
    Lessons in Life & Love with Coach Riana Milne

    Learn to have Conscious, Loving & Respectful Relationships! This educational podcast is for Successful Singles and Couples who Struggle in Life or Love and can't figure out why. Overcome a Fear-based, Negative Mindset, Anxiety, Lack of Trust, Codependency & Emotional Triggers due to past Unhealed & Unconscious Childhood or Love Relationship Trauma. It's Time for Personal Transformation - to Create the Life You Desire & to Have the Love You Deserve! I'm Coach Riana Milne, a Certified, Global Life, Love Trauma Recovery & Mindset Coach, and CCtP I + II (Cert. Clinical Trauma Professional). I’m a #1 Bestselling Author of LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve; and LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose, and Success. I've taught "The Mindset for Success" and Personal Life Transformation for over 40 years to teens and adults of all ages. This is a 30-minute to 1-hr podcast. The show is a mix of educational topics, Free class recordings, Live Coaching with volunteers of all ages with real issues, Guest Experts, Graduates with their stories of Transformation, and other timely advice to help you succeed in Life, Love and Business. Need help, want to suggest a topic, or be on the show? Email me at RianaMilne@gmail.com. Get Free Resources (eBook, Book Chapters, and take the 4 Free Love Tests) and arrange to meet with me for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session at my website, https://RianaMilne.com Podcast website: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com and on every major podcast platform. See more videos and audios: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RianaMilne/videos
    enCoach Riana Milne LMHC, CCPT-II, Cert. Life, Love Trauma Recovery & Mindset Coach; Author124 Episodes

    Episodes (124)

    83. Moving on From Your Partner

    83. Moving on From Your Partner

    83. Moving on From Your Partner - Understanding the Breakup Process

    Should You stay or leave your Partner? Couples are being pushed to their limits being with each other 24/7 over the past several months under the restrictions of Coronavirus. Problem behaviors are being escalated under stress and many couples are questioning whether to stay or go. This show covers the stages of a Breakup if you decide this is the best course of action for you. Coach Riana Milne covers -

    • Understanding the process of getting through a breakup
    • Getting Emotionally through Stage 1
    • Reasons to leave - when you'll be better off
    • Taking care of yourself & Healing with Coaching
    • The Second Stage - Moving forward into your new life
    • New goals, dreams, and creating "The Life You Desire"
    • The importance of Forgiveness and Time to Heal to be able to open your heart again and Attract a new Emotional Healthy, Evolved & Conscious Partner

    Some other resources to get help -

    Helpful Books for Healing through a Breakup:
    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; http://bit.ly/LIVEbook
    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve - http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +website: RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook & Book Chapter downloads.
    +Free app: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go! http://app.rianamilne.com

    Where to listen:
    +Podcast Archives: LessonsinLifeandLove.com
    iTunes for Podcast https://bit.ly/iTunesLessonsinLifeandLove
    TuneIn- https://bit.ly/TuneInLessonsinLifeandLove
    Spotify: https://bit.ly/SpotifyLessonsinLifeandLove
    Stitcher: https://bit.ly/StitcherLessonsinLifeandLove
    iHeart: https://bit.ly/iHeartLessonsinLifeandLove

    Join my Social Media for Free Masterclasses, videos, interviews, summits, articles, and more!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachRianaMilne
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/RianaMilne/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/RianaMilne/videos
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachrianamilne/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/rianamilne

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Mindset #Stress #Abandonment #Anxiety #FindingLove #Relationships #TraumaRecovery #RelationshipCoachNearMe #Love #Depression #OvercomingFear #CoronaVirus #EmotionalTriggers

    82. Success in Dating

    82. Success in Dating

    82. Success in Dating - Learn the Do's & Don'ts

    Today on Show 82 of the Lessons in Life and Love Podcast, Coach Riana Milne talks about getting ready to date in isolation. Even if there are restrictions for us to go outside, it doesn’t mean that your dating life is over! Throughout the podcast, you will learn how to release past relationship traumas, find dates even if you’re sitting at home, and creative ways to date at this time. We will get into the traps you should watch out for, the personalities you should avoid, the things you should prioritize in a date, and the signs that prove that you’re still carrying emotional baggage from the past.

