
    Kris Steinnes

    Voices of Women Fridays at 1pm pt 4pm et.

    Kris Steinnes began her spiritual journey in 1990 when she discovered her mission to bring people together. In 1993 after reading the Feminine Face of God, Kris followed her vision to create a conference to bring women spiritual leaders to Seattle, which is now in its 19th year. In 1998 she founded the non-profit organization, Women of Wisdom Foundation, and has followed her passion to empower women to find their voices and share their stories and gifts. Connected with women leaders such as Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Shinoda Bolen, and Marion Woodman, Kris will bring their important messages to women around the world. Kris is the author of the 1 Amazon best-selling, award winning book Women of Wisdom, Empowering the Dreams and Spirit of Women, sharing women's stories to inspire others to realize their dreams and discover their spiritual journey. Kris's mission is to bring the experience of the Divine Feminine to the world and encourage women to find their voices and share their stories. Kris believes it is time for women to be leaders and bring honor and respect to the feminine. Kris has an online course on the Divine Feminine at www.wisewomanuniversity.org. She created a circle leadership model to direct Women of Wisdom, modeling the feminine principles of inclusivity and the importance of everyones contribution to the process. Kris is a minister, spiritual leader, meditation teacher and healer, and was honored at the Women's Summit Empowerment in 2009.

    Kris is the host of Voices of Women Today Radio show, a powerful hour for women to share their stories, which airs Fridays, 100pm at www.transformationtalk.radio. Also live on WBLQ.net on the East Coast.

    As a minister, spiritual leader and meditation teacher, Kris has a commitment to bring feminine consciousness to the forefront of our collective experience. Her Circle Leadership model, developed as Executive Director of Women of Wisdom, draws on each group member's individual leadership strengths and knowledge to foster community-based decision making. It gives her great pleasure to share with you the inherent gift of women's wisdom that will restore health, peace, and light to our world.

    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Encore: Linda Star Wolf on Soul Whispering

    Encore: Linda Star Wolf on Soul Whispering

    The Art of Awakening Shamanic Consciousness


    Linda Star Wolf  explores how the art of Soul Whispering can help each of us understand why we experience our lives the way we do and shift from healing our wounds to embracing the process of transformation. This is a powerful new synthesis of shamanic healing and psychotherapy.  Detailing the shamanic tools and psychospiritual practices of soul whispering, Star Wolf shares inspiring stories of transformation from her own journeys and work as a shamanic soul whisperer. She explains how soul whispering harnesses the power of the imaginal world to awaken shamanic consciousness, restore resiliency of mind, body, and spirit, and enact transformation at the cellular level.  Sharing the ageless wisdom from her collective shamanic experiences and personal journeywork, Star Wolf will show how soul whispering allows you to break free from your patterns of dysfunction, rekindle a profound soul connection, and shift your story from one of wounding and suffering to one of initiation and vibrancy.

    Encore: Mary Shores on Conscious Communications

    Encore: Mary Shores on Conscious Communications

    Conscious Communications is your guide to creating a life in alignment with your dreams and desires. With thoroughly tested exercises and Mary’s own poignant and relatable stories, you will begin to experience the tremendous impact of words and how to utilize the right words to unlock their power and create your own reality. Whether we realize it or not, the words we use dictate and control our lives. The messages we repeat can frame our thoughts and trap us into a mindset that is difficult to break. It often manifests itself with statements like “I can’t,” and “I’m not good enough.” This is a common mindset, and many times we do not stop to consider the profound impact that these limiting words have on our mentality, life choices, and the path of possibility that we manifest. Mary Shores has been practicing and teaching the Power of Words for over a decade. She pioneered a wildly successful and inno- vative method that teaches individuals to focus on changing their words in order to create their ideal outcomes.

    Encore: Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis on Eqyptian Mysteries

    Encore: Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis on Eqyptian Mysteries

    Hieroglyphs, the medju neter or sacred symbols, were originally used when they first appeared in the pyramid of Unas.  Their knowledge gives us truth and wisdom that is still relevant in today’s world.  Given our new understanding of that ancient and sacred symbolic language, we can create your own cards.  To accept responsibility for becoming an oracle, Nicki and Normandi ask people to make a covenant with Ma’at, both a goddess and the concept of truth, harmony, cosmic order, justice and balance. They will share how an empowerment will awaken sensitivities that are either new or have atrophied in order to expand your intuitive capacities.

