
    Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee

    Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional recovery in the raw. Everyone has their unique form of crazy. It could manifest from minor frustration at the grocery store while waiting for the checker to hush up so you can get home after working 10 hours, to allowing the dreadful feeling of overwhelming responsibilities shut down any daily joy we might have. The practices shared in Know Your Crazy work. Join Susan Denee on a journey to understanding the crazy that lives within all of us and how to use it to your advantage. Susan Denee wants to live in a world where most people are willing to look inside themselves to solve their most challenging problems and share their insights with others. In this show, Susan delivers engaging and actionable tools to own your crazy, appreciate your crazy, and turn that into your own personal superpower. Understanding the power of our emotions is necessary for us to level up in our lives. Whether you are overcoming addiction, trying to rise to the next level of your career, or figuring out your family dynamics, Susan Denee has you covered. Your personal growth spurts can and will happen over time if you are willing to do the work. Walk away from this show feeling the greatness of you! Allow Susan to help you remember how truly inspiring and awesome you truly are. Enjoy the journey, you are worth it! Susan Denee has a passion for helping women rise to their greatest potential. She is an insatiable seeker of her own best self, and has a strong belief that we have one journey, and it's our responsibility to live it to the fullest because we are worth it!
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio83 Episodes

    Episodes (83)

    How To Withdraw From Addictive Relationships!

    How To Withdraw From Addictive Relationships!

    Are some of your relationships more emotionally triggering than others? What happens when you are married to them? Or they are your children? What about your employer? Or Your Clients? Why do we continue to participate in relationships that seem to cause more uncomfortableness than comfortableness? Well, what if you considered you are addicted to them? And the energy that you exchange with them when participating emotionally with them? Being afflicted with stress when it comes to some relationships can be as solvable as identifying the trigger, and learning how to separate yourself from it – not them.



    Right, wrong, or indifferent to goal setting for the year - you can't deny it goes through most people's minds that they can either get a "redo" for the next year or "let go" of the prior year. Now, yes....every day could be used to change it up, and that would be the best-case scenario - AND, using the beginning of the year to set goals and set aside time for reflection can benefit our mindset. 


    Today's show will focus on ideas on what you want to STOP doing, what you would like to START doing, and what you would like to CONTINUE doing! When we get to the continuing part, I will be helping guide you through a mini High-Performance Productivity and Challenge session. 


    Let's go! 

    The Operating Agreement within Relationship Decisions

    The Operating Agreement within Relationship Decisions

    It was never the large dramatic decisions that caused the turmoil in the past but the minutia within the process of making day-to-day decisions that caused the biggest meltdowns. Whether raised in a dysfunctional home or someone who had to rely on themselves for their whole life, often our relationship process regarding decision-making can use an upgrade – shall we say quality control? LLCs reminded me recently of the details required to help make contractual agreements work, so the next thought was, what are the operating agreements within our intimate relationships? Our familial relationships? If this topic piques your interest, join me at 5 pm PST for the Know Your Crazy Show as I discuss simple solutions for an out-of-whack operating agreement!

    Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee
    en-usDecember 20, 2023

    What is Your #1 Relationship Weakness?

    What is Your #1 Relationship Weakness?

    Have you come far enough along in your personal awareness journey to truly identify what your biggest relationship weakness is? Here are a few ideas for you: Emotional Withholding, lack of communication, too much communication, judgment, knowing everything, enabling, super doormat, super bulldozer, the fixer, the avoider. Join me on this show to see what I can help you discover about yourself regarding your relationship hang-ups! Prepare for that holiday get-together as we work together to unleash a solution to help with those relationship hiccups.

    Deal With Other People's Crazy

    Deal With Other People's Crazy

    Have you ever felt as if someone else’s crazy was spilling over into your psyche? Did you become confused, almost a – WTF? Am I nuts? Or did they really just do that? And what do you do with the emotions resulting in the aftermath of witnessing or experiencing their crazy? How do you calm down, reflect, and not blow up at them? Or do you? If any of this resonates with you, then please tune in today to the Know Your Crazy Show because I am HOT on this topic today.

    Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee
    en-usDecember 06, 2023

    The Necessity of Deliberate, Difficult, Decisions in Sobriety.

