

    Welcome to the KAMcast! The KAM Project is the "take action" movement to inspire, influence, and impact kids and teens worldwide. Your KAMcast Host interviews older teens, parents, mentors and specialists providing tips, advice, education, inspiration and a supportive community to Kid and Teen Entrepreneurs. Introducing owner of ActionistaLIVE and co-Founder of The KAM Project, your host…..Samara Beth Hurley!
    enSamara Beth Hurley30 Episodes

    Episodes (30)

    If You Can Look Up, Get Up With Jason Wright

    If You Can Look Up, Get Up With Jason Wright

    Jason Wright is the founder of The Oddball Foundation, a 501(c)3 established in 2020 from members of oddball magazine established in 1995 to advocate for mental health, social justice, and environmental sustainability.  He is the host of the oddball show podcast available on all podcast platforms, author of three books, his upcoming Train of Thought 2: Almost Home, the sequel to the collection of his second collection of poetry, Poems from the Red Line, will soon be available from oddball magazine publishing. You can see his Jagged Thoughts column every week at www.oddballmagazine.com.

    “Books, not bombs. Write, not fight.” - Jason Wright.

    Join me today as Jason and I chat about his foundation, his struggles, his achievements and 

    • What does he struggle with (9:24)
    • What helped him learn how to live (18:41)
    • Is this resonating with you? What to look for (20:32)
    • Are there any particular triggers that they would look for (25:51
    • Started the OddBall Magazine at age 15 (28:37)
    • Covid and people around us (37:14)
    • Possible collaboration (38:47)

    This was such an educational and inspiring episode with Jason of The Oddball Foundation. What a powerful message to advocate for mental health, social justice, and environmental sustainability. Be on the lookout for collaborations from The KAM Project and The Oddball Foundation! 


    Connect with Jason







    Massasoit Community College  

    Safe Coalition Peers

    Performix Student Club @ Massasoit Community College

    The Icarus Project 

    The OddBall Show Podcast Episode 6.6 

    Les Brown

    Ways to connect with us:



    @TheKAMProjectorg    @actionistalive    @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA


    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant


    Social Media Tags:





    @Oddball Magazine



    @caterpillar_soup - Sascha of Icarus Project 














    Foster Care to Success With Lishone' Genovese

    Foster Care to Success With Lishone' Genovese

    Lishone' Genovese is an award-winning entrepreneur who grew up in the NYC foster care system. She started her first business in 2007 and successfully sold it. Lishone' won her first business award in 2010. She currently owns and operates two businesses. One is a luxury skincare line, and the other is a business and wellness firm, where she helps small business owners make sure their businesses are set up correctly and help them scale when they are ready. She also has four college degrees, one of them being a law degree. 

    Today, Lishone’ and I talk about 

    • Lishone’ shares her upbringing and what it was like being a kid in the New York foster system (4:56)
    • How old was Lishone’ when she entered into foster care (11:51)
    • How Lishone’ was able to go to law school (13:36)
    • How many foster care kids take advantage of the money they can get to go to college (16:39)
    • Lishone’ has 4 degrees, one being law. What are the others (18:20)
    • Her specialty as a lawyer (19:46)
    • Her daughter (27:30)
    • What catapulted Lishone’ to create a legacy (29:30)
    • What advice would Lishone’ give to foster care kids who want to be entrepreneurs (34:42)
    • Lishone’s luxury skincare line (39:05)

    Don’t miss this inspiring, educational episode with Lishone’! 

    Connect with Lishone’






    Foster Care to Success 


    PELL - https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/grants/pell

    Youth Communications 

    Orphan Foundation of America 


    Ways to connect with us:



    @TheKAMProjectorg    @actionistalive    @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA


    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant


    Social Media Tags:














    Turning A Diagnosis Into A Movement With Emily Johnson

    Turning A Diagnosis Into A Movement With Emily Johnson

    Emily Johnson is a mom of 2, married 13 years, owns a hot yoga studio, and a registered nurse. As if that wasn’t enough, she then went on to get a degree as a family nurse practitioner - amazing!

    When asked how Emily does it all, she says that she has learned to ask for help and has a lot of support over the years. She says that she was never comfortable asking for help as a little girl growing up. She thought that it was a sign of weakness. She now realizes that this is not true at all. 

    Emily’s son Miles in 2020 got off the school bus, and she didn’t recognize him. He had become a different child, and it was devastating for Emily. It took months to get a proper diagnosis as many of these children are misdiagnosed with a cornucopia, an alphabet soup, of ADHD, autism, anxiety, tics, and Tourettes. 

    PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndromes) and PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) Emily's son had multiple strep infections, and those infections caused an immune response in the body, which is normal. Still, with PANDAS, it is a misdirected response, and in the blood, antibodies are created. These antibodies create inflammation in the body and the brain.

    Emily created the PANS Party Project this year. You can find them on Facebook if you are a parent in need of support. Most parents can identify the exact time where their child changed overnight. It’s essential not to be consumed by our grief. Acknowledge it, and purposefully use your pain.  

