
    Liberate Your Life

    Welcome to the "Liberate Your Life" podcast, where we embark on a journey to awaken your soul and guide you towards profound fulfillment. Each episode dives into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, sparks spiritual inquiry, and explores holistic wellbeing. Join us for enlightening conversations with renowned experts, seasoned practitioners, and individuals who have journeyed towards self-discovery. Learn from their experiences and insights on Ayurvedic principles, spiritual practices, and various healing modalities. This podcast is more than just listening; it's an invitation to turn inward, discover your true self, and unlock your highest potential. Tune in and be inspired to transform your life. Connect on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter Book a Free Consult www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com
    enMelinda Fletcher40 Episodes

    Episodes (40)

    True Freedom: A Soul's Journey to Liberation

    True Freedom: A Soul's Journey to Liberation


    • Welcome to "True Freedom: A Soul's Journey to Liberation," the podcast where we delve dive into the essence of liberation and its profound significance in our lives.
    • In this episode, we explore the transformative journey of the soul as it seeks to break free from the chains of limitation and embrace true freedom.

    Main Discussion:

    1. Understanding True Freedom:

      • Define true freedom and its importance in living an authentic and fulfilling life.
      • Discuss how true freedom goes beyond external circumstances and possessions, arising from within the depths of the soul.
    2. The Soul's Journey to Liberation:

      • Explore the concept of the soul's evolution and its quest for liberation.
      • Examine the challenges, obstacles, and lessons encountered along the soul's journey towards self-realization and spiritual growth.
    3. Unraveling the Ego:

      • Dive into the complexities of the ego and its role in perpetuating feelings of separation and limitation.
      • Discuss how the ego constructs a false sense of identity based on past conditioning, beliefs, and perceptions.


    • Thank you for joining us on this exploration of "True Freedom: A Soul's Journey to Liberation."
    • May this episode inspire you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery, truth, and boundless freedom.

    Connect with Melinda:

    • Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter
    • Book a Free Consult www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book
    • Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com


    Resilience and Ayurveda

    Resilience and Ayurveda


    • Welcome to an enlightening discussion on resilience and Ayurveda.
    • Explore how Ayurvedic principles offer insights into building resilience in today's world.

    Defining Resilience and Ayurveda:

    • Define resilience as the ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity.
    • Discuss Ayurveda's holistic approach to health and its interconnectedness with resilience.

    Individualized Care in Ayurveda:

    • Explore the personalized recommendations of Ayurveda based on one's unique constitution.
    • Discuss how Ayurvedic practices honor individual differences and empower self-care.

    Stress Management and Ayurveda:

    • Explore Ayurvedic practices for stress management, including yoga and meditation.
    • Highlight the importance of cultivating inner peace and equanimity for resilience.

    Preventive Medicine and Ayurveda:

    • Discuss Ayurveda's emphasis on preventive medicine and lifestyle practices.
    • Explore how daily rituals and self-care activities contribute to long-term resilience.

    Time-Tested Wisdom of Ayurveda:

    • Reflect on the enduring wisdom of Ayurveda in navigating today's challenges.
    • Discuss the grounding presence of Ayurveda amid uncertainty and change.


    • Summarize key points discussed in the episode, emphasizing the importance of integrating Ayurvedic principles for resilience.
    • Encourage listeners to explore Ayurveda further for personal growth and resilience.

    Connect with Melinda:

    • Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter

    • Book a Free Consult www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book

    • Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Ayurveda Solutions for Anxiety Ease

    Ayurveda Solutions for Anxiety Ease

    This episode of "Liberate Your Life," with Melinda Fletcher, Ayurvedic Wellness Expert, takes us on a journey through Ayurveda with valuable insights for anxiety relief. Explore the holistic approach of Ayurveda to ease anxiety by addressing doshic imbalances.

    Ayurveda and Anxiety: A Holistic View: Uncover Ayurveda's holistic perspective on anxiety and its connection to doshic imbalances. Learn how Ayurveda sees anxiety as a disturbance and its approach to addressing root causes.

    Connection to the Nervous System: Discover the significance of a well-regulated nervous system in Ayurveda and its impact on emotional stability. Explore Ayurveda's understanding of the nervous system as a vital channel for overall well-being.

    Vata Dosha: The Key Player: Dive into the qualities and functions of Vata dosha, the key player in anxiety manifestation. Understand how an aggravated Vata dosha can lead to mental restlessness and heightened anxiety.

