
    K12Online07 Audio Podcasts

    This podcast channel (web feed) includes audio-only versions of all presentations published during the 2007 K-12 Online Conference. Learn more on www.k12onlineconference.org. The K-12 Online Conference invites participation from educators around the world interested in innovative ways Web 2.0 tools and technologies can be used to improve learning. This FREE conference is run by volunteers and open to everyone. The 2007 conference theme is “Playing with Boundaries”. This year’s conference begins with a pre-conference keynote the week of October 8, 2007. The following two weeks, October 15-19 and October 22-26, forty presentations will be posted online to the conference blog (this website) for participants to download and view. Live Events in the form of three “Fireside Chats” and a culminating “When Night Falls” event will be announced. Everyone is encouraged to participate in both live events during the conference as well as asynchronous conversations.
    enPresenters from the 2007 K-12 Online Conference51 Episodes

    Episodes (51)

    The Why’s and Wherefores (audio) by Brian Crosby

    The Why’s and Wherefores (audio) by Brian Crosby
    Using what is happening in my classroom as a backdrop, we’ll endeavor to provide reasons, methods and rationale during our time here that support integration of 21st century tools in education. We will share a few tools and methods that you may not have access to, but much of what you will see is probably available at your school site … you just don’t know it yet.

    Holding a Mirror to our Professional Practice (audio) by Derek Wenmoth

    Holding a Mirror to our Professional Practice (audio) by Derek Wenmoth
    Derek will challenge us to hold a mirror to our professional practice and begin reflecting critically on what we are doing with technology in our classrooms, using examples from New Zealand to illustrate the use of reflective practice both at an individual level, and at a whole school and systemic level. He’ll also describe an online tool that’s been developed as a result of the New Zealand research which seeks to assist teachers in their self-research.

    More Than Cool Tools (audio) - Alan Levine, Brian Lamb, D’Arcy Norman

    More Than Cool Tools (audio) - Alan Levine, Brian Lamb, D’Arcy Norman
    There is no shortage of "Cool New Web Tools" out there and all three of us are guilty as charged for presenting them to teachers via the firehose effect. In our session, we will begin with a nostalgic nod to our presentation past where just 3 years ago we were talking up "Small Pieces Loosely Joined" - blogs, wikis, and a little RSS. Now there is so much more, almost too much. So we may talk about some cool tools, but more at a level of looking at the affordances which make them compelling, and why these and future breeds of tools and platforms matter to K12 teachers.

    If All My Classes Did This (audio) - Wendy Wolfe

    If All My Classes Did This (audio) - Wendy Wolfe
    Recognizing that educators want students to engage in and enjoy learning and to have the opportunities for success and that reality often brings hardware and budgetary constraints, this presentation explores free Web 2.0 tools focusing on student learning activities and engagement. For each tool, a general introduction will be made followed by: Ideas and examples of how these tools can be applied in the classroom, Tips to introduce tools to students, including privacy and fair use, Tips on showcasing and assessing student work.

    Design Matters (audio) - Dean Shareski

    Design Matters (audio) - Dean Shareski
    Design is a word and idea that engulfs so much of our lives. How does it impact our classrooms and schools? How can we begin to think of design as something that we intentionally build into every day. We’ll look at very practical examples and ideas to begin the process of making design and creativity a part of teaching and learning.

    Part 3 of 3: Collaborative Concept Mapping - Breaking the Bounds of Location and Time... for $0.00 per Seat (audio cmap server) - Frank Pirrone

    Part 3 of 3: Collaborative Concept Mapping - Breaking the Bounds of Location and Time... for $0.00 per Seat (audio cmap server) - Frank Pirrone
    This presentation will explore a Concept Mapping solution developed at University under funding by US government agencies. CMapServers are running around the world for accessing, publishing and collaborating in building Concept Maps. CMapTools, use of which can promote the development of high-order thinking skills, is a stand-alone application for developing Concept Maps that can be published to a CMapServer. These Concept Maps are capable of containing concept text and relationships, as well as rich multimedia elements and hyperlinks to other resources to support and inform the map.

    Part 2 of 3: Collaborative Concept Mapping - Breaking the Bounds of Location and Time... for $0.00 per Seat (audio rationale) - Frank Pirrone

    Part 2 of 3: Collaborative Concept Mapping - Breaking the Bounds of Location and Time... for $0.00 per Seat (audio rationale) - Frank Pirrone
    This presentation will explore a Concept Mapping solution developed at University under funding by US government agencies. CMapServers are running around the world for accessing, publishing and collaborating in building Concept Maps. CMapTools, use of which can promote the development of high-order thinking skills, is a stand-alone application for developing Concept Maps that can be published to a CMapServer. These Concept Maps are capable of containing concept text and relationships, as well as rich multimedia elements and hyperlinks to other resources to support and inform the map.

