
    Jonesin' for Show

    Be INSPIRED and take OWNERSHIP of your life with the tips offered in each episode of the Jonesin' for Show! Your host an avid outdoorsman, motivational speaker and coach Spencer Jones will help you chase your passions and live your life to the max through solo shows and interviews of people living their life the MAX!

    en-usSpencer Jones150 Episodes

    Episodes (150)

    You Are Amazing, Thank You.

    You Are Amazing, Thank You.

    Welcome to the Final Episode of Season 2. It is so amazing and I am just so incredibly grateful to have you here for joining me, not only in this episode, but of the entire season. 

    Whether you've just joined us to listen to the last episode or two, or you've listened to all of them, thank you so much. You are amazing. You are worthy. You are enough. You are incredible.


    Adversity on Purpose with Michael Fabber

    Adversity on Purpose with Michael Fabber

    Welcome to the final interview of season two of the Jonesin' For Show. You are in for a special treat. An amazing guest today, he was here in season one and now back for season two to share his knowledge, his wisdom, his joy, his energy with all of us and hopefully help us live life to the max,

    I am so excited to have him here, sharing his love, his light with all of you. So, please help me welcome my brother, Michael Fabber to the show.


    Sharing Your Story with David Chametzky

    Sharing Your Story with David Chametzky

    We have an amazing guest joining us today, talking about mindset, about believing in ourselves, about just being us.

    It's one of the cornerstones of being an Energizer is being you and being okay and loving yourself for you, right? Flaws and all. Because we all are beautiful. We all are amazing. 
    So, without further ado, please help me welcome the awesome and amazing David Chametzky.


    Personal Branding and Mindset with Chris Burns

    Personal Branding and Mindset with Chris Burns

    I am super excited to have you here and meet our guest for today. I got to meet him just a couple of weeks ago when he was speaking at a local chamber event about social media and how we can really utilize that to our best needs and to share our message, our personal brand. 

    I mean, you know me, the Prince of Positivity, right? I'm here to share my brand out and hopefully ignite your light. But you have your brand. You have your light that people see whether it's on social media or in person. 

    And I'm really excited for you to meet our guest and hear about all the crazy, amazing things he's doing. And hopefully you can take some of the nuggets of wisdom he's I'm sure going to drop with us and help you shine your light even brighter. 

    So, with that, without further ado, please help me welcome our amazing guest, Chris Burns.



    Awareness Of Your Light With Michelle Aalbers

    Awareness Of Your Light With Michelle Aalbers

    Hey, Energizer! Welcome to this episode of the Jonesin' For Show. The show that's here to help you live your life to the max. And we have another incredible guest joining you. She has been so amazing. I've gotten to know her for the last three or so months. 

    She became a member in the UnleashU Now Family. And it's just been so cool to see her. She's been a business owner for years and has helped hundreds of people already, which is awesome. And now to see her expand and grow that business and more than a business, expand her impact with this world. 

    So, help me welcome our amazing guest, Michelle Aalbers. 


    Life Experience with Rob Z

    Life Experience with Rob Z

    Hey Energizer, it is your host Spencer Jones, the Prince of Positivity, bringing you this episode of the Jonesin' For Show. But it's not just me. Nope, not me, because you're going to hear my voice often enough. We get to have an amazing guest join us today. And I'm really, really excited for you to meet him. 

    We got to know each other through the Unleash You Now Mastermind Family and realized he was stalking some of the stuff that I've been doing and posting and all that good stuff. Not knowing I was doing the same thing to him. So, it's so cool that we got to see each other and finally get to meet, and the like energies combine. 

    So, without further ado, please help me welcome the awesome guest, Rob Z to the show.


    Being Intentional and Creating Time with Jose Escobar

    Being Intentional and Creating Time with Jose Escobar

    Hey. Hey. Energizer. Welcome to this episode of the Jonesin' For Show.

    And this guest, I have gotten to know him relatively recently over the last three or so months. We've had a number of virtual coffees together and got to hang out and see each other's hearts and how we work and how we go through life, but then even more. 

    So just this last weekend from when we recorded this, I was out at his big event, a big gala, celebrating three big things that he had come up all within like a week or actually about a month of each other. 

    So, we celebrate it one fun evening. And then he joined us the next day for one of our events of the energy recharge Delaware event. And so, we got to see more of him and really get a stronger, deeper connection. 

