
    Key Chapters of the Bible

    Join us for a daily podcast going through the Key Chapters of the Bible! Pastor Russ explains each chapter and how it fits into God's message for us today. You can start today, or jump back to Genesis and catch up! Don't forget to subscribe!
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    Episodes (1354)

    2/21 Numbers 12 - Benched By God

    2/21 Numbers 12 - Benched By God

    There are times when it seems like we've just been benched by God and we may not know why. Well, today, we’ll look at Numbers 12 and read about what God did to pull down Miriam and Aaron's influence among the people of God. We'll see that they were sidelined for pride. Join us!


    Numbers 12 1.    Have you ever heard someone who wanted to be involved in ministry, but just seemed to be stuck? Why do you think that was?
    2.    In verse 1, what was the surface reason that Aaron and Miriam were upset with Moses? What was the real reason for their complaint that was given in verse 2?
    3.    What was the difference between the Lord’s communication with Moses (in verses 6-8) versus His communication with others?
    4.    In verse 8, the Lord says that Moses has even beheld His form. Likewise, Exodus 24:10-11 indicates that the leaders also saw the Lord. Aaron was part of that group. How does this reality bring further judgment upon Aaron’s insurrection?
    5.    How might Aaron's experience in leadership have tempted him to pursue a level of leadership not given to him by the Lord? 
    6.    What was God’s judgment on Miriam in verse 10? What does this seem to indicate about her role in this little revolt? How did Moses intercede for her in this passage?
    7.    How did Miriam being put out of the camp for a week reduce her influence over the rest of the people? Why was this necessary? 
    8.    Have you ever heard someone who wanted to be involved in ministry, but just seemed to be stuck? Why do you think that was?
    9.    In verse 1, what was the surface reason that Aaron and Miriam were upset with Moses? What was the real reason for their complaint that was given in verse 2?
    10.    What was the difference between the Lord’s communication with Moses (in verses 6-8) versus His communication with others?
    11.    In verse 8, the Lord says that Moses has even beheld His form. Likewise, Exodus 24:10-11 indicates that the leaders also saw the Lord. Aaron was part of that group. How does this reality bring further judgment upon Aaron’s insurrection?
    12.    How might Aaron's experience in leadership have tempted him to pursue a level of leadership not given to him by the Lord? 
    13.    What was God’s judgment on Miriam in verse 10? What does this seem to indicate about her role in this little revolt? How did Moses intercede for her in this passage?
    14.    How did Miriam being put out of the camp for a week reduce her influence over the rest of the people? Why was this necessary? 
    15.    What are some principles we can glean regarding personal ambition? How can a person legitimately step forward in leadership while not making the same prideful mistakes as Aaron and Miriam?
    16.    Have you ever been benched by God? What steps go into being restored to service to Him?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 21, 2024

    2/20 Numbers 11 - Dangerous Grumbling

    2/20 Numbers 11 - Dangerous Grumbling

    There are times, in all of our lives, when we're tempted to grumble and complain. These times can discourage ourselves and others. Today, we'll study Numbers 11 and see how the Children of Israel's grumbling brought discouragement to Moses and judgment upon themselves. 


    1.    The podcast suggests that Numbers might be one of the hardest books of the Bible to read and understand. What books have you found difficult to work through? Why?
    2.    What does the people’s complaints indicate about their trust in the Lord? How is this a break in their covenant with Him? 
    3.    What was the primary complaint of this passage that was given in verses 4-6? 
    4.    What does verse 10 indicate about the solidarity of the people in this grumbling? Does this unity in the midst of their grumbling prove that their grumbling was righteous? How do you know?
    5.    In verse 18, the Lord called the people to consecrate themselves to Him. According to Leviticus 1, how was a person consecrated to the Lord? What was the reason for this consecration? What did the need for this consecration indicate about their standing with the Lord? 
    6.    What did the Lord tell Moses do in verses 16 to 17? What were these people for? How do you think they would have helped Moses bear the pressures of leadership? If you’re in a position of leadership, how can you help the other leaders around you bear up under their burdens? 
    7.    When the Lord provided quail in verse 31, how did the people respond in verse 32? What does their response indicate about who or what they were putting their trust in? 
    8.    Although there is no indication that the people had obeyed God’s command to consecrate themselves to Him (from verse 18), even if they had reconsecrated themselves to Him, how does their hoarding of the quail indicate that they weren’t actually trusting Him? 
    9.    As we consider all that we’ve been reading about the Children of Israel, how were these people falling into a pattern of complaining? How was this affecting their own well-being? Their relationship with the Lord? Their relationships with one another? Their relationship with the leadership? 
    10.    What was the ultimate outcome of their complaining? Was it a righteous outcome?
    11.    The podcast pointed out that in verse 21, Moses refers to 600,000 people, but we know from Numberers 1:46 that the number was actually 603,550. The podcast explained some principles regarding the Bible’s use of round and specific numbers? What principles were given? How does this help us understand these differences?
    12.    In this passage, Moses clearly was discouraged. How did he handle his discouragement in this passage? How should he have handled it?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 20, 2024

    2/19 Leviticus 26 - Is God Judging Me?

    2/19 Leviticus 26 - Is God Judging Me?

    A common question that people have is "Is God judging me?" Today we're going to look at Leviticus 26 which unpacks the judgments of God and helps us understand why God might judge someone and what that judgment is supposed to accomplish. So join us in another study of the Key Chapters of the Bible! 