    Part 1 of 3: Collaborative Concept Mapping - Breaking the Bounds of Location and Time... for $0.00 per Seat (audio introduction) - Frank Pirrone

    Part 1 of 3: Collaborative Concept Mapping - Breaking the Bounds of Location and Time... for $0.00 per Seat (audio introduction) - Frank Pirrone
    This presentation will explore a Concept Mapping solution developed at University under funding by US government agencies. CMapServers are running around the world for accessing, publishing and collaborating in building Concept Maps. CMapTools, use of which can promote the development of high-order thinking skills, is a stand-alone application for developing Concept Maps that can be published to a CMapServer. These Concept Maps are capable of containing concept text and relationships, as well as rich multimedia elements and hyperlinks to other resources to support and inform the map.

    Learn to Blog : Blog to Learn (audio) - Anne Davis

    Learn to Blog : Blog to Learn (audio) - Anne Davis
    This presentation is for educators new to the world of blogging who wish to learn how to use blogs with students in a safe and teacher-controlled environment. It is also for current bloggers who desire a step-by-step example of how to introduce teachers to blogging. The focus will be on creating blogs combined with instructional uses and examples of web 2.0 tools integrated within the blogging. Blogmeister is a good starting point for beginners as it is free, not blocked, is safe, and there is a community of help support available as teachers are beginning the process of learning to blog. It can be a good place to start to show administrators and others the power of blogging and provide examples of why we need to have less blocking and more educating and empowering of our students and teachers. While Blogmeister is the focus a WordPress example blog will also be shared. This plan can be adapted to any blogging software.

    LMS 2.0 - Engaging Learners Using More Advanced Techniques and the Odd Mash-up inside Moodle (audio) - Jason Hando

    LMS 2.0 - Engaging Learners Using More Advanced Techniques and the Odd Mash-up inside Moodle (audio) - Jason Hando
    A series of screencasts showing people how to bend and stretch Moodle to allow for authentic, web 2.0 style, participatory engagement and learning for their students. These screencasts will be accompanied by support files where appropriate, such as backed-up Moodle courses that can be restored on people’s sites as well as any instructional material such as worksheets in pdf form. I’d also like to provide some way for people to screencast their own work in Moodle and share with the rest of the community - perhaps using screen-o-matic, a free screencasting tool that works from your browser. This will allow other people to share new ways they have used Moodle.

    The Electric Slide! Twenty-First Century Style (audio part 1) - Kurt Paccio and James Gates

    The Electric Slide! Twenty-First Century Style (audio part 1) - Kurt Paccio and James Gates
    Kurt and Jim will focus on two web 2.0 tools that we feel have the potential for immediate impact in the classroom. Kurt will show sPresent and Jim will show Splashcast. The main part will be to show how the site works, but at the end of the presentation Jim will talk about how they might look in the classroom by talking about using them for student assessments and for engaging students in the conversations about the content.

    The Electric Slide! Twenty-First Century Style (audio part 2) - Kurt Paccio and James Gates

    The Electric Slide! Twenty-First Century Style (audio part 2) - Kurt Paccio and James Gates
    Kurt and Jim will focus on two web 2.0 tools that we feel have the potential for immediate impact in the classroom. Kurt will show sPresent and Jim will show Splashcast. The main part will be to show how the site works, but at the end of the presentation Jim will talk about how they might look in the classroom by talking about using them for student assessments and for engaging students in the conversations about the content.

    Sustained Blogging in the Classroom (audio) - Jeff Utecht

    Sustained Blogging in the Classroom (audio) - Jeff Utecht
    Starting to use blogs in your classroom is one thing, actually embedding them into how you teach and sustaining them as a learning tool over time is something completely different. In the past 3 years, Jeff has helped numerous teachers set up blogs with their students. Some have continued to use blogs as a learning tool, others have given up not able to sustain blogging in their classroom. In this presentation we'll look at some ways that you can successfully embed blogs into your daily routine and look at examples from teachers around the world who have made blogging part of just what they do in the classroom.

