
    Life Church Southampton

    Life Church Southampton is a part of Commission and Newfrontiers - A Family of Churches Together On a Mission
    enLife Church712 Episodes

    Episodes (712)

    LifePod: A Sabbatical for James

    LifePod: A Sabbatical for James
    Between 23rd October and Christmas 2023, James Hatcher, Life Church Operations Manager and Elder, shall be taking a sabbatical. Hear James talking about this with Dave and Si on the latest LifePod episode, and read Chris Kilby’s blog post on the biblical reasoning which underlies our values of appropriate rest, here: https://www.lifesouthampton.org/james-sabbatical/

    One Peter: Chosen Exiles - A Church That Has Good Shepherds

    One Peter: Chosen Exiles - A Church That Has Good Shepherds
    Every church needs good shepherds who will lead, care for, protect and guide their flock. Elders are called to do these things, not because they have too, nor for personal gain, nor to be controlling of others - but in humility as an example to others, and for the unfading reward of our chief Shepherd. As we consider the role of elders in the church, we share a proposed addition to our own eldership team at Life Church, and invite the church to share their approval. Discover more in this message

    One Peter: Chosen Exiles - An Exile’s View of Hope

    One Peter: Chosen Exiles - An Exile’s View of Hope
    Sometimes, the fear of others' opinions can hinder us from doing what we know is right. How can we live authentically, guided by love for God and others, rather than constantly worrying about how people will react to us? When we live in this different way we might be called upon to explain the reason we have for doing so and the hope we have in knowing that God has ultimately accepted us.

    LifePod: All In Sundays

    LifePod: All In Sundays
    .From time to time Life Church are having ‘All in Sundays’! There's one coming up in the next few weeks with more to follow. In essence, these are great opportunities to invite people along to church! Every Sunday at Life Church is an open invite to visitors so what makes these occasions any different? In this LifePod Si and Dave deep dive into how an All In Sunday can help us stay on mission and bring life to those around us.