
    Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis (audio)

    Daily half-hour TV show discussing Israel, current events, and Bible prophecy from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
    enJewish Voice749 Episodes

    Episodes (749)

    Do Miracles Still Happen Today?

    Do Miracles Still Happen Today?
    Jonathan and Ezra examine God’s supernatural intervention in our natural world. They discuss Jesus’ ministry on Earth and why it was filled with so many miracles. They explore why miracles tend to happen more in developing countries than in the West, and what it would take for us to see more miracles in America. You’ll also see film clips of miracles witnessed in the ministry field of Jewish Voice Medical Outreaches.

    How to Meditate on God’s Word in Hebrew

    How to Meditate on God’s Word in Hebrew
    Join Jonathan and Ezra as they discuss “Adonai Yeshu’ati” – the Lord My Salvation. They’ll show you Jesus in the Old Testament Scriptures and reveal a profound yet simple help for getting through a crisis, a “shaking,” and even “wars and rumors of wars.” Discover how to deepen your trust in a God who has become our salvation. You’ll see what God means by “meditating on His Word” through the Hebrew word haggah and be encouraged to do as God told Joshua – to keep His Word on his lips through repeated speaking it forth.

    Does God Care What You Think of Israel?

    Does God Care What You Think of Israel?
    Does God care about what you think about Israel and the Jewish people? Jonathan Bernis and Ezra Benjamin discuss biblical reasons why the answer to that question is “Yes!” They reveal scriptural evidence that Israel and the Jewish people still matter to God and remain a part of His prophetic plans. Discover how what’s important to God can become important to you.

    Jonathan Cahn Discusses a Guide to the End Times

    Jonathan Cahn Discusses a Guide to the End Times
    What do the Bible, Roe vs. Wade and COVID have in common? Rabbi Jonathan Bernis hosts Jonathan Cahn who continues his discussion about several astounding biblical and historical parallels he’s identified converging to reveal that the U.S. is at a profound crossroads. See how the breaking of a modern-day altar holds the promise of hope and revival for the United States. Learn how his discoveries offer a guide to what you need to do to stand in the Last Days.