
    LDS & Loving Life

    Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints doesn't automatically make navigating life easy. We still encounter hardship, confusion, doubt, fear and everything else under the sun. Being LDS doesn't prevent you from experiencing pain as the result of the actions of others. But it provides all that we NEED to go through life with peace and assurance. Confidence and enthusiasm.As a certified life coach, I have a host of amazing tools that can help you unlock your faith and start using it as your best tool. You will see incredible change in your life as you become intentional in discovering what you are capable of. Your potential as a child of God is limitless. Start living into that destiny now!
    en-ca55 Episodes

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    Episodes (55)

    The Courage to Coach

    The Courage to Coach

    Courage is often viewed and thought about something that is highly visible- an active doing of something.

    But it takes at least as much, but probably even more courage to be coached- whether you are doing some self coaching, or working with a life coach, it takes courage.

    Learn why it takes courage, and remember- if you aren't afraid, you don't need courage.

    Turn your life around and create the life that you want! You have the courage in you.

    And this is the perfect time to try it out, because I am doing a draw for some free coaching! Between now and the end of March, send me an email at


    to be entered into a draw for three free coaching sessions! Each coaching session is about one hour long. You can start seeing noticeable changes in your life in a short time. It all starts with the courage to coach!

    You can also sign up for your "Try it Out" coaching session on my website. The cost of that will go towards my longer, 6 week coaching bundle.

    My website is www.youarelimitless.ca

    See you soon!

    Believing Your Beliefs

    Believing Your Beliefs

    "We believe" is a statement that we all know and often say.

    As a church, we have many beliefs that we try to live by each day.

    However, sometimes we struggle to personalize those beliefs- to really believe them to be true for us, in our struggles.

    This is the difference between knowing something in your mind, and knowing something in your heart.

    Our feelings are created and our actions driven by the beliefs in our hearts, much more than from our minds.

    How can you make a belief that you 'know' you believe, and turn it into a belief that you hold deeply in your heart?

    Listen to the podcast, and you will find out how! (It's easier than you think!!)

    Come work with me, for some 1:1 coaching, that will help you unlock what you're believing and how it is adversely affecting your happiness. You can book through my website:


    If you have questions, or ideas for a podcast episode, email me at:


    Why You Have Struggled To Make Time for God

    Why You Have Struggled To Make Time for God

    Why do we struggle to make a change that we know will be for our good? Even when you feel confirmation from the spirit that it is something good and important?

    Why do we struggle to even make time for the one being in all of creation who has our best interests at heart, and loves us perfectly and wants to give us all good things?

    Why is it so hard to make time for God?

    I'm not here to convince you to make time for God. Odds are, you already want to make time for Him.

    I'm here to help you discover WHY it's been so hard to make time.

    "I don't have time."

    This is a belief that pretty much... ALL of us share!

    And guess what?

    It's not as true as you may think it is.

    Even when all of your friends and family agree with you.

    In this episode, I will help you see how this one little belief is keeping you from being able to make the change that will bring God into your life, on a more regular, powerful basis.

    For some extra help in discover what beliefs are keeping you from making time for God, come book your "Try it Out" coaching session with me. An hour of discovery, awareness and empowerment.


    To ask me any questions, or to share podcast ideas, reach out to me directly, at:


    Jordana's Probably Not Very Unique Money Mind-Set Adventure, That Might Help You

    Jordana's Probably Not Very Unique Money Mind-Set Adventure, That Might Help You

    Money. This can be a tough subject for some of us! I used to have a lot of struggles around money, and what I thought about monye.

    To sum it up, deep down, I used to hold onto a belief that "Money is a necessary evil."

    You may think that is funny, or absurd, or ridiculous. I won't argue with you on that. But we all have beliefs that don't seem to make a lot of logical sense.

    Perhaps you relate 100% with that belief, and you are wanting to make a change.

    In this episode, I share with you why I believe I came to hold onto this belief (you may find some that are the same for you), and what has helped me to grow out of those beliefs.

    Ready to change your belief from "I'll never have enough" to "I am abundantly blessed?" Listen to my journey to get some tips that might help you. Listen for insights that speak to you.

    Come work with me, and I will help you uncover the unhelpful beliefs that are keeping you stuck. Step into your limitless potential.