    Check out the NEW COURSE at 50% OFF INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Just $247 -- Success in Dating! Sign up at this link >>


    Some other resources to get help -

    Riana's Books:
    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; http://bit.ly/LIVEbook
    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve - http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +website: RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook, and book Chapter downloads.
    +Free app: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go! bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp
    Where to listen:
    +Podcast Archives: LessonsinLifeandLove.com
    iTunes for Podcast https://bit.ly/iTunesLessonsinLifeandLove
    TuneIn- https://bit.ly/TuneInLessonsinLifeandLove
    Spotify: https://bit.ly/SpotifyLessonsinLifeandLove
    Stitcher: https://bit.ly/StitcherLessonsinLifeandLove
    iHeart: https://bit.ly/iHeartLessonsinLifeandLove

    Join my Social Media for Free Masterclasses, videos, interviews, summits, articles and more!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachRianaMilne
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/RianaMilne/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RianaMilne/featured
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachrianamilne/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/rianamilne

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Mindset #Stress #Abandonment #Anxiety #FindingLove #Dating #Relationships #TraumaRecoveryCoach #LifeCoachNearMe #Love #Depression #OvercomingFear #CoronaVirus #EmotionalTriggers


    81. Resiliency & Self-Esteem in Teens

    81. Resiliency & Self-Esteem in Teens

    81. Resiliency & Self Esteem in Teens - Strategies for Raising Successful Teens based on research and my Thesis project: Increasing Self-Concept and Developmental Assets in Adolescents using Behavioral and Psychoeducational Interventions. Helping teens excel during the time of Coronavirus.

    I cover:

    • Resiliency and Self-esteem leads to Life & Love Success as adults and the ability to handle stress
    • How adults who missed these skills can get them now w/my Trauma coaching interventions
    • Quality time with one emotionally healthy parent (especially the mother) is imperative to building resiliency skills
    • Why High-risk behaviors and a lack of Resiliency skills when a teen causes impulsivity and narcissistic/sociopathic behaviors as adults.
    • much more

    Helpful Resources:
    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; http://bit.ly/LIVEbook
    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve - http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +website: RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook & Book Chapter downloads.
    +Free app: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go! http://app.rianamilne.com

    Where to listen:
    +Podcast Archives: LessonsinLifeandLove.com
    iTunes for Podcast https://bit.ly/iTunesLessonsinLifeandLove
    TuneIn- https://bit.ly/TuneInLessonsinLifeandLove
    Spotify: https://bit.ly/SpotifyLessonsinLifeandLove
    Stitcher: https://bit.ly/StitcherLessonsinLifeandLove
    iHeart: https://bit.ly/iHeartLessonsinLifeandLove

    Join my Social Media for Free Masterclasses, videos, interviews, summits, articles, and more!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachRianaMilne
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/RianaMilne/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RianaMilne/featured
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachrianamilne/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/rianamilne

    #Resiliency #adolescents #childhoodTrauma #lifeskills #teens #Self-esteem #raisingsuccessfulteens #lifecoach #lovecoach #RianaMilne #LessonsinLifeandLovepodcast #acoa #anxiety #depression #highriskbehaviors #LoveTraumaRecoveryCoach #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RelationshipCoach #mentalhealth #addictions #self-concept #personaltransformation #LifeTransitionCoaching #FailuretoLaunch


    80. Why You Attract Narcissists

    80. Why You Attract Narcissists

    80. Why You Attract Narcissists and Toxic Partners; How to Have Emotionally Healthy Love

    In this show I dive deep into WHY you are Attracting The Narcissist or other Toxic Personality Type, What are the differences between Sociopaths and Narcissists, How does Childhood Trauma cause Narcissistic & other Toxic Personality Types, the various ranges of Narcissism, The Reason you are Attracted to them, and how they rope partners in. Then I will explain how you can heal from this type of Love Trauma.

    PLEASE Share, Subscribe, Comment & Rate the show - Thanks! Riana

    Some other resources to get help on this Topic:

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve - http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +website: RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook & Book Chapter downloads.
    +Free app: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!