    Encore: Sarah Elliston on how to deal with difficult people

    Encore: Sarah Elliston on how to deal with difficult people

    Lessons from a Difficult Person - How to Deal With People Like Us by Sarah Elliston

    The funny thing is that Sarah Elliston never realized she was “a difficult person,” -- someone who harangued people until she got her way, threw snip fits and temper tantrums, talked over her bosses and pointed out what she thought were their misconceptions. In her family, where she felt bullied, the only way she knew how to get someone’s attention and approval was to voice her opinion—and loudly! Without standing her ground, how could she do what she thought was best for herself and everyone else around her? She wasn’t intentionally mean-spirited. She was just trying to do what she thought was RIGHT!


    Until a kind, but firm, boss woke her up! With great compassion, and strength, her boss pointed out that that her actions had consequences. That in being “difficult,” she was not only disrupting the office camaraderie and production, but impeding her own professional advancement.

    That’s the beginning of Sarah’s transformation— when she started on the journey to leave behind the difficult person, and become the woman who teaches others how to deal with difficult people. Sarah “Sam” Elliston is now bringing forth her vital manual on how to awaken the challenging personality, and change both the relationship and the environment with her new book Lessons from a Difficult Person - How to Deal With People Like Us.


    The methods Elliston offers in her book end the trauma and the drama, and minimizes the possibility of confrontation. She gives YOU the ability to take a strong, positive, confident—yet compassionate--stance with the “difficult person”—whether that is a relative, coworker, friend, one of your children or anyone else for that matter.

    Encore: Debbie Goldberg: Communicating with God

    Encore: Debbie Goldberg: Communicating with God

    "Are you ready to listen?”
    Those were the first words I heard God say to me. What
    enfolded over the next 2 years was a relationship with Jesus,
    God and the archangels that accompany all of us daily. In this

    I take you through my own awakening, dialogue with
    Spirit and the healing of all the injured parts of my soul.

    As a career therapist, this journey into Spirit awakened me to a deeper meaning, a healing of emotional hurt that was buried yet alive and present within all my fears and perceived limitations. My journey from stressed-out, career hungry, love starved therapist to the joy and fulfillment I experience today is all chronicled in the volumes of A Divinely Ordered Life, a gift of love from Spirit.
    Everything you need for your life's journey is within you. Allow me to help you find this love within and awaken to a new world. “Are you ready to listen? -God” is the first volume in a series of books that build upon one other and are best read in sequence as you grow in your spiritual journey.

    Encore: The Friendship Pod Affair with Renee Mollan Masters

    Encore: The Friendship Pod Affair with Renee Mollan Masters

    What would the world - and life - be like if your birthplace and ethnicity really didn't matter? Sara Salinger is an average Israeli teen, and her lifestyle is typical of teens around the world. But when she turns fifteen, she spends an amazing - and life-changing - week during the summer with fifteen other high schoolers at a peace camp in the United States. The caveat: half of the campers are native Palestinians and half are Israel citizens. We are supposed to hate each other. This sentiment runs through the minds of each camper. However, Sarah finds true friendship, true community and true love during that extraordinary week. How does she take what she learned and share it with her friends and family back home? Can her thoughts of peace really change her world ... and the world at large? Will her commitment to peace and understanding cost her after the most devastating tragedy possible strikes her? An inspiring story of understanding humanity and finding peace in the midst of calamity, The Friendship Pod will leave you believing that there is hope for a better tomorrow.

    Encore: Powerful Beyond Measure with Cindy Mazzaferro

    Encore: Powerful Beyond Measure with Cindy Mazzaferro

    Claiming your Power Within to Thrive and transform your Life, Health and Happiness


    Understanding that you have this amazing Power Within where all things are possible allows you to be Powerful Beyond Measure. When you connect with your inner-wisdom and higher Source there are no limitations as to what you can accomplish, the level of happiness you experience, or the wealth, success, and your health.

    You might not feel or believe that you are limitless but you are!

    When one understands the personal impact and perception that they took on from their younger years, and how they continue to inter-relate with your current life there is a complete awakening to what has been holding you back for so long.

