
    Keeping It Young

    A weekly podcast hosted by Dave and Bethlie Young who have spoken to thousands of people across America and around the world. Their heart is to encourage, direct, and strengthen your marriage, family, and ministry life. You will find humor, helpful teaching, and great encouragement. Join them each week as together they share Biblical and practical insights.
    enDave Young, Bethlie Young, Jamin Baxter205 Episodes

    Episodes (205)

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Immorality cont...Prov 7

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Immorality cont...Prov 7

    Proverbs 7:6-27

    Solomon Gives An Illustration

    A young man lacking wisdom

    He is a young man -

    Bewafre of Youthful Lusts

    • Youthful Lusts Will Rob Us of God’s Best
    • Damage our thinking and point us in a wrong direction
    • Build a weak foundation for our future

    Flee Youthful Lusts

    • Fight and fortify purity

    He was void of understanding

    1. Not taught
    2. Not principled
    3. Not prepared for what was about to happen to him

    He had bad company

    1. Among the simple - among the youths
    2. Jesus who was meeting with the older and wiser

    He had nothing to do

    1. Laziness and idleness are always an opportunity for failure
    2. Sodom - abundance of idleness

    He was out in the night when he should have been resting from a days work

    He chose the way to her house

    • Choices matter

    A  married lady who is wicked - she is the leader

    1. Her dress - She is dressed inappropriately verse 10
      1. Dress does matter
      2. Our bodies belong to God and to our spouse
      3. Keep your clothes full and flowing
        1. Illustration of an advertisement for “stretchy pants/yoga pants”.
        2. The commercial said “comfortable” but showed “sexy’ and “sensual”
        3. One can dress unwisely and not be aware of it; God’s Word calls us to be aware of it and dress wisely . . .
    2. Her deportment - She is loud verse 11
      1. Peter said a Godly lady has a “meek” and “quiet” spirit
      2. She is flirty, but not with her husband verse 13
    3. Her place - She refuses to embrace her role and responsiblity vs 11-12
      1. She is not being a “keeper at home” while her husband is away
    4. Her lies
      1. She professed to be religious about it
      2. She called it love - it was not; it was lust
      3. She considered it
    5. Her promises - She promises something she can’t give verse 14, 18

    A glimpse of the results of adultery

    1. He goes to the slaughter
      1. It kills innocence
      2. It kills virginity
      3. It kills virtue and character
      4. It kills what might have been beautiful had he waited
      5. It kills relationships
        1. What will her husband do when he finds out
        2. What will his future wife do when she finds out
    2. He is never the same
      1. This is not to say you can’t repent and do right
      2. It is to say you can’t commit adultery without it damaging you in deadly and devastating ways

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Immorality cont...

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Immorality cont...

    The Importance of teaching and training (Proverbs 6 & 7)

    Proverbs 6:20-23

    We must teach and train

    • Believe in it . . .

    We must buy in to the teaching of the Bible

    • Believe it and receive it

    The Importance of truth (Proverbs 6:24)

    Truth will alert you to the danger

    • Her words verse 24, see also 7:21
    • Your lust verse 25
    • The outcome
      • It makes one less than what they should be verse 26
      • It fulfills selfish desires, not love and blessings verse 27
      • It burns the participate verse 28
        • You are going to get burned . . .

    Truth will alert you to destruction

    • Adultery destroys one’s soul verse 32
    • Adultery leads to wounds and dishonor verse 33

    Truth must be received and embraced and applied (Proverbs 7:1-5)

    • Parents must train and children must receive
      • Win on both sides
      • Teens - BUY IN to the truth

    Solomon gives one huge illustration (Proverbs 7:6-27)

    • A young man lacking wisdom
      • He is a young man -
        • Beware of youthful lusts
          • Rob us of God’s best
          • Damage our thinking and point us in a wrong direction
          • Build a weak foundation for our future
        • Flee Youthful Lusts
          • Fight and fortify purity

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Immorality cont...

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Immorality cont...

    Show Notes:

    Proverbs 5:18-19

    A reminder that marriage is wonderful and all sexual satisfaction is to be found and thoroughly enjoyed in that relationship.

    Wanna have sexual relations?

    • Get married and stay committed to one another all the days of your life
    • 1 Corinthians 7

    Our generation undermines this in many ways

    • By failing to teach the truth about sexuality
    • By failing to prepare our children for marriage
    • By promoting worldly philosophies regarding gender


    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs Proverbs 4

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs Proverbs 4

    We skip ahead this episode to chapter 4.  Don't worry, Dave and Bethlie explain why at the beginning of the podcast!2

    Show Notes:

    We must be wise about anything that is influencing us to be wrong here

    • Entertainment undermines Proverbs 4:23
    • Amuse = no think

    We don’t think when we are being entertained; we don’t reason and we aren’t lead to conscious decisions of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discretion.

