
    Learn to Code in One Month

    Learn to Code is a podcast hosted by Chris Castiglione (OneMonth.com) based in Brooklyn, NY. Each week Chris interviews successful business founders, startups and programmers to ask them: How did you learn to code? What tips and tricks do you have for finding meaningful work? Learn more about One Month and the Learn to Code podcast at www.onemonth.com.
    enChris Castiglione26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)

    Brett Martin — Business School vs. Coding School

    Brett Martin — Business School vs. Coding School

    Brett Martin teaches Digital Literacy for Decision Makers (with me!) at Columbia University Business School. In this conversation, we share our curriculum, notes, and stories teaching digital literacy to MBAs. 

    In this lesson you'll learn: 

    • Brett's definition of digital literacy 
    • How to tell if someone is digitally literate
    • Types of digital literacy 
    • Coding literacy vs. Digital Literacy 
    • The tectonic forces that shape internet culture
    • A brief history of the internet
    • Why MBAs at Columbia University are learning to code

    Who is Brett Martin?

    Brett Martin is the co-founder and managing partner of Charge Ventures, which works with early-stage companies trying to get funding here in Brooklyn, New York. Brett has quite a legacy of working on some fantastic products. He co-founded a company called Switch, which is a mobile job discovery application, as well as Sonar, an app that I used to use back in the day. He's written for Harvard Business Review and helped launch a little known website called Vice. Yeah, he helped launch the original Vice website. So, he's done quite a few amazing things.

    Read the transcript and show notes

    Visit www.onemonth.com for the podcast transcript, links mentioned in this episode, and to listen to more episodes of the Learn to Code Podcast.

    How I Learned to Code in 6 Months with Meaghan Jones of Hotjar

    How I Learned to Code in 6 Months with Meaghan Jones of Hotjar

    Meaghan Jones (@meaghanwonder) graduated from UC Berkeley with a Masters in Latin America Studies. Having grown up in California, Meaghan always dreamed of working and living abroad. She loved Latin America, and so "Latin American Politics" seemed like her to working abroad!

    She arrived in Brazil, and hit a wall. At first, Meaghan had a difficult time getting work. She ended up teaching English for a few months, but always had the feeling that she could be doing something more, she wanted to work somewhere that she could continue actively learning on the job, and she wanted a job that matched her creative potential. Meaghan returned to the States, and that’s when she joined Epicodus, a coding bootcamp in Portland, OR. Meaghan worked hard, and learned to code in just 6 months. Since graduating from Epicodus's coding bootcamp Meaghan has landed a job at Hotjar, working remotely from San Paolo, Brazil.

    (Meaghan is also One Month alumni! When Meaghan joined Hotjar she enrolled in One Month’s Learn Python course, and we met soon after!)

    Full story > https://learn.onemonth.com/how-i-learned-to-code/

    Visit www.onemonth.com for the podcast transcript, links mentioned in this episode, and to listen to more episodes of the Learn to Code Podcast.



    How to Build a Website from Scratch

    How to Build a Website from Scratch

    In just 10 minutes Chris Castiglione (@castig) of OneMonth.com shares his advice on How to Build a Website from Scratch. ❤️  When should you use Squarespace? WordPress? Or build the website from scratch?

    As a web developer with over ten years of experience (working on sites from Toyota, The Grand Central Oyster Bar and dozens of startups), people are often asking him, "Can you build me a website?"

    In this episode, Chris gives a framework for helping you decide: 

    • When you should use a CMS like Squarespace, WordPress, or Wix.
    • When might you want to learn to code and build it yourself from scratch?
    • Should you hire a web developer or outsource to Upwork.com?


    Ultimately, the two questions you want to ask when building a new website boil down to two factors: 

    • Ease — How easy do you want this to be? 
    • Customizable — How customizable do you want this to be?


    In less than 10 minutes, Chris will share best practices, questions, and cost when deciding how to build a new website.

    Visit www.onemonth.com for the podcast transcript, links mentioned in this episode, and to listen to more episodes of the Learn to Code Podcast. 



    How to Become a Freelance Web Developer

    How to Become a Freelance Web Developer

    Mike Heavers (@heaversmike) has been designing, strategizing, and coding for the web for over 20 years. He works with HTML, React, JavaScript, Python as well as, other tools like After Effects, Ableton, and most recently Machine Learning. He's also worked with companies like Nike, Facebook, Lululemon and universities like Cornell and Carnegie Mellon.

    Today, we'll be discussing what goes into being a successful freelance developer.

    In this episode you'll learn: 

    • Freelancer vs. Consultant: What's the difference?
    • What is a web agency?
    • How did you land your job at your first Web Development Agency?
    • How do you find clients?
    • How do you know what to charge your clients? How do you do invoicing and pricing?
    • What are the best resources to stay up to date on web development?
    • What's the best language to learn if you want to become a freelance web developer?

    You can find Mike on Twitter @heaversmike

    Learn to Code HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby and more at www.onemonth.com. That’s also where you can find all of the podcast transcripts, and links mentioned in the show. 

    Chris Coyier on CodePen, CSS Tricks, and ShopTalk Podcast

    Chris Coyier on CodePen, CSS Tricks, and ShopTalk Podcast

    Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) is co-host of the ShopTalk podcast, built CSS-Tricks.com, one of my favorite resources for staying up-to-date with HTML, CSS and all things front-end. He also co-founded CodePen, a popular coding playground for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

    In my interview with Chris Coyier we discuss:

    • How Chris Coyier learned to code! 
    • What's a front-end developer?
    • What resources do you use to stay up to date on web dev?
    • Lessons learned from over 300+ episodes of the ShopTalkShow Podcast
    • How many blog posts has Chris written for CSS-Tricks? (You won't' believe the answer) 

    Listen to Chris Coyier on his coding podcast: ShoptalkShow: https://shoptalkshow.com/

    Learn to Code HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby and more at www.onemonth.com. That's also where you can find all of the podcast transcripts, and links mentioned in the show.

    Why and How to Learn Python

    Why and How to Learn Python

    Today, we are talking with Mattan Griffel (@mattangriffel) about how to learn Python. Mattan teaches code to MBAs — at Columbia Business School. He also teaches the Learn Python course here at One Month.

    Why learn Python?

    Python is one of the most popular languages for data analytics and web development "Python is the new Excel" being used in business school finance classes. Google, Instagram, Uber and many more companies are using Python.

    “Forget Wall Street lingo. The language Citigroup Inc. wants its incoming investment bank analysts to know is Python” — Bloomberg, 2018 (that quote says it all).

    In this episode, we discuss: 

    * How long did it take Mattan to learn Python?

    * What is a great first project to build in Python?

    * What is the best programming language to learn first?

    * What are some free Python resources?

    Learn Python with Mattan at www.onemonth.com — that's also where you can find all the transcripts and shownotes from this episode.