
    KindSight 101

    This is KindSight 101, the podcast where you’ll hear from world renowned educational leaders about the mobilizing power of kindness. Together, by challenging our assumptions and venturing beyond the status quo in education, we can make a BIG impact...one small act at a time.
    enMorgane Michael241 Episodes

    Episodes (241)

    Leaner, Stronger, Happier (With Candice McMurran)

    Leaner, Stronger, Happier (With Candice McMurran)

    Welcome to another heartwarming and inspiring episode of Kindsight 101, the podcast where kindness meets insight. I'm your host, Morgane Michael, and today we're diving deep into a topic that resonates with so many of us out there: the intersection of motherhood, fitness, and education.

    In today's episode, we're not just discussing how to juggle being a mom and a teacher, but also how to stay fit amidst the chaos of everyday life. We're uncovering the pivotal secret behind fat loss success that everyone overlooks and revealing how making simple changes can have monumental impacts on your life.

    Whether you're a busy mom trying to fit in a workout, a teacher striving for personal well-being, or anyone in between looking to shed some pounds without losing your mind, this episode is crafted just for you. Join us as we explore practical tips, heartfelt advice, and motivational insights to guide you on your journey to a healthier, happier you.

    Don't forget to subscribe to Kindsight 101 on your favorite podcast platform to never miss out on our empowering episodes. And remember, simple changes can lead to significant transformations. Let's start this journey together.

    #Kindsight101 #MotherhoodAndFitness #TeacherLife #FatLossSecrets #HealthyLiving #SimpleChangesBigImpact #WellbeingForEducators #MomFitnessJourney #EducationalWellbeing #StayFitTeachWell

    Tune in, and let's spread some kindness and insight together!

    KindSight 101
    enMarch 12, 2024

    Portfolio Power: Crafting Your Career (with David Nebinski)

    Portfolio Power: Crafting Your Career (with David Nebinski)

    In this enlightening episode, we sit down with David Nebinski, a renowned advocate for crafting a Portfolio Career, to delve into the art and strategy behind building a diverse and resilient career path. David shares his insights on how individuals can harness their skills, passions, and experiences to create a career that doesn't just pay the bills but also fulfills their personal and professional aspirations. From identifying your core strengths to navigating the challenges of multiple income streams, David offers practical advice and real-life examples to inspire you to design a career portfolio that reflects your unique talents and goals. Whether you're a freelancer, entrepreneur, or someone looking to pivot in your career, this conversation with David Nebinski will equip you with the tools and confidence to build a fulfilling and sustainable Portfolio Career. Tune in to discover how to diversify your professional life and turn your passions into pathways.

    KindSight 101
    enFebruary 22, 2024

    Vision-boarding: Connect to Your Dreams (With Amy Perkins)

    Vision-boarding: Connect to Your Dreams (With Amy Perkins)

    Step into the visionary world of Amy Perkins in this amazing conversation about Vision-Boarding.  In this captivating episode, Amy guides you through the transformative process of vision boarding, a powerful tool for bringing your deepest aspirations to life. Learn how to curate a collection of images and words that mirror your soul's desires, turning a simple board into a roadmap for your future. Amy shares her expert tips and heartwarming success stories, demonstrating how vision boards can lead to personal growth, career achievements, and enriched relationships. Whether you're new to vision boarding or looking to refine your technique, join Amy on this creative journey. Discover how to bridge the gap between your dreams and reality, and be inspired to create a life filled with passion, purpose, and fulfillment!

    KindSight 101
    enFebruary 15, 2024

    Muscles and Mindset: How Movement Beats Burnout (With Annie Hollis)

    Muscles and Mindset: How Movement Beats Burnout (With Annie Hollis)

    In today's episode, we delve deep into the heart of what true fitness means, far beyond the sweat and weights. It's an honor to have with us the phenomenal trainer and owner of the renowned bootcamp program, Annie Hollis.

    Annie's approach to fitness transcends the typical boundaries of just physical training. With an ethos rooted in empowering women, Annie seamlessly blends physical training with invaluable life coaching. She emphasizes the importance of consistency, motivation, purpose, and drive while simultaneously teaching her clients to celebrate their journeys and be gentler with their spirits.

    For many, the fitness journey is often riddled with self-doubt, comparison, and burnout. Annie's unique approach flips the script, ensuring her clients focus on personal growth and self-appreciation. Her bootcamp is more than just an avenue to break a sweat; it's a transformative space where women rediscover their worth, channel their inner strength, and prioritize themselves.