    Disregulation of the Nervous System: Causes and Effects: Explore common causes of nervous system disregulation and the resulting effects, including heightened anxiety, insomnia, and difficulties in concentration.

    Regulating the Nervous System with Ayurveda: Get practical with Ayurvedic practices for nervous system regulation. Learn about the importance of a consistent daily routine (Dinacharya), calming activities like yoga, meditation, and pranayama. Dive into Ayurvedic meditation emphasizing mindfulness and awareness. Recommendations for specific Ayurvedic rituals, including Abhyanga (self-massage), are provided for anxiety relief.

    Ayurveda as Empowerment: Becoming Your Empowered Being: Explore how Ayurveda goes beyond symptom management, empowering individuals to make lifestyle choices aligned with their unique constitution (Prakriti). Understand the concept of Svastha (optimal health) and how Ayurveda guides self-awareness and conscious decision-making.

    Closing Thoughts: Summarize the key insights into Ayurveda's perspective on anxiety, its connection to the nervous system, and the pivotal role of Vata dosha. Encourage listeners to explore Ayurvedic practices gradually and seek guidance from qualified practitioners for personalized approaches.

    Outro: As the episode concludes, Melinda Fletcher invites listeners to subscribe, leave reviews, and share the wisdom of Ayurveda with those seeking anxiety relief. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes exploring holistic living and empowerment. Until next time, may your days be filled with peace, and your life be truly yours. This is Melinda Fletcher, signing off from "Liberate Your Life." Take care, be well, and embrace the journey ahead.

    Connect with Melinda:

    • Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter

    • Book a Free Consult www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book

    • Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com 


    Ayurvedic Detoxification in Modern Life

    Ayurvedic Detoxification in Modern Life

    Welcome to Episode 37 of the "Liberate Your Life" podcast, hosted by Melinda Fletcher. This episode dives into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, exploring how its detoxification practices can be integrated into the modern lifestyle for holistic well-being.

    What's Inside:

    • Introduction:

      • A warm welcome and a brief introduction to the episode’s theme: Ayurvedic Detoxification and Wellness in Modern Life.

      • Melinda shares a personal story highlighting the impact of Ayurvedic practices on her life.

    • Understanding Ayurvedic Detoxification:

      • An exploration of the Ayurvedic perspective on detoxification, including its holistic approach compared to contemporary methods.

      • Introduction to Panchakarma, the comprehensive detoxification process in Ayurveda, including its benefits and process.

      • Discussion of simple Ayurvedic daily detox rituals that listeners can easily incorporate into their routines.

    • Adapting Ayurvedic Practices in Modern Life:

      • Addressing the challenges posed by the modern lifestyle, including stress, pollution, and diet, and their impact on health.

      • Practical advice on how Ayurvedic practices can help counteract these challenges.

      • Tips and routines for integrating Ayurvedic practices into a busy modern lifestyle.

    • Holistic Wellness Through Ayurveda:

      • Discussion on the importance of mental and emotional detoxification in Ayurveda.

      • Insights into how Ayurvedic practices promote a deep connection between mind and body.

    Connect with Melinda:
    • Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter
    • Book a Free Consult www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book
    • Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com
    Remember, each episode of "Liberate Your Life" is a step towards a more balanced, healthy, and liberated lifestyle. Stay tuned and join us on this transformative journey.
    Your Podcast Host, Melinda Fletcher

    The Art of Mindful Living

    The Art of Mindful Living

    Welcome to a new episode of the "Liberate Your Life" podcast with your host, Melinda Fletcher. This episode is dedicated to exploring the transformative power of mindfulness in our everyday lives.

    In This Episode:

    • Introduction to Mindfulness:

      • Melinda shares her personal journey with mindfulness, inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh's book, "The Miracle of Mindfulness."
      • A discussion on the importance of being present in every moment, and how this simple practice was a key factor in Melinda's healing.
    • Segment 1: Practical Tips for Mindfulness:

      • Understanding the essence of mindfulness
      • Step-by-step guidance on simple mindfulness exercises, including focused breathing, mindful observation, and sensory awareness
    • Segment 2: Mindfulness in Everyday Activities:

      • Exploring the concept of mindful eating and its benefits for physical and mental health.
      • Sharing strategies for maintaining mindfulness in the workplace, including mindful communication and creating a mindful workspace.
      • Discussing the role of mindfulness in enhancing personal relationships through active listening and presence.
    • Tips on building a daily mindfulness routine, including the use of reminders and apps.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Mindfulness is a powerful tool for navigating life's challenges and creating a space of calm and clarity.
    • Integrating mindfulness into daily activities can significantly enhance one’s quality of life.
    • The practice of mindfulness is not confined to meditation but extends to every aspect of our daily routines.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • "The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation" by Thich Nhat Hanh

    Special Notes:

    • Melinda offers insights from her own experiences and how mindfulness has been a guiding principle in both her personal life and her work with clients.
    • Listeners are encouraged to engage with the practices shared in the episode and observe the changes in their everyday experiences.

