
    Justice Worriers podcast

    Some confused Christians who worry about justice: the gap between rich and poor, the oppression of people within our society, and many other things. Join us for rambling conversations, lots of questions, and very few answers.
    en-gbJustice Worriers47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    Race and forgiveness | Justice Worriers Episode 26

    Race and forgiveness | Justice Worriers Episode 26

    Andy, Jörg and Leah struggle with whether forgiveness is a useful idea when talking about race. Surely the right response to the sins of the past involves some kind of forgiveness, but how can it be anything other than a demand on people who have been hurt to invalidate their own experience? What would it look like for repentance and power reversals to lead to a forgiveness that is more than an empty symbol?


    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Race and our identity | Justice Worriers Episode 25

    Race and our identity | Justice Worriers Episode 25

    Andy, Jörg and Leah discuss their own identity, and in particular, unusually, how their racial background affects their sense of identity. Is there a healthy way "white" people can understand their background, without descending into self-hatred? Where does the word "white" come from in this context, and is the idea of "whiteness" a useful way to view the world?

    The White Privilege Checklist mentioned is at: projecthumanities.asu.edu/content/white-privilege-checklist.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Race in the Bible | Justice Worriers Episode 24

    Race in the Bible | Justice Worriers Episode 24

    Andy, Leah and Jörg face up to the parts of the Bible that seem racist, and discuss how we can see a universal message as well as very concerning themes. Can we really describe ourselves as a "chosen nation", or do we need to move on from that idea?

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Insiders and Outsiders | Justice Worriers Episode 23

    Insiders and Outsiders | Justice Worriers Episode 23

    Andy, Leah and Jörg try to wrestle with how we could be a fully accepting community that is also a challenging movement, with a message of freedom and change. To do this they reflect on their interviews with a variety of people and their experience of belonging in life and church.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Insider and Outsider: Keith on being all of these things at the same time | Justice Worriers Episode 22

    Insider and Outsider: Keith on being all of these things at the same time | Justice Worriers Episode 22

    Andy, Jörg and Leah are joined by Keith, who describes his experience growing up as part of a strict Pentecostal community in East London, and moving outside: seeing different forms of Christianity, living his own life as a gay man, and reflecting on the experience of being Black in Britain.

    Keith is a breathtaking poet, author and playwright. His latest book is Selah, published by Burning Eye Books, and you can follow him on Twitter at @keithjlondon.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Prayer for Ethiopia | Justice Worriers Episode 21

    Prayer for Ethiopia | Justice Worriers Episode 21

    Andy, Leah, and Jörg try an experiment: praying together by discussing the awful violence happening in Ethiopia and working together to work out how to pray about it. This involves the usual doubt and self-contradiction, time to listen to some lamentation from the bible and a time of silence, leading to the creation of a spoken prayer that is as raw and honest as they can manage.

    Here's the prayer:

    "God, what are you doing? People are being brutally killed in Ethiopia. Lies are being told. Where is your truth?

    "We are sorry for our narrow compassion and lack of imagination. We humans are so quick to let fear turn into violence to protect our own group. We can't escape from this pattern without you.

    "God, do something.

    "We call forth Peace: establish the works of the peacemakers, establish the works of the witnesses, establish the works of people brave enough to speak out, establish the work of the protectors. Protect them, encourage them.

    "What should we do? Make us peacemakers in our situations. Use our resources for people in need - can we give money to help the refugees?

    "Shatter our smug self-satisfaction. Break our hearts. Break them in a way that makes us useful - not so we're too broken to act. Give us hopeful brokenness.

    "We call for Love, and Peace, and Compassion to break out in our world.

    "Your Kingdom Come. Your Kingdom Come. Your Kingdom Come."

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Prayer: Spiritual Warfare? | Justice Worriers Episode 20

    Prayer: Spiritual Warfare? | Justice Worriers Episode 20

    Andy, Jörg and Leah discuss their honest reactions to talk of spiritual warfare and the ideas of a magical alternative world, and try to find a way to acknowledge the reality of dark and light forces in our world, and to understand how our prayers interact with them.

    The Bible Project podcast we mentioned a couple of times is God Episode 3: Spiritual Warfare.

    The Rob Bell podcast Leah mentioned is Jesus H. Christ | Part 6 - Maybe Jesus Doesn’t Want You to Follow Him.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Prayer: Does God act in the world? | Justice Worriers Episode 19

    Prayer: Does God act in the world? | Justice Worriers Episode 19

    Andy, Leah and Jörg begin a conversation about prayer by asking whether God actually does things in the world. If so, how can it make sense? Does God need us to remind him to do good things? Why doesn't he help people in serious need? How can we ask for help with our trivial problems when people are suffering terrible hardship?

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Insider and Outside: Michael on race and belonging | Justice Worriers Episode 18

    Insider and Outside: Michael on race and belonging | Justice Worriers Episode 18

    Andy, Jörg and Leah talk to Michael, who describes a normal Surrey upbringing, how he feels his race affects people's reactions to him, and surprising places where he felt like an outsider, and an insider.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Does everyone get saved? | Justice Worriers Episode 17

    Does everyone get saved? | Justice Worriers Episode 17

    Andy, Leah and Jörg wrestle with the ideas around heaven that have dominated evangelical consciousness: who is in and who is out? How can we imagine a God who keeps some people out, and what would it mean for people to write themselves out of God's story? Does people's intrinsic value change based on what they do? How does what we believe about who is included affect the way we treat others? As we claim to prefer, there are lots of questions and very few answers in this episode.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    What happens when we die? | Justice Worriers Episode 16

    What happens when we die? | Justice Worriers Episode 16

    Leah, Jörg and Andy talk about what happens when we die, and how it affects how we think and behave now. Will we carry on as if nothing happened? If not, if we are changed, are we even the same person? Should we see resurrection as a metaphor that comforts us in the face of death? Can we accept death, letting go of our life and invest in something mysterious? What example did Jesus set, and what do Jesus' mysterious resurrection appearances show us?

