
    Leadership Execution Podcast

    I am Takis Athanassiou a business consultant and coach. You may know me from my books, or from my courses, or because you have attended any of my course or just because we have worked together. My focus is to help entrepreneurs, small business owners and freelancers to achieve their business goals without losing their lives. That's why I started the Leadership Execution podcast. I believe leadership is a crucial component of the new entrepreneur and self-leadership is must for anyone wants to have a balance between his/her life and work.
    enLeadership Execution Podcast12 Episodes

    Episodes (12)

    LE012: A guide on how to get and stay motivated

    LE012: A guide on how to get and stay motivated

    In this episode I review some personal thoughts on how to get and stay motivated today. As Psychology today states: "Motivation is the desire to act in service of a goal".

    YOUR motivation and your personal incentives are the prime forces for doing anything in life and business. And are certainly the driving factors for achieving your goals. That's why you need to learn more thing on how to motivate your self and the people around you.

    I provide some useful motivation strategies in order you can learn how to motivate yourself and others.

    Enjoy more free strategies, approaches and tools in the Leadership Execution Podcast!

    LE011: Building Businesses with Tom Libelt

    LE011: Building Businesses with Tom Libelt

    An Interview with Tom Libelt, serial entrepreneur, podcaster and digital marketer.

    Tom has focused on many things perfecting his sales skills and competencies and developing various businesses on the process. 

    Today he helps other people to build online courses and market them.

    In today's episode, we talk about business, sales, marketing and how to realize your goals in today's market.

    LE010: Infect With the Possibility Virus with Michael Bungay Stanier

    LE010: Infect With the Possibility Virus with Michael Bungay Stanier

    An interview with Michael Bungay Stanier (Box of Crayons founder). 

    Michael Bungay Stanier is the founder of Box of Crayons (one of the leading companies in consulting, training and coaching areas), award-winning coach and top-notch author.

    Michael has developed Box of Crayons as an organization to help other organizations do less good work and more great work.

    He’s the author of several books, including the Do More Great Work and the Get Unstuck & Get Going…on the stuff that matters. Michael has written for or been featured in numerous publications including Business InsiderFast CompanyForbesThe Globe & Mail, and The Huffington Post.

    Michael’s most recent book, The Coaching Habit, has sold more than 500,000 copies and has been the #1 coaching book on Amazon since its release.

    Michael is a Rhodes Scholar and was recently recognized as the #3 Global Coaching Guru and recently is focused his attention on performance management.

    His dream is to “infect a billion people with the possibility virus” and help them focus on what matters most.

    In today's episode we talk about business, consulting, creativity and how to make things happen.

    LE009: Do What You Love with Hamid Safaei

    LE009: Do What You Love with Hamid Safaei

    Coaching is not an easy task. Or discipline. It takes a lot of energy and time, while demands an increased amount of attention, focus, and empathy for the coach to understand and direct better his/her clients. Attributes and features you can find in abundance in the face of Hamid Safaei.

    Hamid Safaei is the bestselling author of the “First-Class Leadership” a consultant and a certified coach helping leaders & entrepreneurs to multiply their results.

    Hamid has a long course of professional activities in the areas of consulting and coaching.  He has led successful business transformations for a number of Fortune Global 500 companies. 

    He has developed ImOcean Academy, a unique institute where he applies first-class coaching tools and techniques combined with best practices.

    He regularly publishes learnings on www.imoceanacademy. com and www.first-class-leadership.com on subjects such as leadership, realizing goals and dreams, target setting, and bringing potential to fruition.

    Do you want to hear what he has to say?

    008: Learn From Your Clients with Josh Haynam

    008: Learn From Your Clients with Josh Haynam

    Every business today to succeed needs to pay attention to its clients. Everybody says it, but very few people and company actually do it. Specifically the successful ones. 

    There are many tools around to do and new innovative ways to approach your prospects. 

    Listen today Josh Haynam (co-founder of Interact Quiz Builder) talking about startups, Quizzes, sales, conversions and on how to learn from your clients better!

    Interact Quiz Builder (affiliate link) is my new favorite tool for interact with my audience and taking meaningful responses, can help me improve my blog and tweak my services in order to serve better my audience. 

    It is an integrated platform for services can help you develop quizzes, polls, and giveaways in a quick and easy way. It is, also, a tool especially useful for edupreneursconsultants, and content marketers because can initiate a meaningful interaction and collect information about the specifics of the audience you want to serve!

