
    Kathy Gruver Podcasts and Meditations

    Heal and relax with guided visualizations and meditations led by Dr Kathy Gruver, PhD. Dr Gruver is a health and wellness expert, award-winning author, TV Host and public speaker. She has over 23 years of experience in the health fields and these guided sessions will help you to improve your health and your life. Reduce stress, improve healing and boost your immune system using these easy to follow visualizations. (Please note: these do not intend to prescribe or diagnose any medical condition. Please do not start or stop any medical program without first consulting your physician. We are not held responsible for any damage that arises from listening to or following along with these meditations.)
    enKathy Gruver, PhD100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    E240 What Literary Character Would You Be?

    E240 What Literary Character Would You Be?

    Do you have a favorite literary character? Someone you respect and admire whether fictional or factional?

    In this episode we talk about two of ours and transport you to Arthurian England and a dirty old man, to see what we can learn about embracing and embodying these sometimes alter-egos to help us be more authentic and powerful to create the like we want and unlock your true potential.

    E234 Find the Moments of Beauty with Valerie Anne Burns

    E234 Find the Moments of Beauty with Valerie Anne Burns

    We are joined by two-time cancer surviver Valerie Anne Burns, who is not only a survivor but a woman who have reinvented herself over and over again. Do you want a change in your life, or need a little courage to get through? Then listen to this episode where she shares about finding a purpose, appreciating beauty, hummingbirds, the gift of autopilot, the healing power of color... and so much more.

    Reach out to Valerie at: https://www.valerieanneburns.com/

    Valerie Anne Burns has always been enthusiastic about great stories and writing. She is excited about her upcoming memoir, "Caution: Mermaid Crossing, Voyages of a Motherless Daughter."  Experience her personal blogs, mermaid magic, find information about her book and samples of her published work, color workshop, a detailed bio, and more.

    E233 It's Really That Simple

    E233 It's Really That Simple

    Complexity usually comes with the expensive price tag of worry and anxiety. What would happen if you simplified your life? Would you feel more peace, joy, and happiness?

    In this episode we share some examples of how more, and more complication is usually not your best option. And what can happen when you start making little steps to live simply. Most people want a complex checklist of things to do, when often it is the simple that is most powerful.

    E232 Accepting the Is-Ness of the Moment

    E232 Accepting the Is-Ness of the Moment

    Can you accept what is, and be present in the moment? Are you judging and calling things good or bad, instead of saying "we'll see?"

    "When people see things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad." Lao Tzu.

    Can you withhold judgement and be grateful for the unanswered prayers and choices you've made that have gotten you to where you are today. Maybe that broken leg, bad relationship, person you never got to date, etc... was a necessary part of you becoming who you are today.

    E230 Enjoying the Little Things in Life

    E230 Enjoying the Little Things in Life

    How often to do you stop to enjoy the little things in life? Watching the squirrels and gnats. Appreciating the small wins and simple things you can be grateful for. Or are you the kind of person that is only looking for the big things and ignoring or under appreciating the beauty that is right in front of you?

    In this episode we share some simple things we've found joy in and how you can enjoy, feel gratitude and joy in the little things in life.

    E229 What's On Your Desk #8

    E229 What's On Your Desk #8

    In this episode we share a few items we keep around our offices and the meaning behind each one. Not only do you learn a little more about each of us, but each item we discuss ultimately leads to some discussing some tips and wisdom on simple things you can do to unlock your potential.

    Learn why Kathy is so excited about a tissue box, a little book, conference badges, and a Native American flute have to do with unlocking your potential, and learn a little more about each of us too.

    E228 What Do You Do?

    E228 What Do You Do?

    If you are like most people, when you first meet someone new in the first few minutes you hear the question: "So what do you do?" How to you feel and respond when someone asks you that question?

    In this episode we discuss how putting yourself in a box, identifying with labels, labeling and judging other people, and you are not just one thing, are so critical to making sure you don't have an identity crisis, limit yourself and your potential, and how you can use better words that resonate more with who you really are authentically.

