
    Learning for Good Podcast | Learning and Development Solutions And Leadership Training for Nonprofit Organizations

    As nonprofit learning and development leaders, we want a seat at the table. We want to be viewed as true business partners who can help solve problems. We want to create meaningful learning solutions that fit in the flow of work and yield real results for the organization and for the staff.

    That's why in this podcast, we will not only explore instructional design and leadership development best practices, but we will also explore change management, belonging, and influence - helping you build the case for the solutions your organization needs so you can show up confidently in conversations with other senior leaders, subject matter experts, staff, and partners.

    If we haven't met yet, I'm Heather, and I’ve been in your shoes. I'm a learning and development consultant and the founder and principal consultant at Skill Masters Market. Before starting Skill Masters Market, I worked for a large national nonprofit where I led learning and development leadership initiatives. 

    I know what it’s like to need to develop your staff quickly and effectively, and to build the relationships and cut through the organizational layers to be successful. With an eye for the larger strategy and the creative design process, I've created hundreds of learning experiences - in-person, self-paced, and virtual classroom - and have worked with dozens of leaders and their staff to help them achieve their organization’s professional development goals. 

    So if you're ready to bust through the barriers and start creating behavior change in your nonprofit, this podcast is for you. Let's dive in. It's Learning for Good. 

    Nonprofit Management | Leadership Training | Leadership Development | Staff Management | Change Management | Instructional Design | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Learn more: www.skillmastersmarket.com
    Connect with me: www.linkedin.com/in/heather-burright
    Schedule a call: https://bit.ly/3GQT6Yg

    enHeather Burright, Learning and Development Leader, Leadership Development Consultant, Instructional Designer.72 Episodes

    Episodes (72)

    Workforce Development: Using Data to Move from Status Quo to Training Impact with Heather Hiscox

    Workforce Development: Using Data to Move from Status Quo to Training Impact with Heather Hiscox

    In this episode, I've invited self-proclaimed frustrated changemaker Heather Hiscox to talk about how she uses data to overcome the status quo and boost workforce development.

    Heather, the founder and CEO of Pause for Change,  is on a mission to change the way we change the world. I'm so excited to talk with her more about data and what L&D can start to do differently to create a greater impact in training.

    ▶️ Workforce Development: Using Data to Move from Status Quo to Training Impact

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:00 Heather’s frustration working in social impact and how it compares to L&D
    07:28 Why is it so important to utilize data
    10:56 The best ways to capture data
    15:50 Using data in your work and the impact it can have on your organization
    23:56 Using data to create more impact in training

    Resources from this episode:
    No More Status Quo: A Proven Framework to Change the Way We Change the World by Heather Hiscox
    Check out the two episodes of Possibility Project that Heather mentioned in this episode:

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Hiscox
    Website: pauseforchange.com and possibilityproject.org

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Your Nonprofit's Leadership Skills Might Be Lagging. Here's Why.

    Your Nonprofit's Leadership Skills Might Be Lagging. Here's Why.

    Are your leaders the best they can be? Or are there areas where they are lagging behind a little bit?
    My guess is they're somewhere in the middle.
    You probably have leaders who excel and leaders who struggle. And even those who excel probably have room for improvement.
    So today we’re talking about why your team’s leadership skills might be lagging and what we can do about it.

    ▶️ Your Nonprofit's Leadership Skills Might Be Lagging. Here's Why. 

    ▶️ Key Points:
    02:45 Unclear expectations for leaders
    06:02 Lack of training and professional development
    09:09 Ongoing support and reinforcement
    10:52 Stress and burnout
    12:48 External barriers outside of your leader’s control

    Resources from this episode:
    2024 HR Trends Report

    Competency Model Episodes:
    ▶️ Episode 51: How to Use Your Competency  Model to Develop a Comprehensive Training Program
    ▶️ Episode 39: Ask These Two Questions to Identify Your Nonprofit's Core Competencies
    ▶️ Episode 20: How to Determine Which Competencies Are Right for You
    ▶️ Episode 19: One Nonprofit's Honest Opinion after 6 Months with a Competency Model
    ▶️ Episode 18: Four Reasons Your Competencies Don't Work

    Stress and burnout episodes:
    ▶️ Episode 38: Dealing with Corporate Burnout? One Easy Way to Manage Stress as a Nonprofit Leader with Jessie Pagliari
    ▶️ Episode 30: Why Well-Being Is The Secret Sauce to Change Management with Mandy Sharp Eizinger

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    The Parental Leave Dilemma: Helping Your Nonprofit Leaders Navigate Time Out of the Office with Lacey Kempinski

    The Parental Leave Dilemma: Helping Your Nonprofit Leaders Navigate Time Out of the Office with Lacey Kempinski

    If you've ever welcomed a baby into your home, you know how stressful it can be. You don't want to have the stress of what's being left undone at work on top of that.