    1.    This passage contains familiar commands with unique emphases. How does verse 1 help us see clearly that the command to have no idols before God simply means to not bow down to worship anyone or anything but the Lord?
    2.    Verse 2 links keeping the Sabbath with “revering” God’s sanctuary. What do you think this means? Why does the Lord link these two ideas together? 
    3.    What is the command given in verse 3? What are the promises listed in verses 4-12? How might these promises inspire God’s people to obey Him? How are they contingent upon the people's obedience to verse 3?
    4.    What is the shift in tone that comes with verse 14? Why do you think the Lord has provided this shift?
    5.    What do you think verse 15 means when it warns that the people’s soul might abhor His ordinances? What would that look like in the life of an individual Jew? What does it look like in our world today, for a person to abhor God’s commands? 
    6.    In verses 16 to 20, what does the Lord warn that His judgment will look like in their heart, home and society? 
    7.    What does verse 34 show us about God’s concern for creation? Why do you think God has this concern? 
    8.    We might be tempted to think that the end of chapter 26 is just fire and brimstone, but what is the path of forgiveness in verses 40-42? What will the Lord do if they repent?
    9.    What promise does the Lord give in verses 44 & 45 when the people dwell in the land of their enemies? What does this show us about God keeping His covenant with His people?
    10.    How does this whole passage show God’s love for His people? How about His grace and mercy and forgiveness? 
    11.    This passage shows us many blessings that come from obedience. What are some that are stated in Leviticus 26? How does it show us God’s desire that we walk down a path that will receive His blessings?
    12.    As you consider your life, is the path you’re on a path that receives God’s blessings or judgments?


    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 19, 2024

    2/18 Leviticus 23* - The Profound Feasts of Israel

    2/18 Leviticus 23* - The Profound Feasts of Israel

    We might not realize just how amazing and profound the Jewish Feasts were, but today we'll see that not only were they times of great celebration, remembrance and consecration; but even more importantly, they specifically and directly pointed the entire nation of Israel to her Messiah. Join us in another key study of another key chapter of God's Word! 


    Leviticus 23 1.    According to the podcast, how was the Jewish calendar set? How might that produce fluidity for when the Jewish feasts would be held?
    2.    What was the Sabbath feast that’s mentioned in verse 3? What did this feast consist of? 
    3.    In terms of the Jewish calendar year, what was the first feast that was mentioned in Leviticus 23? When you compare this explanation to Exodus 12, which passage provides more description?
    4.     According to the podcast, what could the Passover Feast be compared to in the USA? What did Passover commemorate? How did the Passover point to Jesus?
    5.    Verse 6 mentions the Feast of Unleavened Bread. What event did this point to? What did “yeast” come to point to? In verse 8, what did they offer daily for seven days? How might this cause the people to contemplate and renew their commitment to the Lord?
    6.    What did the Feast of Unleavened Bread point to with Jesus? How might this renew our consecration to the Lord?
    7.    What did the Feast of First Fruits celebrate? In verse 14, what were the people to refrain from doing until this feast was celebrated? In light of 1st Corinthians 15:20, how did this feast point to Jesus’ resurrection?
    8.    What feast is explained in verse 16? When was this to occur? What did it celebrate? In the New Testament, what event happened on Pentecost?
    9.    Verse 24 speaks about the Feast of Trumpets, what is this called in modern days? What event is being celebrated? How was this event inaugurated every year? According to 1 Corinthians 15:52, what will the Lord do when He blasts the trumpet?
    10.    Verses 26-32 speaks of the Day of Atonement. What were the people to do on this day while the High Priest performed the sacrifices? Why were the people to refrain from working? In verse 29, what would happen to the person who did not humble their souls? Why?
    11.    Verses 33 to 36 speak about the Feast of Tabernacles (also called Sukkot or the Feast of Booths). What would the people do on this feast? What does this show us about the Lord’s desire for His people to enjoy these feasts? How did this point to Jesus, who tabernacled among His people?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 18, 2024

    12/17 Leviticus 18 - Purity in an Impure World

    12/17 Leviticus 18 - Purity in an Impure World

    Leviticus 18 is a well-known passage for its long list of condemnation of various sexual sins. And while it may be overwhelming, it's still helpful for us to know what God thinks about the sins of our world. And, even more importantly, we need to understand the judgment that awaits those who flagrantly violate His commands. So, join us in this heavy chapter that guides us in what purity looks like in an impure world. 


    Leviticus 18 1.    The podcast mentioned that ancient rabbis supposedly said that the Book of Leviticus was one of the first books that should be taught to children. How might the difficult material of Leviticus 18 protect children? 
    2.    The podcast explained that the Book of Leviticus contains specific laws for the Israelites, but that Leviticus 18 was for all nations, for all times. What in Leviticus 18 shows this to be the case? What does Leviticus 18 show us will happen to a nation that violates these laws? 
    3.    Verse 4 end by reminding the people that the Lord is their God. Why was this simple fact so important for them to remember when it comes to these laws? “Who” or “what” might be in competition with the Lord on these matters? 
    4.    When people refuse to obey God’s laws, they often cite themselves and what they want to do; or what they think is right. Who are these people ultimately saying is their “god”? 
    5.    What does verse 6 (and following) mean by the phrase “uncover their nakedness”? Who is spoken of in this prohibition in verses 7 to 11? How does the repetition of this command clarity what is pure in God’s eyes?
    6.    In verse 25, what will the land do with those who break these laws? How have we seen this happen throughout history?
    7.    Sometimes people read Leviticus 18 looking for gaps that where they can do something impure because it’s not listed in this passage. Is this passage meant to be exhaustive? What was Jesus’ point in Matthew 5:27&28? How does this help us understand the principle of holiness in life? 
    8.    If you were to read Leviticus 18 in the public sphere (such as at work/school, etc.), how do you think people would respond? Where can you pray for the Lord to open hearts that people might repent and follow His ways?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 17, 2024