    • Indirectly we are being told what to think and feel and choose
    • That is a dangerous issue for our culture

    We must be willing to limit our influence in favor of that which helps us to think

    • Limit
      • Social media
      • Movies
      • Reels
    • Emphasize
      • Hearing the Word of God
      • Reading the Word of God
      • Reading good books
      • Talking and visiting with other Godly believers
        • Accountability is a good thing
        • Availability is too

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 5

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 5

    Dave & Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs.

    This week they continue in Proverbs chapter 2 and discuss some sensitive topics regarding sexual activity before marriage and other issues regarding immorality. 

    If you have little ones around, we suggest you pop those air buds in.

    Thanks for downloading and listening!



    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 4

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 4

    Dave & Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs. This week they continue in Proverbs chapter 2. 

    This episode discussed the issue of imorality.

    Immorality is a broad word that includes everything from pornography to pre-marital sex to homosexuality to adultery.  It is anything outside of the clear boundaries set for us by God in His Word.

    The point Solomon is making....

    He is communicating and commanding and commending truth to his son.

    We must communicate

    We must command

    We must commend

    Solomon had a goal to convince his son to choose wisdom and apply understanding.  he want to convince his son to pursue the Lord so he will have wisdom, knowledge,, and understanding.  He wants to help his son have God's blessings.



    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 3

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 3

    Dave & Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs. This week they continue in Proverbs chapter 2. 

    This episode gives actionable steps that parents can take in providing good influences in the lives of their children.

    As teenagers they were both encouraged to read a Proverb a day.  That practice has continued into their adult lives.  In fact, Proverbs has become a cornerstone of their fmaily devotions and time for them to discuss, share ideas, and learn together.  

    Take a look at the show notes below and follow along!

    Find ways to provide good influences

    Develop relationships that influence your kids well

      • We used Chick-fil-A
      • We used work opportunities
      • We used great books
      • We used good movies
      • We used people we know

    Help your kids to find good relationships

      • With family
      • With other adults (usually in a working or training situation)
      • With other teens of your choosing

    Do hard things when necessary

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 2

    Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 2


    Dave and Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs.  This is second second in a three part series on chapter 2 of Proverbs.  As teenagers they were both encouraged to read a Proverb a day.  That practice has continued into their adult lives.  In fact, Proverbs has become a cornerstone of their fmaily devotions and time for them to discuss, share ideas, and learn together.  

    Take a look at the show notes below and follow along!

    Part 2

    Protecting ourselves and our kids from evil influences/friends

    Proverbs 2:12

    The evil influence identified

    v. 12 Speaks perverse things (twisted)

    v. 13 Always is doing wrong

    v. 14 Rejoices at things that are wicked

    v. 15 Always devious and crooked

    The steps that lead to protection


    Teach truth v. 11. Truth is the protector from all evil. - MacArthur

    Teach our kids to say NO

    Teach our kids to avoid

    Teach our kids to stand

    Remove our kids from these influences

      1. Change schools if need be
      2. Withdraw our kids from sports
      3. Set some things in stone
        • No overnights
        • No alone with other teens in a car
        • No influence that makes you uneasy
        • No contacts without your approval
        • Little or no social media
        • Little or no multi-player video games

    Re-thinking Christian Weddings | Part 4

    Re-thinking Christian Weddings | Part 4

    In this episode, Dave and Bethlie delve into a topic that's essential yet often overlooked in Christian weddings: the balance between the secular and the sacred. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize various facets of Christian weddings that they believe require a deeper reflection. They encourage you to consider the implications of elements such as alcohol, dancing, music, pranks, and the importance of modesty in the context of sacred Christian ceremonies.

    • They challenge the norm of including alcohol in wedding receptions, citing specific warnings in the Bible about its use and the potential pitfalls it can present.
    • The topic of dancing at weddings was discussed, with a reminder that dances are typically considered intimate and sensual in nature, even if they are not intended to be so.
    • They also encourage a careful selection of music with an emphasis on avoiding songs that could potentially cheapen the ceremony's sacredness.
    • They suggest avoiding pranks that could shift the focus from the holy nature of the ceremony to silliness and self-attention.
    • Lastly, the importance of modesty in selecting the bride's dress was underscored. A wedding is a significant platform for expressing our Christian values, and an opportunity to set a firm foundation for the marriage to come.

    As you listen to this episode, we challenge you to rethink the elements of your Christian wedding. We remind you that it's a sacred event and should be a reflection of your faith and commitment to biblical principles.

    Remember, your decisions shape not just a single day, but a lifetime commitment under God's grace.

    #ChristianWeddings, #RethinkWeddings, #SacredCeremony, #DavidYoung, #ChristianValues, #BibleTeachings

    Thank you to our sponsor My Pillow.  Start your Christmas shopping now with PROMO CODE: YOUNG for up to 60% off!

    Re-thinking Christian Weddings | Part 3

    Re-thinking Christian Weddings | Part 3

    In their ongoing series, Dave and Bethlie explore the idea of a Christian wedding not just as a ceremony, but a sacred covenant. They discuss various aspects, starting from engagement to the wedding itself, and the importance of involving family and the church community in this journey. They also delve into the importance of recognizing marriage as a covenant, not simply a fairy-tale event.