    Sign up for your coaching here:


    Send me an email to reach me directly, here:


    Your Catastrophic Brain

    Your Catastrophic Brain

    You have a brain that is designed to keep you alive. And it does a great job of it!

    Your brain is so good at looking for life threatening dangers, that it has the ability to change every thing that goes wrong, into a catastrophic event! From forgetting to make a phone call, to spending too much money, to the way your child behaves, your brain can find and tell you all of the worst case scenarios!

    When we do not purposefully take charge over our thoughts, and by becoming aware of what we are believing, we will spend a lot of time in this catastrophe thinking. And with it, comes a lot of fear, discouragement and helplessness.

    Learn how to be compassionate and curios with yourself when you look at your beliefs. Get the outside help of a life coach. Equip yourself with the tools that will help make a difference in your life.

    You can book your Try it Out session, or free mini-session (consultation) at www.youarelimitless.ca  

    You can send me an email at youarelimitlesscoaching@gmail.com

    Tips For Thinking Celestial

    Tips For Thinking Celestial

    Our prophet recently gave us some marvellous words of wisdom in General Conference: Think Celestial!

    Sometimes that may be really easy, and other times, it may seem nearly impossible.

    How can you know when you are thinking Celestially? How can you choose to think Celestial, even when things are really hard?

    Thinking Celestial does not mean telling yourself a pretty little lie that you would like to believe. The invitation to think Celestial is an opportunity to take a closer look at your thoughts you are thinking. A thought that is frequently thought, and believed, is a belief.

    As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have beliefs that are stated and shared. But those beliefs are not always believed on a deeply personal level. Often, the beliefs that we hold onto and act from, our thoughts around not being good enough, not deserving, or not being loved as we taught we are.

    In this episode, I hope to shed some light on what you may be believing that is halting your ability to think Celestial, how to identify those thoughts, and how to open yourself up to the inspired ideas that come from seeking divine guidance to think Celestial.

    The talk from President Nelson: Think Celestial!

    It can be a challenging journey to navigate one's thoughts. As a trained life coach, and a happy member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I am passionate about helping others live happy, fulfilling lives, with the help of the Gospel, rather than enduring the gospel.

    If you would like to work with me, you can sign up for a FREE 20 minute mini session, or a $25 CAD hour long "Try it Out" session.

    Both are available at www.youarelimitless.ca

    You can also email me at youarelimitlesscoaching@gmail.com

    All or Nothing Thinking and The Gospel

    All or Nothing Thinking and The Gospel

    As humans, we easily fall into the trap off "all or nothing" thinking- believing that if something can't be done in a specific, "right" way, that it is not worth doing.

    This shows up in how we follow through with goals- such as having the goal to study your scriptures for a full hour each day, but in practice, if you don't have an hour that you can set aside for an hour, you don't study your scriptures at all.

    All or nothing thinking removes the possibility of doing a smaller action, more consistently, that will bring about the change that you want.

    As with all things, I love to find how we are taught in the gospel, the power of letting go of all or nothing thinking, and seeing the power in acting from a place outside of the all or nothing.

    This episode, I will take you into an experience that Lehi had with the Lord, and share with you how God does not work in all or nothing, and how Lehi was blessed for not living in all or nothing expectations.

    If you would like some help to recognize your all or nothing thinking, and how to let it go, or if you have anything else that you would like some help with, now may be the time for you to sign up for your "Try it Out" coaching session with me. Book it here, at


    To reach out to me with any questions, or podcast ideas, or anything else, send me an email at


    Parenting Teens, With Ben Pugh

    Parenting Teens, With Ben Pugh


    That group of people that are older than children, but not quite adults.

    And they are wonderful people!

    Ben Pugh joins me today, and he is an expert at coaching teens and their parents. He shares tips and tricks to increase your connection to your teens. Not only that, he brings some amazing insights into your mistakes, your teen's mistakes, and applying the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

    As children of God, it is our destiny to become Gods and Goddesses. That is also the plan for your teens. Ben can help you to remember and focus on the good, and be the parent your teen needs.

    Want to connect with Ben Pugh?

    Check out his podcast,
    "Impact: Parenting With Perspective"
    Go to his website, www.benpughcoaching.com

    If you go to his website, you can take his FREE Parenting Quiz, and try out his Free Mini Course, "Parenting From the Inside Out."

    You can also find him on Instagram and Facebook

    Are you ready to work with me? Come today to my FREE group coaching call, at 11am CST.