    2/16 Leviticus 17 - The Reason for the Blood

    2/16 Leviticus 17 - The Reason for the Blood

    Anyone who has read much of Leviticus knows that it has a lot to say about "blood". Although it's kind of an unusual topic in our day and age, it was central to the Old Testament system of worship. Today, as we study Leviticus 17, we find out why. We also find that it's in the context of God's prohibitions about homemade, made-up worship. So join us in another study in another Key Chapter of the Bible!


    Leviticus 17 1.    What did verses 3 & 4 prohibit? In light of what we learned from Leviticus 10, what principles were driving this instruction? How might a person who did not live near to the tabernacle think they could cut corners and engage in personal, private worship?
    2.    Verse 5 calls the people to engage in “peace offerings” at the tabernacle under the oversight of the priest. What did we learn about peace offerings in our study of Leviticus 3, specifically in terms of communion and fellowship with one another? Why was this critical for the spiritual life of the Children of Israel? 
    3.    The podcast also suggested that the prohibitions against private sacrifices would put an end to “religion for hire”. In what ways would this command end that practice? 
    4.    The podcast also suggested that this command would help people break from thinking that religion was all about personal blessing. How would not engaging in private sacrifices do this? 
    5.    Even after these commands were given, how did people violate these prohibitions of “religion for hire” or “religion for personal blessings”? How do we see people in our world still falling into these temptations today?
    6.    In verse 7, what does the phrase “no longer” indicate about the need for this prohibition against the worship of goat-demons?
    7.    In verse 11, why weren’t the people allowed to eat the blood of an animal? What did that blood represent? 
    8.    Already, our study in Leviticus has shown us how integral blood is to the sacrificial system. In what ways have we seen its use in the sacrifices?
    9.    In verse 13, an animal’s blood that was spilled on the ground was to be covered in dirt. How does this help us see the sacredness of even an animal’s blood? Does the world reflect this sacred view of blood in how blood is characterized in movies and TV?
    10.    How does Hebrews 9:18-22 help us understand how these principles relate to the blood of Jesus?
    11.    The podcast makes an interesting link between the priest’s sacrifices of the Old Testament and their role in the death of Jesus. What was that link? Do you think this was deliberate or just a coincidence?
    12.    In light of everything we’ve said about blood in Leviticus 17, what have you learned and how has it helped you understand Christ’s shed blood for your sins?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 16, 2024

    2/15 Leviticus 16* - Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement

    2/15 Leviticus 16* - Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement

    Leviticus 16 is one of the most important chapters in the Old Testament because it tells us how a person is made holy enough to be in God's holy presence. Today in our study of Leviticus 16, we'll explain the details to see how they ultimately point to Jesus Christ. Join us!


    Leviticus 16 1.    The podcast asserted that Leviticus 16 is the most important chapter in the book of Leviticus, and one of the most important chapters in the entire Bible. Why did the podcast suggest this? 
    2.    The podcast mentioned that Leviticus 16 answers the question: “How can a sinful person come into the presence of a holy God?” Why does God require holiness of everyone and everything that comes into His presence? The podcast gave two of the most common ways people answer that question; what were they?
    3.    Think back to what we’ve learned over the last couple of weeks, what specific place signified God’s presence in ancient Israel? Who went into His presence? How often?
    4.    In verse 3, on the Day of Atonement (the Yom Kippur) the High Priest would first bring an offering for himself. Why was this necessary? How does this help us understand the principle taught in the New Testament that there is only one mediator between God and man? 
    5.    Overall, how many animals were sacrificed on the Day of Atonement? Which ones and for whom?
    6.    In verse 4, what was the High Priest supposed to wear on the Day of Atonement? What did this signify? How does this foreshadow Christ’s work as our High Priest? 
    7.    In verse 8, what were the two goats for? How was their role decided? How do the two goats teach the principle of justice being meted out for sin and also for the removal of sin?
    8.    In verse 12, where was Aaron to bring the fire pan? What did this symbolize? What is the significance of this item now coming into the presence of God?
    9.    In verse 15, where did Aaron bring the blood of the goat that was offered to the Lord by way of sacrifice? Where did he sprinkle it?
    10.    In verse 21, what would Aaron do with the scapegoat? What did this point to?
    11.    In verses 29 and 31, what were the people supposed to do while all this was happening? What does this mean? How did this give the people a role in the Day of Atonement? How does this show us that each person has a personal responsibility to have their sins dealt with?
    12.    The podcast mentioned that Leviticus 23:29 says that if a person would not humble their heart and soul before the Lord, they ought to be cut off from the people of God. Why?
    13.    Ultimately, this all points to Jesus. How was Jesus our final Yom Kippur? Do we still need to humble our heart and soul to the Lord? Why?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 15, 2024

    2/14 Leviticus 10 - Strange Fire / False Worship

    2/14 Leviticus 10 - Strange Fire / False Worship

    Far too often, we make up our own ideas of what constitutes true worship. Today, we'll discuss the difficult passage of Leviticus 10 when Nadab and Abihu are killed by God for offering strange fire. We'll look at this passage, understand it in its context, and see how it still can guide us to true worship. Join us! 