    Tune in to gain insights into how you too can nurture not only your physical being but also your emotional and spiritual self. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or someone seeking motivation to kick-start your journey, Annie's wisdom is sure to resonate.

    Let's learn, grow, and transform, one rep at a time!

    Finding Your Blind Spots (With Hedrich Nichols)

    Finding Your Blind Spots (With Hedrich Nichols)

    Embark on a journey towards fostering equitable educational environments in this enlightening episode featuring Hedreich Nichols, acclaimed author of "Finding Your Blind Spots." In a world where the facets of discrimination often linger invisibly, impairing the harmonious fabric of our classrooms and school communities, Hedreich gracefully navigates us through a path of acknowledgment, learning, and transformation.

    In her amiable yet forthright style, Hedreich brings to light discriminatory practices that often stealthily permeate classrooms, offering not merely a critique but tangible, implementable strategies to dismantle them. With a rich blend of insights from her book, ranging from personal biases and the unseen weight they carry in educational settings, to the intricacies of language, gender, and cultural expression, this episode promises a comprehensive exploration into cultivating a truly inclusive educational community.

    What to Expect:

    🚥 Navigating Biases: Uncover the unseen prejudices that linger within and discern how they subtly infiltrate classroom practices and interactions.

    🗣 Language as a Tool: Explore how linguistic choices can inadvertently perpetuate discrimination and discover the path towards more inclusive language.

    🌐 Celebrating Diversity: Dive into strategies that foster a daily celebration of diversity, embedding it into the fabric of school culture.

    🚧 Microaggressions – The Unseen Barriers: Identify and comprehend how microaggressions operate, establishing barriers to wholesome relationships and inclusive environments.

    Through a lens that is as compassionate as it is informed, Hedreich invites K-12 teachers and administrators to a dialogue that promises not just reflection but action – a step towards classrooms where every student finds a space that acknowledges, respects, and celebrates them.

    Join us in this pivotal conversation, unraveling biases and pioneering a future where educational spaces are true harbors of inclusivity and equitable experiences for all.

    The 8 Play Personalities (With Machen Champion)

    The 8 Play Personalities (With Machen Champion)

    Exploring the Power of Play with Insight from Machen Champion: Vitality for All Ages and the Essence of Play Personalities

    In this evocative episode, we delve into a fundamental yet often underexplored facet of our lives: the seminal role of play, inspired by insights from renowned expert Machen Champion. Be it the exuberant world of children or the ostensibly composed realms of adulthood, play carves out a niche of rejuvenation, learning, and connectivity.

    Significance of Play Across Lifespans:

    Children: The canvas of a child’s play is not mere amusement; it’s a rich tapestry where essential skills, such as problem-solving, empathy, and creativity, are intricately woven. Through play, children decode life, navigating through its complexities, establishing social realms, and engineering their cognitive and emotional faculties.

    Adults: Adults, enveloped often in the pragmatism of life, unknowingly sideline play, eclipsing its vast reservoir of benefits. Engaging in play imparts vitality, mental agility, and emotional well-being. It lubricates social interactions, mitigates stress, and fosters innovative thinking, maintaining a zestful spirit amidst the rigors of adult life.

    Embarking on a Journey with the 8 Play Personalities:

    Machen Champion eloquently elucidates the concept of ‘Play Personalities’, offering us a lens through which we perceive our playful selves and rekindle the oft-dormant playful spirit within. The 8 personalities, each a unique manifestation of how we engage with play, serve as enlightening pathways toward understanding and reigniting the playful energies within us:

    The Joker: Relishing in the joy of amusement and laughter.

    The Kinesthete: Engaging the body, where movement and action reign supreme.

    The Explorer: Venturing into the physical, emotional, and mental realms with curiosity.

    The Competitor: Thriving in the vigor of challenges and contests.

    The Director: Orchestrating, planning, and mobilizing group activities and events.

    The Collector: Deriving joy through the accumulation and categorization of objects or experiences.

    The Artist/Creator: Crafting, building, and innovating through various mediums.

    The Storyteller: Weaving and navigating through narratives, real or imaginary.

    As we traverse through this episode, allow yourself to be enveloped by the enchanting world of play, exploring its multitudes with Champion’s insights as a guiding beacon. Let's reawaken our intrinsic playful spirits and reimagine a world where play and solemnity coexist in harmonious synergy, paving the way for enriched lives, regardless of age.