    E226 Is That You Universe or My Expectations and Ego?

    E226 Is That You Universe or My Expectations and Ego?

    Have you ever felt like the universe has given you a sign? Conversely, have you ever felt like the outcome of an event was going to go badly, and then it did? 
    Often times we may just be programming our brain to believe something due to our own confirmation biases. By believing something was going to go poorly, that made it so. 
    So how can you tell the difference when you are receiving a real sign vs. your own confirmation? 

    Well in today's episode we discuss exactly that! 

    E223 Cancer Saved My Life with Emilee Garfield

    E223 Cancer Saved My Life with Emilee Garfield

    In this week's episode of Fire and Earth we have Emilee Garfield on the show. Emilee is here to share with us her life story from its tragic origins, through to her later tribulations all the way up to the present day where all of that has turned around!
    Emilee is a wonderful example of how one's attitude and outlook can shape their destiny for the better! 

    Connect with Emilee on Instagram @cancersavedmylife or her website: https://emileegarfield.com/

    E221 What's On Your Desk #7

    E221 What's On Your Desk #7

    In this episode we share a few items we keep around our offices and the meaning behind each one. Not only do you learn a little more about each of us, but each item we discuss ultimately leads to some discussing some tips and wisdom on simple things you can do to unlock your potential.

    Learn what an alabaster cat head, index cards, a mug and Chinese Lions have to do with unlocking your potential, and learn a little more about each of us too

    E220 What's On Your Desk #6

    E220 What's On Your Desk #6

    In this episode we share a few items we keep around our offices and the meaning behind each one. Not only do you learn a little more about each of us, but each item we discuss ultimately leads to some discussing some tips and wisdom on simple things you can do to unlock your potential.

    Learn what a Wooden Mustachioed Nose, Leprechauns, a Gratitude Journal and a collection of pens have to do with unlocking your potential, and learn a little more about each of us too.

    E218 Compassion For Your Enemies

    E218 Compassion For Your Enemies

    When asked "What is best in life?" Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, in the film "Conan the Barbarian", "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!"
    How much of a great movie quote that is, sometimes that isn't the best way to handle our "enemies" in life. 

    Often times it isn't great for our own mental health and wellbeing to hold onto grudges, and in today's episode we are going to discuss examples of how to best handle our life's nemeses.

    Ep 215: I will get to you when I'm done with me.

    Ep 215: I will get to you when I'm done with me.

    In today's episode we discuss the importance of self care. 
    It's very easy for a lot of us to be living our lives for other people. A common example would be a mother who is constantly doing things to take care of their kids, or the work-a-holic that is constantly working to appease their boss. 
    It's not a bad thing to be doing things for others, however, there is a certain point where we need to take a step back and just spend some time dedicated to ourselves for the sake of our own happiness and mental health. 

    E213 How to Give Bad News

    E213 How to Give Bad News

    ave you ever heard the saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"? Well... Someone had to tell you that you're getting lemons, and from time to time, you may be the person that needs to be giving that information to someone else.
    So what do you do when you have to dish out some bad news? 
    Whether it's sugar-coating things or just bluntly telling someone the bad news, there are some fine nuances that make such a delivery much easier on both parties, and today we are here to discuss exactly that!

    So "don't take this the wrong way... but..." Click the link below to listen in!

    E212 Stop Beating Yourself Up at the End of Relationships

    E212 Stop Beating Yourself Up at the End of Relationships

    hether we're brothers, mothers, nephews, cousins, boyfriends, wives, employees, roommates, or neighbors, we all have one thing in common. This commonality is the fact that we all go through various forms of relationships in our lives.
    A lot of our relationships can end and it's quite common for people to blame themselves for the various shortcomings and pitfalls that may have led to that end. 
    "Why did I stay with him for so long", "Why couldn't I have worked harder" or any kind of "shoulda woulda coulda" are certain things that maybe you have thought to yourself regarding an instance or two in your life.
    So in today's episode we're going to discuss how relationships can fall apart and how we can learn to grow from these instances.