    Step by Step - Building a Web2.0 Classroom (audio part 2) - Drew Murphy

    Step by Step - Building a Web2.0 Classroom (audio part 2) - Drew Murphy
    In this workshop, Drew presents the 10 essential skills and concepts needed for playing the Web 2.0 game. He shows you an order of online activity types that flow into each other and builds your online teaching skill set so that you can apply Web 2.0 tools at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way. He also shows how to progressively apply a variety of methods and 2.0 tools so that people can see the fundamentals in action and understand the potential that exists to move forward. Finally, he'll give you his insights daring predictions for the future of Web 2.0 and get you thinking in ways you probably would never have considered. And he'll show that the road to the future lies along the path of fundamental skills and concepts.

    Step by Step - Building a Web2.0 Classroom (audio part 1) - Drew Murphy

    Step by Step - Building a Web2.0 Classroom (audio part 1) - Drew Murphy
    In this workshop, Drew presents the 10 essential skills and concepts needed for playing the Web 2.0 game. He shows you an order of online activity types that flow into each other and builds your online teaching skill set so that you can apply Web 2.0 tools at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way. He also shows how to progressively apply a variety of methods and 2.0 tools so that people can see the fundamentals in action and understand the potential that exists to move forward. Finally, he'll give you his insights daring predictions for the future of Web 2.0 and get you thinking in ways you probably would never have considered. And he'll show that the road to the future lies along the path of fundamental skills and concepts.

    Trailfire (audio) by April Chamberlain

    Trailfire (audio) by April Chamberlain
    Have you ever been sent to a list of websites to find information, evaluate a tool, etc. but lose your path once you get there? Trailfire is the tool for you and those you work with. Trailfire is a free tool in which the “guide” leaves “marks” on specific websites that when combined create a trail relating to a specific topic. Trails can be public or private. Viewers can leave comments and also collaborate on the trail if created as a wiki trail. Not only can teachers use this tool to direct learning with students but also when working with other teachers to share knowledge. Students are also able to create trails to share their knowledge in place of the traditional report, poster, etc. Come join the trail with other educators!

    Assessment and Evaluation in the Age of Networked Learning (audio) by Konrad Glogowski

    Assessment and Evaluation in the Age of Networked Learning (audio) by Konrad Glogowski
    This presentation aims to address some of the challenges associated with assessment and evaluation in Web 2.0 classrooms. Specifically, it will address how to develop strategies and tools that engage students in the assessment and evaluation process, and help them stay in control of their learning and their progress. Consequently, a strong emphasis will be placed on developing assessment and evaluation procedures and habits that not only complement but also foster the interactive and learner-centric environments afforded by the interactive tools of the read/write web. The presenter will share strategies to assess and evaluate student work on blogs, wikis, and discussion forums.

    Second Life: K-20 Educators Exploring Virtual Worlds - Panel (audio) by Kevin Jarrett and Sylvia Martinez

    Second Life: K-20 Educators Exploring Virtual Worlds - Panel (audio) by Kevin Jarrett and Sylvia Martinez
    In a modest two-story home in one corner of the metaverse, a group of K-20 educators, bloggers and futurists has gathered to build a community devoted to exploring the educational implications of the multi-user virtual environment (M.U.V.E.) known as Second Life. This panel presentation will focus on the educational uses of Second Life and its implications for K-20 education. Utilizing Voicethread.com, this presentation will include voice- and text-annotated comments by the presenters as well as visitors, extending the conversation in ways other presentations simply cannot!

    Release the Hounds (audio part 4 of 4 - unprojects) by Chris Harbeck

    Release the Hounds (audio part 4 of 4 - unprojects) by Chris Harbeck
    This presentation takes participants along my journey into integrating 2.0 applications and "21st Century Learning" into my pedagogy. The presentation will show how teacher driven assignments and projects teach students some of the skills they need to use these new technologies to enhance their learning. Scribe Posts, Growing Posts and E-Portfolios will provide participants with three different activities to do with their students. The final part of my presentation takes participants into "unprojects". Participants will learn how to create "unprojects". For the veteran teacher who is using 2.0 in their classroom this is for you. See how students are more creative and show more enthusiasm towards assignments when they are in charge of their learning.

    Release the Hounds (audio part 3 of 4 - scribe posts) by Chris Harbeck

    Release the Hounds (audio part 3 of 4 - scribe posts) by Chris Harbeck
    This presentation takes participants along my journey into integrating 2.0 applications and "21st Century Learning" into my pedagogy. The presentation will show how teacher driven assignments and projects teach students some of the skills they need to use these new technologies to enhance their learning. Scribe Posts, Growing Posts and E-Portfolios will provide participants with three different activities to do with their students. The final part of my presentation takes participants into "unprojects". Participants will learn how to create "unprojects". For the veteran teacher who is using 2.0 in their classroom this is for you. See how students are more creative and show more enthusiasm towards assignments when they are in charge of their learning.