    Stay tuned, playful explorers, as we embark on this journey of rediscovery, unraveling the realms where creativity, joy, and vitality perpetually dance, illuminated by the power of play.

    Managing Big Emotions (With Frank Pew)

    Managing Big Emotions (With Frank Pew)

    In this evocative episode with parenting expert Frank Pew, we embark on a journey exploring the multifaceted world of parenting challenges, particularly in managing big emotions and navigating the complexities of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) through Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Frank opens up about his experiences and expertise in managing the emotional whirlwinds that parents and children often encounter. He shares invaluable insights and practical DBT strategies, casting light on how they can be adeptly utilized to foster a supportive, understanding, and resilient environment at home. The conversation dives deep into the nuanced challenges and triumphs of parenting, providing a heartening guide to parents navigating through the emotive storms and serene moments alike.

    Strategy Exploration: Awareness, Acceptance, Action

    1. Awareness

    Definition: Awareness entails a comprehensive understanding and cognizance of one's own self, the environment, and the intersectionality of both. It involves recognizing one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and how they interplay with environmental factors.

    Importance in Strategy:

    • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Awareness allows an individual or organization to discern their competencies and areas needing improvement.
    • Understanding Context: Grasping the nuances of the internal and external environment to comprehend where one stands amidst dynamic variables.


    • Continuous Learning: Engage in activities and practices that augment knowledge and perspective.
    • Feedback Mechanisms: Employing tools and methods to gather feedback and analyze data relevant to performance and environmental conditions.

    2. Acceptance

    Definition: Acceptance refers to the embracing of reality as it is – acknowledging the current situation, emotions, and thoughts without undue judgment or resistance.

    Importance in Strategy:

    • Mitigating Resistance: Acceptance often mollifies resistance to change and fosters a more fluid transition through strategic shifts.
    • Building Resilience: Establishing a mindset that absorbs and adapts to changes or challenges without becoming entrapped in denial or resistance.


    • Mindful Practices: Engage in mindfulness and reflective practices to be present and affirming toward the current state.
    • Objective Evaluation: Conduct an unbiased assessment of situations to comprehend them without distortion or denial.

    3. Action

    Definition: Action entails the intentional and directed effort towards achieving specific objectives, driven by the insights gathered through awareness and the acknowledgment cultivated through acceptance.

    Importance in Strategy:

    • Translating Insights into Reality: Action is the bridge that converts strategic insights and plans into tangible outcomes.
    • Initiating Change: It's the catalyst that propels the transition from the current state to a desired future state.


    • Strategic Planning: Developing a robust plan that delineates clear objectives, timelines, and responsibilities.
    • Progress Monitoring: Employ systems and tools to track, analyze, and optimize the actions and initiatives being undertaken.

    Concluding Note:

    Awareness, Acceptance, and Action coalesce to form a formidable strategy foundation.

    Awareness ensures that strategy is rooted in a thorough understanding of the internal and external landscapes.

    Acceptance guarantees that strategies are not crafted upon illusions or wishful thinking, but rather upon an authentic and unvarnished understanding of the reality.

    Action ensures that the insights and realities acknowledged through awareness and acceptance are purposefully propelled towards achieving desired objectives.

    This trinity ensures that strategy is not merely a theoretical construct but is deeply embedded in, and reflective of, the intricate realities and objectives of the entity deploying it. This ensures not only the relevance but also the efficacy and sustainability of the strategies employed.



    Seeking Significance (With Seth Godin)

    Seeking Significance (With Seth Godin)

    In this episode featuring Seth Godin, acclaimed author and thought leader, the focus illuminates the profound concept of "significance" in leadership, illustrating how monumental impacts can stem from modest acts. Seth navigates through his well-known themes, commencing with the vital role of being an indispensable "Linchpin" by merging authenticity and utility, then transitioning into the transformative power of small, deliberate actions. He underscores the essence of being remarkably noticeable—akin to the "Purple Cow" in leadership, enabling oneself and organizations to stand out in a sea of uniformity. The conversation culminates in a discussion on "Tribes," exploring how leaders can forge meaningful connections and cultivate communities, not merely by grand gestures but through a continuum of small, significant acts that resonate on a deeply human level. Throughout the episode, listeners are invited to perceive leadership as an art, where vulnerability, empathy, and consistent actions converge to create a ripple of impactful change and true significance.