    Leviticus 10 1.    What was the background of the Levites and how did that relate to their role among the Children of Israel? Why was this role necessary? 
    2.    What did Nadab and Abihu do that was wrong? Why should they have known better?
    3.    Why was Nadab and Abihu killed? What was wrong with what they did? Why was “death” a necessary response to their sin?
    4.    How was the standard for the priests higher than for the average person in the nation of Israel? How was the standard for Nadab and Abihu even higher than for the average priest who was just starting out? 
    5.    What were some possible reasons for their dereliction of duty? How might alcohol have contributed to their sin? What principle did the Lord give in verses 8 & 9? What present application might this have for us, considering that we are all priests before the Lord? 
    6.    In verses 6 & 7, what did Moses prohibit Aaron and his sons from doing? Why?
    7.    In verses 16-18, what did Aaron’s other sons, Eleazar and Thamar, fail to do? What might this indicate about the general attitude they all had towards learning the precepts of the Lord? How do people still demonstrate this attitude today? 
    8.    The podcast pointed out that a key theme of this chapter (and the whole book of Leviticus), is to follow the Lord’s instructions when we approach Him. How might we apply this principle to our lives today? 
    9.    The podcast also pointed out that Leviticus 10 teaches us about making a distinction between what is profane and what is holy. How do we learn these principles? If we do distinguish between what is profane and holy, how should this impact what we fill our lives with? 
    10.    The podcast cites Jesus’ teaching in John 4:23-24 about true worship. What is true worship and how does it come about in the heart and life of a believer?
    11.    Finally, in light of this passage and John 4:23-24 and Hebrews 13:15, who decides what constitutes true worship? As New Covenant believers, what should we fill our minds with, in order to offer the Lord true worship?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 14, 2024

    2/13 Leviticus 5 & 6* - Guilt Offerings: Solving Infinite Debt

    2/13 Leviticus 5 & 6* - Guilt Offerings: Solving Infinite Debt

    The Sacrifices in the book of Leviticus can be confusing. However, unraveling their message yields key truths that are foundational to the rest of our understanding of the Word of God. Today we'll look at both Leviticus 5 and 6 and see how critical the Guilt Offering is to our relationship with the Lord. Join us for this important study! 


    Leviticus 5 & 6 1. Now that we’ve talked about sin offerings for two days, how important was it for the person to identify with the animal that was about to be sacrificed? How would the person identify with that animal? How do we identify with Christ’s sacrifice? Have you ever identified your sins with Christ’s death? 
    2. How does the podcast suggest that the opening verses of chapter 5 were speaking of ways to lower the cost of the sacrifice for the worshipper? What does this show us about the Lord’s desire for His people to be right with Him? Was the intent of the sacrificial system to “make people pay” for their sins, or something else? How does this show us God’s mercy for His people? 
    3. What was the difference between a “Sin Offering” (in Chapter 4) and a “Guilt Offering” (in Chapter 5)? What was different about the offense being addressed? What was different about the sacrifice that was offered? 
    4. What were the instructions regarding the “restitution” for a Guilt Offering? Why was this step included in this sacrifice? What does Chapter 6 show us about the link between our sins against others and our sins against God? Was it possible for a person to be forgiven by God if they have hurt another person and not sought restitution with that other person first? Why?
    5. The podcast pointed out that if we are in debt to an infinite God, then by definition we have an infinite debt. How is this problem compounded by having to repay an additional 20% of our debt? 
    6. Isaiah 53:10 tells us that Jesus was our Guilt Offering. In light of the principles of this chapter, what did His debt entail? What about His nature enabled Him to fully make this payment on behalf of all of His people?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 13, 2024

    2/12 Leviticus 4* - Sin Offerings: Getting Right with God

    2/12 Leviticus 4* - Sin Offerings: Getting Right with God

    When we sin, how do we make things right with God? Well, the answer might surprise us, because as we look at Leviticus 4, we'll see that not every sin could be forgiven through the sacrificial system; which will underscore just how important it is that Jesus died for all of our sins. Join us in this important study on this challenging passage! 


    Leviticus 4 1.    Leviticus 4 talks about what to do when specific people within the community sin, specifically the anointed priests in verse 3, the entire community in verse 13, a leader in verse 22, and the common person in verse 27. How did a person’s relationship to the community affect the kind of guilt that they might bring upon that community? 
    2.    Leviticus 4 contains the first occurrence of the word “forgiveness” in the book of Leviticus. How did the podcast explain what forgiveness is? According to verses 20, 26, 31, and 35, how was forgiveness obtained for the people who sought it?
    3.    The word “atonement” is literally “at-one-ment”. Who are we “at one with” and what does this mean? According to verses 20, 26, 31 and 35, how was atonement achieved? The podcast spoke about how the root idea of “atonement” was that of “covering.” In these sacrifices, what was being covered? What was it being covered with? How does this help us understand the concept of atonement that we have in Christ? 
    4.    What were some of the reasons given in the podcast for why an animal had to die in order to achieve atonement? How does this help us understand Jesus’ death in our place? If Jesus has suffered the death that our sins deserve, what does that mean for us and our life? 
    5.    According to verse 2, what kinds of sins were being addressed here? What does Numbers 15:29 say about intentional sins? What do you think it would have been like to carry this weight of intentional sin around? How does 1st John 1:7 or Colossians 2:13-14 address this in the New Covenant? 
    6.    How is Christ’s sacrifice a fulfillment of the Sin Offering discussed here in Leviticus 4? How is Christ’s sacrifice even greater than the provision of this sacrifice here? How can we praise Christ for the offering He has made for us?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 12, 2024