    Where to listen:
    +Podcast Archives: LessonsinLifeandLove.com
    iTunes for Podcast https://bit.ly/iTunesLessonsinLifeandLove
    TuneIn- https://bit.ly/TuneInLessonsinLifeandLove
    Spotify: https://bit.ly/SpotifyLessonsinLifeandLove
    Stitcher: https://bit.ly/StitcherLessonsinLifeandLove
    iHeart: https://bit.ly/iHeartLessonsinLifeandLove

    Join my Social Media for Free Masterclasses, videos, interviews, summits, articles and more!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachRianaMilne
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/RianaMilne/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RianaMilne/featured
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachrianamilne/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/rianamilne

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Mindset #Stress #Abandonment #Anxiety #FindingLove #ParentalRelationships #Parent-ChildRelationships #Relationships #TraumaRecovery #RelationshipCoachNearMe #Love #Depression #OvercomingFear #CoronaVirus #EmotionalTriggers

    79. Relationships ReExamined

    79. Relationships ReExamined

    SHOW 79 - Relationships Examined during this time of Traumatic Coronavirus 

    Today on Show 79 of the Lessons in Life and Love Podcast, Coach Riana Milne begins with talking about Relationship Coaching and how it differs with therapy and counseling. The current crisis doesn’t only disrupt the functions of our physical bodies, but also how we connect in society. We have to know how to handle relationships at home and the ones outside as well. Throughout the episode, we will touch on intimate relationships, friendships, parental relationships, professional relationships, and your relationship with yourself. You will learn to address the root of your problems, be proactive instead of reactive, and create systems to show care for the people you love.

    Some other resources to get help -

    Helpful Books on the Spiritual Mindset for Success:
    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; http://bit.ly/LIVEbook
    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve - http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +website: RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook & Book Chapter downloads.
    +Free app: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!

    Where to listen:
    +Podcast Archives: LessonsinLifeandLove.com
    iTunes for Podcast https://bit.ly/iTunesLessonsinLifeandLove
    TuneIn- https://bit.ly/TuneInLessonsinLifeandLove
    Spotify: https://bit.ly/SpotifyLessonsinLifeandLove
    Stitcher: https://bit.ly/StitcherLessonsinLifeandLove
    iHeart: https://bit.ly/iHeartLessonsinLifeandLove

    Join my Social Media for Free Masterclasses, videos, interviews, summits, articles and more!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachRianaMilne
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/RianaMilne/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RianaMilne/featured
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachrianamilne/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/rianamilne

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Mindset #Stress #Abandonment #Anxiety #FindingLove #ParentalRelationships #Parent-ChildRelationships #Relationships #TraumaRecovery #RelationshipCoachNearMe #Love #Depression #OvercomingFear #CoronaVirus #EmotionalTriggers


    78. Spiritual Trauma Recovery

    78. Spiritual Trauma Recovery

    Show 78: Spiritual Trauma Recovery - Learn about how Trauma impacts you physically, emotionally, and mentally, along with the 8 symptom levels of Psychological Trauma on Show 78 of LessonsinLifeandLove.com podcast with Coach Riana Milne. Riana also covers the 6 Trauma Recovery guidelines, and shares two inspirational readings, a reading from her book; LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success about the Importance of having a Plan B to prepare ahead of time for a difficult transition or in a time of crisis. Then Rev. Riana will share a spiritual guided meditational prayer for healing our world.

    By the end, you will know what to do to help yourself recover even within this current crisis. Part of the reading Rev. Riana is to share will give us some questions to ask ourselves when we are trying to adjust positively with stressful situations. She also gives some insights on how we can make good use of the time we have to be healthy and provide value ourselves and others. You will learn how Riana’s daughter makes her sons see these times as quality time instead of a scary time. Adding to that, you will pick up on what food to eat or avoid and the ways to set up a great support system. Enjoy the podcast!