    How do we help our nonprofit leaders navigate time out of the office? That’s what I’m discussing with mission-driven fundraiser, Lacey Kempinski on today’s episode. Lacey is focused on changing the way the nonprofit sector supports parental leave and working parents.

    ▶️ The Parental Leave Dilemma: Helping Your Nonprofit Leaders Navigate Time Out of the Office with Lacey Kempinski

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:50 Lacey’s career journey and how having children changed its trajectory
    06:39 The parental leave dilemma
    10:00 The challenges of parental leave in the workforce
    12:32 Solutions to the parental leave dilemma
    16:14 Supporting nonprofit leaders who need time out of the office

    Resources from this episode:

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Lacey
    Linkedin: Lacey Kempinski
    Website: balancedgood.com

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    How One Nonprofit's Training Saved a Postpartum Woman's Life with Lauren Wiley

    How One Nonprofit's Training Saved a Postpartum Woman's Life with Lauren Wiley

    Good training has a real impact on those who receive it. It can shift mindsets. It can build skills. It can change the way your organization works. And that's what I want to share with you today.

    Nonprofit leader, Lauren Wiley, shares how one training at her nonprofit impacted the midwives and doulas they train and ultimately the pregnant and postpartum women they serve.

    ▶️ How One Nonprofit's Training Saved a Postpartum Woman's Life with Lauren Wiley

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:44 Lauren’s journey from a finance major to a nonprofit leader
    15:11 The training and technical assistance that Start Early provides in the state of Illinois
    17:51 The importance of a continuous quality improvement process for trainings
    24:53 The impact a good training can have on those who receive it

    Resources from this episode:
    Episode 47: What is the Real Value of Training?

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Lauren
    Linkedin: Lauren Wiley
    Website: startearly.org

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Is L&D a Last Resort or a First Response? My Tips to Help Build Relationships in The Workplace

    Is L&D a Last Resort or a First Response? My Tips to Help Build Relationships in The Workplace

    All too often, L&D feels like a last resort in the workplace. We, as L&D, need to be brought in earlier in the process of decision-making. We have experience and expertise to share and we have value to add, and we can help shape that final decision.

    In this episode, I’m sharing some tips to help build relationships so that L&D can become the first response in your nonprofit.

    ▶️ Is L&D a Last Resort or a First Response? 

    ▶️ Key Points:
    05:14 Building relationships between L&D and other teams
    06:07 Sharing the value of people development
    07:22 Tell AND show others in your business what L&D can do
    09:05 Share the business impact of people development

    Resources from this episode:
    2024 HR Trends Report: https://hr.mcleanco.com/research/ss/hr-trends-report-2024
    Episode 59: Measuring the Impact of Your Training with L&D Detective Kevin M. Yates

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    A Well-Being Approach to Leadership Development with Loretta Turner

    A Well-Being Approach to Leadership Development with Loretta Turner

    Work is a major contributor to well-being. Your leaders influence the well-being of everyone on their teams. So those leaders become an important part of the conversation. 

    That's why I'm so excited to have well-being strategist Loretta Turner as my guest today. We’re exploring how you can take a well-being approach to leadership development. 

    ▶️ A Well-Being Approach to Leadership Development with Loretta Turner 

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:21 Loretta’s career journey and unique background in the wellness and well-being sector
    06:55 The meaning of a well-being approach to leadership development
    10:17 The challenge with traditional leadership development
    14:24 Outcomes of a well-being approach to leadership development
    17:55 One way to make your leadership development more well-being focused

    Resources from this episode:

    Check out my other episodes on well-being at work:
    ▶️ Episode 38: Dealing with Corporate Burnout? One Easy Way to Manage Stress as a Nonprofit Leader with Jessie Pagliari
    ▶️ Episode 30: Why Well-Being Is The Secret Sauce to Change Management with Mandy Sharp Eizinger

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Loretta
    Linkedin: Loretta Turner
    Website: www.lorettaturner.com

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    How to Make a Large Cohort of Learners Feel More Intimate

    How to Make a Large Cohort of Learners Feel More Intimate

    I talk a lot about training as an avenue to create trusting relationships and psychological safety in your nonprofit. But what do you do when the training facilitates a large cohort of learners and it becomes harder to build those relationships?