    Be sure to follow and listen to find if there is a cure for PANS & PANDAS. If you are struggling with a diagnosis of PANS or PANDAS, make sure that you find the group on Facebook or click here

    Check out the Resilience Naturopathic and #ResilientMoms if you on Peloton!

    Ways to connect with us:



    @TheKAMProjectorg    @actionistalive    @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA


    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant


    Social Media Tags:

















    PANS Party Project

    Elon Musk



    Get Paid For The Value You Bring With Tishel Hector

    Get Paid For The Value You Bring With Tishel Hector

    Tishel is a 19-year-old entrepreneur from Trinidad. She says her inspiration is her dad because he always put them in the right environment. 

    Tishel's step into entrepreneurialism started at a young age. At 15, Tishel's dad took her to a conference with Grant Cardone to learn about marketing, personal brand, real estate, and much more. Like most 15-year-olds, she wasn't sure of the value of why she was going. But she quickly realized just how impactful that moment would be in her early years. 

    Tishel said that her environment is what helped her get to where she is today. Tishel has gone from selling candy at her high school to being a digital investor. She does a quicker way of trading called binary options. Where within 2 minutes you could make your profit. She also does traditional trading that taps into cryptocurrency. She says that virtual trading is here to stay as it's more time-efficient. 

    One tip that she said that parents should remember is to have their children not be paid for chores but rather have them read a book and come back and tell you what they learned. 

    "You shouldn't get money for your time; you should get money for the value you bring."

    "Sometimes, it's more about how you make money than how much money you make."

    Connect with Tishel:


    Or here

    Ways to connect with us:



    @TheKAMProjectorg    @actionistalive    @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA


    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant


    Social Media Tags:













    Grant Cardone


    Taking Risks And Changing Lives With Team Castillo

    Taking Risks And Changing Lives With Team Castillo

    Frank Castillo & Mitch Castillo moved to Arizona in February of 2020 from Chicago for work and the gorgeous weather! Moving cross country during covid was rough! Luckily, Frank and Mitch met Samara and her family during this time and became instant friends. 

    Gavin and Ava's school was out, everyone in quarantine, and there wasn't anything to do. Frank and Mitch saw an opportunity to have Gavin and Ava help with their dog, Tanner. Gavin and Ava both quickly fell in love with Tanner. What Frank and Mitch did for Gavin was special. They got Gavin out of his shell by letting him take care of Tanner. 

    Both Frank and Mitch are in the mortgage industry in operations; Mitch for nine years and Frank for 20 years. Frank and Mitch moved again into a bigger space and chased their dream of entreprenuerialship. They both leaped and opened up branches in North Scottsdale. A risk that they don't regret as it has been very fruitful for them both. 

    While hiring employees with experience is the norm. When they opened these branches, one of the big things is that they saw an opportunity to invest training and their knowledge into people who were interested in starting in real estate or the mortgage industry. They created a program to bring in people of all backgrounds to be loan officers after educating, training, and passing the test.

    "When somebody wants something bad enough, and you're willing to invest the time in them, they can be your best employee without the experience." 

    If you are in the LBGTQ community and want to reach out, need support or advice, please reach out to Mitch and Frank. 

    Such a fantastic episode with Frank and Mitch! Don't miss out on their story of having Covid and other advice they have for people wanting to enter into the mortgage or real estate industry. 


    Connect with Frank Castillo and Mitch Castillo:

    Team Castillo with Cross Country Mortgage






    Ways to connect with us:



    @TheKAMProjectorg   @actionistalive   @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA

    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant


    Social Media Tags:












    Helping Others Find Their Voice, With Win Charles

    Helping Others Find Their Voice, With Win Charles

    Podcast host, and author, Win Kelly Charles, has Cerebral Palsy and her mission is to help others with physical and mental disabilities to find their voices through written or spoken words, using today's assistive technologies as needed.

    Win has 24-hour care that helps her and she works during the day doing journalism and podcasting. 

    Win and Samara met in a Clubhouse room and became fast friends. Win’s podcast has grown exponentially with the help of Clubhouse and all the networking that Win has done. 

    A Winning Cup is in its 33rd Season with 1500 episodes!! WOW! How awesome is that??!?! Win started this podcast in 2010 and has faithfully committed to keeping going. She started the podcast to want to teach humans how to deal with people with disabilities, mental or emotional, and their message. 

    Don’t miss this amazing episode with inspiration from Win!! 

    Find Win Charles:

    Instagram - A Winning Cup Podcast


    Instagram - Art Work of Jobs Podcast


    Clubhouse - @askwin


    Ways to connect with us:



    @TheKAMProjectorg    @actionistalive    @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA


    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS & KAMcast voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant


    Social Media Tags:
















    Ava’s Piano Cake Stuns Teacher With Barbara Walker

    Ava’s Piano Cake Stuns Teacher With Barbara Walker

    Barbara, one of Samara’s first friends when the Hurley family moved to Arizona.

    “It’s not just the students at school who are supportive; it’s also the parents that support each other.” 