    Meeting ID: 868 6402 2952

    Passcode: 350094

    You can also go book your "Try it Out" coaching session at

    Or, send me an email, at youarelimitlesscoaching@gmail.com

    You're amazing! Thanks for listening :)

    LDS & Loving Life
    en-caJanuary 11, 2024

    2024: Are You Wishing? Or Having Faith?

    2024: Are You Wishing? Or Having Faith?

    Happy New Year! It is the traditional time for making resolutions and working towards goals.

    But so often, they end up being forgotten, or dropped along the way.


    Because we often choose to wish for our goals, instead of having faith that we can achieve them.

    If you are struggling to know if that wish you have had floating around in your head is a good idea or not, this is the episode for you! I will tell you how to discover if it is worth doing or not.

    You will also learn the difference between wishing for something and having faith that something can happen. Complete disempowerment, or complete empowerment, is within your reach.

    If it is the right time for you to hire a life coach, I would be honoured to help you in your journey. I believe in you and will help you clear away all the junk your brain is offering to you!

    You can come to my FREE coaching session on Thursday at 11am CST
    ID: 868 6402 2952
    Passcode: 350094

    You can book your TRY IT OUT session at www.youarelimitless.ca

    You can send me an email, at youarelimitlesscoaching@gmail.com

    Personal Revelation: You're Already Getting It

    Personal Revelation: You're Already Getting It

    One of the greatest blessings that comes with being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the knowledge that revelation still continues! God speaks to a prophet.

    It is just as unique and amazing as the doctrine that each person can receiver personal revelation.

    In this episode, I dive into why we are sometimes hesitant to call personal revelation for what it is. I hope to help you see how you are already receiving and have been receiving personal revelation in your life, as well as some tips to help you open up to receiving more, even greater personal revelation.

    Check out these two General Conference talks that I quoted in today's episode:

    A Framework For Personal Revelation- Elder Dale G. Renlund

    The Blessing of Continuing Revelation to Prophets and Personal Revelation to Guide Our Lives- Elder Quentin L. Cook

    Are you ready to try out some free coaching? Hop onto my free coaching call on Thursdays at 11am CST. You can get coached, or you can watch the power of coaching in the lives of others- you will benefit either way.

    Meeting ID: 868 6402 2952
    Passcode: 350094

    If you are ready to dive deeper into your own needs, and want 1:1 coaching, sign up for your "Try it Out" coaching session, at my website:


    You can also send me an email to get in touch with me with any questions, or podcast ideas.


    3 Blocks and Keys to Feeling The Christmas Spirit

    3 Blocks and Keys to Feeling The Christmas Spirit

    Merry Christmas!

    Or has it been?

    We love to feel the Christmas Spirit, but sometimes, it seems elusive. In this episode, I share with you three blocks that you may be using, that actually stop you from feeling the Christmas spirit! But don't worry, I also share with you the three keys to get past those blocks, and to invite the Christmas Spirit into your heart.

    It is not too late to bring the spirit into your heart and home. You can experience the love, peace, joy and happiness that you desire to feel this Holiday season.

    Don't forget to come for a FREE coaching call on THURSDAYS AT 11AM CST.

    Zoom ID: 868 6402 2952
    Zoom passcode: 350094

    You can also get that information AND book your "Try it Out" coaching session at

    Feel free to send me an email, for questions, or any podcast ideas


    Suicidal Ideation in Teens: Support for The Teen and The Parents- With Lindsay Law

    Suicidal Ideation in Teens: Support for The Teen and The Parents- With Lindsay Law

    ***If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal ideation, please get the appropriate mental health help- many places have mental health hotlines. Find a therapist, or go to a hospital if needed. You are worth it!****

    This episode, though not explicit, does talk about teen suicidal ideation and depression. My guest, Lindsay Law, is a mom who's teenage daughter went through multiple years of depression and varying levels of suicidal ideation.

    Lindsay shares the invaluable lessons that she learned in how to validate, support, and effectively help her struggling teen.

    Lindsay works with teens and parents, to help support and help them feel loved and valued.

    If you have a child, or know someone who struggles with suicidal ideation, this episode is an invaluable resource for you to refer back to, often.

    Emotions are a part of life. All emotions are part of life. There is not any single emotion that means a person is broken. Learn how to support your teen, rather than trying to fix them- this is the pathway to bring healing.