    Today I am talking about what you can do to make those large cohorts of learners feel a bit more intimate.

    ▶️ How to Make a Large Cohort of Learners Feel More Intimate

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:49 Breaking a large cohort of learners into smaller groups
    05:13 Using technology to facilitate learning
    06:30 Providing access to personalized coaching and learning during live sessions
    07:29 Ensuring access to additional supports

    Resources from this episode:

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    3 Basic Skills Your Frontline Managers Need with Summer Davies

    3 Basic Skills Your Frontline Managers Need with Summer Davies

    The skills you need as an individual contributor are different than the skills you need as a manager. We hear it time and time again - you promote your very best individual contributor to a supervisory position and they struggle because they aren’t equipped with the skills they need.

    That’s why I’m so excited to have Summer Davies, an award-winning leadership development expert with over 15 years of experience, as my guest today. We talk about the 3 basic skills your frontline managers need and how you can develop these skills.

    ▶️ 3 Basic Skills Your Frontline Managers Need with Summer Davies

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:35 Summer’s career journey from equine reproduction to an award-winning leadership development expert
    10:51  Why organizations struggle so much with frontline manager positions
    03:15 Why frontline managers are so critical to organizations
    17:37 The 3 basic skills that all frontline managers should have
    22:48 How to develop these critical skills in your frontline managers

    Resources from this episode:
    Find the two books Summer recommended below

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Summer

    Linkedin: Summer Davies
    Website: www.leader-shop.com

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Is Your Staff Prepared To Implement Your New Program or Service? THIS Is How Training Can Help

    Is Your Staff Prepared To Implement Your New Program or Service? THIS Is How Training Can Help

    Let's say you are kicking off 2024 with a new program or service. Are your staff prepared to implement it? Have they had a chance to build the skills and confidence they need? Or will they be struggling to figure things out on the job?

    In today’s episode, I’m discussing just how Learning and Development can support your nonprofit as you’re changing program or service offerings. Have a listen to make sure you aren't left wondering whether you should have done more to support your staff during a time of change.

    ▶️ Changing Your Program Offerings? How Training Can Help

    ▶️ Key Points:
    02:43 Capturing data and listening to experiences and ideas
    04:10 Uncovering staff motivation or skepticism related to program changes
    05:19 Identifying skills gaps
    05:59 Creating trainings
    06:28 Creating valuable peer-to-peer connection

    Resources from this episode:

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇

    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Using Humor to Promote Change Management, Leadership Development & Workforce Development with Gita Kulkarni

    Using Humor to Promote Change Management, Leadership Development & Workforce Development with Gita Kulkarni

    Today’s episode is all about humor. I’m not talking about corny jokes or puns, but rather the lightheartedness and energy that you need in your nonprofit to get things done and to help teams work together.
    My guest, Gita Kulkarni, explains why we need to care about humor and how to use humor as nonprofit Learning and Development leaders. Gita is a humor coach who helps people find and express their sense of humor to be more productive and effective in work and life.

    ▶️ Using Humor to Promote Change Management, Leadership Development & Workforce Development with Gita Kulkarni

    ▶️ Key Points:
    02:29 Get to know humor coach, Gita Kulkarni
    09:56 The psychology of humor and its effect on stress
    14:33 Using storytelling for humor as a nonprofit L&D leader
    19:55 How nonprofits can incorporate more humor into their existing training and leadership development strategies
    23:21 Finding humor within yourself

    Resources from this episode:
    Take a look at these episodes on play, improv, and well-being:
    ▶️ Episode 38: Dealing with Corporate Burnout? One Easy Way to Manage Stress as a Nonprofit Leader with Jessie Pagliari
    ▶️ Episode 36: How Nonprofit Learning and Development Leaders Can Use Play to Create Organizational Change
    ▶️ Episode 30: Why Well-Being Is The Secret Sauce to Change Management with Mandy Sharp Eizinger
    ▶️ Episode 17: This One Element Changes Everything for Training (storytelling)
    ▶️ Episode 07: Do THIS and You Will Never Have a Boring Virtual Training Again with Melissa Dinwiddie (play)
    ▶️ Episode 05: Three Must-Haves in Any Virtual Training (improv)

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective:

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Gita
    Linkedin: Gita Kulkarni
    Website: thehumoredge.com
    Instagram: @thecorporatelaugh

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    24 Learning And Development Tips for Nonprofit Pros to Kick Off 2024

    24 Learning And Development Tips for Nonprofit Pros to Kick Off 2024

    Hey friend and Happy New Year! Today's episode is a quick one. I wanted to kick off 2024 with something kind of fun and different. I’m sharing  24 tips for L&D leaders.