    KindSight 101
    enOctober 03, 2023

    Tough as a Mother (With Ashley McLoughlin)

    Tough as a Mother (With Ashley McLoughlin)

    Conquering Overwhelm and Balancing Motherhood and Business with Ashley McLoughlin

    Today, on the KindSight 101 Podcast, we have a very special guest joining us. We're thrilled to welcome Ashley McLoughlin, a supermom of four, who is also ranked in the top 1% of her online business.

    Ashley is not only a successful entrepreneur but also an incredible mother, and today we dive into how she manages to balance her family and business, while still finding time for herself. If you're feeling overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list or struggling to prioritize your health, this episode is for you.

    Here's what you'll learn:

    Success on Her Terms: Ashley shares her journey of becoming a successful online entrepreneur, her secrets to building a top 1% business, and how she manages to maintain her success without sacrificing her role as a loving and devoted mother.

    The Hidden Costs of Motherhood: We discuss the often overlooked challenges that come with being a mother, the pressures and unrealistic expectations placed upon mothers, and how to navigate them. Ashley offers valuable advice on how to embrace motherhood with all its highs and lows, and how to turn those challenges into strengths.

    Tackling the To-Do List: As a mother of four, Ashley is no stranger to the never-ending list of things to do. She reveals her strategies for managing the daily chaos and staying focused amidst the distractions. You'll learn how to prioritize, delegate, and simplify your life, so you can spend more time doing what you love.

    Overcoming Overwhelm: Ashley shares her tips for overcoming overwhelm, both as a mother and as an entrepreneur. We discuss the importance of setting boundaries, asking for help, and taking time for self-care. Ashley reveals her techniques for staying centered, even in the midst of chaos.

    Prioritizing Health: As we all know, it's easy to put our health on the back burner when we're juggling family and work. Ashley talks about the importance of taking care of yourself first, so you can show up as your best self for your family and your business. You'll learn practical ways to prioritize your health, no matter how busy your life gets.

    This episode is packed with actionable tips, strategies, and insights that will help you find balance in your life, manage your to-do list, and take care of your health. If you're a busy mom or entrepreneur who's looking to find balance in your life, this episode is a must-listen.

    Make sure to subscribe to the KindSight 101 Podcast for more inspiring conversations with incredible entrepreneurs and thought leaders. And if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review – we'd love to hear your thoughts!


    Find Out More on Instagram @toughasamother

    Teach Better (With Rae Hugart)

    Teach Better (With Rae Hugart)

    In this episode, we discuss school success, ambitious goals, how to be a better teacher, how to build a culture of belonging. You'll come away with a ton of approaches, tips, and tricks for bettering your pedagogy. Don't miss out on this important episode!


    Rae Hughart is a Middle Level Math Educator in Illinois, creator of the Teach Further Model, Instructional Assistant Professor at Illinois State University, and the Director of Training & Development for the Teach Better Team.


    Rae continues to facilitate rich discussions with educators around mastering personalized learning, providing targeted student-focused feedback, and the impact of incorporating purpose into student daily learning. Through building partnerships with local businesses, Rae continues to support educators in designing dynamic, impactful, effective, and connected content - showing the impact of teaching beyond the four walls of a classroom and altering a community into an authentic resource for developing leaders.


    After being inducted into the Illinois State University Hall of Fame in 2017, Rae was awarded the 2018 First Place Henry Ford Teacher Innovator Award for her innovative educational impact through the Teach Further Model. Additionally, Rae serves on several Educational Boards including the Association of Illinois Middle Schools (AIMS).


    How to live a fearless life (With Dr. Rebecca Heiss)

    How to live a fearless life (With Dr. Rebecca Heiss)

    In this episode with Dr. Rebecca Heiss, we discuss how to approach imposter syndrome, beat stress and burnout, how to dig into manifesting the life you want and simply tricks to live life without fear. She is an author, speaker, and stress neurobiologist. Dr. Rebecca Heiss is a force.




    The scariest thing to me is living a life full of fear. That’s not living. That’s relying on fear-based instinct to make choices for us. I’ve dedicated my life to pushing back on those instincts and leaning into the discomfort.


    When was the last time you danced without hearing that little voice in your head questioning “what will other people say” and “your hips do NOT move like that!” I ask people to challenge those voices in their daily lives. To make sure we are all making the most of this thrilling life we are so privileged to live.


    By making enemies of these limiting stories and shortcuts inside our own heads rather than with our colleagues, departments, or our conscious selves, we can begin to test our perceptions, and open ourselves to growth.


