
    Leslie Fonteyne

    Sheer Alchemy with Leslie Fonteyne

    Leslie Fonteyne is a Transformation Catalyst who uses her Intuitive and Energetic gifts to catapult listeners into living the life they were born to manifest. Whether it is shifting from scarcity to abundance, from emotional pain into joy or from illness into health. How does it happen

    Known for the "Leslie Fonteyne Experience" and her Abundance Now events, Leslie not only teaches audience members how to clear their energy systems to achieve their "personal gold;" she also invites an unbeatable team of Ascended Masters and Archangels into the session. These amazing light beings join in partnership with you to clear the blocks that prevent you from stepping into love, abundance and joy. Leslie clairvoyantly works with your energy field and ignites the fire within you to step into all that you are. The result Deep, inner transformation. You won't be the same.

    Through this experience, you will be reminded of how powerful you are and how connected you can be to your Higher Self, Source Energy and the high-vibrational beings that can help usher you into a life of abundance. The destination of this journey is assured it's paved with discovery, expansiveness and miracles. Listeners have experienced clarity of vision, purpose and direction, physical healings, and the removal of emotional and mental blockages.

    Leslie speaks all over North America and conducts individual energetic transformation sessions with clients. She has published teaching and meditational clearing CDs as well as a regular Inspiration blog on stepping intentionally into abundance and healing.

    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio93 Episodes

    Episodes (93)

    Healing Core Wounds: A Way to Deeper Abundance

    Healing Core Wounds: A Way to Deeper Abundance

    After practicing the law of attraction for a while, many of us have drawn in the material manifestations of food, clothing, shelter, raises, promotions and relationships. Something compels us to go deeper, where we make the shocking discovery of neediness, pockets of anger and resentment, fears of heartbreak and abandonment – all screaming for attention. We discover these wounds have been impacting what we draw into our lives all along. It is your soul’s desire to heal your deeper wounds so that you can reach the next level of manifestation. Find out how.

    Sheer Alchemy! with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne: Practice Makes Perfect: From Discovery to Mastery

    Sheer Alchemy! with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne: Practice Makes Perfect: From Discovery to Mastery

    Sometimes we expect to learn about a new capability, then reach perfection immediately. We learn about a new capability, and confusing that with mastering the implementation. They are not the same. If you find yourself “knowing about” a skill, but you have not been able to successfully implement it, this show is for you!

    Creating Expressions versus Impressions

    Creating Expressions versus Impressions

    We are afraid of our imperfections, of not sounding positive, seeming negative. So we suppress. But the energy comes out anyway. The gift of our truth is that we can allow it, honor it, hear it, and shift. Then our expression is genuine and we are creating our heart’s desire.

    There’s a fear as we get introduced to the power of our energy – we understand the weight of our negativity but we misunderstand how to remove it.

    Suppression does not create positive expression. We learn that in the world. But spirit is operating from a much higher level of creation and manifestation.

    Source isn’t saying, if you do these things, then I’ll love you. That is the conditionality we learn from family and religious institutions and culture and then transfer to Source. So, the journey is to a much higher place. It is healing, it is fully loving, it is wanting to help us with our wounds.

    Artificial markers: Who said you can’t do it now?

    Artificial markers: Who said you can’t do it now?

    Many of us have learned about achieving life goals from the lens of how old we are, what sex we are, our nationality, the state of the economy, what we’re qualified for, and what value we have. Let’s look at how those filters prevent us from stepping forward and how we can release those blocks.