
    JournalTalk | Write4Life

    Journaling for Passion, Clarity & Purpose!
    enNathan Ohren133 Episodes

    Episodes (133)

    Q&A: “Which Color of Ink Will Take Away My Blues?”

    Q&A: “Which Color of Ink Will Take Away My Blues?”

    A quick Google search on the term “journaling” will offer at least one measure of social proof that there’s healing power in writing. But can journal-writing really help with long-lasting sadness? Can it cure, or at least relieve depression? Susan Borkin, author, licensed psychotherapist, and pioneer in the field of journal therapy, joins me in answering […]

    The post Q&A: “Which Color of Ink Will Take Away My Blues?” first appeared on Write4Life.

    Pioneering the Next 30 Years of Journal Therapy

    Pioneering the Next 30 Years of Journal Therapy

    Speaking with Kay Adams is always a treat, and offers the proverbial smorgasbord of lively topics under the umbrella of journal-writing for health and happiness! Kay is author to numerous books on journaling, in addition to being the editor of the ten-volume series, It’s Easy to W.R.I.T.E.! Her Center for Journal Therapy was a sponsor for the 30-Day Digital Journaling Challenge, and […]

    The post Pioneering the Next 30 Years of Journal Therapy first appeared on Write4Life.

    Q&A: “How Can Journaling Calm My Anxiety?”

    Q&A: “How Can Journaling Calm My Anxiety?”

    It seems that the questions I’m receiving from listeners about journal-writing are becoming more numerous, more interesting, and more specific as this program continues. I’ve been saving a select handful having to do with psychological conditions for a co-host like Susan Borkin, a psychotherapist who shares my belief in the therapeutic value of journaling. Here […]

    The post Q&A: “How Can Journaling Calm My Anxiety?” first appeared on Write4Life.

    Journaling Tips from Best-Selling Success Coach, Jack Canfield

    Journaling Tips from Best-Selling Success Coach, Jack Canfield

    It is a great honor to have the opportunity to interview a long-time mentor of mine, a man who needs no introduction. And, I enjoyed introducing anyway. Jack Canfield has made his way into the hearts and homes of millions of people worldwide, for one reason or another, and this interview only scratched the surface of a […]

    The post Journaling Tips from Best-Selling Success Coach, Jack Canfield first appeared on Write4Life.

    Q&A: “What’s the Difference Between Self-Analyzing and Self-Awareness?”

    Q&A: “What’s the Difference Between Self-Analyzing and Self-Awareness?”

    Tom asks, “Is there ever a time I would write in my journal when I’m not analyzing something?” To many, keeping a journal is a great tool and practice for problem-solving, so it might be natural to think that’s the only time to visit the blank page. Many people have also used journaling as a practice in […]

    The post Q&A: “What’s the Difference Between Self-Analyzing and Self-Awareness?” first appeared on Write4Life.

    Lighten Up! (Writing to Shed Emotional Baggage)

    Lighten Up! (Writing to Shed Emotional Baggage)

    Too often, we carry around with us the constraints and limiting beliefs of our past. Do you wonder how to identify those pesky, negative and disempowering stories that weigh you down emotionally? Laura Coe is an author, blogger, and certified life coach with a mission to help people shed emotional weight. In her book, Emotional Obesity, […]

    The post Lighten Up! (Writing to Shed Emotional Baggage) first appeared on Write4Life.

    Q&A: “What’s the Best Time of Day for Journal-Writing?”

    Q&A: “What’s the Best Time of Day for Journal-Writing?”

    During a NINETY-DAY journal-writing challenge this winter, where I met a new friend “Wizzy” (Janet Wiszowaty), I was asked “the time of day” question again, so I thought I’d make a short episode about it. What’s the best time of day to make your journal entries? Early Morning is ideal for writing about your hopes or desires for […]

    The post Q&A: “What’s the Best Time of Day for Journal-Writing?” first appeared on Write4Life.

    Journaling: A Toothbrush for the Mind

    Journaling: A Toothbrush for the Mind

    Several episodes back, I gave some suggestions for what to write if you only have five minutes each day with your journal. We have revisited this idea many times in this podcast series, because like so many people I’ve sometimes only got five spare minutes to write — and some days, those five minutes alone with my […]

    The post Journaling: A Toothbrush for the Mind first appeared on Write4Life.

    Q&A: “What is a Journaling Challenge?”

    Q&A: “What is a Journaling Challenge?”

    It seems that everywhere you turn, someone is offering yet another challenge. Doesn’t life bring us enough challenges without having to invent more? Today’s journaling question was asked innocently by someone who wanted to understand “What is a journal-writing challenge?” My friend Jayde Gilmore of Wings Life Coaching returns to the co-host microphone to help me […]

    The post Q&A: “What is a Journaling Challenge?” first appeared on Write4Life.

    When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes!

    When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes!

    My guest this week was pioneering the field of writing therapy before such a field even existed, and long before the word “journaling” became an internet buzzword. Susan Borkin continues to make a difference for seekers of healing through words, as a psychotherapist and author of books including: When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes, and Writing From The Inside […]

    The post When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes! first appeared on Write4Life.

