
    Learning Design Secrets

    Welcome to Learning Design Secrets! My name is Seth Warburton and this podcast is where we answer the question: How can we create the most impactful, life changing, educational experiences through learning design.
    enSeth Warburton55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    Hacking Happy Hormones to Improve Learning

    Hacking Happy Hormones to Improve Learning

    In today's podcast, I take a step into the brain science of why it's important to engage our students in more than just the curriculum. People are complex creatures, and the brain requires stimulation in complex ways. If we just focus on delivering the basic information we are missing out on big opportunities to create lasting impact through engaging the brain's rewards systems.

    Designing to Teach the Unteachable!

    Designing to Teach the Unteachable!

    In today's podcast I talk about teaching the learner who doesn't want to learn: teaching the unteachable. Sometimes students are forced to be in class, or they need to learn something they just don't want to learn. How do we as learning designers get past the learner's lack of desire or their contempt for the curriculum and still make an impact in their lives?

    What I learned during a family tragedy...

    What I learned during a family tragedy...

    I know tragedy is a constant in this world, but knowing that doesn't make it easier. What can make it a little easier is employing emotional intelligence for yourself and others around you. In today's podcast, I talk about how I observed my wife helping her mother through a family tragedy by subconsciously employing emotional intelligence strategies.

    How to learn ANY new software, and why it's important to your learning design career!

    How to learn ANY new software, and why it's important to your learning design career!

    I may be wrong but I think the days of coming into a job with specific software knowledge are numbered... It's not about knowing a specific software, it's about knowing how to learn new software fast and well. Because even the software we do know how to use can change overnight. In this podcast, I give 7 strategies on how to be good at learning new software.