    Releasing the emotional debris and energetic disharmony within allows one to find sanctuary, alignment, peace, health and happiness. When one is in synchrony with the Universal Flow, amazing, miraculous and powerful events occur in your life on a regular basis. Join us as we explore all that you can do to create the inner and outer positive changes in your life. They are ALL within your grasp. Listen and receive a powerful FREE healing gift (http://www.cynthiamazzaferro.com/hearthomeofhealingmeditation/ ) Check out other services (healing, intuitive, coaching) that Cindy offers that can facilitate your inner-growth, action steps to move forward, and healing within at www.CynthiaMazzaferro.com

    Encore: Neale Donald Walsch and Conversations with God: Awaken the Species

    Encore: Neale Donald Walsch and Conversations with God: Awaken the Species

    Conversations with God Book 4, Awaken the Species

    A New and Unexpected Dialogue!
    In the middle of the night on August 2, 2016, Neale Donald Walsch found himself drawn into a new and totally unexpected dialogue with God in which he suddenly faced two questions:
    • Is the human race being offered help by Highly Evolved Beings from another dimension?
    • Is there a key role that humans are being invited to play in advancing their own evolution by joining in a mutual mission to assist the planet during the critical times ahead?
    He was told that the answer to both questions is yes.

    And thus began the unfolding of the completely new and unexpected addition to Walsh's world-changing Conversations with God. That Trilogy ignited a new level of understanding, awakening and spiritual evolution for millions around the globe. Walsch never anticipated there would be more to his seminal work, until that August night in 2016.

    Now encompassed in Conversations with God, Book 4: Awaken the Species (Rainbow Ridge, March 27, 2017), readers will discover 16 specific examples of how Highly Evolved Beings respond to life differently than humans do-and how adopting even a few of those behaviors could change the course of world history for the better forever.

    Coming at a time when humanity is facing especially challenging times and an uncertain future, Conversations with Go, Book 4: Awaken the Species shows us that we can raise our consciousness to a new level of creation and action that provides individual and collective hope for mankind and the planet.

    In Conversations with God, Book 4: Awaken the Species Walsh brings forth these 16 contrasts between how we live and how an awakened Highly Evolved Being would act. And then he further goes on to cite the 7 Tools of Integration.


    A striking invitation to every reader sets the stage for the extraordinary explorations that follow. Picking up where Book 3 in the Conversations with God Trilogy series left off, the revelations about Highly Evolved Beings and about how ordinary humans can answer the call to help awaken the species on Earth, will breathtakingly expand your view of both your personal and your collective future.

    Encore: HeatherAsh Amara on Becoming a Goddess Warrior

    Encore: HeatherAsh Amara on Becoming a Goddess Warrior

    It's no secret that women today are juggling a lot. We now make up more than half the workforce in the United States and are busier than ever with partners, children, family, and friends, often putting the needs of others ahead of our own. And if we feel overwhelmed by it all or fall short of perfection, many of us have learned to be our own worst critic rather than our own best friend.

    Encore: Danielle Rama Hoffman on The Tablets of Light, Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness

    Encore: Danielle Rama Hoffman on The Tablets of Light, Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness

    Channeled Teachings to Activate Hidden Keys to Conscious Evolution Within Your Soul

    Within each of us resides a diamond light seed of Divine consciousness, waiting to be activated. Transmitted to Danielle Rama Hoffman by Thoth, keeper of the Akashic Records and member of the Council of Light, the teachings of the Emerald Tablets of Light enable each of us to reactivate the Divine consciousness that inhabits our souls and transition from separation consciousness into unity consciousness.

    Engaging you in a multidimensional conversation directly with Thoth, each tablet transmission in this book includes embedded light codes of high vibrational energy and consciousness, which activate hidden keys to conscious evolution within your soul. Offering the opportunity to leave behind and evolve outdated ways of being, such as acting from fear, being restrained by self-consciousness, and hiding your brilliance, the teachings of the Tablets of Light enable you to awaken oracular vision, re-establish quantum consciousness, become vibrationally autonomous, and activate your Divine Light Body.

    Penney Peirce: Transparency, Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity

    Penney Peirce: Transparency, Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity

    Transparency: Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity is the next book in Penney Peirce’s award-winning, visionary series of guidebooks on personal and societal transformation. When you’re transparent, there is great power in being seen for all of who you are. Secrets, lies, and hiding are no longer functional. Honesty, simplicity, and true humility produce genius. And, when you’re transparent, you are empowered to see through situations that blind and confuse others. You have X-ray vision. Clarity in yourself equates to clarity everywhere.