    From knowing your worth as an L&D leader to building relationships with other business units and teams, these tips will help you get 2024 off to a great start. Let’s jump right in.

    ▶️ 24 L&D Tips for Nonprofit Pros to Kick Off 2024

    ▶️ Key Points:
    01:08 24 Tips for L&D Leaders: Kickstart 2024
    02:21 Creating a Theory of Change for L&D
    02:40 Identifying competencies and creating career path roadmaps
    03:33 The Role of critical, creative, and collaborative thinking in L&D
    03:54 Leveraging technology and learning in L&D
    05:16 The importance of self-care in L&D
    06:20 The Final Tip: Keep Learning

    Resources from this episode:

    Custom Competency Model Episodes:
    ▶️ Episode 51: Using Your Competency Model to Develop a Comprehensive Training Program And Boost Workforce Development
    ▶️ Episode 39: Ask These Two Questions to Identify Your Nonprofit's Core Competencies
    ▶️ Episode 20: How to Determine Which Competencies Are Right for You
    ▶️ Episode 19: One Nonprofit's Honest Opinion after 6 Months with a Competency Model

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective:

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    End-of-Year Reflection: What Scheduling a Time and a Goal for Reflection Can Do for You And Your Nonprofit Organization

    End-of-Year Reflection: What Scheduling a Time and a Goal for Reflection Can Do for You And Your Nonprofit Organization

    If you're doing a year-end reflection, you need to listen to this episode. 

    I have some tips for how to do your time of reflection so that you get the most out of it. Because at the end of the day, I want you to learn from this time of reflection because when you learn from what you've done in the past, your perspective changes for what you can do in the future.

    ▶️ Once You Reflect This Way, Your Perspective Changes  

    ▶️ Key Points:
    00:58 Reflecting on 2023
    04:30 Scheduling a time and goal for reflection
    05:37 Reflection questions
    9:13 What do you want to do differently in the future?

    Resources from this episode:
    Listen to the episodes I mentioned in the episode:
    ▶️ E52: Should You Use Leadership Training or Leadership Coaching in Your Nonprofit?
    ▶️ E43: Is Learning and Development a Valued Business Partner in Your Nonprofit? Three Ways to Know For Sure
    ▶️ E36: How Nonprofit Learning and Development Leaders Can Use Play to Create Organizational Change
    ▶️ E50: An Inside Look at a Learning and Development Consulting Business

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Why Setting Clear Expectations May Help Retain Gen Z Staff and Improve Workforce Development

    Why Setting Clear Expectations May Help Retain Gen Z Staff and Improve Workforce Development

    Do you ever feel like you're having two different conversations with someone? It’s like you're saying one thing, and they are hearing something completely different. This happens regularly in our workplaces. Your Gen Z staff are waiting for you to set clear expectations and if you don't, they just might leave.

    In this episode, I’m going over three ways we can help ensure clear expectations are set for staff and in turn, increase staff retention. 

    ▶️ Why Setting Clear Expectations May Help Retain Gen Z Staff in Your Nonprofit

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:37 How Learning and Development is related to staff retention
    05:19 Using a competency model to define expectations
    06:09 Developing your nonprofit’s people managers
    7:41 Building relationships and trust

    Resources from this episode:
    Take a look at the YoPro Know ‘The State of Young Professionals Today’ report

    Custom Competency Model Episodes:
    ▶️ Episode 51: Using Your Competency Model to Develop a Comprehensive Training Program And Boost Workforce Development
    ▶️ Episode 39: Ask These Two Questions to Identify Your Nonprofit's Core Competencies
    ▶️ Episode 20: How to Determine Which Competencies Are Right for You
    ▶️ Episode 19: One Nonprofit's Honest Opinion after 6 Months with a Competency Model

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Measuring the Impact of Your Training at Your Nonprofit with L&D Detective Kevin M. Yates

    Measuring the Impact of Your Training at Your Nonprofit with L&D Detective Kevin M. Yates

    How do we know when we are successful? And how can we actually measure that? I know this can be frustrating, but it can be done. And who better to guide us than today’s guest, L&D Detective, Kevin M. Yates.