    Learn what validation really is, how to recognize fear motivations and how to support yourself as you feel that fear.

    Is Lindsay the coach for you, or your child? Find her in the following locations:

    Instagram: @youthrisingcoach
    Email: lindsay@youthrisingcoach.com
    Website: www.youthrisingcoach.com

    The book that Lindsay references is Karen Halls,  "The Power of Validation" This is the book that helped her learn what validation really is, and use it to support her daughter.

    Are you ready to work with me?

    Check out my FREE group coaching call, happening on THURSDAYS at 11am Central Standard Time

    ID: 868 6402 2952
    Passcode: 350094

    You can also book your "Try it Out" session at my website


    You can also reach out to me, via email


    You Are An Empowered Creator Of Your Life- With Elisa Fucci

    You Are An Empowered Creator Of Your Life- With Elisa Fucci

    We all experience times where we feel like we are stuck. Nothing is going right for us, no one is doing the things we want them to do. And we really believe that there is no way out for us. That we have no power, because of the situations and people around us.

    But that is not true.

    My guest today is Elisa Fucci, and she shares with us her personal experience of living life as a victim. But now, she is a motivational speaker, a relationship life coach, and happily married to her husband (for the second time).

    You will love what she has to say, and I know that as we all aim for the 1% increase that she talks about, we will all experience the joy that comes from empowered, intentional creation of our lives.

    Here is a little bit more about Elisa- including how to find her.

    Elisa Fucci is a renowned motivational speaker, Podcast host of The Elisa Fucci Show, and an internationally acclaimed best-selling author. She is also a skilled relationship life coach and a certified BreathWork Detox facilitator. Elisa specializes in empowering women to break free from recurring painful relationship patterns, facilitating heart healing, and teaching effective communication skills. Additionally, she offers practical strategies to rebuild connection and nurture relationship resilience.

    Find her on Instagram 

    Find her on Facebook

    Grab the book she helped to write, Unleash Her

    You can also find her on LinkTree

    She also has a podcast, "The Elisa Fucci Show" (Available on all major platforms)

    Are you Ready to get your 1:1 coaching with me? Ready to let go of the beliefs and actions that aren't true, and are hurting you?

    Visit my website, www.youarelimitless.ca

    Want some free coaching? Or maybe you want to see what coaching is, as an observer? Come to my FREE Thursday coaching call. It is on Thursday, at 11am CST, for at least the next 6 weeks.

    Meeting ID: 868 6402 2952

    Passcode: 350094

    Feel free to reach out to me, via email youarelimitlesscoaching@gmail.com

    How To Make a Bad Day Worse

    How To Make a Bad Day Worse

    Raise your hand if you've ever had a bad day! Are you having a bad day right now?

    Oh good- then you will love this episode. I made it just for you.

    I also made it for me. I have bad days too.

    Bad days suck. They sap all the strength out of you. All your joy and zest.

    But want to know what makes a bad day even worse?

    Beating yourself up for having a bad day.

    Telling yourself that you should be happier, that you know how to stop feeling bad and that since you aren't happy, and you aren't using the tools that you have to feel better, you suck.

    The negative talk that you have within your own brain takes what is already hard, and adds layers and layers of discouragement, shame and hopelessness.

    But what if you could take off those extra layers, and just have a bad day? With no shame, guilt, or trying to fix it? What if you could really, truly, just be ok with feeling a bit angry, impatient, or discouraged?

    In this episode, you are going to learn exactly what that would do for you. And trust me- removing all those extra layers makes your bad day a lot easier to face. (It even feels... BETTER!)


    For at least the next 6 weeks, I will be hosting a FREE coaching call. It will be at 11am Central Standard Time. On Thursdays. It will last ONE hour. It is free and open to anyone and everyone.

    Will you please come? And will you please invite others to come as well? Even if you don't want to get coached yourself, something someone else brings to the call will help you.

    These calls start on the FIRST THURSDAY OF DECEMBER.

    You can find the zoom information on my website (Where, if you want some private coaching, you can also sign up)


    If you have any questions for me, or a topic you'd like me to cover in my podcast, send me an email. I'd love to hear from you.


    How To Let Go of Resentment. With Becky Smith

    How To Let Go of Resentment. With Becky Smith

    We have all experienced resentment in a relationship. If you are anything like me, you may try to repress it and ignore it. But it is there.