    Closing Thoughts:

    • Melinda wraps up the episode by emphasizing the importance of embracing each moment and how mindfulness can lead to a deeper understanding and enjoyment of life.

    Thank you for tuning into the "Liberate Your Life" podcast. Join us in our next episode as we continue to explore paths to holistic wellness and self-liberation.

    Connect with Melinda:

    • Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter
    • Book a Free Consult www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book
    • Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Stay present and keep liberating your life, Your Podcast Host, Melinda Fletcher

    Empowering Your Healing Journey

    Empowering Your Healing Journey

    Welcome to Empowering Your Healing Journey, a podcast dedicated to helping you liberate your life by building the necessary resources for healing. Join us as we explore transformative practices, wisdom from ancient healing systems, and practical tools to guide you towards spiritual growth and holistic healing. Discover how to break free from limitations, cultivate resilience, and create a life of abundance and joy. Get ready to embark on a journey towards self-empowerment, self-discovery, and soul liberation. It's time to unlock your limitless potential and build the foundation for a fulfilling and liberated life.

    Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter

    Schedule a Clarity Call www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com


    Slowing Down is Good Medicine

    Slowing Down is Good Medicine

    In this episode, we explore the profound wisdom of Ayurveda that advocates for the essential practice of slowing down in our fast-paced lives. The episode delves into the intricate connection between our nervous system and movement, highlighting the need to decelerate for assimilating life experiences and fostering healing. Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, becomes our guide in understanding the cultural pressures that propel us to accelerate and the transformative power of intentionally slowing down. The episode concludes with three practical and transformative practices to drop into the present moment, align with the natural cycles, and cultivate a harmonious connection with our highest selves. Join us on this journey of intentional pause and embrace the medicine of slowing down for healing and wholeness.

    Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter

    Schedule a Clarity Call www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Unplug, Reconnect and Thrive

    Unplug, Reconnect and Thrive

    In this episode, we delve into Ayurveda's timeless wisdom for finding inner balance and healing in a fast-paced, technology-driven world. Ayurveda, which translates to the "Science of Life" in Sanskrit, is a holistic healing system from India. It offers profound insights into the interconnectedness of life and guides us on harmonizing our being with nature. By understanding our unique constitution and aligning with natural rhythms, Ayurveda provides a path to balance, well-being, and spiritual harmony.

    In today's hyper-connected world, we are bombarded by a constant stream of information through digital technology. This unending exposure can leave us feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, and out of balance. Ayurveda emphasizes the vital importance of unplugging, connecting with nature, and finding stillness within. We explore the significance of detaching from the digital world, embracing solitude, and nurturing our senses as a means to attain overall well-being and true happiness.

    Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter

    Schedule a Clarity Call www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Embodied Joy

    Embodied Joy

    Embodied joy, as viewed through the lens of Ayurveda and spirituality, represents a state of being where our physical, mental, and spiritual selves are harmoniously aligned, leading to a profound sense of joy and well-being.

    This episode guides listeners towards embracing embodied joy and well-being by integrating Vedic philosophy, Ayurvedic wisdom, and somatic practices into their daily lives. Join us as we explore the art of living in harmony with our true essence.

    Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter

    Schedule a Clarity Call www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Liberate Your Life
    enOctober 13, 2023

    Trusting the Universe

    Trusting the Universe

    Welcome to "Trusting the Universe: Navigating Our Soul's Journey." In this podcast, we delve deep into the concept of trusting the universe and its profound impact on our spiritual and personal growth.

    Trusting the universe can be both a source of comfort and a challenge, inviting us to surrender to the greater cosmic forces at play. We explore what it truly means to trust the universe on our soul's journey, examining the faith required to believe that everything is unfolding as it should, even in the face of unexpected twists and turns.

    Join us as we embrace the idea that there's a divine plan for each of us, understanding that every experience, whether joyful or challenging, contributes to the growth and evolution of our souls. Through insightful discussions and personal reflections, we aim to illuminate the path toward trust and faith in the universe, inviting you to join us on this transformative exploration of life's mysteries.

    Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter

    Schedule a Clarity Call www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Cultivating Sattva Within

    Cultivating Sattva Within

    Sattva, in the ancient Indian philosophy of Ayurveda, represents purity, balance, and harmony. It is the state of being that brings about true tranquility and liberation. Cultivating Sattva is instrumental in our spiritual growth because it creates the necessary conditions for exploration and presence.

    In today's fast-paced world, where stress and distractions are abundant, it becomes paramount to stabilize, feel safe, and regulate our nervous system. This sense of stability is essential before we venture into the deeper realms of spiritual living.

    By adopting practices such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness, we create a space for stillness and tranquility within ourselves. These practices allow us to tap into our inner wisdom, calm the mind, and release accumulated stress, thus stabilizing our being. With regular practice, this stability becomes our natural state, allowing us to navigate life's challenges and experiences with a sense of centeredness, clarity, and ease.

    Sattva helps us develop a sense of clarity, mindfulness, and an ability to fully experience the richness of each present moment.

    Connect with me on Instagram @sattvawellnesscenter

    Schedule a Clarity Call www.sattvawellnesscenter.com/book

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Nourish Your Life

    Nourish Your Life

    In this Podcast, I share my story about how I came to nourish my life through exploring Ayurvedic wisdom and committing to our highest good.

    Connect with me on Instagram @melindareece.co @tahoeayurveda

    Schedule your Free Call and explore how Ayurveda can support your personal return to balance. www.melindareece.as.me/freecall

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com


    Self Care Practices for Self Love

    Self Care Practices for Self Love

    In this episode, I explore Ayurvedic self care practices for oral care, waking up new each day and how to prepare the body, mind, and spirit for optimal health and overall well-being. I share how to do dry massage and Ayurvedic self massage, benefits and set up. Then, I go into the importance of a daily night routine and practices to prepare the body for deep sleep.

    Connect with me on Instagram @melindareece.co @tahoeayurveda

    Schedule your Free Call and explore how Ayurveda can support your personal return to balance. www.melindareece.as.me/freecall

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Liberate Your Life
    enMay 19, 2022

    Self-Knowledge for Self-Healing

    Self-Knowledge for Self-Healing

    In this episode, I explore this foundational understanding in Ayurveda, Self-Knowledge for Self-Healing. No thy self and align with your inner wisdom for self-healing.

    Connect with me on Instagram @melindareece.co @tahoeayurveda

    Schedule your Free Discovery Call and explore how Ayurveda can support your personal return to balance. www.melindareece.com

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Liberate Your Life
    enApril 21, 2022

    Free Your Mind

    Free Your Mind

    In this episode, I explore Vedic wisdom, the power of purification of the mind to access true freedom, happiness and liberating the soul.

    Connect with me on Instagram @melindareece.co

    Schedule your Free Discovery Call and explore how Ayurveda can support your personal return to balance. www.melindareece.com

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Welcoming the Darkness

    Welcoming the Darkness

    I'm this episodes, I dive into the importance welcoming the darkness as we celebrate the Winter Solstice, marking a significant turning point. The darkness is the perfect medicine to connect to stillness in the ground of being and reclaim our whole self.

    Connect with me on Instagram @melindareece.co

    Schedule your Free Discovery Call and explore how Ayurveda can support your personal return to balance. www.melindareece.com

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com


    Liberate Your Life
    enDecember 23, 2021

    Embracing Change

    Embracing Change

    In this episode, I dive into the intelligence of embracing change. Change is constant and inevitable. Offering Ayurvedic wisdom to support the body, mind and spirit to relax into each changing moment. The more we are able to embrace change, the more we allow for what is.

    Connect with me on Instagram @melindareece.co

    Schedule your Free Discovery Call and explore how Ayurveda can support your personal return to balance. www.melindareece.as.me/freecall

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com

    Why Oil? The Healing Benefits of Ayurvedic Oil

    Why Oil? The Healing Benefits of Ayurvedic Oil

    Ayurvedic oils are an essential part of the healing process in Ayurveda, a traditional medicine system from India, that focuses on creating balance for the physical body, senses, psyche and spirit. 

    Explore the amazing healing benefits of Ayurvedic Oils. It is important to work with an Ayurvedic Practitioner to understand what oils to use, where and when.

    Connect with me on Instagram @melindareece.co

    Schedule your Free Discovery Call and explore how Ayurveda can support your personal return to balance. www.melindareece.com

    Intro and outro music: NRYN - Prayers (ft. Matia Kalli) - nryn108.bandcamp.com