    Well, I knew beforehand he was going to be an epic guest. I knew that. But after being there with him at those two events, I'm like, this is going to be an epic, epic show. And just the energy he brings is incredible. 

    So please help me introduce our amazing guest for the day, Jose Escobar. 


    10X Your Life With Nick Kobzar

    10X Your Life With Nick Kobzar

    Hey. Hey, everyone. Welcome to another episode of The Jonesin' For Show, Season Two. We are all here to impact you, to give you some love, some life, and help you live your life to the max. And today, our guest is going to help you do just that. 

    I have gotten to know him recently when I joined an awesome group of leaders and we reached out, we had a virtual coffee, and we connected instantly. You are going to feel his zest, his energy for life the moment he starts talking, and I just can't wait to dive into his knowledge and share some of that with you so that he can help you live your life to the max. 

    So, please help me give a warm welcome to Nick Kobzar. Thank you so much for being here. 


    Being Intentional With Sifu Rafael

    Being Intentional With Sifu Rafael

    Hey. Hey. Energizer. Welcome to this episode of the Jonesin For Show. I am super excited to have you here, as I always am, because, you know, you are so amazing. You are awesome, you are incredible, worthy and enough just the way you are. 

    And we have a special guest joining us who is just as awesome, just as incredible and doing amazing, incredible things for leaders, for people who just want to center themselves, be the best that they can be. 

    And he's taking it from where he lives in New York and going all across the country and hopefully the world with his vision. And I'm just super excited to bring him on, have him share his love, his energy with all of you because you are going to fall in love with him, just like I did. 

    So, without further ado, please help me welcome Sifu Raphael Gomez to the show.

    Being Your True Self With Jonathan Ellis

    Being Your True Self With Jonathan Ellis

    Hey. Energizer. Welcome to another episode of The Jonesin For Show. Oh, my goodness. You are in for a treat. Today we are bringing on someone who's high energy, high enthusiasm, who's ready to help you live your life to the max. 

    I have recently gotten to know him from our awesome CLA group, the Connected Leaders Academy Group. And we had a virtual coffee together. And our energies just mashed so well. 

    We got to get you on this show because your energy is contagious, and we need to spread it with as many people as we can. So, without further ado, let me introduce my new friend, Jonathan Ellis. 


    Choosing Excellence With Joe Templin

    Choosing Excellence With Joe Templin

    You are in for a treat today. We have another high energy guest here dropping some amazing nuggets, some amazing knowledge of wisdom with all of you to help you live your life to the max. 

    Now, I've gotten to know him just a little bit over the last month or two. A mutual friend introduced us, and we started chatting a little bit via email, and we're like, this guy's awesome. I need to have him on the show and share his energy, his light with all of you. 
    And I'm excited to get to know him more and to have him share his light with all of you. So, without further ado, please help me welcome the awesome, the energetic Joe Templin. 


    Facing Fear With David Vrablik

    Facing Fear With David Vrablik

    Today is no exception. We have brought in another heavy hitter, another person who is here, who has shined his light. He has helped himself, and I've been lucky enough to get to know him over the last year and a half or so, get to know him and help him shine his light, ignite that light and uncover it. 

    But now, what I love what he's doing. He is shining his light and helping others shine theirs. It's so freaking awesome. He has an amazing story, an incredible journey, and I can't wait for him to share it with you. 

    Please help me welcome my good friend David for joining us. 


    The Unicorn In You With Joshua Kramer

    The Unicorn In You With Joshua Kramer

    Hey, Energizer. Welcome to this episode of the Jonesin' For Show. I am really, really excited to have you here joining me today because we have yet another amazing guest joining us. 

    He is an author of the UNICORN IN YOU, a path to peace and joy.

    He sent me his book, and I read it as soon as I got it, it aligns so much with me, with all the stuff you hear me say day in, day out, on the podcast, on social media, all of that. And I just couldn't wait to get him here for season two of the Jonesin' For Show. 

    Heck. He's one of the reasons we started season two. I'm like, okay, we need to have season two now because we need to showcase this amazing guest and everything he's doing. So, without futher ado, help me introduce and welcome the amazing Joshua Kramer. 


