
    Landi's Taiwan Diaries

    How a traveler from South Africa finally settled in Taiwan. And what he has seen and experienced over the past 30 years. 一個來自南非的旅人最後如何落腳台灣,以及過去近三十年內他在台灣的所見所聞。 英文發音。英文/中文文字介紹。每週三更新。 Give me feedback: clandi.tw@gmail.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
    en65 Episodes

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    Episodes (65)

    Ep65 The Christmas and New Year Episode

    Ep65 The Christmas and New Year Episode
    (後有中文介紹) In this episode we are talking about things that happened over the Christmas period and some other things that will happen during the New Year period. Also there is an announcement so make sure you listen to the end! 這一集我們將聊聊耶誕節期間發生的一些事,以及新年時將會發生的事。這一集裡我們也要宣佈一件事,別錯過這一集且聽到最後喔! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep64 A Few Stories for the Festive Season

    Ep64 A Few Stories for the Festive Season
    (後有中文介紹) After so many hot days that make you forget it’s already December, we are finally welcoming a winter vibe in Taiwan. Today I am going to tell you some interesting festive season stories. Do you know why Christmas hats upset some people in Taiwan? And do you know why Taiwan drivers have room for improvement? I hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know what you think! 經歷了好一陣子不像冬天的冬天之後,最近我們終於迎來一些低溫的天氣啦。今天的podcast中我要跟你們分享一些有趣的佳節故事(?)你知道為什麼聖誕帽在台灣惹毛了一些人嗎?以及,想聽聽為什麼有些台灣駕駛人仍有改善空間嗎?別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep63 New Election Reaction & My Hospital Adventure

    Ep63 New Election Reaction & My Hospital Adventure
    (後有中文介紹) It’s a news episode again. We discuss the surprising election results which might not be all that surprising. I also share my experience of staying in a Taiwan hospital and compare it with hospitals in South Africa. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know what you think! 又到了新聞漫談時間。在這一集裡我們會跟大家討論上周剛結束的台灣選舉結果。雖然結果出乎意料,但說不定也沒有那麼出乎意料。另外,最近我住院了,所以我也想跟大家小小聊一下我的住院經驗。別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep62 Wedding and Funeral Rituals in Taiwan and my experiences

    Ep62 Wedding and Funeral Rituals in Taiwan and my experiences
    (後有中文介紹) Since the Covid situation is coming to an end, we can see all kinds of activities gradually coming back. So we thought, why don’t we tell you about some differences between western and Taiwanese wedding and funeral rituals! For example, did you know, just by having a banquet, a couple in Taiwan is considered married. And during the funeral, the family wears white, not black clothing. I’ll also tell you a special wedding experience of mine! Don’t miss this episode. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know what you think! 隨著COVID新冠肺炎的情況逐漸平緩,最近我們可以看到有越來越多的各式活動聚會復甦了。所以我們突然想到,不然來跟大家聊聊台灣跟西方在婚禮及喪禮方面的不同吧!例如,你知道在台灣,大家花最多心思的是婚宴而非登記嗎?以及,你知道台灣葬禮要穿的服裝嗎?這一集裡,我也會分享一個有趣的婚禮經驗!別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep61 (News) First woman to be Best Actor, Hu Jintao’s mysterious exit, and some discharged soldiers

    Ep61 (News) First woman to be Best Actor, Hu Jintao’s mysterious exit, and some discharged soldiers
    (後有中文介紹) It’s a news episode again. Our topics range from art to politics to the military today. First it’s about how a woman actor is crowned as Best Actor in Taiwan’s Golden Bell Awards. We will also talk about China’s former leader Hu Jintao’s mysterious exit and what Taiwan people feel about that. Also, do you want to know what happened to some soldiers who were discharged and my opinion on that? Don’t miss this episode. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know what you think! 又到了新聞漫談時間。這一集裡我的主題涵蓋了藝術、政治以及軍事。首先是關於一位得到金鐘獎最佳男主角的女演員。我們也會聊聊前中國共產黨總書記胡錦濤在20大閉幕會上被架離場的新聞以及台灣人們的觀點。另外,想知道最近發生的軍人被解職事件以及我對這件事的看法嗎?別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep60 (News) Find out why some politicians are nervous about their masters or phd thesis