    Some other resources to get help -

    Helpful Books on the Spiritual Mindset for Success:
    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; http://bit.ly/LIVEbook
    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve - http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +Website: RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook, and book Chapter downloads.
    +Free app: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go! bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    Where to listen:
    +Podcast Archives: Lessons in Life & Love
    iTunes for Podcast https://bit.ly/iTunesLessonsinLifeandLove
    TuneIn- https://bit.ly/TuneInLessonsinLifeandLove
    Spotify: https://bit.ly/SpotifyLessonsinLifeandLove
    Stitcher: https://bit.ly/StitcherLessonsinLifeandLove
    iHeart: https://bit.ly/iHeartLessonsinLifeandLove

    Join my Social Media for Free Masterclasses, videos, interviews, summits, articles and more!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachRianaMilne
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/RianaMilne/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RianaMilne/featured
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachrianamilne/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/rianamilne

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Mindset #Stress #Abandonment #Anxiety #FindingLove #Dating #Relationships #TraumaRecovery #LifeCoachNearMe #Love #Depression #OvercomingFear #CoronaVirus #EmotionalTriggers


    77. Trauma - Retriggered!

    77. Trauma - Retriggered!

    77. Trauma - Retriggered; Stopping Emotional Triggering. In this first episode of Season 4 of LessonsinLifeandLove.com podcast, I cover - 

    1) What is Emotional Triggering and how does it show up?

    2) Why does a Crisis impact some more than others?

    3) Why is this showing up during today's crisis when my trauma happened a long time ago or as a child?

    4) How can Mindfulness help me with coping during a crisis?

    Some other resources to get help - 

    Helpful Books on the Mindset for Success:

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; Riana Milne: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deservehttp://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    website: RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook, and book Chapter downloads.

    Podcast Archives:  LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    app: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!:  Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma  #ToxicLove #Mindset #Stress #Abandonment  #Anxiety  #FindingLove  #Dating #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #Love #Depression #OvercomingFear #CoronaVirus #EmotionalTriggers

    76. Realities & Rebirth

    76. Realities & Rebirth

    76. Realities & Rebirth - Managing Your Mindset to Handle Stress and Challenges.

    In Show 76 of Lesson in Life & Love I cover how to check into Reality by living "In the Now," having a Plan B for challenging times, the steps and reasons to do Meditation, and why you may become anxious if you have a high need for control, security, and safety.

    Helpful Book on the Mindset for Success:

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; Riana Milne: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deservehttp://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    website: RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook, and book Chapter downloads.

    Podcast Archives:  LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    app: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!:  Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp


    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma  #ToxicLove #Mindset #Stress #Abandonment  #Anxiety  #FindingLove  #Dating #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #Love #Depression #OvercomingFear #CoronaVirus #Disappointment 

    75. Handling Fears & Disappointments

    75. Handling Fears & Disappointments

    75. Handling Fears & Disappointments- 5 Tips What You Can Do to Help deal with Fear during the time of the Corona Virus

    This is a scary time, isn't it? How do you handle the fear of a Pandemic World Medical Crisis? Is there a way to stay safe and keep our children and loves ones safe? it's hard to feel helpless. Here's 5 Tips to help handle the isolation, fear, and disappointments of plans changed due to this sudden world crisis. 

    Helpful Book on the Mindset for Success:

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; Riana Milne: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deservehttp://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook, and book Chapter downloads.
    Podcast Archives:  LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    app: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!:  Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Betrayal #Abandonment  #Anxiety  #FindingLove #Dating #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #Love #Depression #OvercomingFear #CoronaVirus #Disappointment 

    74. Religious Abuse & Child Slavery in USA

    74. Religious Abuse & Child Slavery in USA

    74. Religious Abuse of our Children & Child Slavery is discussed by Producer of Movies Making a Difference; Diana Davis; founder of this 501c3 Corp.

    Most people have heard of sex trafficking, but many have not heard about Religious Abuse & Child Slavery that is taking place all over the mid-west USA. Get the facts and learn about Diana Davis and her wonderful organization; Movies Making a Difference. Perhaps you can help save a Child's Life today!

    Topics discussed:

    1) What is Religious Abuse & Trafficking?

    2) Where does Child Slavery take place and how can this happen in the USA?

    3) Are drugs used to keep kids enslaved? 

    4) How do these groups find these kids, and how do the kids escape?

    Learn about what is the reality for many kids in the USA.