    Q&A: “(How) Do You Ask People to Share Their Journal Writing?”

    Q&A: “(How) Do You Ask People to Share Their Journal Writing?”

    Leslie, a friend and co-facilitator of journaling workshops in Thousand Oaks, California asks, “When leading a journal workshop, should you read your own private journal as a way to invite others to share their own writing?” A journal-writing workshop is an ideal place to discuss the context and content of your own journal. On one hand, it’s […]

    The post Q&A: “(How) Do You Ask People to Share Their Journal Writing?” first appeared on Write4Life.

    Six Steps to a Miracle Morning

    Six Steps to a Miracle Morning

    In December of 2012, a remarkable book hit the virtual shelves of Amazon.com, called The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM). In it, author, success coach, and keynote motivational speaker Hal Elrod explains the benefits of a powerful morning routine. This book continues to be a wonderful wake-up call for personal […]

    The post Six Steps to a Miracle Morning first appeared on Write4Life.

    Q&A: “How Can Journaling Help Me Get My Book Finished?”

    Q&A: “How Can Journaling Help Me Get My Book Finished?”

    Publishing for a public audience and keeping a private journal are two spheres of a Venn diagram that do, in my opinion, have a very interesting intersection. This episode, long-time JournalTalk listener Nestor asks, “How can journaling help me through the process of publishing my book?” Janet Wiszowaty, a Jack Canfield success trainer, joins me in sharing tips […]

    The post Q&A: “How Can Journaling Help Me Get My Book Finished?” first appeared on Write4Life.

    Journaling for My Best Year Yet

    Journaling for My Best Year Yet

    My favorite year-end tradition is a private ritual I learned from my 11th grade English teacher: writing my future self a “year in review” letter. Just like a time capsule, I open the letter from last year sometime after Halloween (sometimes the letters are like ghouls from the past!) and before January, I make the time […]

    The post Journaling for My Best Year Yet first appeared on Write4Life.

    Journal-Writing for the Warrior’s Soul

    Journal-Writing for the Warrior’s Soul

    Meeting extraordinary people like Laura Probert is my favorite part of producing these JournalTalk podcast episodes. A black belt in taekwondo, Laura is trained in physical therapy, and calls herself a warrior healing expert. She wrote about her own healing journey in Living, Healing and Taekwondo, and today, she is a teacher for people who are fed […]

    The post Journal-Writing for the Warrior’s Soul first appeared on Write4Life.

    Journal-Writing with Your M.O.S.S.

    Journal-Writing with Your M.O.S.S.

    Dima Dupéré introduces a beautiful acronym (M.O.S.S.) to help us remember that journal-writing includes a vast, multi-dimensional, array of options. Passionate about the therapeutic value of words and art, Dima is a social worker who engages creatively to help people thrive. Whether conducting a community workshop, training professionals or offering individual counselling, her focus is on […]

    The post Journal-Writing with Your M.O.S.S. first appeared on Write4Life.

    Q&A: “How Do You Keep Your Journal Secret?”

    Q&A: “How Do You Keep Your Journal Secret?”

    One of the deepest fears people have about keeping a journal is having their privacy violated. And rightly so. For most of us, privacy ensures safety. And only in a space of complete safety can we allow ourselves to be vulnerably honest. Journal-writing is valuable only to the degree we are willing to honestly explore ourselves and our most precious desires. Whether […]

    The post Q&A: “How Do You Keep Your Journal Secret?” first appeared on Write4Life.

    Journal-Writing for the Storyteller’s Soul

    Journal-Writing for the Storyteller’s Soul

    When I first started keeping a journal in 1985, I had not anticipated its profound impact. By simply recording miniature stories of my daily drama, I unknowingly conjured to life a supportive, consistent voice for the interpretations of my experience. This compassionate narrator offered me a sense of friendship with myself, which was both powerful and healing. It allowed me to […]

    The post Journal-Writing for the Storyteller’s Soul first appeared on Write4Life.

    Q&A: “What if I Hate to Write?”

    Q&A: “What if I Hate to Write?”

    This episode is dedicated to my brother Dan, and his Number One Reason for not taking my journal-writing suggestions. He’s my biggest fan, but admits, “I hate writing!” Kim Ades with Frame of Mind Coaching joins me with a response to Dan (and all those who say “thanks but no thanks” to journaling). The key is to […]

    The post Q&A: “What if I Hate to Write?” first appeared on Write4Life.

    Journaling to Reconnect Military Families

    Journaling to Reconnect Military Families

    This week’s journal-writing expert brings a rich, wide spectrum of tools and experience to the table! Dr. Linda Peterson-St. Pierre is a Medical Psychologist who spent 35 years teaching at the University of Nevada Medical School. At the same time Linda held a full time clinical practice and testified for military families in the court system. Stressed by the University’s “publish or perish” mindset, […]

    The post Journaling to Reconnect Military Families first appeared on Write4Life.