    2/11 Leviticus 3* - Peace Offerings: Celebrating Our Fellowship with God

    2/11 Leviticus 3* - Peace Offerings: Celebrating Our Fellowship with God

    As we continue to make sense of the Sacrificial system of the Book of Leviticus, today we turn to Leviticus 3 to unpack the idea of Peace Offerings and we'll see that these are extremely relevant to our lives today. Peace offerings point us to the fellowship we have with God once atonement and consecration has occurred, and although we may not still offer these sacrifices to the Lord, these still teach us spiritual principles in that go into walking in peace with God. Join us!


    Leviticus 3 1.    What was the “nutshell” description of a peace offering that was given in the podcast? 
    2.    The word “peace” was based on the Hebrew word “Shalom”. Shalom meant wholeness, completeness and health. How is that a helpful understanding of the peace with now have with God? 
    3.    The podcast mentioned several formal times when “Peace Offerings” were offered to the Lord (Feast of Weeks, the Nazarite Vow, the installation of priests). How did these events demonstrate the gratitude of God’s people, or the fellowship they had with the Lord, or the desire to seek Him? 
    4.    Verse 1 doesn’t specify what kind of animal was to be offered, nor what gender it was to be, but it does require something for this animal? What was required and what did this reflect in the heart of the worshipper?
    5.    What were some of the reasons given in the podcast for the specificity of these sacrifices?
    6.    When you think about how the animal innards went to God and the meat went to the worshipper, how does this reflect the Lord’s graciousness towards us? 
    7.    Verse 5 tells us that the “Peace Offering” was to be “on top of” the other offerings (ESV/NIV). How does this help us understand the stages of worship and the subsequent peace the worshipper had with God?
    8.    How does Romans 5:1-2 help us understand the peace with have with God through Jesus? In what ways was Jesus an offering for us?
    9.    The podcast described the lengthy process that would go into the Old Testament process of reestablishing peace with God. How would this have given the worshiper time to reflect on their situation with the Lord? How can we incorporate a similar kind of contemplation into our relationship with God?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 11, 2024

    2/10 Leviticus 2* - Grain Offerings: Our Best for God

    2/10 Leviticus 2* - Grain Offerings: Our Best for God

    The Levitical System of Offerings doesn't have to be confusing or complex; and today, as we study Leviticus 2 and grain offerings, we see that these simple offerings of "thanks" are directly relevant to our lives today. Join us in unpacking these important truths! 


    Leviticus 2 1.    In a general sense, what was the purpose of a grain offering? What was the worshipper “saying” to God?
    2.    According to Numbers 28:5, how often were the priests to offer a grain offering to the Lord? What does this tell us about the frequency of the praise we offer to God?
    3.    Verse 1 tells us that this was to be “fine flour”. What did the podcast explain about what “fine flour” would require of the worshipper?
    4.    Also, according to verse 1, what was also added to these grain offerings?
    5.    The podcast reflects on the ways that the grain offering was different from a burnt offering and speculates how this might involve the family. What were some of the ideas that the podcast presented? Do you agree or disagree? 
    6.    Verse 12 says that this offering was to be the “first fruits”. What does this mean and how would being a “first fruit” reflect the faith of the worshipper?
    7.    Verse 13 says that this offering was to include salt. What were some of the reasons for this, given in the podcast? How does this help us understand the seriousness of these offerings?
    8.    How does the grain offering show us that we ought to be giving our best to the Lord?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 10, 2024

    2/9 Leviticus 1* - Consecration to the Lord

    2/9 Leviticus 1* - Consecration to the Lord

    Leviticus is one of the most daunting books in the Bible, but today we're going to start to unlock the gems that it has to offer... starting with the holy sacrifices of the burnt offering and what it means to be fully consecrated to the Lord. Join us as we see just how important and relevant this book is to our lives in Christ today. 


    Leviticus 1 1.    From this opening study of the book of Leviticus, would you describe it as a “worship manual”? Why or why not? 
    2.    The book of Leviticus derives its name from the Levites. Who were the Levites and what was their role among the Children of Israel?
    3.    How did the podcast define “the Law”? 
    4.    According to the podcast, how did the Law teach the people about God’s holiness? 
    5.    According to the podcast, how did the Law teach the people about the kind of worship that God accepts?
    6.    According to the podcast, how did the Law teach the people that God wants to have fellowship with Him?
    7.    According to the podcast, how did the Law show teach the people that the worship of God is personal?
    8.    According to the podcast, how did the Law teach God’s authority over every aspect of our lives?
    9.    According to the podcast, how did the Law point to Jesus?
    10.    There were several kinds of burnt offerings (daily, sabbath, festal, and voluntary). What set the “burnt offering” apart as the most sacred form of an offering? Why?
    11.    What did the burnt offering uniquely show the person who was making the offering?
    12.    Verse 2 taught that the animal had to come from the person’s own flock (assuming they had one). Verse 3 says that the animal had to be “without defeat” (as in, healthy; not lame and dying). What did this show about the quality of this animal that was to be fully dedicated to God? How does this quality reflect the devotion of the worshipper? 
    13.    In verse 4, the worshipper was to lay their hands on the animal and identify themselves with it. What was this identification for? What was it supposed to show the worshipper? 
    14.    In verses 4, 5 & 6, the worshipper was to perform this sacrifice according to these specific steps (this was before the people’s fall in Numbers 13). How do you think the offeror’s involvement would personalize this ceremony and makes it “real” for the worshipper? 
    15.    What provision is given in verse 14 for those who could not afford an animal from their herd? What does this show us about the Lord’s desire for His people to be in fellowship with Him?
    16.    In light of Leviticus 1, how is the Burnt Offering the ultimate act of consecration? How does this reflect our consecration that we have in Christ, today?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 09, 2024