    The Necessity of Deliberate, Difficult, Decisions in Sobriety.

    Falling prey to depression, or the "lull" when you feel aimless in life, can happen to the best of all of us, but what happens when it falls on those of us who are sober? Does a drink or drug sound like a good idea, to enhance our life moment? How does a sober person avoid becoming emotionally stalled and, therefore, intrinsically lifeless? If we want to have a new experience in life, we MUST make a new decision - yet that can sometimes feel overwhelming and pointless. How do we do it? And Why should we do it? Is it time for you to make a new decision? If so, listen in today, as I discuss the power of changing it up, by changing your mind. 

    Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee
    en-usNovember 29, 2023

    The Power of Appreciation in Sobriety

    The Power of Appreciation in Sobriety

    Have you ever felt as if nothing is working for you? Have you lost sight of what is important? Does it take a movie to jolt you back into an authentic appreciation for the tenderness of relationships? If so, then today's show will elevate you into the action of appreciation. The difference between gratitude and appreciation is present vs. the past. In today's show, I will teach the eight aspects of appreciation to help you realign with the joy of life.

    Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee
    en-usNovember 22, 2023



    It’s not unusual to be in recovery and have had a divorce or two or even three! nor is it unusual to have children from an “ex” that you are responsible for. So, divorced, sober, and likely have some co-dependency issues. Do you wonder what to do with all the emotions of single parenting, co-parenting, and step-parenting? Let alone how to be a loving and supportive partner. Maybe your ex is the one with the blended family, and you stand on the sideline judging how they do it? Assuming you think you know the “right” way.


    One of my favorite past sayings was, “Parenting didn’t come with a handbook, but it should have; why did no one tell me about…….” Let alone stepparenting. I was a step-parent before I was a birth parent.

    Then there is the learning how to navigate with your partner. What is mine to parent? What is theirs?


    Watch: https://youtu.be/nhB_0xaSzPc

    Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee
    en-usNovember 01, 2023

    Sober Couple Talk

    Sober Couple Talk

    Couples in recovery share an authentic understanding of addiction and what it can do to them. Couples also have a shared language amongst them, that is unique to their relationship. However, what occurs when the emotions run high? Do they communicate in the same way? Is it all drama? What if dry alcoholism creeps in - what then? 


    In today's show, Susan Denee is joined by her husband Joe, to discuss topics such as the impact of our words with one another in recovery, the relationship patterns/addictions we can fall into, and how to effectively recover from tension that does arrive within the relationship.  

    Encore: Emotional Elevation: Navigating the Roller Coaster Ride of Your Life

    Encore: Emotional Elevation: Navigating the Roller Coaster Ride of Your Life

    Do you know the words, incidents, situations, and kinds of people that will send you over the edge and into an emotional meltdown? How do you stop yourself flying off the handle with your boss, yelling unreasonably at your kids, or losing it completely with your husband to the point of no return? For some of us, these ‘moments of crazy’ can destroy everything we’ve worked for, and for others, it can mean returning to destructive behaviors like substance abuse. 



    Encore: Anything and Everything around Bioidentical Hormones, with Special Guest Dr. Nooshin Darvish

    Encore: Anything and Everything around Bioidentical Hormones, with Special Guest Dr. Nooshin Darvish

    Suddenly, your body isn’t responding or feeling like it used to, did someone switch the lights off? Your body feels like a stranger. You seem to be reliving the college freshman 15, you know, the extra 15 pounds, only it’s the menopause 25. The only thing that has changed is you have aged. The lack of focus makes you feel like you have a sudden case of ADHD. The fatigue makes you question your quality of sleep. Your sudden sweat attack is as uncomfortable as a 100-degree day with no AC in sight! If you are thinking, THAT’S ME! Then please join me for an exciting and educating interview with Dr. Nooshin Darvish, as she provides provocative insight on what you can do to help reduce all of the above!

    How to Negotiate Your Highest Salary with Special Guest Aaron Thweatt.

    How to Negotiate Your Highest Salary with Special Guest Aaron Thweatt.

