
    kids health 101

    Get more answers about healing your child from chronic health conditions that include asthma, allergies, autism, ADD, cancer, epilepsy, autoimmune conditions and more. There is more that you can do.
    enKids Health 1018 Episodes

    Episodes (8)

    N.A.E.T. for Allergies in children

    N.A.E.T. for Allergies in children

    1 in 13 children are experiencing allergies whether it's food or environmental allergies.  The presence of allergies increases the risk additional health conditions.  Functional Nutrition addresses root causes that can contribute to immune responses to allergies by addressing digestive and detoxification issues.  Many times, desensitizing the allergen is critical for relief in the child, lessening stress in the parent,  while addressing the root causes driving the immune response.  N.A.E.T is a non-invasive energy testing that is evidence-based and effective at reducing allergies.  

    A dietary intervention that was life-changing for this parent

    A dietary intervention that was life-changing for this parent

    There are dozens of dietary interventions that can provide healing opportunities for children. Identifying which diet can be healing for your child, can be frustrating. In this podcast, parents will learn that salicylate intolerance may occur in their families. This is one of dozens of diets that can bring healing. Parents will learn the symptoms that their children may display that may suggest that foods higher in salicylates are a problem, how to eliminate them, reintroduce and support the pathways that become congested.

    If your child has symptoms that include seizures, asthma, digestive issues, skin rashes (eczema/psoriasis), hyperactivity, anxiety, lack of focus, neurological symptoms, this is a must listen to podcast.

    The first half of this podcast features Lynn explaining why identifying salicylate intolerance is critically important in helping your child heal, how to identify the symptoms, and dietary interventions. The second half of the podcast includes Lynn's interview with a parent, Alicia, who incorporated this diet over one year ago, the transition she made and how her family is doing so well as a result of implementing this diet.


    Conventional trained medical doctor digs deeper to find root causes of illness.

    Conventional trained medical doctor digs deeper to find root causes of illness.

    If you have experienced frustration with your conventionally trained medical doctor because there doesn't seem to be health improvements in your child, then you'll want to listen to this podcast.  I interview my friend and colleague, Dr. Jennie Walker who is a conventionally trained emergency room doctor who has acquired the training and certification as a Functional Medicine Doctor.

    Functional medicine doctors look for root causes, sources of imbalances to support the body in a healing process in addition to identifying symptoms and medication.  Dr. Walker is one of thousands of trained medical doctors who explore root causes and have found their way into the functional medicine model by their own frustration.  Find out about how Dr. Walker has adjusted to this change in training, thinking and in practice.

    ADD is over-diagnosed and often treatable without medications

    ADD is over-diagnosed and often treatable without medications

    If you question whether ADD or ADHD is the correct diagnosis or if drugs are the best short term or long term plan, listen to this podcast about Neurofield work.  This is a non-invasive means to treat/improve and oftentimes resolve symptoms associated with ADD, ADHD, anxiety, mood issues, autistic symptoms and at times seizures.

    In the functional model, infections, toxins, nutritional deficiencies can contribute to symptoms associated with dozens of childhood symptoms.  Addressing these areas may or may not be enough to support or improve the symptoms.   Neurofield may be a perfect complimentary or solo therapy to help improve symptoms quickly and non-invasively.

    Dr. Dogris is the CEO and Co-founder of NeuroField, Inc., a company that develops specialized neurostimulation and neurofeedback modalities designed to restore functionality to the brain. He is a licensed psychologist in the state of California and specializes in Health Psychology, wellness, and mind-body physiology. He is an expert in QEEG brain mapping and is a board-certified QEEG Diplomate. He is also board-certified in neurofeedback through the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA). Over the last 25 years, Dr. Dogris has innovated many neurofeedback interventions and invented the NeuroField neurostimulation/neuromodulation system in 2007.

    If you are interested in a free transcript of this podcast, subscribe at the top of this page.

    INTRO-The "why" of Kids Health 101

    INTRO-The "why" of Kids Health 101

    Lynn Altieri-Need came into this world questioning everything. She passionately believes that chronic health conditions in children, no matter how serious they appear to be, can be improved or overcome, because she’s lived it herself as a child, as a mother and as a practitioner. Until now, Lynn has been limited by the number of clients she has been able to manage which is why she founded Kids Health 101 Podcast. Her intention is to reach tens of thousands of parents around the world that can give their child a better chance at health by delivering life-changing tools through her podcasts.