    The focus in this episode is primarily on planning wisely. It's important to remember that a wedding is a combination of multiple elements. It starts with the best Christian premarital counseling possible, followed by thorough discussions about every aspect of your marriage in advance. They also advise you to set a budget for the wedding and stick to it. This may be challenging, but it's crucial to avoid falling into the trap of a consumerist culture that encourages overspending for a single event.

    Focusing on the covenant rather than the presentation is another key point we stress on. Traditionally, weddings are seen as grand affairs, often influenced by the media and culture. However, in a Christian wedding, it's the covenant that should be front and center. This doesn't mean that your wedding can't be beautiful. It can be stunningly beautiful even with simplicity, and most importantly, it's the covenant that you are making with each other before God and your witnesses that makes it truly meaningful.

    Planning wisely also includes thinking about the honeymoon as not just a vacation, but as the beginning of a covenant relationship. Dave and Bethlie suggest to choose a place that allows for relaxation, getting to know each other, and focusing on each other without distraction.

    Thank you again for joining us today. We hope you find these discussions helpful and inspiring as you rethink the idea of a Christian wedding. Stay tuned for our next episode where we will continue to explore this topic and focus on making Christian weddings distinctly sacred.

    #KeepingItYoungPodcast, #ChristianWeddings, #MarriageCovenant, #WeddingPlanning, #ChristianLife, #PremaritalCounseling, #Podcast, #Faith, #Family, #Ministry, #ChristianPerspective, #WeddingBudget, #ChristianMarriage


    Re-thinking Christian Weddings | Part 2

    Re-thinking Christian Weddings | Part 2

    In this episode, we delve into the details of a Christian wedding, highlighting the importance of honoring traditions while also making room for personal expression. Dave offers a father's perspective as he recalls his daughter's wedding, and learn why this momentous occasion should be a celebration, not a heartbreak. Dave and Bethlie discuss the sermon, the charge to the couple, and the significance of prayer during the ceremony. Plus, they cover the spiritual exchange of vows and the symbolism behind unity displays. Whether you're a groom-to-be, a parent, or simply an interested pocast listener, this episode is sure to inspire. Share it with a friend!

    Thank you to our sponsor My Pillow.  Start your Christmas shopping now with PROMO CODE: YOUNG for up to 60% off!


    Re-thinking Christian Weddings | Part 1

    Re-thinking Christian Weddings | Part 1

    In this episode, Dave and Bethlie start a new series tackling the significance of Christian weddings. They examine the cultural influences on modern weddings and discuss the need for distinctly Christian ceremonies that highlight not just the celebration, but more importantly, the covenant. They also share a few personal anecdotes, and offer some useful insights into biblical examples of marriage ceremonies. Whether you're planning a wedding, reflecting on your own, or just curious about the Christian perspective on weddings, this podcast is for you. 


    Thank you to our sponsor My Pillow.  Start your Christmas shopping now with PROMO CODE: YOUNG for up to 60% off!

    Thanksgiving 2023

    Thanksgiving 2023

    Join Dave and Bethlie as they they express their thankfulness for the opportunity to spend time publicly praising the Lord for His goodness in their lives.
    They remind listeners that the Bible encourages us to have gratitude and enter into God's presence with singing and thanksgiving. Expressing thankfulness can help bring an attitude of gratitude even during difficult times. During the Thanksgiving season, be intentional about expressing thanks publicly to those around you. Consider starting a tradition, such as setting aside time for a family devotional or getting everyone to share what they are thankful for at mealtime.


    • #Thanksgiving
    • #Gratitude
    • #Family
    • #Celebration
    • #Podcast
    • #Christianity
    • #Ministry
    • #Traditions
    • #Togetherness
    • #PositiveCommunication

    Simple Suggestions For Training Our Children Part 6

    Simple Suggestions For Training Our Children Part 6

    Dave and Bethlie discuss how to handle special situation in training children.

    Topics include:

    What to do if you haven't been training

    What to do if you have a divided family

    What to do if you have adult children who need help

    The process of training children, emphasizing that it's a task that requires continual attention and reconciliation between exceptions and truth.

    Creating a structured plan is a must if there seems to be a deficit in training. One option is to hold a family meeting and clearly state new expectations with established consequences.

    For blended families, it's crucial to have open communication, collaboration and understanding despite any disagreement or division. Orders should not be given to the other parent, but suggestions should be made, and willingness to work within the limits of your control is advocated.

    For parents of adult children who are struggling or disobedient, pray without ceasing and never stop showing love. 

    It is equally crucial not to let negativity creep in during your interactions. This includes sarcasm or passive aggression. Dave and Bethlie recommend maintaining an open line of communication and sharing concerns in controlled, serious conversations.

    Good communication is essential to enhancing the relationship and increasing influence and power in the lives of children.