    "They gave me an offer - "a package"  in writing; I don’t even know they do that now.” These were the exact words of a coaching client of mine. I realized that although it sounds like a great idea to “find yourself” in your mid-forties, maybe even thirties, it’s not as easy as you may think. Learning how the job market operates in 2023, is a lot different than the times when we were knocking on the door, asking to fill out a paper application! Soon after, I was put in touch with Today’s guest, Aaron Thweatt, who is not only an expert in salary negotiation but also a certified high-performance coach helping individuals find their ultimate clarity in life.  

    Top 4 Lessons in Sponsoring Women in Recovery

    Top 4 Lessons in Sponsoring Women in Recovery

    For those of us who get sober in the rooms of recovery, dare I say, AA, NA, MA or the likes, we understand the ultimate goal is to give back what has been given freely to us. It’s the icing on the cake per se. Not everyone “sponsors” – that is the term or the title given to someone who takes another person “under their wing” and helps them find a new way of living so they don’t relapse. It’s this service that glues the recovery programs together. But, many refrain from it because they are scared they will do it wrong, or they suffer from the “perfectionists” attitude. In today’s show, I am going to give 4 tops lessons I learned in sponsoring somewhere between 100- 200 women over a span of 20 years. Now, I do not hold a degree in psychology (yet). This is street smart, common sense, taught lessons from my owns sponsors of the years, and a whole lotta practice that brings these to the forefront. I picked Four, but really there are dozens of lessons I learned . From parenting to marriage to friendship, to awareness of co-dependency habits within myself and others.

    Four Steps to Staying in the Game of Motivation

    Four Steps to Staying in the Game of Motivation

    Has the excitement fizzled out? Did the momentum go from the speed of light to the speed of a turtle? Do you find yourself hopeless regarding your future? Have the expenses become overwhelming? Does the number of "to-do's" feel endless? If so, I'm here to share that there are always tricks to keep our motivation focused on forward momentum so we don't stop. We don't quit. Yes, the dream is still a possibility! Join me today on the Know Your Crazy Show as I discuss four key takeaways that will keep you in the game of motivation. 


    Watch: https://youtu.be/F8kMnwcO_kU

    ADHD or Perimenopause?

    ADHD or Perimenopause?

    All of sudden, the work projects feel overwhelming. What you were going to say vanishes from your brain before you take your next breath. The word "goal" is now a four-letter word, not in a good way. Does any of this resonate with you? ADHD symptoms exasperated during the perimenopause phase of a woman's journey are real - yes, it's another form of our crazy, although not our fault, we get to look at and learn from! 

    Encore: How to Crush Your Sugar Addiction in 3 Easy Steps with Special Guest and Expert Anna Fruehling

    Encore: How to Crush Your Sugar Addiction in 3 Easy Steps with Special Guest and Expert Anna Fruehling

    Have you asked yourself, am I addicted to sugar? Do you truly understand how it impacts your body, specifically your brain? Do you find you can’t stop eating foods that are high in sugar? Do you feel like you are a food addict? Well, if any of that resonates with you, then today’s guest, Anna Fruehling, will be a godsend for you! Join us as we discuss how to RECOVER from sugar addiction. Anna will be sharing a simple 3-step approach to help steer you from active addiction and into a progressive solution!

    Loneliness in Sobriety

    Loneliness in Sobriety

     They say, “You don’t have to change much, just everything.” Saying it and doing it are two different actions. What happens when the social marketing event excludes you, they don’t invite you for “building relationships” after the event because they know you are sober. Or the family gathering is awkward now, not only because you are the only sober one, but because you see a few family members might be playing on your team, if you know what I mean. Loneliness we drank over. Taking the drink to fit in, to take the edge off, but now that the drink is not an option to lubricate the uncomfortableness, what do we do?


    Watch here: https://youtu.be/r_2_R35O9wk


    High-Performance Coaching for People Who Think They Are Too Old

    High-Performance Coaching for People Who Think They Are Too Old

    Do you get tired more often then not these days? Do you feel less enthusiasm than, let’s say your younger years? Did you once have goals and dreams, and since have tossed in the towel and settled? Well, if so, todays show will help you get back on track with the younger, vibrant you!


    Watch here: https://youtu.be/ePr_AhiFzZ8