    #3- Why Gym class should no longer be an easy "A"

    #3- Why Gym class should no longer be an easy "A"

    Today’s podcast features an interview with Mr. Todd Hensley, the Exercise Science teacher at Mammoth Middle School.  The title of the podcast seems weak based on the wealth of information Todd Hensley shared in this interview.

    Science is suggesting that if our nation’s kids keep moving in this health direction, many of them may not outlive their parents.

    1 in 3 kids are at risk for obesity and children as young as 8 years of age are showing heart disease.

    Physical inactivity is the 4th leading cause of death behind blood pressure, tobacco and high blood sugar. Exercise can reduce diabetes by 50%, reduce cancer risk and slow down the aging process in us parents.

    Todd Hensley is a forward thinker.  He understands as an educator and developer of his unique Middle School Program that kids only get one body.  His mission is to ‘provide students with the owner’s manual to the one and only body they will ever own’. He shares all of his insights and passion into creating this public education program that’s been effectively running for 10 plus years.

    1. why exercise rituals may determine their long term health outcome
    2. what is the key to making our kids be successful at health and exercise.  Hint: it has nothing to do with team sports.
    3. what we parents can do to improve our children’s health outcome.

    Supporting the health and wellness of our children,


    P.S. Bone broth was briefly mentioned in our interview but the tremendous benefits were not.  Oops! Bone broth and meat stock are chocked full of amino acids, known as the building blocks of protein, necessary for repair and recovery.

    #2 How to find the root causes of childhood illnesses using F.D.N.

    #2 How to find the root causes of childhood illnesses using F.D.N.

    Come join Reed and I as we discuss the functional diagnostic nutrition approach to helping kids recover from health issues.

    Learn why Reed Davis, began practicing nutrition and “labs” with symptomatic individuals as far back as 20 years. He is a pioneer as a practitioner, paving the way for an emerging specialty in functional diagnostic nutrition that merges clinical nutrition and functional medicine.

    Reed Davis founded F.D.N.,Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and has trained over 2,000 practitioners on how to practice with nutrition and labs.

    In this interview :

    learn why in F.D.N. we don’t ‘guess’ about systems, we ‘test’.
    learn why Reed believes that good health is a ‘birth right’ and
    the difference between symptoms and the importance of systems
    what we can do as practitioners and as a parents to ensure great health.
    Please listen to this podcast as Reed Davis shoots it straight and follow Kids Health 101 on iTunes.

    Finding ways to heal our children,


    #1 Autism: The surprising truths

    #1 Autism: The surprising truths

    Everyone who has a child with or WITHOUT autism, young or older, needs to listen to this podcast.

    Dr. Woeller is a pioneer in the assessment, nutritional and treatment approaches for children with autism, among many other chronic illnesses. I was extremely fortunate to have him with me in this podcast and the information he shared with me may be surprising to many of my listeners. This is a MUST LISTEN to podcast.

    If you are interested in:

    Why children are coming into this world healthy initially then developing these behaviors (vaccines are discussed).
    What parents may be instructed by the doctors to do but may be putting their children at risk. This is a MUST KNOW.
    What new parents can do NOW to prevent the onset of chronic illnesses.
    The root causes of autism and chronic illness.
    Is there really an increase in the numbers of children with autism or is it just more readily diagnosed?
    His biography was shortened for the purpose of this blog and podcast but deficient based on his accomplishments to date. He is one of my mentors and a leader in biomedical intervention with children with autistic behaviors, with autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, mental health disorders and other chronic health conditions.

    I urge you to share this podcast.

    Kurt N. Woeller, D.O., is an integrative medicine physician and biomedical autism specialist. He is the author of several health books: “Autism – The Road To Recovery”, “Methyl-B12 For Autism”, “7 Facts You Need To Know About Autism”, “Methyl-B12 and Methylation Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia”, and “5 Things You MUST Do To Treat Your Rheumatoid Arthritis.” He is also a lecturer, educator, and experienced practicing clinician offering specialized diagnostic testing and treatment for individuals with complex medical conditions like Autism, Mental Health Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, and other chronic health conditions. Dr. Woeller serves as a clinical consultant for both BioHealth Laboratory and Great Plains Laboratory providing patient and physician education regarding functional and biomedical medicine through one-on-one training and monthly webinars. He is on the Integrative Medicine for Mental Health (IMMH) Scientific Advisory Panel, and is a member of the American Osteopathic Association.

    In support of healing our children,