    Check out her book, Instinct! https://rebeccaheiss.com/book/

    Improving School Mental Health (With Charle Peck)

    Improving School Mental Health (With Charle Peck)

    Charle Peck is the co-creator of Thriving School Community, a revolutionary program designed for schools to improve mental health. With over 20 years of education and mental health leadership experience, she has the unique lens of both a certified teacher and a licensed clinical therapist specializing in trauma. 

    Charle holds an MS in Education and an MS in Social Work. Her role as a high school teacher coupled with her work with children and families in crisis gives her incredible insight into solving youth mental health problems stemming from our schools. 

    She is the co-author of Improving School Mental Health: The Thriving School Community Solution and a global keynote speaker delivering powerful messages of hope to educators.

    • Certified to teach K-12 (M.Ed.).
    • ​Licensed to practice clinical therapy specializing in trauma (MSW).
    • ​Taught high school social sciences and mental health curriculum for 18 years. 
    • ​Led district-wide professional development sessions to improve instructional practice and wellness initiatives.
    • ​Led several student-based clubs including community outreach + teen voice.
    • ​​Established strong community partnerships.
    • ​​Led school promotion efforts.
    • ​Wrote mental health + social sciences curricula for public education. 
    • ​​Served as the school mental health liaison (attended district training sessions, collaborated with administrators and school mental health leads, set school-wide goals, created implementation plans, and led the school-based team to see the plan through).
    • ​​Held department responsibilities such as budgeting, scheduling staff, resolving issues, leading meetings, ordering supplies, and other relevant tasks.
    • ​Delivered workshops to educators + healthcare professionals.
    • ​​Engaged in years of professional training in areas such as instructional best practices, equity + inclusion, critical thinking, literacy, supporting the whole learner, school transition, TIC, school leadership, etc.
    • ​​Delivered workshop training to healthcare professionals and parents in areas related to child development and stress management.
    • ​​Trained administrators and district leaders in mental health leadership. 
    • ​​Provided CBT + DBT therapy to teens at a residential treatment facility and led group therapy sessions with their families.
    • ​Provided clinical care to adolescent patients admitted to the crisis unit at a behavioral health hospital.
    • ​​Led family therapy sessions to prepare teen patients to transition home safety. 
    • ​Co-authored a book to provide relief to a fractured school mental health system.

    Redefining Student Accountability (With Tom Schimmer)

    Redefining Student Accountability (With Tom Schimmer)

    In this thought-provoking episode, Tom Schimmer and Morgane Michael dive headfirst into the realm of student accountability and explore how we can redefine it to foster success. Join us as we challenge traditional notions of responsibility and offer fresh insights into empowering students to take ownership of their academic journey. Through engaging discussions with leading experts, we uncover practical strategies, innovative approaches, and inspiring stories that will transform the way we view student accountability. Get ready to unlearn excuses and crack the code on unlocking true academic potential.

    Bold Steps, Courageous Leadership (Dr. Susan Murray)

    Bold Steps, Courageous Leadership (Dr. Susan Murray)

    As a leader, advisor, professor, mentor and coach Dr. Susan Murray helps individuals and organizations develop their core leadership capabilities and tools for success.  She helps leaders hone their skills and craft their leadership style to lead their team more effectively so as to conceptualize a vision, set a clear direction, and define priorities and actions for results.  She works closely with teams to understand each other’s strengths, communicate effectively and create a path forward.  Her work is a combination of research and practice and a whole lot of common sense!

    Dr. Murray and I discuss leadership, explore key components to effective leadership, how to build trust, and how to remain true to your integrity within the school and workplace environment, while stretching for greatness. We discuss excellence, while balancing gender roles, resource challenges, how to best support those around you while maintaining your own sense of peace.  She in an inspiring force in the corporate and educational spaces. https://www.susan-e-murray.com/



    Teaching the Unwritten Song (With Jessica Leger)

    Teaching the Unwritten Song (With Jessica Leger)

    Jessica Leger is an educator and a singer-songwriter in the band, Cast. She's also a mother and an incredible human. In this episode, we discuss creativity and humanity within the context of education and the practice of putting. your work into the world. Cast is a duo featuring rhythm and voice as the focal points of their compositions and performances. They just released their second album, Identities, this month.


    Recalibrate Schools With Jimmy Casas

    Recalibrate Schools With Jimmy Casas

    In this episode, we discuss the current climate of schools post-covid across North America and the need to recalibrate our energies, efforts, and expectations to meet our students and educators where they are at. Many of us feel weary, but there are so many ways to get fired up about education. Listen to some of Jimmy's excellent advice about education, culture-building and fostering our morale in school to boost student efficacy!