    2/8 Exodus 32* - Worshipping A False God

    2/8 Exodus 32* - Worshipping A False God

    It's common for us to hear people say things like, "Well, MY God isn't like that!" and what they mean is that they don't like the God of the Bible, and have tried to imagine God being more the way they'd like. That's dangerous and today we'll see it's also not new. So, join us in our study of Exodus 32 as we continue to dig into the powerful and relevant truths of God's Word.


    Exodus 32 1.    If a person hears the Bible’s teaching about God, and says something like, “Oh, my god isn’t like that!” How might that be an indication that that person is worshipping a false god?
    2.    In the opening verses, Moses is delayed and the people grew impatient. They asked Aaron to make a god for them. Why do you think they wanted this “god” to be made? Why do you think Aaron went along with it? What does this teach us about how they viewed God?
    3.    In verse 4, Aaron took their gold and made it into the shape of a calf and declared, “This is your God, O Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt!” This is stunning for many reasons; one of which is that the Egyptians worshipped a god that was represented by bulls. Do you think any of past experiences in Egypt was part of their present embracing of this idol? What can we learn from this about the dangers of associating the true God with things we know and are familiar with? 
    4.    In verse 19, Moses threw down the two tablets containing the commandments of the covenant. How did this act of breaking the tablets reflect their broken covenant with the Lord? 
    5.    The podcast suggests that Aaron’s excuse in verse 24, that the fire produced the golden calf, was a form of religious charlatanry or perhaps magical thinking. How do people still do things like this today when they talk about the Lord? 
    6.    In verse 26, when Moses said, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” Who came over to him? What did they do? How was this an act of mercy? 
    7.    The podcast mentions a change in how the Lord would abide with the people. According to Exodus 33:7, where was Tabernacle moved to? Why?
    8.    How does this passage show us the danger of looking to re-making God to be like something that “we” like versus what He has revealed about Himself? 
    9.    How does this passage also show us the principle that we don’t decide how to worship God? 
    10.    How do we see that worship is not about what “we” want but what the Lord wants? 
    11.    How does this passage show us the importance of trusting God’s timeline? What are the dangers of rushing things according to our schedule? 

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 08, 2024

    2/7 Exodus 30* - Ransomed by God!

    2/7 Exodus 30* - Ransomed by God!

    Being "ransomed by the Lord" is a key truth we need to know and understand. Likewise, we need to understand why we need to be gathering with God's people in prayer. For that matter, we need to have a handle on everything in Exodus 30, so join us in another study in the Key Chapters of the Bible!  


    Exodus 30 1.    Quick review… what was the dimensions of the Tabernacle? How many rooms did it have? What were the rooms called? 
    2.    If you walked into the Tabernacle, you’d see three pieces of furniture. To the left was the golden lamp that burned continually. To the right was the golden table with 12 loaves of bread. What would be straight ahead against the veil in the back of the room? What other piece of furniture in the next room over, was near to this item? What did the podcast suggest was the reason for the location of these two items?
    3.    Why was it important that the altar of incense be consecrated to God? Why was it necessary to perform this ceremony every year? How does Hebrews 9:6-14 help us understand our permanent consecration that we have in and by Christ? 
    4.    What was burned on this altar? If this was continually burning, what would this room be filled with? In light of Psalm 141:2 and Revelation 8:3, what did this symbolize?
    5.    When we think of the altar of incense’s proximity to the ark’s (right next to it, though separated by the veil); what does this point to in regards to God’s presence and fellowship with His people? How does this help us see the unique value of God’s people gathering together to pray before the Lord? How does this shed light on Matthew 18:20 which says that “where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am in their midst“?
    6.    Verses 34-38 give us the recipe for this incense which includes frankincense. Where is does frankincense later appear in the Bible (hint: Matthew 2:11)? How does the fact that it’s used in worship of God here in Exodus 30 help us understand Jesus’ deity in Matthew 2:11?
    7.    What was the Bronze Laver for? Who was to use it? What did it teach the people? What would happen to those who ignored this instruction in verse 21?
    8.    What was a key ingredient to the holy anointing oil that’s mentioned in verses 22 to 33? Where was this also used? What was the purpose of this holy anointing oil? Could it be used for any old purpose?
    9.    What was the meaning of the term “ransom” in verses 11 to 16? Who was it paid for and who was it paid to?
    10.    What is the meaning of the term “are numbered” that’s translated in the NIV as “each one who crosses over”? How does this help us understand that this payment is made by all who “cross over” into becoming one of God’s people in covenant with Him? Was it free to “cross over”? If not, what was paid for these people?
    11.    Over in Matthew 17:27, only Jesus and Peter paid the temple tax (or ransom payment). What might this tell us about the age of the rest of the disciples? 
    12.     As New Covenant Christians, what does 1st Timothy 2:6 tell us about who paid our ransom payment and how? Taking what we’ve just learned from Exodus 30 regarding the payment being made for all the men who “crossed over” to enter into covenant with God, does the “all” in 1st Timothy 2:6 mean that Jesus paid the ransom for everyone who has ever lived, or just for those who “crossed over” to enter into covenant with Jesus? 