    I am so excited to have Kevin as a guest,  not only is he the L&D detective and an expert on measurement, but he also has his own nonprofit and we're going to hear about both of those things today. I know you're going to love it and get so much value from what Kevin has to share.

    ▶️ Measuring the Impact of Your Training  at Your Nonprofit  with L&D Detective Kevin M. Yates

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:49 Kevin’s career journey in training, learning, and talent development and starting his own nonprofit, Meals in the Meantime
    07:38 If your nonprofit isn’t measuring impact, this is where they should start
    16:02 Measuring nonprofit impact through KPIs and metrics that already exist in your nonprofit
    22:13 Measuring the impact of training in your nonprofit
    27:33 Actions that nonprofit Learning and Development leaders can take now to measure training more effectively in the future

    Resources from this episode:

    To learn more about assessments, check out these episodes:
    ▶️ Episode 13: Breaking Down the Good, Bad, and Ugly of Diversity Assessments with Dr. Hedy Lemar Walls
    ▶️ Episode 12: The Secret to Making Leadership Assessments Work
    ▶️ Episode 11: Three Types of Assessments that Pay Off for Your Hybrid Workforce

    To learn more about employee and organization performance, check out these episodes:
    ▶️ Episode 44: How to Establish a Common Language for Performance
    ▶️ Episode 27: 4 Easy Habits to Improve Employee Performance and Culture with Veronica LaFemina
    ▶️ Episode 23: Improving Employee Performance: How I Tailor Staff Development Solutions to Your Organization
    ▶️ Episode 22: How People Managers Can Improve Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Connect with Kevin
    LinkedIn: Kevin M. Yates
    Website: kevinmyates.com and mealsinthemeantime.org

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    One Goal, Two Techniques: How L&D Can Prepare Your Workforce for the Future

    One Goal, Two Techniques: How L&D Can Prepare Your Workforce for the Future

    The skill sets your staff need  are expected to change by 50% in 2027. That's according to LinkedIn’s 2023 Workplace Learning Report. 50% in just a few short years. With so much changing, Learning and Development has a role to play.

    In today’s episode of the Learning for Good podcast, we are exploring two techniques L&D can use to prepare your staff for the future.

    ▶️ One Goal, Two Techniques: How L&D Can Prepare Your Workforce for the Future

    ▶️ Key Points:
    02:55 Identifying skills for the future
    05:48 Allowing staff to build skills for the future

    Resources from this episode:
    Take a look at LinkedIn’s 2023 Workplace Learning Report

    Custom Competency Model Episodes:
    ▶️ Episode 51: Using Your Competency Model to Develop a Comprehensive Training Program And Boost Workforce Development
    ▶️ Episode 39: Ask These Two Questions to Identify Your Nonprofit's Core Competencies
    ▶️ Episode 20: How to Determine Which Competencies Are Right for You
    ▶️ Episode 19: One Nonprofit's Honest Opinion after 6 Months with a Competency Model
    ▶️ Episode 18: Four Reasons Your Competencies Don't Work

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Is Culture Change Hard? How to Succeed in 2024 with Rebecca Marchiafava

    Is Culture Change Hard? How to Succeed in 2024 with Rebecca Marchiafava

    Culture can be a complex thing and it's what allows you to attract, retain, and develop your staff. That’s why I’m so excited to have Rebecca Marchiafava on the podcast today, to discuss culture change and to help you successfully lead or navigate that change.
    Rebecca is the founder of Culture Work LLC, where she consults with organizations to develop healthy environments and improve well-being at work. An experienced speaker, facilitator, and consultant, Rebecca is passionate about building workplaces that are engines of health and well-being.

    ▶️ Culture Change is Hard - How to Succeed in 2023 with Rebecca Marchiafava

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:54 How Rebecca's career in trauma-informed care informs her work as an organizational culture consultant
    08:02 Signs that your nonprofit workplace culture needs to change
    13:21 Challenges a nonprofit might face when creating culture change
    18:04 How L&D can help – and its limitations when it comes to culture change
    23:09 Tips to navigate a culture change

    Resources from this episode:
    Episodes on well-being:
    ▶️ Episode 38: Dealing with Corporate Burnout? One Easy Way to Manage Stress as a Nonprofit Leader with Jessie Pagliari
    ▶️ Episode 30: Why Well-Being Is The Secret Sauce to Change Management with Mandy Sharp Eizinger

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

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    Connect with Rebecca
    Linkedin: Rebecca Marchiafava
    Website: culturework.co

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Your Organization's Training And Development Project Meetings Are Going to Be VERY Different after THIS!