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Heaven | Justice Worriers Episode 15

    Heaven | Justice Worriers Episode 15

    Andy, Leah and Jörg discuss heaven: is it a magical computer in the sky that we get copied into when we die? What did Jesus mean when he said heaven is here? Is heaven a different place or a renewed version of this place? If we see heaven differently will that affect how to act towards each other?

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

    Subscribe and rate us on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, tunein, SoundCloud, Tumblr or good old RSS.

    Outsider and Insider: Andy on class and what church is for | Justice Worriers Episode 14

    Outsider and Insider: Andy on class and what church is for | Justice Worriers Episode 14

    Andy Leah and Jörg talk to Andy about his experience of different classes and cultures in church, what he really needed from church when life was hard, and joining in with what Jesus is doing.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Salvation | Justice Worriers Episode 13

    Salvation | Justice Worriers Episode 13

    Inspired by last episode's conversation with Esther about living with a "song" of Jesus' approval over our lives, Andy Leah and Jörg talk about how being saved was never about being copied into a magic computer in the sky after you die, and how this story of God making all things new transforms how we see other people and our world.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

    Subscribe and rate us on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, tunein, SoundCloud, Tumblr or good old RSS.

    Everybody Now | Justice Worriers special episode

    Everybody Now | Justice Worriers special episode

    Starts with an intro from the Justice Worriers, but the main event is Everybody Now:

    We’ve caused a turning point in the Earth’s natural history. Everybody Now is a podcast about what it means to be human on the threshold of a global climate emergency, in a time of systemic injustice and runaway pandemics. Scientists, activists, farmers, poets, and theologians talk bravely and frankly about how our biosphere is changing, about grief and hope in an age of social collapse and mass extinction, and about taking action against all the odds.

    On 19th October 2020, Everybody Now is being released by podcasters all over the world as a collective call for awareness, grief and loving action.

    With contributions from:

    Dr. Gail Bradbrook - scientist and co-founder of Extinction Rebellion

    Prof. Kevin Anderson - Professor of Energy and Climate Change at the University of Manchester

    Dámaris Albuquerque - works with agricultural communities in Nicaragua

    Dr. Rowan Williams - theologian and poet, and a former Archbishop of Canterbury

    Pádraig Ó Tuama - poet, theologian and conflict mediator

    Rachel Mander - environmental activist with Hope for the Future

    John Swales - priest and activist, and part of a community for marginalised people

    Zena Kazeme - Persian-Iraqi poet who draws on her experiences as a former refugee to create poetry that explores themes of exile, home, war and heritage

    Flo Brady - singer and theatre maker

    Hannah Malcolm - Anglican ordinand, climate writer and organiser

    Alastair McIntosh is a writer, academic and land rights activist

    David Benjamin Blower - musician, poet and podcaster

    Funding and Production:

    This podcast was crowdfunded by a handful of good souls, and produced by Tim Nash and David Benjamin Blower


    The song Happily by Flo Brady is used with permission.

    The song The Soil, from We Really Existed and We Really Did This by David Benjamin Blower, used with permission.

    The Poem The Tree of Knowledge by Pádraig Ó Tuama used with permission.

    The Poem Atlas by Zena Kazeme used with permission.

    The Poem What is Man? by Rowan Williams from the book The Other Mountain, used with permission from Carcanet Press.

    Insider and Outsider: Esther, loving Jesus, forgiving others | Justice Worriers Episode 12

    Insider and Outsider: Esther, loving Jesus, forgiving others | Justice Worriers Episode 12


    Andy, Jörg and Leah talk to Esther, who hears a song of Jesus's approval even when other voices clamour to overwhelm her.  She describes her journey of salvation through acceptance to repentance and being home, and discusses the forgiveness she is able to live out through her understanding of the fall.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

    Subscribe and rate us on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, tunein, SoundCloud, Tumblr or good old RSS.


    Sin | Justice Worriers Episode 11

    Sin | Justice Worriers Episode 11

    Responding to last episode's conversation with Lizi, Andy, Leah and Jörg discuss sin: is sin a problem that God needs to solve? Does sin stain us indelibly with filth, or is it a gift that helps us imagine a better world?

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

    Subscribe and rate us on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, tunein, SoundCloud, Tumblr or good old RSS.

    Outsider and Insider: Lizi, finding a community | Justice Worriers Episode 10

    Outsider and Insider: Lizi, finding a community | Justice Worriers Episode 10

    Andy, Jörg and Leah talk to Lizi, who lived across two different worlds. She describes how she found herself cared for, but also asked to change to belong.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

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    Why are you still a Christian? | Justice Worriers Episode 9

    Why are you still a Christian? | Justice Worriers Episode 9

    Are we totally disillusioned with God, or with Christianity?  Andy, Leah and Jörg explain why they are still around and trying to be involved; what gives them hope and helps them believe there is good news to be shared.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

    Subscribe and rate us on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, tunein, SoundCloud, Tumblr or good old RSS.

    Nationalism | Justice Worriers Episode 8

    Nationalism | Justice Worriers Episode 8

    Are we proud of our country?  Are we proud of our "citizenship" as Christians?  Andy, Leah and Jörg discuss our discomfort with those ideas, resisting separation between outsiders and insiders, and how to understand a sense of belonging.

    Contact us on justiceworriers@artificialworlds.net or look for JusticeWorriers on Mastodon, Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, or YouTube.

    Subscribe and rate us on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, tunein, SoundCloud, Tumblr or good old RSS.