    Jimmy served twenty-two years as a school leader. He is a best selling author, speaker, leadership coach, and a state and national award winning principal. Under Jimmy’s leadership, Bettendorf High School was named one of the best high schools in the country three times by Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report. JImmy was named the 2012 Iowa Principal of the Year and was runner-up NASSP 2013 National Principal of the Year. In 2014, Jimmy was invited to the White House to speak on the Future Ready Pledge. Finally, in 2015, he received the Bammy Award for the National Principal of the Year.


    Beyond Self Care with Gail Markin, Lisa Baylis, and Morgane Michael

    Beyond Self Care with Gail Markin, Lisa Baylis, and Morgane Michael

    In this special episode, I feature a podcast episode hosted by new author, Gail Markin, about her book Beyond Self Care! She interviews Lisa Baylis (author of Self Compassion for Educators) about her chapter on taking care of ourselves, what it truly means to offer ourselves self-compassion, and how to take time to be truly present. 


    Let It Out (with Joan Bessie)

    Let It Out (with Joan Bessie)

    Here's to the new spine tingler of a new song, "Let It Out" by Joan Bessie.

    On this episode, we feature the talented musician Joan Bessie, who is set to release her sophomore album "Girls I've Lost" in April 2023 (Available for presale April 7th, out on April 21st).

    Born as Jessica Beach, Joan Bessie's musical journey started in Toronto, where she grew up listening to different genres of music. She began her professional career in Calgary, where she won the 'Unsigned Vibe' contest and released her first album "Sticky Hands". Her success led to national and international tours, co-writing efforts, and placement with international pop stars. In this episode, we discuss creativity, perfectionism, and the ability to hold space for one another as we navigate this especially challenging era of existence.

    #joanbessie #indiesong #belonging #selfcare #artist #creativity

    For more information about her beautiful albums, upcoming tour dates, merch, and more, check out joanbessie.com.

    She'll be performing April 28 in Vancouver, May 4th on Saltspring Island, May 10th in Victoria, and May 19th on Galiano Island.

    Couple of show notes for you...

    Joan Bessie "Girls I’ve Lost" comes out April 21st on all digital retailers. 

    BC live tour dates:

    Vancouver April 28 

    Saltspring May 4 

    Victoria May 10 

    Galiano Island May 19


    KindSight 101
    enApril 03, 2023

    Twisted Fitness Academy (With John Miller)

    Twisted Fitness Academy (With John Miller)

    When it comes to fitness and achievement, nothing is more important than a good coach who is rooting for you! John Miller is just that. His unique approach and gym mirrors some of the best in North America. His goal is to help students and adults achieve excellent results through hard work, perseverance, and by putting them in the right situations that will propel them into success. Follow John Miller and his journey by searching Twisted Fitness Academy.


    #fitness #fitnessgoals #fit 

    Excellent Advice for Living (With Kevin Kelly)

    Excellent Advice for Living (With Kevin Kelly)

    "Excellent Advice for Living" is a book by Kevin Kelly that provides practical and philosophical guidance for living a fulfilling life. The book is a collection of essays, each exploring a different aspect of what it means to live a good life.

    Some of the key pieces of advice in the book include:

    Embrace uncertainty: Kelly encourages readers to embrace uncertainty and to recognize that life is inherently unpredictable. By doing so, we can learn to be more adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges.

    Pursue your passions: Kelly emphasizes the importance of pursuing your passions and finding work that aligns with your values and interests. He argues that true fulfillment comes from doing work that you love and that has meaning for you.

    Cultivate relationships: Kelly stresses the importance of cultivating meaningful relationships with others, both personally and professionally. He argues that strong relationships are essential for a fulfilling life and that we should prioritize building and maintaining these connections.

    Embrace technology: Kelly is a firm believer in the power of technology to improve our lives and create a better world. He encourages readers to embrace technology and to use it to enhance our abilities, rather than fear or reject it.

    Be a lifelong learner: Kelly emphasizes the importance of being a lifelong learner and continuously seeking out new knowledge and experiences. He argues that learning is essential for personal growth and fulfillment, and that we should always be striving to improve ourselves.

    Overall, "Excellent Advice for Living" is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that offers practical guidance for living a fulfilling life. Whether you're just starting out on your journey or looking to make a change, Kelly's advice is sure to inspire and guide you along the way.