    Phone for the Organization to make a donation or report a child in need: 602.708.9188

    Riana's Books:
    1) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deservehttp://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook
    2) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook, and book Chapter downloads.
    Podcast Archives:  LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Betrayal #Abandonment #Breakups #Anxiety  #FindingLove #Dating #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #Love #Depression

    73. Helping Men to Evolve

    73. Helping Men to Evolve

    73. Men's Performance Coach Dr. John Schinnerer Helps Men reach their Peak Performance from the Boardroom to the Bedroom. Listen in on this lively conversation about Helping men find Happiness in all Life areas. Dr. John has been seen in US News & World Report, SELF Magazine, Reader's Digest, and Hosts the podcast, "The Evolved Caveman." He specializes in anger & stress management, and positive psychology for men.

    Topics include:

    1) How are Men Socialized into the Man Box Culture

    2) How does this affect men in relationships?

    3) What does a Man Need to be Successful in a Romantic Relationship?

    4) Does this impact divorce, and who divorces more?

    5) How can men and women improve their relationships?

    Dr. John's Resources:

    Website: GuidetoSelf.com

    Podcast, FB, IG: TheEvolvedPodcast.com

    Book: How Can I be Happy? 

    For Riana:

    Books mentioned:
    1) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deservehttp://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook
    2) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    Website: RianaMilne.com: For Free Love Tests, eBook, and book Chapter downloads.
    Podcast Archives:  LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    App: Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!: Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #DrJohnSchinnerer #UnleashedPodcast #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #Men #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Betrayal #Abandonment #Breakups #Anxiety  #FindingLove #Dating #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #Love #Depression


    72. Are You Dating a Narcissist or Sociopath?

    72. Are You Dating a Narcissist or Sociopath?

    72. Are You Dating a Narcissist or Sociopath? Alexi Panos, Host of Unleashed Podcast (and Riana's Daughter) interviews Riana to get the facts on the ranges of Narcissism (Healthy vs. Malignant) and understanding how to know if instead someone is a Sociopath.

    Topics Covered:

    1) Understanding & Forgiveness to those with Childhood Trauma

    2) How to Process Trauma and Compassion

    3) Communication when Triggered

    4) Signs of Abandonment

    5) Why do you Attract Narcissists or Sociopaths?

    6) Why do some people stay in Abusive Relationships?

    7) Forgiving & Finding Compassion for our Parents

    8) Importance of Living in "The Now"

    Alexi is one of Forbes Magazine's Top 11 Women Entrepreneurs, INC Magazine's Top 10 Entrepreneur's Changing the World, a Bestselling Author, Winner of The Millennial Mentor Award, and as of yesterday, Mom to a twin girl (Zahara) and boy (Zai) and 2-year old Kingston, wife to Preston Smiles, and my beautiful and amazing daughter. Enjoy her podcast show, Unleased too!

    Listen to Unleashed Podcast > https://unleashed-with-alexi-panos.simplecast.com/ 

    or on iTunes > https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unleashed-with-alexi-panos/id1462685595

    Website: AlexiPanos.com

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/alexipanos/

    Alexi's Books: 

    1) 50 Ways to Yay! https://amzn.to/2ZkgTIf

    2) Now or Never https://amzn.to/2TZFqBG

    3) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success; by Riana Milne & Alexi Panos http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    Also mentioned:

    LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve - Riana Milne http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEBook 

    Podcast Archives: LessonsinLifeandLove.com or on RianaMilne.com -

    Free eBook, Love Tests and Book Chapter downloads on RianaMilne.com


    #LessonsinLifeandLove.com #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #AlexiPanos #UnleashedPodcast #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #DivorceCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove  #Betrayal #Abandonment #Breakups #Anxiety #Abuse #Narcissist #Sociopath #FindingLove #OnlineDating #Dating #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #Love #Depression

    71. Let's Talk About Love!

    71. Let's Talk About Love!

    71. Let's Talk About Love! A new 5-Class series to Help you Find Love in 2020

    Find Love in 2020! Riana talks about her newest 5-class series for Single women, men or LGBTQ Singles. She talks about the importance of the topics that will be included for each week's class This is Class series is now available for purchase at her website -https://RianaMilne.com

    Topics covered are:

    1) 5 Things to Do Right Now to Find Love right Now!