    When I like something, usually I’d like to learn more things! For this reason, I tried to find more information about how this platform launched and my research has a wonderful result because I had the pleasure to discuss with one of the co-founders of the Interact Quiz Builder, Josh Haynam!

    The discussion with a person like Josh is always very interesting and provides many insights for many entrepreneurs and startup owners!

    LE007: Start a Business with Nick Timms and Eduarda Bardavid

    LE007: Start a Business with Nick Timms and Eduarda Bardavid

    Do you know how to start a business? Good ideas are not enough! You need much more to start a successful business! 

    You need a lot of learning, to decide to start changing what you were doing, to have a plan B, to seek help from experts and mentors, to have a plan and, most importantly, to know how to execute on your plan.

    In this episode, I’d like to invite you to listen a wonderful interview of 2 young people with wonderful ideas: Nick Timms & Eduarda Bardavid who are the founders of Drag, a productivity application for Gmail!

    Drag  is a new fresh application to help you organize your life and business in Gmail. It is designed to help you organize your inbox more effectively and convert your inbox to a project and task manager for all the things you have to do in your day!

    The idea of making Gmail a more organized place and a central place to manage your projects and to-dos is not new. What is new though is the idea to use a well-proven paradigm for today’s startup companies (the Kanban approach) into your e-mail sphere.

    That’s the Drag created! And the idea came from two young people, the  Nick Timms and the Eduarda Bardavid who conceived the original idea and execute upon it developing a company with more than 22,000 people following its lead.

    Nick and Eduarda “start business” having a good idea, a solid plan, and help from experts and mentors who help them to refine their plan and execute it.


    LE006: What Makes You Special?

    LE006: What Makes You Special?

    I was thinking this question when I was aiming at meeting an old friend! Not that my friend has nothing to do with the content of the question. Not at all. 

    He was a very special and gifted person, lovable to all and with a lot of distinctions in his professional field! But meeting him made me think some things! 

    Things I'd like to share with you!

    I made this podcast with the ideas I have developed in this article

    My main argument is that action does not suffice to bring the results you want. 

    It needs to combine together thought and action in order to achieve your objectives in life and business. 

    LE005: Focus On Accountability with Takis Athanassiou

    LE005: Focus On Accountability with Takis Athanassiou

    Accountability has a pivotal role in our culture and society. 

    Today, in our modern and complex life, it is important for you to realize that you and only you, you are accountable for your actions or omissions. 

    Moreover, you have to realize that you are responsible for the sum of all your actions (small or large, intended or unintended) in your course of life. 

    It is an attitude in life that is not easily implemented. But worth the effort for its acquirement!

     This podcast has been developed around this article and follows its main argumentation. Its focus is on the important the responsibility has for the modern business and what you can do about it (or why even should you care). 

    LE003: A Line Of Trust with Takis Athanassiou

    LE003: A Line Of Trust with Takis Athanassiou

    A line of trust it is a very difficult asset to establish in e-Learning projects. But it is a necessary step! Check here why and how to establish it!

    This podcast has based heavily on remarks has been featured in the past on this article and express my ideas and thoughts on how you can employ win-win strategies to deliver the best possible results for your and your clients.

    To do so there is only one way. To cultivate strong relationship ties and develop a mutual trust in every business interaction with your clients.

    It is argued, that one common problem in business projects is to establish a common “language” with the client. This part is not usually referred to the business literature as a problem, but my experience says that it is!

    It is more a matter of mindset, rather than a real problem needs a solution.

    LE002: Liam Martin Interview @ Leadership Execution Podcast (17/03/2017)

    LE002: Liam Martin Interview @ Leadership Execution Podcast (17/03/2017)

    Liam Martin Interview for the Leadership Execution Podcast. 


    Liam Martin is the co-founder of two companies (TimeDoctor and Staff.com) and he is a really clever guy.

    Liam’s main interest is marketing and process design for remote teams while he focuses on online tutoring, business development, data analysis, outsourcing, remote work, and staffing.

    This podcast is a discussion of Takis Athanassiou with Liam Martin about entrepreneurship, business, and remote working.

    LE001: What Has Timothy Carroll To Say On Leadership?

    LE001: What Has Timothy Carroll To Say On Leadership?

    An interview with Timothy Carroll on Leadership, personal growth and how to become a better person!

     Timothy Carroll is an international consultant on personal and professional development sector, lead athlete and author of an excellent book on leadership with the title The Evolutionary Leader: 5 Steps to Dramatically Develop People and Performance

    His insights and consultancy have helped many corporate clients all over the world to evaluate their human capital and enhance its performance while his coaching skills assisted many private clients to find their way toward achieving their goals.