    Becky Smith shares how powerful and helpful it is to recognize when you are feeling resentment, and gives so much hope and help to know how you can let go of that resentment and feel love instead.

    Learn to value yourself and others, and to be the best version of yourself!

    You can listen to Becky Smith's podcast, "Resentment Free Relationships"

    You can find Becky on instagram @BeckySmithCoaching

    You can visit Becky's website www.BeckySmithCoaching.com

    Are you ready to have your "Try it Out" session of life coaching? You can book it at www.youarelimitless.ca

    You can also send me an email, at youarelimitlesscoaching@gmail.com 

    Finding Your Natural Strengths to Strengthen Your Relationship With Divinity. With Mariah Wickham

    Finding Your Natural Strengths to Strengthen Your Relationship With Divinity. With Mariah Wickham

    Do you know what your inherent strengths are? You've probably done a personality test a time or two. But did you know that there is a way to discover exactly what motivates you?

    Mariah Wickham is my guest today, and she is introducing us to the Enneagram personality typing- not only can you discover what your natural strengths are, but you can develop greater understanding as to what matters to you, and what motivates you.

    Why does this matter?

    It matters SO much. Because we are all individuals, with different strengths and weaknesses, that means that we all have ways that will be the most beneficial to help us connect with our Heavenly Father.

    This episode will help you learn a little bit about the enneagram personality types, wing, subtype, and  core motivations and fears.

    If you are interested in learning more about your enneagram type, here is a free test. (Good for a introduction)

    For a more in-depth test, here is a low cost enneagram test.

    Want to learn more about the enneagram? Check out the book, "The Road Back to You" by Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile (Amazon link)

    To work with Mariah Wickham, or to learn more from her, you can find her:

    Instagram- @mariahwickham

    Website- www.mariahwickham.com

    Are you ready for your "Try it Out" coaching session? You can book yours at


    You can also email me at


    Mixed-Faith Marriages. With Chris Rich

    Mixed-Faith Marriages. With Chris Rich

    Let's be honest- not every marriage lives up to the ideal that we wish it would. Every marriage will have its challenges. Chris Rich shares with us some lessons learned from her marriage, when challenges came that she did not expect.

    Mixed-faith marriages can still be loving, thriving, healthy marriages! Chris shares valuable insight into how to recognize what thoughts and actions you may be experiencing that contribute to an unhappy, unhealthy relationship, and how to then turn your experience around.

    And what she has to say will help with any relationship.

    Are you interested in  connecting more with your loved ones? Or to work with Chris Rich? Then check out her website"


    You can also listen to her podcast, wherever you find your podcasts. She hosts "The Mixed Faith Relationship Podcast"

    You can also find her on facebook and instagram

    Are you ready to book your "Try it Out" session with me? You can do that at my website:


    You can send me an email at 


    Achieve Anything Through The Power of Self Love- With Zil Eiler

    Achieve Anything Through The Power of Self Love- With Zil Eiler

    Have you ever thought about why it is important to foster love for yourself? It is part of the second great commandment, after all.

    In today's podcast, we get to learn from the amazing Zil Eiler, as she shares with us a bit about her journey in developing self love, and seeing the incredible power that it brings!

    You are a child of God, and have the opportunity to receive countless blessings. Learning to love yourself is an often over-looked key to opening up and receiving those blessings.

    What do you want to achieve in your life? Listen to this episode and share with others who have hopes and dreams- start your journey of self love!

    Want to learn more about Zil and get in touch with her?

    Find her on instagram: @ZilEilerCoaching
    Go to her website: www.zileilercoaching.com

    Are you ready to get your "Try it Out" coaching session with me? Go to:


    Reach out to me at youarelimitlesscoaching@gmail.com

    7 Reasons You Would Love a Life Coach

    7 Reasons You Would Love a Life Coach

    You've heard of life coaching, but why would you want to work with a life coach?

    There are endless benefits, but in today's episode, I'll share with you seven reasons that I think you want to work with a life coach.

    Benefits range from increased awareness of your thoughts, and how those thoughts create your current life, to increasing your ability to love, and achieving your goals.

    If you are ready to work with me, you can book your "Try it Out" session at www.youarelimitless.ca

    Or, if you'd like me to help you find the coach who is a better fit for you, (or if you'd like to reach out to me for anything else) you can email me at