    Ep60 (News)  Find out why some politicians are nervous about their masters or phd thesis
    (後有中文介紹) It’s a news episode again. We are going to talk about the elections in November and some scandals associated with those. Also find out why the Taiwan military will not buy any more Tesla cars. Don’t miss this episode. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know what you think! 又到了新聞漫談時間。這一集我們將聊聊今年十一月即將發生的選舉,以及一些相關的醜聞。另外,想知道為什麼特斯拉又搞了什麼事跟台灣有關嗎?別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep59 My Strange Dates in Taiwan 我在台灣的各種奇怪約會

    Ep59 My Strange Dates in Taiwan 我在台灣的各種奇怪約會
    (後有中文介紹) After so many episodes, some listeners wrote to me and ask about my dating experiences. Usually I don’t share my personal life but it does remind me of some interesting dating stories I had in Taiwan. Want to know how a beautiful butterfly scenic spot turned into a nightmare? And what happened to the lady that went to the lady’s room for more than 45 minutes? We like this episode and we are sure you will like it too. Don’t miss it and feel free to let me know what you think! 在做了這麼多集的podcast之後,有些聽眾寫信進來說想聽聽我在台灣的約會經驗。通常我是不分享這類比較隱私的事情,但,我的確想起來一些真的很奇妙的約會經驗。想聽聽一個美麗、充滿蝴蝶的約會景點為什麼會變成一場惡夢嗎?想知道那位去洗手間去了45分鐘的女生的故事嗎?我們非常喜歡這一集,相信你們也會喜歡!別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep58 (News) Queen Elizabeth II and earthquake 女王與地震

    Ep58 (News) Queen Elizabeth II and earthquake 女王與地震
    (後有中文介紹) It’s a news episode again. First, we all mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II and give King Charles our best wishes. By the funeral this Monday we also discovered some political arrangement which I will share in this episode. Meanwhile, this past weekend Taiwan experienced another big earthquake that brings back my memories from the 921 earthquake that hit Taiwan 23 years ago. I will also share how I survived that night. Don’t miss this episode. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know what you think! 又到了新聞漫談時間。首先,我們跟全世界一同哀悼英國伊莉莎白女王的逝世,也在此對查爾斯國王送上我們的祝福。在這週一的女王葬禮上,我們也將聊聊我們從這場葬禮發現的一些政治安排。此外,上週末台灣又經歷了一次大地震,讓我想起23年前的921大地震。在這一集中我也將聊聊我是如何度過921大地震那一晚。別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep57 A Talk with a Covid survivor about her experience in Taiwan

    Ep57 A Talk with a Covid survivor about her experience in Taiwan
    (後有中文介紹) In this episode I’m happy to talk to someone who has just defeated the Covid virus, who is also our producer, Wallis! I know that Covid is already like an old chapter for listeners not in Taiwan, but here in Taiwan it’s still front page news and people here still pay attention to it. Since Wallis has just been through the whole process, we thought why don’t we make an episode to share her experience. We also shared how we feel about this virus now. We like this episode and I’m sure you will like it too. Don’t miss it! 這集很開心可以跟一位已經康復的新冠病毒確診者聊聊,他同時也是我們的製作人Wallis!我知道新冠病毒對於我們的海外聽眾來說已經是過去式了,但在台灣,疫情還是每天的新聞頭條,依舊是大家的關注焦點。既然Wallis剛經歷了一次確診,我們想說剛好可以在這一集中跟大家分享他的經驗。我們也聊到了我們對這個病毒的看法。我們非常喜歡這一集,相信你們一定也會喜歡。別錯過! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep56 (News) How Taiwan people are reacting to China’s missiles following Pelosi’s visit 台灣人對南希·佩洛西訪台及森七七的中國的飛彈的反應

    Ep56 (News) How Taiwan people are reacting to China’s missiles following Pelosi’s visit 台灣人對南希·佩洛西訪台及森七七的中國的飛彈的反應
    (後有中文介紹) It’s a news episode again. Remember two episodes ago I shared with you the possibility of Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan? Now we all know that she had done it and the whole world did pay a lot of attention, including China who fired some missiles following the visit. In this episode I will let you know how the Taiwan people are reacting to all this! Don’t miss these and many other stories. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know what you think! 又到了新聞漫談時間。還記得兩集之前我跟你們聊過美國眾議院議長南希·佩洛西可能訪台?現在大家都知道後來南希·佩洛西的確訪問台灣了,且引起全世界的關注,當然也包括了超級森七七所以事後發射了很多飛彈的中國。這一集中,我將跟你們聊聊台灣人實際上是如何面對這一切的!別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep54 (News) Find Out Why Taipei is in a lifestyle magazine