    Your Organization's Training And Development Project Meetings Are Going to Be VERY Different after THIS!

    Have you ever left a meeting thinking that could have been an email? As a nonprofit consultant working on training and leadership development projects, I lead a lot of meetings. And my goal is to make them an effective use of time, every time.

    Today, I want to share some ways you can make your meetings more effective. So no one leaves thinking it could have been an email. You’re going to want to take notes during this one!

    ▶️ Your Training and Development Project Meetings are Going to be VERY Different After This   

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:32 Identifying your ideal project team
    05:33 Scheduling recurring meetings
    08:31 Setting project milestone dates
    10:13 Setting a meeting agenda
    11:53 Making sure the right people are in the meeting
    12:55 Email follow-up

    Resources from this episode:

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇

    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Three Tips for Running a Global Learning Cohort in Your Nonprofit Organization with Tommy Lee

    Three Tips for Running a Global Learning Cohort in Your Nonprofit Organization with Tommy Lee

    How do global nonprofits bring people together for a global learning cohort, despite the challenges, for the good of all involved? That's what we're going to explore on today’s episode of Learning for Good with Tommy Lee.
    Tommy is a seasoned leader with extensive experience in the areas of faith and work integration, organizational development, and strategic planning and he has a wealth of knowledge on running global cohorts.

    ▶️ Three Tips for Running a Global Learning Cohort in Your Nonprofit Organization with Tommy Lee

    ▶️ Key Points:
    05:00 Tommy’s career journey and a lesson in getting the job done
    13:24 The structure and goals of the global learning cohorts that Tommy is running
    17:25 The challenges faced when running a global cohort and overcoming those challenges
    22:26 Three tips for someone getting ready to start a global learning cohort

    Resources from this episode:
    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective
    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Tommy
    LinkedIn: Tommy Lee
    Website: resourceglobal.org

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Need to Cut Content? How to Work with SMEs Without the Frustration

    Need to Cut Content? How to Work with SMEs Without the Frustration

    Most subject matter experts are open to redesigning activities and interactions, but when you talk about cutting content, that can be a challenge because it feels personal.

    So how do I navigate situations like these? And what can you do to navigate similar situations as you are working with your subject matter experts? I have three tips to share with you today.

    ▶️ Need to Cut Content? How to Work with SMEs Without the Frustration

    ▶️ Key Points:
    03:49 Establishing expectations upfront
    05:15 Setting clear objectives
    07:43 Aligning your deliverables with meetings

    Resources from this episode:

    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇

    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.

    Leadership Training: Strategic Planning And How to Prepare Staff for Implementation with Carol Hamilton

    Leadership Training: Strategic Planning And How to Prepare Staff for Implementation with Carol Hamilton

    One of my favorite things is when a nonprofit comes to me with a strategic plan that specifically mentions developing their people, their staff. But this isn’t always the case. Regardless of whether Learning and Development has been written into your strategic plan or not, it still has a large role to play.

    In today's episode, Carol Hamilton and I sit down to discuss the strategic planning process and how you prepare staff to implement it once your nonprofit strategic plan is done. 

    ▶️ Leadership Training: Strategic Planning And How to Prepare Staff for Implementation with Carol Hamilton

    ▶️ Key Points:
    07:12 The challenges that occur when implementing a strategic plan and how to overcome them
    12:20 How training supports the implementation of a strategic plan
    19:04 The importance of a custom competency model
    23:41 Advice for nonprofits creating training to support strategic planning and implementation
    25:48 Advice for nonprofits undergoing a strategic planning process

    Resources from this episode:
    Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective
    Was this episode helpful? If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, follow and leave a review! 👇👇👇
    Know anyone who would benefit from this episode? SHARE this with your friends. 🔗

    Connect with Carol
    Linkedin: Carol Hamilton
    Website: gracesocialsector.com

    Connect with Heather
    Linkedin: Heather Burright
    Website: skillmastersmarket.com
    Book an interest call with Heather here.