                We need to understand how we’ve come to live in an “opaque reality” created by collective beliefs based on fear. In the opaque reality we forget our connection to each other, our soul, and the divine—and feel isolated and stuck. We suffer. To become transparent we must dissolve the “clutter” that’s in the way of our natural, frictionless state, which always exists underneath the commotion. It’s about remembering the truth of a more enlightened way of living, and returning to it.

                Transparency functions horizontally in the physical world, and in these end times of the Information Age, that’s mainly about fluidity and freedom of information in business and government. As we shift into the Intuition Age, transparency also functions vertically between the physical and nonphysical worlds—and today, the frequencies of the two realms interpenetrate more fully than ever before.

    Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing with Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos

    Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing with Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos

     3-Time Breast Cancer Survivor and Multi-award-winning and Best-Selling Author Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos shares how Dreams Guide and Save Lives. 


    Profound and terrifying, yet humorous and uplifting, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing explores a life-and-death battle with breast cancer diagnosed through dreams, whose power helped save the author’s life via their crucial insights.


    In her healing process, Kat used intuition and dreams to self-advocate a course of treatment, “often against the vehement advice of my doctors.”  She always worked with physicians, but never forgot to self-advocate and make the final decisions. Kat says, “Believe but validate. The truth behind your dreams will be made available to you. Watch and listen.” She hopes her story can help others make better decisions in life. She uses Dreams to keep herself healthy, happy and financially secure to this day.

    Waking up in 5D with Maureen St. Germain

    Waking up in 5D with Maureen St. Germain

    Maureen’s newest book Waking Up In 5D provides tools and teachings to guide you in the transition from the polarized mindset of the 3rd dimension to the joy and love of 5th dimensional vibrations. It explains how to recognize the 5D experiences you’ve already had, identify the differences between 3D linear thinking and 5D multidimensional thinking, and turn 3D viewpoints around to expand your perception of what is possible. It includes exercises to protect your energies, especially while sleeping, and Sacred Geometry meditations to open yourself to higher frequencies. It reveals how to develop a Higher Self connection, increase your sensitivity to dimensional signatures, and consciously choose 5D, where love is the governing force. We are all transitioning from the narrowly-focused and polarized awareness of the Third Dimension and waking up to the higher vibrations and abilities of the Fifth Dimension. Each of us has already experienced 5D: Think about your most memorable and uplifting experiences of the recent past--where everything went well, interactions were harmonious and loving, and all felt blissful and happy--that’s 5D. In this ascension manual, spiritual teacher Maureen J. St. Germain explains how to shift your energetic patterns and choose to permanently anchor yourself in the joy, love, and kindness of 5D.

    Encore: The Five Elements with Dondi Dahlin

    Encore: The Five Elements with Dondi Dahlin

    Understand yourself and enhance your relationships with the wisdom of the world's oldest personality type system.


    Everyone seems to wajt to know themselves better, and there are countless personality systemsto help- online personality quizzes, relationship compatibiity tests, Myers-Briggs, astrology, to name a few. but one of the oldest in existence has started making a comback: the five elements.


    Originating in China 2,000 years ago, the five elements stems from sholars who theorized the universe is composed of five forces: water, wood, fire, earth and metal.  Dondi Dahlin brings us a clear-cut, fascinating and fun guide on this ancient method for self-undersanding. 


    With The Five Elements anyone can discover if their primary and secondary elements are water, wood, fire, earth or metal.  Explore which elements are most compatible with other elements, how to best to reaise children based on your and their elements and how to best grow as a person depending on which main elements compose your personality.


    Dondi show how this timeless personality systme can help us stay in balance physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. 

    Acharya Shunya on Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom

    Acharya Shunya on Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom

    A Complete Prescription to Optimize Your Health, Prevent Disease, and Live with Vitality and Joy


    Ayurveda is founded on the belief that true health is everyone’s birthright— and that each of us is a self-healing entity who can use nature’s abundance to restore and renew ourselves . Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom is a breakthrough book for yoga practitioners, spiritual seekers, and anyone ready to learn a “doable” approach to this time-tested art and science of health and well-being . Internationally renowned for her ability to make Ayurveda accessible and practical for Western audiences, Acharya Shunya presents a narrative-based guidebook that meticulously covers the how-to’s of morning and evening self-care, daily contemplations, self-massage and skin care, cooking (including recipes), beauty rituals, and more .


    “To rid ourselves of the suffering that afflicts the body, mind, and soul, what we need is an affirmative knowledge of life and how to live it in align- ment with nature,” writes Acharya Shunya . Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom opens the gates to this profound knowledge.