    The family had only been in Arizona for 6 weeks; then Covid shut everything down. They didn’t know many people other than Samara’s parents. They became instant friends!

    Barbara became their virtual music teacher. Gavin was diagnosed with Autism at 13 months old. Barbara is a teacher of music and still teaching online during Covid. 

    Upon Chris’ diagnosis, Barbara wanted to be there for him. Now that he’s older, she reached out and landed a job. K-8 program in Arizona.  She tried bucket drumming, and that didn’t last very long.  She switched it up to the ukulele, and the kids love it.

    Check out the amazing birthday cake here and here!

    Ways to connect with us:


    Instagram :

    @TheKAMProjectorg    @actionistalive    @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA

    Clubhouse - @actionistalive  


    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant




    Social Media Tags:











    Games Are A Good Way To Do Storytelling With Chris

    Games Are A Good Way To Do Storytelling With Chris

    Chris is a friend to Gavin, Samara’s son. A junior in high school. Covid for Chris has been boring. 

    He enjoys history and government economics, English, and reading books with controversy. Favorite book - To Kill A Mockingbird. He plays guitar, piano and also draws.

    Chris says he is saving up to learn more about computers and parts and how they interconnect together. He’s also saving up to purchase more things for his music. 

    He attends a school that helps prepare him for graduation. Specializes with special needs such as ADHD, Autism, OCD, Aspergers, ADD.

    Chris says that he loves storytelling and that video games are a good way to do storytelling. He said he would like to do high-res games. He likes creativity and exploring new things. 

    He has thought about being a sole proprietorship and wants to be set for life and be prepared. He’s learned a lot of this in honors government class. He’s learning about the cycle of business. 

    Be sure to hit subscribe and don’t miss this episode with Chris!

    Ways to connect with us:


    Instagram :

    @TheKAMProjectorg    @actionistalive    @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA

    Clubhouse - @actionistalive  


    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant


    Social Media Tags:











    Finding The Inner Artist In You With Happy Trees Entertainment

    Finding The Inner Artist In You With Happy Trees Entertainment

    Daraja is the founder of Happy Trees Entertainment, a creative entertainment agency activating innovative events. Focusing on bringing communities together in local spaces and recently pivoted to bringing them together virtually. Currently, they are bringing families together, military bases, teams at companies together in the zoom, and having a paint party or flower workshop. Taking an everyday person and bringing out their inner artist. 

    "The KAM Project is a movement, it’s so important to our country’s economic system to be able to have children learn how to negotiate, sell, handle money, and all things dealing with business." - Daraja

    Happy Trees Entertainment and The KAM Project are going to partner up and host a virtual paint party. A party for kids & teens to come and have fun with their inner artists. We will send out an announcement when the details for the event are set! 

    Paint party supplies:

    - 3 brushes - big - 1 in thick, medium, baby fine detail 
    Blue, red, yellow, black, and white - Acrylic water-based paint - easier mixing and adding water 
    - Canvas - 16X20 or 11X14 even a cardboard box 
    - Cup of water
    - Rag to blotch up or add texture 
    - Palette to mix your colors on - paper plate or cardboard box 
    - Or you can order a kit from Happy Trees Entertainment. This kit has everything you would need to participate in a paint party. 

    Daraja has some amazing tips for pivoting your business and supporting local businesses. Be sure to tune in and listen for all the details and info!

    Connect with Daraja!

    Happy Trees Entertainment





    Twitter @happytrees_ent


    Ways to connect with us:


    Instagram :

    @TheKAMProjectorg    @actionistalive    @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA

    Clubhouse - @actionistalive  


    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant



    Event Planners Expo

    WIN – Women Insider Network

    Erica Mauer, Jessica & Mario Stewart


    Madison Back - Partner of 4 am 

    Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business program 


    Daymond John

    Mario Armstrong

    Social Media Tags:









    @GS10KSmallBiz (Twitter)













    Through Adversity Comes Purpose With Samara Hurley

    Through Adversity Comes Purpose With Samara Hurley

    The KAM Project was created in memory of Samara’s family. Named in memory of Samara’s son, Cameron Fredrick,  who was stillborn; a message that resonates with her son, Gavin; and a model for kids like CEO & kidpreneur Ava. 

    The KAM Project teaches kids how to market their products and services so they can make money doing what they love; teach them public speaking, pitches, and budgeting skills; partner them with a mentor in the field they are interested in; create a motivating and inspiring life-long network to benefit their futures and community. Most importantly, The KAM Project supports kids of all ages, from all walks of life, in a diverse and inclusive environment. We believe in our world’s youth and helping them develop and promote their passions.  

    Ways to connect with us:


    Instagram :

    @TheKAMProjectorg    @actionistalive    @whiskitwithflava 

    YouTube - Whisk it with flAVA

    Clubhouse - @actionistalive  


    Special Thanks To:

    Rob Actis - For gifting The KAM Project Branding

    Dan Lipton - For composing KAMcastKIDS music

    Sara Mann - For KAMcastKIDS voiceovers 

    Leah Bryant - Podcast Producer/Virtual Assistant


    Social Media Tags:









