
    Lady Lawyer League

    A league of lady lawyers empowering women to be legal savvy. Knowing your rights and how to navigate the law isn’t easy to do on your own, which is why the lady lawyer league is here to help. Hosted by Tracy Hightower-Henne and Susan Reff, who lead as partners of the law firm Hightower/Reff Law in Omaha, NE, and are supported by an incredible team of attorneys who are here to help you through life's most challenging times.
    enTracy Hightower-Henne74 Episodes

    Episodes (74)

    Sexual Assault Awareness

    Sexual Assault Awareness

    What are common misconceptions about sexual assault? What does sexual assault really look like? What can you do when you have been assaulted or know someone who has experienced sexual assault? As April is Sexual Assault Awareness month, this episode of the Lady Lawyer League podcasts focuses on signs of, preventive measures for, and proper responses to sexual assault. We hear from Tia Manning and Nick Zadina who work with victims of sexual assault; they share their experiences and expertise on a topic that, unfortunately, is clouded with misconception.

    Women’s Fund website: ​​https://www.omahawomensfund.org facebook - https://www.facebook.com/omahawomensfund

    Nebraska Coalition website: https://www.nebraskacoalition.org

    Find them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nebraskacoalitiontoend/ 

    Sexual Assault Help: https://sexualassaulthelp.org

    National Sexual Violence Resource Center: https://www.nsvrc.org

    Trust Accounts

    Trust Accounts

    What is a trust account and how exactly do they work? There a number of important aspects to consider when it comes to trust accounts, as they can protect you and your assets in so many different ways.  Tracy and Susan break down trust accounts in this podcast - what they are, how to use them, and how they benefit you. 

    Learn more about trust accounts with our team at Hightower/Reff Law at www.hrlawomaha.com

    Going To law School

    Going To law School

    What is law school really like? What is the perception of law school compared to the reality of law school? This episode focuses on what you can expect as a first, second-, and third-year law student. Susan sits down with two current Creighton law students, Allison and Amit, as they discuss expectations as a law student, workload, and Quimby! This episode dives into what you can expect from the bar exam, what kinds of questions professors like to ask, and how the current pandemic has affected law firms and law students.

    Learn more about the attorneys at Hightower/Reff Law and how they can help you at www.hrlawomaha.com! 

    What is a Law Clerk?

    What is a Law Clerk?

    What is a law clerk and what kind of benefits can you find working as a law clerk? This episode dives into law clerk certification, “big law,” traditional students compared to non-traditional students, and how to find a balance between working at a law firm and your personal life.

    Susan is joined by two current Hightower Reff Law law clerks, Allison and Amit, who share their experiences joining the HRL team and all the perks that go along with being a law clerk at Hightower Reff Law along with the struggles they’ve encountered.

    Contact the Lady Lawyer League for legal services today at www.hrlawomaha.com

    Name Changes in Marriage and Divorce

    Name Changes in Marriage and Divorce

    Have you ever wondered why we change our last names when we get married? Or what happens if we get divorced? The Lady Lawyer League breaks down the history of name changes and the legal process for keeping or changing your name after a divorce. 

    For legal counsel and additional questions the Lady Lawyer League is always happy to talk with you at Hightower/Reff Law! Contact us at www.hrlawomaha.com! 

    Lady Lawyer League
    enMarch 29, 2022

    What To Do If You're In Jail

    What To Do If You're In Jail

    So, you’ve been arrested and now you’re sitting in jail. What next? This episode features an in-depth discussion about how far your constitutional rights go when you’re sitting behind bars, what to remember after you’ve been “booked,” and debunking common myths about what you can and can’t do throughout the booking process and exactly how bonds work!

    Talk to one of our associates at Hightower/Reff Law today at www.hrlawomaha.com! 

    Meet Tara Wrighton

    Meet Tara Wrighton

    This episode features a profile on one of Hightower Reff Law’s own associate attorneys, Tara Wrighton. Tara has been with Hightower Reff Law for over three years and recently just returned from maternity leave! In this episode, she discusses how she came to work in the profession, the exciting experiences she’s gained over the years working in law, and how she recently participated in a magic show!

    Divorce & Mortgages

    Divorce & Mortgages

    This episode of the Lady Lawyer League podcast features Brent Rasmussen from Mortgage Specialists, LLC. Brent provides insight into mortgages as they relate to divorce as well as the importance and value of education in the mortgage world.

    If you need counsel for your divorce or separation, speak with an attorney at Hightower/Reff Law today at www.hrlawomaha.com! 

    Watch the Mortgage Specialists Youtube Channel Divorce Loan Playlist

    Learn more about: 

    Hiring a Divorce Mortgage Specialist

    Your Escrow Account and Divorce

    Divorce Support: Helping a Friend Through Their Divorce

    Assembling Your Divorce Team

    Divorce Loans - Why Wait?

    Divorce Financial Neutral

    Refinancing During a Divorce

    Home Ownership After Divorce

    Divorce Loans: Making the Transition

    Step Parent Adoption

    Step Parent Adoption

    Step-Parent adoption can be an expensive and tricky legal process to follow. How can you ensure that you know what you need to know before you even start? That’s where this edition of the Lady Lawyer League Podcast comes in. In this episode we cover what happens in the courtroom during a step-parent adoption, plus what and when abandonment can help you in your case.

    If you need help with the adoption process, or other legal challenges you're facing, contact Hightower/Reff Law today at www.hrlawomaha.com!

    Pro Bono For The Public Good

    Pro Bono For The Public Good

    What is Pro Bono? Why is Pro Bono work so important to our community? Tracy Hightower-Henne and Deanna Pina are joined by Megan Moslander, who is the Chief of Development/External Relations for Legal Aid of Nebraska.  The lady lawyers talk about why their pro bono work is vital to our legal system and each of our individual rights. 

    Learn more about Hightower/Reff Law's pro bono work at www.hrlawomaha.com, and find helpful resources about pro bono work in the Omaha community here: 

    Legal Aid of Nebraska

    I Be Black Girl

    Planned Parenthood

    Pesek Free Legal Clinic

    Volunteer Lawyers Project

    Heartland Family Service

    Tenant Assistance Project

    Divorce Mediation

    Divorce Mediation

    Divorce Mediation can be an unfamiliar process, so what exactly is it? In this week's episode we learn about what happens in a parenting plan divorce mediation and what happens if a plan cannot be created. The lady lawyer league of Hightower/Reff Law answers your questions about Divorce Mediation with special guest Kelly Gering, who is a Nebraska Divorvce Mediator here to help!

    Learn more about your rights and how the team at Hightower/Reff Law can help you today at www.hrlawomaha.com! 



    We dive deep into the Golden Globe nominated Netflix miniseries Maid to discuss its portrayal of real-life abusive relationships, the struggles of overcoming abuse, and the uphill legal battle victims face with Katie Welsh - Legal Director of the WCA. Plus, of course, we offer our takes on the Netflix series (SPOILER ALERT!). 

    Learn more about the work of the Women's Center For Advancement HERE

    What Is The Women's Center For Advancement?

    What Is The Women's Center For Advancement?

    Domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, mental and physical abuse, and human trafficking are all serious crimes in their own regards, but people often fail to remember the victims. We learn about the struggles that victims of these crimes face and the resources and help that is provided by the Women’s Center for Advancement of Omaha with special guest Katie Welsh.

    Learn more about the Women's Center For Advancement in Omaha HERE!

    Contact Katie Welsh directly for more information HERE!

    Talk to one of our attorneys at Hightower/Reff Law for legal counsel at www.hrlawomaha.com

    Stalking Laws in Nebraska

    Stalking Laws in Nebraska

    What are the stalking laws in Nebraska? Stalking laws can very state to state and, even with stalking laws in place, you may be surprised to learn just how little they can actually be enforced.  Stalking is not something to dismiss or belittle as it can lead to some tragic scenarios. 

    Learn about the stalking laws Nebraska has in place to protect us, what you need to know about stalking in the first place, and how we can use existing laws to keep ourselves safe. 

    Contact Hightower/Reff Law's attorneys today at www.hrlawomaha.com


    Making Equal Justice Happen

    Making Equal Justice Happen

    Legal Aid doesn’t get enough credit for the impact it has on ​our​communities.  From free legal clinics to assistance in rural communities, the reach of Legal Aid across our country is incredible. Join us as we talk with Megan Moslander of Legal Aid of Nebraska, to learn about everything the lawyers in red do and how to help the people and communities who need them most.

    Legal Aid of Nebraska Website

    Donate & Support 

    How to Get Involved

    Call for Help

    What Happens If You Die Without A Will?

    What Happens If You Die Without A Will?

    Having a will prepared and in place is something that too many of us delay or put off completely, but a will is one of the most important things you need to do for your family.  In this episode, we discuss what happens when you die without a will - the legal consequences and challenges families face without a will in place.

    Contact Hightower/Reff Law to set up your will today!

    Abortion and the Law: The Fate of Roe v. Wade (part 2)

    Abortion and the Law: The Fate of Roe v. Wade (part 2)

    What is the fate of Roe v Wade and what are the implications for women across the United States? Susan and Tracy are joined by Andi Curry Grubb, the state executive director of Nebraska Planned Parenthood, North Central States, to talk about what is at stake, what the Supreme Court decision could mean for women, and what we can do about it in our own state. 

    Donate to Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska (C4 organization, not tax deductible)

    Donate to PP North Central States (C3 organization, tax deductible)

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    Abortion and the Law: A Brief History (part 1)

    Abortion and the Law: A Brief History (part 1)

    Abortion rights have been under attack since the passage of Roe V Wade, but in order for us to understand where the law is headed we must first learn about the history already made. On this podcast we learn about Abortion Laws, attacks on abortion rights, and a brief history of how we got to where we are today as Tracy and Susan are joined by Andi Curry GrubbState Executive Director - Nebraska, Planned Parenthood North Central States

    Donate to Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska (C4 organization, not tax deductible) - 

    Donate to PP North Central States (C3 organization, tax deductible)

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    Find Your Senator (find all the senators!)

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