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 07, 2024

    2/6 Exodus 29 - Consecration to the Lord

    2/6 Exodus 29 - Consecration to the Lord

    Exodus 29 may not make it to many people's list of "Favorite Chapters" and yet it's a key chapter because it covers the important biblical principle of consecration to the Lord. It also brings us several offerings that we see throughout the rest of God's Word. So, join us in another study as we go through God's Word one key chapter at a time.  


    Exodus 29 1.    In the podcast, what definition (or principle) was given for the idea “consecration” in the book of Exodus? How does the definition of “consecration” help us understand what it means that we, as God’s people, have been consecrated to Him?
    2.    How would you describe the ceremony that went into consecrating priests to the Lord? How long was this ceremony to be (vs 35)? If you had undergone this kind of ceremony, how would do you think this would impact your awareness of your moment-by-moment consecration to the Lord? How are we consecrated to the Lord today? 
    3.    What was the “wave offering” that is mentioned in verses 22 & 23? What was different about this particular offering verses how it would be carried out at other times?
    4.    What was the “heave offering” and what detail is given in verse 28 that shows the difference between a heave offering and a wave offering?
    5.    What was the “drink offering” of verse 41? What other kinds of sacrifice were they typically performed with? What would be the physical affect of this kind of an offering? How does this help us understand Paul’s description of himself as a “drink offering” in Philippians 2:17-18?
    6.    In Exodus 29:45, what promise does God give to the people regarding His presence if the are faithful to perform these consecration ceremonies? In Leviticus 8 & 9, when they actually carried out these ceremonies, what did the Lord do? How does this help us see that our present consecration by the blood of Christ brings us into abiding fellowship with the Lord?
    7.    This whole passage is about consecration. Have you been consecrated by Christ to the Lord? If so, how should that change how you live? 
    8.    How did the people’s obedience to these instructions demonstrate their consecration to the Lord? Does your life reflect a faithful consecration to Him? 

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 06, 2024

    2/5 Exodus 27 & 28* - Our Attitude Before God

    2/5 Exodus 27 & 28* - Our Attitude Before God

    As we've been studying the Tabernacle, we're seeing just how amazing this was and how it pointed to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today, in our study of Exodus 27 & 28, we'll even see how these details show us the kind of attitude we should have when we approach our Lord. So, join us in another rich study in God's Word!


    Exodus 27 1.    What was the size of the Tabernacle complex that is given in verses 11 & 12? This is smaller than a football field. Are you surprised by this?
    2.    According to verse 1, what was the first thing you’d come to in the Tabernacle complex? Generally speaking, what would this have looked like? What was it for? 
    3.    What was sacrificed on the bronze altar every morning and every evening? Why? How would the sacrificial system show the people of the glory of God and the severity of His wrath towards sin?
    4.    Hebrews 9:22 reminds us that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. Why did mercy first require a substitutionary sacrifice? How does our sin link us with the world’s rebellion? How does a sacrifice link us with God’s forgiveness? 
    5.    What were the “horns” of this altar that are mentioned in verse 2? What might these have been used for? What did these horns come to represent in passages such as 1st Kings 2:28?
    6.    How many gates led into the Tabernacle complex? How wide was this gate? What did the width of this gate suggest?
    7.    Verse 20 & 21 talk about the oil needed to keep the lamp burning. According to Exodus 27:21, how long was it to be kept burning? Where was the oil to come from in verse 20? What does this show us about the contributions of the people and their collective worship of God?
    8.    The podcast also touched upon the High Priest’s garments in Chapter 28. What was an ephod and what was it for? In Exodus 28:30, what did it contain? 
    9.    Likewise, in verse 35, the High Priest wore bells. Sometimes people mistakenly suggest this was in case he died on the Day of Atonement while he was in the Holiest of Holies. However, what place is being spoken of in Exodus 35:28? What is the difference between the “Holy Place” and the “Holiest of Holies”? According to Leviticus 16:4, what was the High Priest supposed to wear on the Day of Atonement, when he went into the Holiest of Holies? Therefore, when would these bells be worn and what do you think they were for?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 05, 2024

    2/4 Exodus 26 - A Place and A People that Honor the Lord

    2/4 Exodus 26 - A Place and A People that Honor the Lord

    As we continue in our study of the Tabernacle, today in Exodus 26, we find that the details of this passage are not that daunting, in fact, they're even inspiring as we see that the Lord seeks our simple worship and fellowship; rather than some grand, complex form of worship. Join us as we talk about a place and a people that honor the Lord.   


    1.    What were the dimensions of the Tabernacle? What are some things that the podcast compared these dimensions too? What does this tell us about what should be the focus of worship? If we need a beautiful place to worship God, what might that tell us about the health of our worship? 
    2.    What were the four layers of curtains that were in the Tabernacle?
    3.    When the priest would look up, what would he see? What do you think this reminded him of? 
    4.    What did the podcast suggest the goat hair blanket signified? How about the layer of ram’s skin dyed red? What was the purpose of the final covering that was probably made from the skins of a marine animal?
    5.    What were the walls mounted into on the sides and beneath? What suggestion was given in the podcast as to why the Lord designed the Tabernacle this way?
    6.    How many rooms was the Tabernacle comprised of? What were their names? What were their dimensions? What separated the two rooms? 
    7.    What were the three items in the Holy Place?
    8.    Who was the only person who could go into the room called “The Holiest of Holies”? When? 
    9.    What was the shape of this room? What two other places in the Bible have this same shape? Therefore, what was this room pointing to? 
    10.    The podcast mentions that one of the key purposes of the Tabernacle was to show our separation from the Lord. Why was this necessary? This about the non-believers you know, do they feel separated from God? How might this principle of separation help them understand their true condition before the Lord?
    11.    When the veil was torn from top to bottom in Matthew 27:51, what does this show us about how Jesus opened access to God? How should this change our worship of God today? 