    2) 5 Tips for Online Dating

    3) 5 Tips for Flirting with Confidence

    4) 5 Dating Traps to Avoid

    5) 8 Dangerous Dating Disasters to Avoid

    Other Resources to Inspire you in Life & Love - 

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams-Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve -http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +Podcast Archives: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    +Need Help? Take the FREE Love Tests, get book chapter downloads, the free eBook & Sign up to meet with Riana for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session & Assessment at her website - https://RianaMilne.com

    Free App - Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!: Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp


     #CoachRianaMilne #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne  #Valentine'sDay #FindingLove #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #Singles #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #Anxiety #Depression #MindsetforSuccess #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #RelationshipCoachNearMe

    70. 5 Tips to a Breakthrough Year

    70. 5 Tips to a Breakthrough Year

    70. 5 Tips to a Breakthrough Year - Start the New Year Strong!

    Creating a Breakthrough Year in which Your Dreams become a Reality in Life & Love begins with a system - a solid plan. Learn 5 of many steps I use in Coaching my Clients to an incredible year full of Success in Life, Love & Business.

    Books & Services to Inspire you in Life & Love - 

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams-Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve -http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +Podcast Archives: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    +Need Help? Take the FREE Love Tests, get book chapter downloads & Sign up to meet with me for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session & Assessment at my website - https://RianaMilne.com

    +Free eBook: HavetheLoveYouDeserve.com

    Free App - Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!: Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp


    #CoachRianaMilne #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #HolidayStress #NewYearsEve #Goalsetting #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #BusinessCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #Anxiety #Depression #MindsetforSuccess #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #RelationshipCoachNearMe

    69. New Year's Eve Motivation

    69. New Year's Eve Motivation

    69. New Year's Eve Motivation & Inspiration to start off 2020 Right!

    Reflection and advice to start your New Year 2020 with a positive attitude and a reminder to set your Goals and Dreams for New Year's Eve. Leave any negativity or sense of failure in Life, Love or Career behind - start fresh knowing you are Divinely created and have Unlimitless Possibilities to Create the Life You Desire & Have the Love You Deserve! Let's DO this! Happy New Year everyone!

    Books to Inspire you in Life & Love - 

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams-Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve -http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +Podcast Archives: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    +Need Help? Take the FREE Love Tests, get book chapter downloads & Sign up to meet with me for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session & Assessment at my website - https://RianaMilne.com

    +Free eBook: HavetheLoveYouDeserve.com

    Free App - Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!: Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    #CoachRianaMilne #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #HolidayStress #NewYearsEve #Goalsetting #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #BusinessCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #Anxiety #Depression #MindsetforSuccess #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #RelationshipCoachNearMe

    68. Merry DeStress Christmas!

    68. Merry DeStress Christmas!

    68. Merry DeStress Christmas! 12 Days & Ways to DeStress this Holiday Season!

    Coach Riana Milne delivers fun and inspirational messages about "The Reason for the Season" and shares some great tips about how to relax and really get into the Spirit of the Holiday without Stress or Anxiety!

    Riana's Books mentioned:

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams-Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve -http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +Podcast Archives: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    +Need Help? Take the FREE Love Tests, get book chapter downloads & Sign up to meet with me for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session & Assessment at my website - https://RianaMilne.com

    +Free eBook: HavetheLoveYouDeserve.com

    Free App - Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!: Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #coachrianamilne #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #HolidayStress #MerryChristmas #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #BusinessCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #Anxiety #Depression #MindsetforSuccess #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #RelationshipCoachNearMe


    67. Writing & Publishing Your Story

    67. Writing & Publishing Your Story

    67. Writing & Publishing Your Story - Defining Moments that Change Your Life. Melanie Warner guests

    Melanie begins her story when she lost everything - her son, marriage, and business of 20 years; to go on to write her story and become a magazine and book publisher. As a Business & Book Coach, she uses simple tools to help want-to-be writers to overcome their fear of writing and publishing a book, to go onto Bestselling status. Her Defining Moments book series contains stories of hope and healing from those who have overcome extreme challenges. 

    Get Melanie's Free Gift at - MyDefiningMoments.com 

    Riana's Books mentioned:

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams-Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve -http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +Podcast Archives: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    +Need Help? Take the FREE Love Tests, get book chapter downloads & Sign up to meet with me for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session & Assessment at my website - https://RianaMilne.com

    +Free eBook: HavetheLoveYouDeserve.com

    Free App - Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!: Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #MelanieWarner #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #BusinessCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Betrayal #Abandonment #Breakups #Anxiety #Depression #MindsetforSuccess #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #RelationshipCoachNearMe

    66. Erectile Dysfunction: Causes & Cures

    66. Erectile Dysfunction: Causes & Cures

    66. Erectile Dysfunction - What Causes it and How to Fix it; including the Impact of Porn - Orest Komarnyckyj guests

    We talk about what no one wants to talk about!

    1) Is ED Showing up in Younger men & Why?

    2) Does Porn have an impact on ED?

    3) What are the latest treatments for ED?

    4) How ED Impacts your Partner

    5) Why do the ED Magic Pills stop working? 

    6) What are the signs of Low T & why is it underdiagnosed? 

    Orest is 67 yo Blogger at his website - OldGuyTalks.com and has the podcast - Old Guy Talks To Me

    CLICK HERE for the FREE GIFT about ED

    Books mentioned:

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams-Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve -http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +Podcast Archives: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    +Need Help? Take the FREE Love Tests, get book chapter downloads & Sign up to meet with me for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session & Assessment at my website - https://RianaMilne.com

    +Free eBook: HavetheLoveYouDeserve.com

    Free App - Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!: Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #SuccessinBusiness #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #OldGuyTalkstoMe #Abundance #FindingLove #SingleWomen #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Betrayal #Abandonment #Breakups #Anxiety #Depression #Spirituality #MindsetforSuccess #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #RelationshipCoachNearMe

    65. A Powerful & Passionalte Life

    65. A Powerful & Passionalte Life

    65. Tips for a Powerful, Passionate & Prosperous Life - Dr. Jay LaGuardia guests

    My good friend Dr. Jay LaGuardia joins me to talk about How to have a Triple P Life - Powerful, Passionate & Prosperous. He has over 30 years of experience teaching people to find balance in their family, finances, and fitness to empower their dreams and ignite their passions. Unlock your true potential. Author of Change Your Mind, Change Your Destiny.

    You'll learn:

    1) 5 Keys to a Balanced Joyful & Happy Life

    2) His Formulae for Success

    3) Daily Success Habits

    4) The 1-minute Mindset Shift

    5) Common Traits of those who want a Triple P Life!

    Get Dr. Jay's FREE Gift! 

    Dr. Jay's book: Change Your Mind, Change Your Destiny https://amzn.to/2YvyGhb The eight habits of success that will help you create better relationships, more health, more wealth, and more happiness 

    Riana's Books: 


    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams-Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve -http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +Podcast Archives: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    +Need Help? Take the FREE Love Tests, get book chapter downloads & Sign up to meet with Riana for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session & Assessment at her website - https://RianaMilne.com

    +Free eBook: HavetheLoveYouDeserve.com

    Free App - Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!: Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #DrJayLaGuardia #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #SuccessinBusiness #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #Abundance #FindingLove #SingleWomen #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Betrayal #Abandonment #Breakups #Anxiety #Depression #Spirituality #MindsetforSuccess #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #RelationshipCoachNearMe 

    64. Family Relationships at Thanksgiving

    64. Family Relationships at Thanksgiving

    64. Family Relationships at Thanksgiving - Tips for a Great Day!

    This week's podcast is short and sweet - and released early to give you tips on how to have a loving and peaceful Thanksgiving Day. Visiting family can be difficult for many people, use these tips to ensure a great visit, or if single, how to enjoy your day as well.

    Suggested reading:

    1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

    2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams-Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve -http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

    +Podcast Archives: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com

    +Need Help? Take the FREE Love Tests, get book chapter downloads & Sign up to meet with me for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session & Assessment at my website - https://RianaMilne.com

    +Free eBook: www.HavetheLoveYouDeserve.com
    + Free App - Lessons in Life & Love - on the Go!: Bit.ly.com/RianaMilneApp

    #LessonsinLifeandLovePodcast #LOVEBeyondYourDreams #LIVEBeyondYourDreams #RianaMilne #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #DatingCoach #RelationshipCoach #Singles #Couples #PersonalTransformation #FindingLove #ACOA #ChildhoodTrauma #ToxicLove #Betrayal #Abandonment #Breakups #Anxiety #Depression #Spirituality #MindsetforSuccess #Relationships #LifeCoachNearMe #RelationshipCoachNearMe