    Self-Image With Allegra Pacheco

    Self-Image With Allegra Pacheco

    I am here bringing you an amazing woman. A woman who has this incredible light, who has had a crazy, amazing and heartbreaking story of struggle that she's been through, the trauma she's been through. 

    But you know what? She doesn't live in them. She doesn't stick with them and have her drag them down. Drag her down. She uses them as motivation, as support, as rocket fuel to launch her forward, and is sharing her love, her mission with everyone and anyone. 

    So, without further ado, who is this amazing woman? Help me introduce and welcome the amazing Allegra Pacheco. 


    Your Number One Relationship With Juanita Kapp

    Your Number One Relationship With Juanita Kapp

    Bringing you an amazing and incredible guest joining us today from all the way around the world, across the world from South Africa. 

    She's doing what she loves to do, which is being her and supporting and helping others. And I'm super excited for you to get to know her and meet her because I've had a chance to get to know her for the last about two months or so, so still a newer friendship. 

    Nonetheless joining us to shine her light here on the Jonesin' for show. So, without further ado, please help me welcome the amazing Juanita Kapp.


    The Attention Gap WIth Wes Woodhouse

    The Attention Gap WIth Wes Woodhouse

    I am pumped, pumped up to have you here today because, well, frankly, we have an amazing guest here ready to awe you with his amazing abilities. 

    He's keeping all of us safe in town. So that's amazing. And I am just so happy to get to know him. We got to know each other a little bit over six months ago. 

    Six, eight months ago, something like that. We started to get to know each other a little bit, had some great conversations, and finally we were able to get him on the show. When we started when we rebooted season two and I just had this amazing connection with him once we started chatting and all the stuff he's doing that I'm like, we have to have him on and share his wisdom and energy with all of you. 

    So, without further ado, please help me welcome Wes Woodhouse to the Jonesin' For Show. 

    #jonesinforshow #season2 #positivity #mindset #attention #gap #weswoodhouse #motivational #inspirational #podcast

    Relationships With Marty Hughes

    Relationships With Marty Hughes

     I am just so blessed and honored to bring on a friend of mine. I think we've known each other for over ten years now, which is just amazing. And I got to see all the lives he has impacted. 

    I was super grateful for that. And now he's after he's retired, he's going out and speaking with schools and with companies and sharing his mission, his lights. So, without further ado, I am just so honored to bring on my good friend Marty Hughes. 

    Affect Labeling With Doug Noll

    Affect Labeling With Doug Noll

    Hey, Energizer. Welcome to another episode of The Jonesin' For Show, the show that's here to help you live your life to the max and just be the best you can be, right? Let your light shine bright. And today, we have a special guest joining us to share his wisdom, his knowledge with all of us so that we can shine even brighter or even better way to say that is to let our true light shine. 

    He was a lawyer for 22 years, doing business and commercial trials and all that stuff. But what's cool is he's taken that experience.

    He took his experience there and then transitioned it into helping leaders. To do problem solve, peacemaking, do arbitration, mediation, all those things so that he's helping bring peace in the world and especially in the corporate world. 

    Let's all welcome Doug Noll.

    Domestic Violence with Kerri Heddell

    Domestic Violence with Kerri Heddell

    I'm really excited to bring on our guest for today. We got connected through the CLA, the Connected Leaders Academy, and we started chatting and having virtual coffee. 

    And her story is amazing. She's an amazing woman who has an incredible light inside of her that she is shining bright. And when we start to share our stories about who we were and the stuff we've gone through, the hardships and struggles that brought us to where we are today.

    And it is such an honor to have her here to share it. It with all of us. So, without further ado, please help me welcome the amazing Kerri Heddell to the Jonesin' For Show. 

    Core Values, Culture & More with Todd Kuckkahn

    Core Values, Culture & More with Todd Kuckkahn

    Hey. Hey. Energizer. Welcome to season two and this beautiful episode of season two of the Jonesin' For Show. You are in for an amazing and special treat, because today, today of all days, we get the master who's revolutionizing the culture, leadership, the culture of your workplace, making it the place where you want to be so you could be at your best. 

    We're going to be talking leadership, we're going to be talking mindset, we're going to be talking culture and all these different things. But really, it's going to boil down to you. And I am super excited for you to meet this guest. 

     So, without any further ado, please give me please help me. I should say give a warm welcome to my brother, Todd Kuckkahn.