
    KeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast

    Messages and music based on 40+ years of pursuing oneness in God, our Father, through Christ Jesus, Keith and BrendaLee Shealy share their life and passion for Father God and The Gospel that Jesus Christ preached. Together, they journey through exciting real-life matters... Unveiling the Secrets the devil DOESN'T WANT us to find, as we look... BETWEEN THE LINES. Selah.
    en-usKeithAndBrendaLee Shealy BetweenTheLines100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)



    TTM podcast message about God's Word , Joys , and Rewards that come with raising your child in the way our Father designed and wired parents to do , especially dads , modeling the Nature and Wholeness of Him - on Father's Day every day!

    30 min., 07 sec.

    Key: Celebrate and enjoy the high calling of parenthood and have a Happy Father's Day every day.

    Every gift is appreciated, tax-deductible, and helps.
    Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order payable to  Toward The Mark, Inc  P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152. 

    Thank you for sowing your financial seed into this work and mission that God has given! May God bless you with a 100-fold return on your gift of generosity!

    We INVITE YOU...see and hear, also follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    "Our Year of Opportunity" website ;  
    "Keith Shealy & Toward The Mark" on Facebook;  
    "Keith and BrendaLee Shealy's Videos" on the TTM Channel;  
    "Pressing In *Toward The Mark* Blogspot" on Blogger; and
    "TTMSingingSgt" on Twitter.

     Thanks for listening and sharing this podcast message! May God bless you and your heart's deepest desires!

     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast message about the love in our hearts for all of our service men, women, and families especially remembering and focusing on those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty and the ones left to carry on their legacy ; God bless and rest the souls of every servant lost fighting the good fight for America and fellow-man.

    23 min., 48 sec.

    Key: Romans 13:7-8, "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law."

    Every gift is appreciated, tax-deductible, and helps.
    Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order payable to  Toward The Mark, Inc  P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152. 

    Thank you for sowing your financial seed into this work and mission that God has given! May God bless you with a 100-fold return on your gift of generosity!

    We INVITE YOU...see and hear, also follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    "Our Year of Opportunity" website ;  
    "Keith Shealy & Toward The Mark" on Facebook;  
    "Keith and BrendaLee Shealy's Videos" on the TTM Channel; 
    "Pressing In *Toward The Mark* Blogspot" on Blogger; and
    "TTMSingingSgt" on Twitter.

     Thanks for listening and sharing this podcast message! May God bless you and your heart's deepest desires!

     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast message about religion vs relationship examining our own heart to find out if our life's fruit reflects Jesus Christ or if we are being a detriment to ourselves, others, and God's Kingdom in the earth.

    23 min., 33 sec.

    Every gift is appreciated, tax-deductible, and helps.
    Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order payable to  Toward The Mark, Inc  P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152. 

    Thank you for sowing your financial seed into this work and mission that God has given! May God bless you with a 100-fold return on your gift of generosity!

    We INVITE YOU...see and hear, also follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    "Our Year of Opportunity" website ;  
    "Keith Shealy & Toward The Mark" on Facebook;  
    "Keith and BrendaLee Shealy's Videos" on the TTM Channel; 
    "Pressing In *Toward The Mark* Blogspot" on Blogger; and
    "TTMSingingSgt" on Twitter.

     Thanks for listening and sharing this podcast message! May God bless you and your heart's deepest desires!

     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast message to fan the flame in the hearts of women and men who are seeking after the high calling of motherhood according to The Word, Will, and Ways of The Father God, His Son Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit in the earth.

    41 min., 33 sec.

    Every gift is appreciated, tax-deductible, and helps.
    Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order payable to  Toward The Mark, Inc  P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152. 

    Thank you for sowing your financial seed into this work and mission that God has given! May God bless you with a 100-fold return on your gift of generosity!

    We INVITE YOU...see and hear, also follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    "Our Year of Opportunity" website ;  
    "Keith Shealy & Toward The Mark" on Facebook;  
    "Keith and BrendaLee Shealy's Videos" on the TTM Channel; 
    "Pressing In *Toward The Mark* Blogspot" on Blogger; and
    "TTMSingingSgt" on Twitter.

     Thanks for listening and sharing this podcast message! May God bless you and your heart's deepest desires!

     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast message to fan the flame in our hearts for seeking after The Father God, His Son Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit for Their thoughts and ways as we connect or reconnect with others.

    24 min., 33 sec.

    Every gift is appreciated, tax-deductible, and helps.
    Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order payable to  Toward The Mark, Inc  P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152. 