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 04, 2024

    2/3 Exodus 25* - The Ark in the Tabernacle

    2/3 Exodus 25* - The Ark in the Tabernacle

    Thanks to the movie, The Raiders of the Lost Ark, most people have heard of the Ark of the Covenant, and yet do we understand its central role in Old Testament worship? Today, we'll unpack Exodus 25 teachings on the tabernacle and the ark, the showbread and the lampstand. Join us for this important study on these important topics!  


    Exodus 25 1.    Verse 9 contains the first time the term “tabernacle” is used. When not being used of the official tabernacle, how also could this word be used? What did the podcast explain is the idea behind the term “tabernacle”? How is it sometimes used as a verb?
    2.    What was the specific dimensions of the tabernacle tent? What in our world is about that same size? Is this smaller than you were expecting?
    3.    In verse 2, what was supposed to prompt the people to donate supplies towards the construction of this tabernacle complex? In regard to their contributions, what had to happen in Exodus 36:5? What does this tell us about the people’s heart to be involved with the Lord’s work?
    4.    Of all the items that were built for the tabernacle, why was the ark listed first? What were the dimensions of this ark? Does this size surprise you? How about it’s weight, what did it weigh and how was it moved around? How does this help us understand why Uzzah died when he touched the ark in 2nd Samuel 6:6-7?
    5.    What was special about the lid of the ark? What was to take place there on the Day of Atonement? It’s often called “The Mercy Seat” but it can also be called “The Atonement Cover”. Which do you prefer and why? 
    6.    Why did the podcast suggest that the golden cherubim (on top of the ark) did not violate the 2nd Commandment to make no graven images? What did the podcast suggest that these golden cherubim teach us? How?
    7.    The podcast explained that the Hebrew term for “cover” is “Kaphar”, which is also the root word for “atonement”. Kaphar was used in Genesis 6:14 when the Lord had Noah make his ark out of wood that was covered (kaphar) with tar. What did the High Priest do at the ark once a year on the Day of Atonement? What does this signify? How does this help us understand the covering (or the atonement) that we have in Christ’s blood?
    8.    Verse 23-30 is talking about the showbread. What is it also called in verse 30? How does verse 30 help us understand the showbread was to signify? According to Leviticus 24:5-9, how often was the showbread to be made? Who would eat the old showbread?
    9.    How does the showbread point us to Jesus, who calls Himself the Bread of Life in John 6:32-35?
    10.    The golden lampstand is described in verses 31 to 40. Where was this placed and what was it for? According to Exodus 27:20-21, who was to keep this lamp burning? How is Jesus the fulfillment of this lamp in John 8:12? 
    11.    How does the tabernacle teach us that God’s presence is not automatic? Why would the Lord want to teach this lesson to the people? What needs to happen to us to have eternal fellowship with Him?
    12.    How does this whole chapter help us understand the perfect tabernacle and atonement offering of Jesus in Hebrews 9:11-12? 

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 03, 2024

    2/2 Exodus 24* - Why So Much Blood?

    2/2 Exodus 24* - Why So Much Blood?

    Sometimes crucial passages seem more like walking on the moon, than familiar territory. Exodus 24 is one of those chapters. We might be tempted to breeze through this passage... and yet, today we're going to see that it actually is incredibly important to our understanding of the crucial principle of what it means to be sprinkled with the blood of the covenant... which ultimately will help us understand how Christ's blood sprinkles us today. 


    Exodus 24 1.    The podcast explained that this section of scripture in Exodus 19 to 24 is a key aspect of Israel’s relationship with God. What does verse 7 call this section?
    2.    What is a covenant and how does this relate to the agreement that God is making with the Children of Israel?
    3.    In this passage, what happens during the course of verses 1 to 11?
    4.    The podcast compares this event to something like a marriage ceremony. What do the people commit to in verse 4? In terms of the overall context of chapters 19-24, what kinds of things were they agreeing to? 
    5.    In verse 5, the people make burnt offerings and peace offerings to the Lord. What was a burnt offering? What was a peace offering? How did the peace offering make this event seem like a ceremony or a feast? 
    6.    What did Moses do to the people in verse 8? What did he say to them? What did this sprinkling signify?
    7.    In verses 10 & 11, the Lord meets with the people. What does this tell us about God’s plans for fellowship with His people? Who are those who were able to meet with Him (as in, what happened to them back in verse 8 that they might be with the Lord in verse 10?)
    8.    The podcast pointed out that in Exodus 24, they entered into fellowship with God through being sprinkled with the blood of bulls. As New Covenant believers, according to 1st Peter 1:2 or Hebrews 12:24, what grants us fellowship with God now? How can we rejoice in this eternal “sprinkling” that the Lord has given to us?

    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


    Key Chapters of the Bible
    enFebruary 02, 2024

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