    Ep54 (News) Find Out Why Taipei is in a lifestyle magazine
    (後有中文介紹) It’s a news episode again. Find out why Taipei is mentioned in a British lifestyle magazine. And are we going to see a no-fly zone over Taiwan? I’ll also tell you about a funny conversation which took place during Taiwan’s covid19 news conference! Don’t miss these and many other stories. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know what you think! 又到了新聞漫談時間。來聽聽為什麼台灣會被一本英國的生活雜誌報導了?以及,台灣上空接下來會變成非飛行區嗎?!我也會跟你們分享在台灣每天的covid19記者會上,記者們的滑稽問題!別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep53 A Talk with Peter du Plessis , a Crossfit Box Owner in Taiwan

    Ep53 A Talk with Peter du Plessis , a Crossfit Box Owner in Taiwan
    (後有中文介紹) In this episode I’m happy to talk to my friend Peter, a Crossfit box owner. As people become more aware of health issues, gyms are popular everywhere in the world. But have you heard about CrossFit? What’s the difference between CrossFit boxes and the gyms we are familiar with? Peter will let us know in this episode. We are also going to talk about his Taiwan experience, from the reason he came to Taiwan, to what keeps him here and to build a life. This is a fun episode and I’m sure you will like it. Don’t miss it! If you’re interested in “Hongtai CrossFit”: https://hongtaicrossfit.com/ *Background Noise Alert* This episode was recorded at Hongtai CrossFit so there is an ambience sound.

    Ep52 A Behind The Scene's Talk with our producer Wallis Yu

    Ep52 A Behind The Scene's Talk with our producer Wallis Yu
    (後有中文介紹) After one year and 52 episodes, I have a very special guest, Wallis the producer of this podcast. In this episode we would like to share with you some information of how our podcast started and developed. We interview each other and you’ll hear some interesting facts that you haven’t heard before. Don’t miss this episode. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think! 在經歷了一年以及紮紮實實的52集podcast之後,這集我邀請到一個非常的特別的來賓,也就是我們這個podcast 的製作人 Wallis!在這一集裡我們將跟大家分享這個podcast的起源跟中間的故事。你會聽到我們互相訪問對方,挖出一些你之前不知道的有趣的資訊。別錯過這一集了!希望你們喜歡也歡迎跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay
    Landi's Taiwan Diaries
    enJune 29, 2022

    Ep51 Taiwanese are a little spoiled but they don't know it 台灣人不知道他們其實被寵壞了

    Ep51 Taiwanese are a little spoiled but they don't know it 台灣人不知道他們其實被寵壞了
    (後有中文介紹) After sharing so many things about Taiwan in this episode I’m going to tell you how Taiwanese are a little spoiled…alright I’m just kidding! But Taiwan people actually are privileged to have a convenient lifestyle. How’s that? Don’t miss this episode! I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think! 在聊過許多關於台灣的話題後,這一集裡面我想要跟你們聊聊台灣人是如何地被寵壞…. 好啦我只是開玩笑的!不過,台灣人確實是有著很方便的生活喔。別錯過這一集了!希望你們喜歡也歡迎跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep50 A Special Talk with Lee Mooney, an American podcaster who had been in Taiwan for almost 30 years

    Ep50 A Special Talk with Lee Mooney, an American podcaster who had been in Taiwan for almost 30 years
    (後有中文介紹) In our milestone 50th episode I’m happy to talk to my old friend Lee, an American podcaster, who was also my coworker for many years after I came to Taiwan. I always feel lucky to have known Lee when he was in Taiwan but you know what, Taiwan was not Lee’s first choice when he was choosing which Asia country to go to. Why? We will also talk about the difference between Taiwan’s now and then and Lee gives me a philosophical answer. This is a fun episode and I’m sure you will like it. Don’t miss it! If you’re interested in “The Mainstreet Podcast” by Lee: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/the-mainstreet-podcast/id1551547841?l=en 這一集裡我們很開心可以邀請到我的多年好友 Lee!Lee來自美國,目前是位podcaster,他也是我在剛來到台灣時多年的同事。我一直都覺得自己很幸運能在台灣認識 Lee,不過你知道嗎,其實當年台灣並不是Lee第一個想來的國家,為什麼呢?我們也會聊聊以前的台灣跟現在的台灣的不同,Lee也給了我一個非常哲學的答案。這一集非常有趣,你們一定會喜歡。別錯過! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep49 (News) Why will the new Top Gun movie make China angry? 最新的捍衛戰士電影也辱華了嗎?

