned From Complete Brokenness
    Book: All Things New by John Eldredge

    TECKtalks Podcast Online Community

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    It's Not Just A Hat Rack
    en-usApril 29, 2021

    The Inevitable Fall of Rachel Hollis & The "You Go, Girl" Movement

    The Inevitable Fall of Rachel Hollis & The "You Go, Girl" Movement

    After Rachel Hollis found herself in serious hot water over a TikTok video, her attempt at an apology shows us why the movement she built was ultimately doomed to fail. 
    In this episode, we cover:

    • What happened
    • The actual need to apologize
    • A culture that lacks empathy
    • Exemplifying yourself at the cost of another
    • How this incident can be used for positive self-reflection
    • I actually fell short in this recording
    • What to do now

    RELEVANT Magazine article referenced in this episode.

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    BOOKS THAT CHANGED ME | The Third Option: Hope For A Racially Divided Nation by Miles McPherson

    BOOKS THAT CHANGED ME | The Third Option: Hope For A Racially Divided Nation by Miles McPherson

    On this next installment of Books That Changed Me, we're talking through The Third Option by Miles McPherson. In this episode we discuss:

    • Racial unrest in 2020
    • How I found the book
    • Why books like How to Be an Antiracist and White Fragility do not work
    • What exactly is the "third option?"
    • What makes this book different than others about race relations?

    Past Episodes:

    Human Trafficking Resources:
    The A21 Campaign
    Operation Underground Railroad

    Pick up your copy of The Third Option!

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    CONSPIRACY SERIES | Episode 2 | The QAnon Movement

    CONSPIRACY SERIES | Episode 2 | The QAnon Movement

    Continuing our new segment, Conspiracy Series, we dive into one of the most popular yet controversial conspiracies in our culture today -- the QAnon Movement.

    In this episode, we cover:

    • The difference between Q and QAnon
    • Absolute truth versus relative truth
    • The infiltration and spread of QAnon within the Church
    • Social media fascination
    • Where QAnon falls apart
    • My personal experience going down the "rabbit hole"
    • God's rescue plan and my repentance 

    Before listening to this episode, we highly recommend taking in Episode 1 of the series.

    Article: Why Is It so Hard to Reach the Christian Conspiracy Theorist? by David French
    Book: Coddling of the American Mind by Jonathan Heidt & Greg Lukianoff

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    It's Not Just A Hat Rack
    en-usMarch 15, 2021