    Thank you for sowing your financial seed into this work and mission that God has given! May God bless you with a 100-fold return on your gift of generosity!

    We INVITE YOU...see and hear, also follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    "Our Year of Opportunity" website ;  
    "Keith Shealy & Toward The Mark" on Facebook;  
    "Keith and BrendaLee Shealy's Videos" on the TTM Channel; 
    "Pressing In *Toward The Mark* Blogspot" on Blogger; and
    "TTMSingingSgt" on Twitter.

     Thanks for listening and sharing this podcast message! May God bless you and your heart's deepest desires!

     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast with precise ideas for changing the tide of dis-couraging times we are in so that we turn the encouragement in short supply to become in-courage-ment for people everywhere.  KEY: Meeting with The Holy Spirit in The written Word of God by following the order of things set in The Trinity.

    20 min., 52 sec.

    Blog 2020-06 Go to Who wired you to know what you are Created to do

    With the current tide of world events, the return of Christ Jesus fast approaching, we are pressing in even more than ever before and we invite you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current seed-sowing for Heavenly fruit with Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to:
    Toward The Mark, Inc,
    PO Box 1152
    Yorktown VA 23692
    Thank you in advance!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast about what Keith saw , in The Holy Spirit , at a big book store where he went looking for ideas on how to write and publish his first book for success. KEY is in The written Word of God, The Holy Scriptures: check out the special mention of Psalm 100:4 and Hebrews 11:6

    09 min., 29 sec.

    Blog 2020-06 Go to Who wired you to know what you are Created to do

    With the current tide of world events, the return of Christ Jesus fast approaching, we are pressing in even more than ever before and we invite you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current seed-sowing for Heavenly fruit with Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to:
    Toward The Mark, Inc,
    PO Box 1152
    Yorktown VA 23692
    Thank you in advance!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast revelation of the song lyrics to "Jesus Loves Me" that will forever outdo what we thought we knew of, "I am weak but HE IS STRONG".

    34 min., 13 sec.

    Blog 2021-01 God is on the move
    With the current tide of world events, the return of Christ Jesus fast approaching, we are pressing in even more than ever before and we invite you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current seed-sowing for Heavenly fruit with Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to:
    Toward The Mark, Inc,
    PO Box 1152
    Yorktown VA 23692
    Thank you in advance!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast about hearing God's Voice over satan's noise and chaos in this world , to increase our faith to press forward toward the mark of fulfillment in God's plan despite pain, loss, confusion, frustration, and the countless cares of this life. Key: Location, Location, Location ; Everything begin in "the place of meeting", The Holy Bible, with repentance and salvation in the soul.

    29 min., 47 sec.

    Blog 2021-01 God is on the move
    With the current tide of world events, the return of Christ Jesus fast approaching, we are pressing in even more than ever before and we invite you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current seed-sowing for Heavenly fruit with Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to:
    Toward The Mark, Inc,
    PO Box 1152
    Yorktown VA 23692
    Thank you in advance!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines podcast about THE GIFTS OF HEALING and THE WORKING OF MIRACLES all by faith as we press Toward The Mark for the prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus ...
    Recording our real-Life stories and testimonies , like Smith Wigglesworth's family has done , making them available for reaching as many people as possible in these last days ...
    Showing GOD BIG in a world that sees Him small.

    27 min., 23 sec.

    We INVITE YOU...
    see and hear, follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    Hear Keith's revelation that far surpassed anything he imagined or heard preached:  Face-to-Face-with-The-Person-of-The-Holy-Spirit

    Check out: Between The Lines videos on Brighteon

    Check out: Pressin'IN Toward The Mark videos on YouTube

    Check out: Press Toward The Mark videos on Rumble

    See "Take My Life" video with lyrics featuring Scott Mishoe on guitar!

    For more Toward The Mark encouragement on social media:

    ~ GAB with Keith And BrendaLee Shealy

    ~ Parler with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ MeWe with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ From our 1st-ever Audio Book:

    download Into The Secret Place audio-book chapter
    The Stones that the Builders Rejected Pressin'IN Blog
    Christ-Jesus-is-on-the-move Blog

    ~ Headliner:
    ~ Special Video: Rumble-video-celebrating-Freedom
    ~ Satan loses: podcast FAV-Opposite-satan-is-TRUTH
    With the changing tide of world events as the return of Christ Jesus is fast approaching, we are inviting podcast listeners like you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


    Thank you in advance for your prayer-full sponsorship and support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to Toward The Mark, Inc, PO Box 1152, Yorktown VA 23692. Thank you in advance!

    Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005 - 2023 | Privacy Policy and Terms of Use apply | Email us | TowardTheMark.com



    Between The Lines TTM podcast about seeing God's counter-attack over satan , giving us help to get a second wind to press forward toward the mark of fulfillment of His plan despite pain, loss, confusion, frustration, and the countless cares of this life. Key: Much like taking a daily shower staves off the body's stench , repentance cleanses our souls and refocuses us on Jesus Christ - The Way, The Truth, The LIFE

    27 min., 35 sec.

    Blog 2021-01 God is on the move
    With the current tide of world events, the return of Christ Jesus fast approaching, we are pressing in even more than ever before and we invite you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current seed-sowing for Heavenly fruit with Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to:
    Toward The Mark, Inc,
    PO Box 1152
    Yorktown VA 23692
    Thank you in advance!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast with personal stories about CAAI toward something we call our "prayer posture" ... Four (4) Keys: Repentance ; Tongues ; Fasting ; and The Holy Bible for hearing God's Voice, Will, and Ways.

    25 min., 35 sec.

    With the current tide of world events, the return of Christ Jesus fast approaching, we are pressing in even more than ever before and we invite you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current seed-sowing for Heavenly fruit with Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


     Thank you for your prayer-full support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to:
    Toward The Mark, Inc,
    PO Box 1152
    Yorktown VA 23692
    Thank you in advance!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Between The Lines TTM podcast about the quality time we spend with The Lord Jesus Christ praying " the A.C.T.S. " as Believing Believers in pursuit of oneness in God , continuing always to P-ray U-ntil S-omething H-appens (PUSH) toward all that our Heavenly Father promises in His Word, Will, and Ways.

    17 min., 17 sec.

    With the current tide of world events, the return of Christ Jesus fast approaching, we are pressing in even more than ever before and we invite you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current seed-sowing for Heavenly fruit with Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


     Thank you for your prayer-full sponsorship and support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to:
    Toward The Mark, Inc,
    PO Box 1152
    Yorktown VA 23692
    Thank you in advance!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Full Length podcast message answering " the WHO , WHAT , WHEN , WHERE , and WHY " of becoming a Believing Believer i-n Christ Jesus , based on true Life stories that are drawing countless people from their NON-belief , even as a Christian , to God-pleasing faith in The Lord and King Jesus Christ.

    41 min., 30 sec.

    With the changing tide of world events as the return of Christ Jesus is fast approaching, we are inviting podcast listeners like you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


     Thank you for your prayer-full sponsorship and support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to:
    Toward The Mark, Inc,
    PO Box 1152
    Yorktown VA 23692
    Thank you in advance!

     Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005-2023 | Privacy Policy applies |
    Terms of Use apply | Email us



    Pocket sized podcast message answering the questions about " the WHO , WHAT , WHEN , WHERE , and WHY " of becoming a " Believing Believer " i-n Christ Jesus , and how to draw others out of their unbelief as a Christian , and doing all by faith in The Lord and King Jesus Christ.

    29 min., 39 sec.

    We INVITE YOU...
    see and hear, follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    Hear Keith's revelation that far surpassed anything he imagined or heard preached:  Face-to-Face-with-The-Person-of-The-Holy-Spirit

    Check out: Between The Lines videos on Brighteon

    Check out: Pressin'IN Toward The Mark videos on YouTube

    Check out: Press Toward The Mark videos on Rumble

    See "Take My Life" video with lyrics featuring Scott Mishoe on guitar!

    For more Toward The Mark encouragement on social media:

    ~ GAB with Keith And BrendaLee Shealy

    ~ Parler with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ MeWe with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ From our 1st-ever Audio Book:

    download Into The Secret Place audio-book chapter
    The Stones that the Builders Rejected Pressin'IN Blog
    Christ-Jesus-is-on-the-move Blog

    ~ Headliner:
    ~ Special Video: Rumble-video-celebrating-Freedom
    ~ Satan loses: podcast FAV-Opposite-satan-is-TRUTH
    With the changing tide of world events as the return of Christ Jesus is fast approaching, we are inviting podcast listeners like you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


    Thank you in advance for your prayer-full sponsorship and support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to Toward The Mark, Inc, PO Box 1152, Yorktown VA 23692. Thank you in advance!

    Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005 - 2023 | Privacy Policy and Terms of Use apply | Email us | TowardTheMark.com



    Special Feature podcast message answering the hard questions about chronic pain , suffering , and how to rejoice in our infirmities , and doing all by faith in Christ Jesus' Name ...
    Smith Wigglesworth's family members recorded these real-Life stories and testimonies of his , taken from pulpit to print , making them available for reaching as many people as possible ...
    Joining with audio actor Herb Merriweather we reflect on Smith's secrets for THE DISCERNING OF SPIRITS , showing GOD BIG in a world that sees Him small.

    33 min., 53 sec.

    We INVITE YOU...
    see and hear, follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    Hear Keith's revelation that far surpassed anything he imagined or heard preached:  Face-to-Face-with-The-Person-of-The-Holy-Spirit

    Check out: Between The Lines videos on Brighteon

    Check out: Pressin'IN Toward The Mark videos on YouTube

    Check out: Press Toward The Mark videos on Rumble

    See "Take My Life" video with lyrics featuring Scott Mishoe on guitar!

    For more Toward The Mark encouragement on social media:

    ~ GAB with Keith And BrendaLee Shealy

    ~ Parler with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ MeWe with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ From our 1st-ever Audio Book:

    download Into The Secret Place audio-book chapter
    The Stones that the Builders Rejected Pressin'IN Blog
    Christ-Jesus-is-on-the-move Blog

    ~ Headliner:
    ~ Special Video: Rumble-video-celebrating-Freedom
    ~ Satan loses: podcast FAV-Opposite-satan-is-TRUTH
    With the changing tide of world events as the return of Christ Jesus is fast approaching, we are inviting podcast listeners like you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


    Thank you in advance for your prayer-full sponsorship and support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to Toward The Mark, Inc, PO Box 1152, Yorktown VA 23692. Thank you in advance!

    Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005 - 2023 | Privacy Policy and Terms of Use apply | Email us | TowardTheMark.com



    Special Feature podcast message answering hard questions about how to recognize the enemy's tactics by the discerning of spirits , and doing all by faith in Jesus Christ's Name ...
    Smith Wigglesworth's family members recorded these real-Life stories and testimonies of his , taken from pulpit to print , making them available for reaching as many people as possible ...
    Joining with audio actor Herb Merriweather we reflect on Smith's secrets for THE DISCERNING OF SPIRITS across the world.

    33 min., 30 sec.

    We INVITE YOU...
    see and hear, follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    Hear Keith's revelation that far surpassed anything he imagined or heard preached:  Face-to-Face-with-The-Person-of-The-Holy-Spirit

    Check out: Between The Lines videos on Brighteon

    Check out: Pressin'IN Toward The Mark videos on YouTube

    Check out: Press Toward The Mark videos on Rumble

    See "Take My Life" video with lyrics featuring Scott Mishoe on guitar!

    For more Toward The Mark encouragement on social media:

    ~ GAB with Keith And BrendaLee Shealy

    ~ Parler with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ MeWe with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ From our 1st-ever Audio Book:

    download Into The Secret Place audio-book chapter
    The Stones that the Builders Rejected Pressin'IN Blog
    Christ-Jesus-is-on-the-move Blog

    ~ Headliner:
    ~ Special Video: Rumble-video-celebrating-Freedom
    ~ Satan loses: podcast FAV-Opposite-satan-is-TRUTH
    With the changing tide of world events as the return of Christ Jesus is fast approaching, we are inviting podcast listeners like you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


    Thank you in advance for your prayer-full sponsorship and support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to Toward The Mark, Inc, PO Box 1152, Yorktown VA 23692. Thank you in advance!

    Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005 - 2023 | Privacy Policy and Terms of Use apply | Email us | TowardTheMark.com



    TTM Between The Lines podcast minute with Brenda reading " A Love Letter From God To You" , relaying to you God's love for YOU.

    KEY: We only learn God's secrets for our LIfe's course by seeking God's written and spoken Word - Love Letters From Our Father - every day.

    7 min. 44 sec.


    (HEAR) LOVE LETTERS FROM OUR FATHER full-length podcast

    (READ) Pressin'IN TowardTheMark Blog:
    Love Letters From Your Father for yourself, personally

    We INVITE YOU...
    see and hear, follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    Hear Keith's revelation that far surpassed anything he imagined or heard preached:  Face-to-Face-with-The-Person-of-The-Holy-Spirit

    Check out: Between The Lines videos on Brighteon

    Check out: Pressin'IN Toward The Mark videos on YouTube

    Check out: Press Toward The Mark videos on Rumble

    See "Take My Life" video with lyrics featuring Scott Mishoe on guitar!