    Ep49 (News) Why will the new Top Gun movie make China angry? 最新的捍衛戰士電影也辱華了嗎?
    (後有中文介紹) It’s a news episode again. We are going to share a few interesting news items with you, including why the new Top Gun movie will make China angry. Also find out about a wheelchair racing down a Taichung street, and also a few political notes. Don’t miss this one. And let me know what you think! 又到了新聞漫談時間。這一集要跟大家分享幾則有趣的新聞,包括最新的捍衛戰士系列電影為什麼又會讓中國不開心了?同時也會跟大家分享一個大馬路上輪椅賽車的新聞,還有幾則政治相關消息。別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep48 People who are actually from Taiwan

    Ep48 People who are actually from Taiwan
    (後有中文介紹) After talking about Taiwan and sharing interesting facts about Taiwan for almost a year, I suddenly realised I haven’t introduced you to some of the people you may or may not know who are actually from Taiwan! Taiwan is a small island but we still have some talent and we are so proud of them! So in this episode I will introduce you to some Taiwan art geniuses in the movie and fashion industry, some world no. 1 sport stars and some Taiwanese tycoons who can actually turn the world upside down. Don’t miss this episode! I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think! 在聊了台灣也分享過各種跟台灣有關的有趣話題將近一年之後,我突然發現都還沒跟你們介紹過一些其實是來自台灣的傑出人士呢!有些人你們可能已經知道,但有些人你們其實不知道他們也是來自台灣。台灣雖然是個小小島國,但我們還是精銳盡出喔!他們是台灣人們的驕傲!所以,在這一集裡我將介紹他們,有些人是在電影或時尚產業中的藝術鬼才,有些人是世界第一的運動明星,也有一些是能呼風喚雨、反轉世界的大亨喔。別錯過這一集了!希望你們喜歡也歡迎跟我分享你的想法 *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep47 (News) Some thoughts on California church shooting and other stuff

    Ep47 (News) Some thoughts on California church shooting and other stuff
    (後有中文介紹) It’s a news episode again. In this episode I will first talk about the sad news from Laguna Woods church shooting and the similarity/difference between the suspect David Chou and the human rights advocate Lee Ming Che who was just freed from five years of detention in China. I’ll also talk a little bit about Covid and what I’m passionate about the most—masks! Don’t miss this episode and let me know what you think! 又到了新聞漫談時間。這一集我將聊聊我對於震驚台灣的加州教堂槍擊案,也會分析這起槍擊案嫌疑犯周文偉與最近終於被中國當局從五年的非法拘留被釋放的人權活動倡議者李明哲,這兩人的相同與相異之處。我也會聊聊台灣的疫情近況以及我最愛的話題---口罩!別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay

    Ep46 Brands from Taiwan

    Ep46 Brands from Taiwan
    (後有中文介紹) If you’re not from Taiwan, how and when did you first learn about the country Taiwan? Many people probably know Taiwan because when they were young, all of their toys were made in Taiwan! Yes Taiwan has been a big manufacturing country for decades but do you know now we also have some famous brands? So in this episode I’m going to introduce you to some brands that are actually from Taiwan, including something you wouldn’t think Taiwan is good at now! (Hint: it’s not something you use anymore!) Don’t miss this episode and let me know what you think! *Correction: In this episode I mention the WHO, but I actually meant the WTO. 如果你不是台灣人,那麼你是在什麼時候、什麼方式第一次聽說台灣這個國家呢?很多人知道台灣的方式應該都是因為小時候的玩具背面都寫著台灣製造吧。是的,幾十年來,台灣的確是個很大的製造業國家,但你知道我們現在也有一些知名的品牌嗎?因此,在這一集裡,我將跟大家介紹一些其實是來自台灣的品牌,其中還包括一些你可能不知道台灣現在很擅長的產品喔!(提示:已經不是用品啦!)別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法! *錯誤更正:此集中有提到WHO,實際應為WTO。 *Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay