
    Let's Talk With Janice

    Life is full of up's and downs. Today with the global Twist in everything, people are asking questions. Questions about their spirituality, their sexuality, emotional health, financial health and their overall existence in a world that is drastically changing in every domain! Join me in Let's Talk With Janice for a deep dive into all these issues. To seek possible solutions to these everyday life issues.
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    Episodes (33)



    There are always opportunities surrounding chaos. Behind a cross-stitch all you find is absolute chaos. But if you look closely, you will discover that there is a pattern.

    Look for the pattern surrounding this current global chaos. Become creative! Ask God to show you how you can use this period. God sees into places you do not. For He alone is OMNIPRESENT. The Devil and his Dark Horde are busy planning the downfall of mankind. While mankind is cowering like a frightened chicken in secret places..

    Some would come out of this crisis ready to accomplish great things. Because they used this lockdown to nurture themselves Spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

    • A new breed of Ministers of the New Covenant will be released.
    • New breed of criminals and sons and daughters of Belial will emerge.
    • New millionaires will emerge
    • New inventors will emerge
    • Heroes and Heroines will emerge
    • A New Breed of Entrepreneurs will emerge in every field.
    • The World is Experiencing a complete Paradigm Shift.
    • Yet some will come out cowards. Worse than they were before.

    As True Custodians of This Physical Universe, the choice is in Our Hands. Whether like our Ancestors to once again surrender to Satan and his Dark Horde, or Rise Up And fight..

    Our Master will be back soon. Would He meet us actively involved in this Ancient battle between Light and Darkness or would He meet us at the point of Compromise in exchange for a False and Ephemeral Solutions..

    Remember, no matter what the devil tells you or makes you do. Satan is afraid of us as Humans. We we created with the Power to Rule, to Subdue, to Dominate, and Command obedience from every other created thing.

    Rediscover your true power. Jesus's Death and Resurrection accomplished among many things a complete take over from the devil.

    Submit to God He will reactivate your Divine Potentials. For with Christ, ALL things are possible!

    Healing from COVID 19 is possible!

    Wealth is possible! Restoration is possible! ALL THINGS!

    Command Break in the spread of this weapon of mass murder called COVID19. Break the chain by making decrees!

    The Church of Christ, The Body of Christ is the only Joint Force the Devil Fears. Because He has cannot prevail against the Church.

    Not religious organizations meeting in places called cathedral. I mean the Church. Cathedrals can be shut down. But the Church is still meeting!

    Let the enlightened understand! The Church is a mystery and the only United Force against the Horde of Darkness. Alleluia!!

    And Finally, The Lord gave me a Word last night.

    (Prov 18:10) 10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe. 



    2 Chronicles 7:13-14 (NIV)

    13 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

     Lord Re-awaken the Watchmen and Women!  
    Lord Re-awaken the Intercessors!
    Lord, may Your mercy triumph over judgement!
    Lord, in Your mercy hear the cries of the people you created in so much Love!
    Lord, in Your Love You sent Your only Begotten Son not just to save us from SIN and all it's consequences, but to destroy the works of evil!
    Lord have mercy!
    Lord have mercy!
    Lord have mercy!



    In His Righteousness, God will always react to unrighteousness. But in His mercy, He forgives if we go to Him in prayer. He is the one who called us to pray. If My people who are called by Name will humble themselves and pray, then I will heal their land.

    God is set to forgive, to heal, to save, to restore. But it takes humility to acknowledge the fact that God alone can save us. It takes humility to go back to God in repentance. And the world will not go to Him. Because of the prince of darkness and his emissaries. But we as children of God can pray.
    We can go back to God in repentance. Let us pray! We must humble ourselves and pray!



    No need for panic. We are not dealing with mortal enemies. Behind the curtains, behind the scene, is the agenda of the New World Order. Through his emissaries, Satan is working hard to bring humanity down to it's knees. You have a choice to believe or not to believe. 

    Anyone who has been following messages, knows that I have passionately shared with all who cares to listen, the fact that we must be prepared for a completely different global atmosphere.

    The Corona Virus creature is a huge tool to accomplish two things. 
    1. Weaken President Donald Trump who has been their biggest obstacle.
    2. Weaken humanity and get them accept their own diabolic solution with the hidden agenda.

    While Satan kept believers busy struggling with building individualistic empires, fighting small distracting witches apprentices, fighting coaches, lizards, and small demons, he was working hard with his emissaries even within church settings to set his agenda to motion.

    God in His mercy is set to turn the tide.

    join us in the fight. We will soon be rounding up. But first lets sound the trumpet to get the saints ready. The Beast will soon be released together with his mark...

    But the Heavens is Also set. The Activities in the realm of the spirit is heavy! God is in CONTROL!

    MAKE AMENDS WHERE YOU NEED TO. Return to the Path. Rise up Warriors of Righteousness we've got work to do!



    Human systems are collapsing, education, entertainment, finance, healthcare every industry has been affected. 
    No one is left out. We are not victims. We are active participants in an ongoing War of Two kingdoms. Fighting over who controls humanity. But we have been given the frightful but privileged opportunity to make our own choices.

    On which side of the divide are you? The answer to this question will determine who you live in these dark days. God is still The same Yesterday, Today and Forever.  

    But we are heading towards darker days ahead. The work is in panic mode. Fear is crippling people all over the world. The birthing process is still ongoing. The war is getting fiercer. would you and I Stay at our post?
    We are not taken by surprise. The events we are currently experiences have been predicted many years ago.
    What should be our position? Fear/Panic or Faith? We must make our own choices. We have not been given the spirit of fear. Says the Lord. What then should be our attitude in times like these?

    Let's Talk With Janice
    en-usMarch 17, 2020



    The Lord calls us to be still and know that He is God. It is amazing that we have a place of refuge in the midst of whatever chaos the world is facing. As humans, we tend to acknowledge God only when we are faced with challenges. When things are going wrong. The Lord Jesus made us to know that those who turn to God, not because any outward manifestations are blessed.

    We must develop the mindset of Kingdom oriented people. People who know who they are, why they are hear on earth and where they are going. And above all, people who know who their God is.

    That's the only way to live in whatever time you find yourself. That's the only way to be at rest in the midst of global chaos, confusions, the global shift in every sphere of human existence...

    He says, "Be Still and know that I Am God." 

    Let's Talk With Janice
    en-usMarch 10, 2020



    In Matthew 24:36-39, Jesus says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”


    Before God called Noah, He made an observation in Gen 6:5 (New King James Version)

    Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

    Are we in those days? If we take close look at the current global depreciating culture, what was abhorred before is now norm, everybody want to belong, we do not have to look far to see depravity everywhere. And the counter consequences is  catastrophic because the reign of Darkness is an aberration to God's Original MANDATE.

    Let's Talk With Janice
    en-usFebruary 26, 2020



    I started by saying that we would be sharing some of the things the Lord has been revealing to us over a period of close to three decades. From 1992 till this 2020. The visions has been consistent. But recently, the burden in my spirit has been very heavy.
    The time for the second coming of the Lord is close. But how prepared are we? Many has lost their faith because of the pressures of life, many have been deceived into other pursuits. Many has been caged in the dungeon of the prince of religion. Having a form of godliness. And many others has been drawn into the religions of the NWO where Jesus Christ is just another grand master. And not LORD. Not The Alpha and The Omega.

    Look around you?Are you seeing what is going on? The presence of the NWO is everywhere. But the church is not getting prepared. Billions of people are still lost.

    The world of God is that none should perish. But that all should come to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
    Yet billions are still lost. Why? BIG QUESTION. FEW ARE LABORING FOR THE HARVEST. Many are building personal empires and NOT God's Kingdom.

    God is calling for REPENTANCE. A TURN AROUND!

    PRECEDING THE FULL IMPLEMENTAION OF THE AGENDA OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS A STATE OF GLOBAL CHAOS. DISEASES, DEADLY PANDEMICS, VIOLENCE, FINACIAL MELT DOWN, BREAKDOWN IN WORLD SYSTEMS, ( EDUCATION, HEALTHCARE, AGRICULTURE, YOU NAME IT). And the "Man of Peace" The Anti Christ" will com in offering solution to the global chaos. And his solutions will come with a condition. Everyone will have to be branded. Receive the Mark of the beast.
     Who then will stand. There will be division sin families, churches everywhere whether the mark is just another scientific technological tool like the ATM CARD, or whether it is truly evil? Confusion. There will be betrayals, executions, because those who will refuse the mark will be treated as outcast. 
    And the world through an already structured media platform will watch as millions of believers will meet their end this side of heaven.

    Good News, it is actually a time of great excitement for those who are spiritually awake! LET ME END HERE FOR NOW.  

    Let's Talk With Janice
    en-usFebruary 25, 2020



    Not every one who says to me Lord! Lord! will inherit the kingdom.

    In our day and time, everywhere people are asking pertinent questions about religion, about faith in God, about spirituality, about our identity as human beings.

    What exactly is going on? Why so many spiritual charlatans, hirelings wearing bishop's robes?
    Questions and questions and questions?

    Join me as we delve into some spiritual realities, hidden mysteries attached to daily events happening in our lives and in our world.


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