    Karen Owen-Lee on How To Care For An Aging Parent

    Karen Owen-Lee on How To Care For An Aging Parent

    The Caring Code” offers a systematic approach to lead Baby Boomers through the fear and anxiety of dealing with an aging parent to confidence in making the right placement decisions, and is an excellent guide for families, employees, and caregivers in general. Owen-Lee adds “It is never too early to start the preparation process, as this transition can arrive slowly or with critical urgency, so I urge those with aging loved ones to get this important information before the situation becomes too overwhelming.”
    Each day in America nearly 10,000 people are reaching the age of 65. In “The Caring Code” Owen-Lee provides engages Baby Boomers in a vital discussion of the issues facing seniors and how a loved one can help, including:

    Navigating Financial and Legal Issues
    Locating Dependable, Professional Help
    How to Prepare for Difficult Conversations
    Options for Keeping a Loved One Home
    Strategies for Choosing Quality Senior Housing

    Deirdre Hade and William Arntz: The (not so) Little book of Surprises

    Deirdre Hade and William Arntz: The (not so) Little book of Surprises

    Where Science and Spirituality Meet

    The Mystic and the Physicist

    M + P = S²

    Science and Spirit.  Logic and Paradox. Left brain/Right brain. Two branches of human inquiry into the Nature of Reality. Two paths of understanding ourselves and the world we inhabit. Will they ever merge??? They say opposites attract…..


    Take a mystical journey into the beauty and awe of life - a visual and poetic trip to the unexpected and whimsical!  

    Deirdre Hade is a mystical visionary and the founder of The Radiance Journey. Together with her husband and collaborator, William Arntz, the creator and producer of the film classic What the BLEEP do We Know?!, and award-winning photographer Endre Balogh, Deirdre is the author of the new sumptuous and whimsically inspiring coffee table book The (not so) Little Book of Surprises.



    Woman Most Wild with Danielle Dulsky

    Woman Most Wild with Danielle Dulsky

    Artist, yoga teacher, fully-outed witch, and author of "Woman Most Wild: Three Keys to Liberating the Witch Within" (now available from New World Library), Danielle Dulsky debunks old assumptions about witches being “bad” or “evil” and reveals the true nature of witchcraft: an ancient spiritual path that rejects religious dogma in favor of female empowerment and reverence for the Earth. Regardless of gender, we are invited to listen for and tune in to the wild woman spirituality drumming underneath our feet.

    You Are Not Broken with Rhonda Harris-Choudhry

    You Are Not Broken with Rhonda Harris-Choudhry

    How to Retrain Your Brain, Clean up Your Energy and Use Emotional Shapeshifting to Raise Your Vibration and Manifest Your Desires With Special Attention to Empaths and Other Highly Sensitive People.


    Are you a magically gifted person such as a healer, psychic and or empath that helps others to radically change their lives for the better but find your own life lacking no matter how hard you try to fix it? You Are Not Broken was written to help you manifest the life you desire by first recognizing that you are not the broken one but your intention manifestation and/or law of attraction system is. The system you are using may be generalized and doesn’t take into consideration the special needs of empaths and highly sensitive people nor teach you how to first remove the toxic energy debris from your system that may be anchoring you so that you can’t move forward or how to change your subconscious behaviorism to create real change. This book is especially helpful for spiritual workers and healers who provide so much service to the world but find their own lives in chaos or just can’t seem to get for themselves what they so generously provide for others. You are not broken so let’s get started bringing positive change into your life.

    Debbie Goldberg: Communicating with God

    Debbie Goldberg: Communicating with God

    "Are you ready to listen?”
    Those were the first words I heard God say to me. What
    enfolded over the next 2 years was a relationship with Jesus,
    God and the archangels that accompany all of us daily. In this

    I take you through my own awakening, dialogue with
    Spirit and the healing of all the injured parts of my soul.

    As a career therapist, this journey into Spirit awakened me to a deeper meaning, a healing of emotional hurt that was buried yet alive and present within all my fears and perceived limitations. My journey from stressed-out, career hungry, love starved therapist to the joy and fulfillment I experience today is all chronicled in the volumes of A Divinely Ordered Life, a gift of love from Spirit.
    Everything you need for your life's journey is within you. Allow me to help you find this love within and awaken to a new world. “Are you ready to listen? -God” is the first volume in a series of books that build upon one other and are best read in sequence as you grow in your spiritual journey.