    For more Toward The Mark encouragement on social media:

    ~ GAB with Keith And BrendaLee Shealy

    ~ Parler with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ MeWe with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ From our 1st-ever Audio Book:

    download Into The Secret Place audio-book chapter
    The Stones that the Builders Rejected Pressin'IN Blog
    Christ-Jesus-is-on-the-move Blog

    ~ Headliner:
    ~ Special Video: Rumble-video-celebrating-Freedom
    ~ Satan loses: podcast FAV-Opposite-satan-is-TRUTH
    With the changing tide of world events as the return of Christ Jesus is fast approaching, we are inviting podcast listeners like you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


    Thank you in advance for your prayer-full sponsorship and support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to Toward The Mark, Inc, PO Box 1152, Yorktown VA 23692. Thank you in advance!

    Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005 - 2023 | Privacy Policy and Terms of Use apply | Email us | TowardTheMark.com



    TTM Between The Lines podcast minute with a whole lot in it about desperately seeking to hear a word from The Lord for our encouragement and for passing out to others in the most effective way possible , relaying God's love in Love Letters from our Father.

    KEY: We only learn God's secrets for our LIfe's course by seeking God's Word - Love Letters From Our Father - every day , with The Lord Jesus Christ.

    7 min. 03 sec.


    (HEAR) LOVE LETTERS FROM OUR FATHER full-length podcast

    (READ) Pressin'IN TowardTheMark Blog:
    Love Letters From Your Father for yourself, personally

    We INVITE YOU...
    see and hear, follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    Hear Keith's revelation that far surpassed anything he imagined or heard preached:  Face-to-Face-with-The-Person-of-The-Holy-Spirit

    Check out: Between The Lines videos on Brighteon

    Check out: Pressin'IN Toward The Mark videos on YouTube

    Check out: Press Toward The Mark videos on Rumble

    See "Take My Life" video with lyrics featuring Scott Mishoe on guitar!

    For more Toward The Mark encouragement on social media:

    ~ GAB with Keith And BrendaLee Shealy

    ~ Parler with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ MeWe with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ From our 1st-ever Audio Book:

    download Into The Secret Place audio-book chapter
    The Stones that the Builders Rejected Pressin'IN Blog
    Christ-Jesus-is-on-the-move Blog

    ~ Headliner:
    ~ Special Video: Rumble-video-celebrating-Freedom
    ~ Satan loses: podcast FAV-Opposite-satan-is-TRUTH
    With the changing tide of world events as the return of Christ Jesus is fast approaching, we are inviting podcast listeners like you to include TowardTheMark INC in your current Tax-deductible Contributions...

    Celebrating 40 Years of committed service to Bridge the gap between God and His people :


    Thank you in advance for your prayer-full sponsorship and support, sharing in the vision and passion of this work to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached!

    Mail check donations payable to Toward The Mark, Inc, PO Box 1152, Yorktown VA 23692. Thank you in advance!

    Toward the Mark, Inc. © 2005 - 2023 | Privacy Policy and Terms of Use apply | Email us | TowardTheMark.com



    TTM Between The Lines podcast minute about making our way to where we belong , with The Lord Who is wanting and waiting for us to come HOME .

    KEY: We only learn God's secrets for our LIfe's course by seeking God's Word - the 'Curriculum' - and The Holy Spirit - the 'Teacher' - every day for our high calling of God i-n Christ Jesus - The Way, The Truth, The LIFE.

    5 min. 50 sec.


    (HEAR) LOVE LETTERS FROM OUR FATHER full-length podcast

    (READ) Pressin'IN TowardTheMark Blog:
    Love Letters From Your Father for yourself, personally

    We INVITE YOU...
    see and hear, follow and share, more from TowardTheMark:

    Hear Keith's revelation that far surpassed anything he imagined or heard preached:  Face-to-Face-with-The-Person-of-The-Holy-Spirit

    Check out: Between The Lines videos on Brighteon

    Check out: Pressin'IN Toward The Mark videos on YouTube

    Check out: Press Toward The Mark videos on Rumble

    See "Take My Life" video with lyrics featuring Scott Mishoe on guitar!

    For more Toward The Mark encouragement on social media:

    ~ GAB with Keith And BrendaLee Shealy

    ~ Parler with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ MeWe with Keith And BrendaLee Toward The Mark

    ~ From our 1st-ever Audio Book:

    download Into The Secret Place audio-book chapter
    The Stones that the Builders Rejected Pressin'IN Blog
    Christ-Jesus-is-on-the-move Blog

    ~ Headliner:
    ~ Special Video: Rumble-video-celebrating-Freedom
    ~ Satan loses: podcast FAV-Opposite-satan-is-TRUTH
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