
    "Life, Love, & Light" with Veronica Mary Rolf

    In the FIRST SEASON of "Life, Love, & Light" podcasts, we delve into the wisdom of the beloved medieval mystic, JULIAN OF NORWICH, to discover how her "Revelations of Divine Love" may inspire, encourage, and guide us on our own spiritual path -- especially during this time of pandemic. The first episode is entitled "Sheltering in Place" and introduces Julian of Norwich, an enclosed anchorite who received sixteen Revelations of Divine Love and heard Christ tell her: "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and thou shalt see thyself that all manner of thing shall be well." The season includes twenty-five episodes with Guided Meditations following each episode. In the SECOND SEASON, we meet a fascinating variety of Old and New Testament BIBLICAL MYSTICS. We discover men and women who faced major challenges and crises in their lives, made some really big mistakes, were forgiven, received mystical revelations, and then dared to act on those revelations. Their stories may become powerful inspirations in our own time of crisis, fear, and uncertainty. In the THIRD SEASON, we discuss THE MYSTICAL PATH and consider what is involved in following such a path – not only through the practice of contemplative prayer – but in every aspect of our daily lives. We explore the three stages of the mystical path and discuss how to deal with distractions, dullness, and agitation in order to focus on silence, stillness, and surrender, toward a deeper union with God. In the Guided Meditations, we practice becoming aware of thoughts, emotions, and memories that arise, without becoming attached to them. In the FOURTH SEASON, we delve into the all-important but rarely discussed topic of Resurrection, based on my recent award winning book, "LIVING RESURRECTED LIVES: WHAT IT MEANS AND WHY IT MATTERS," co-authored by my daughter, Eva Natanya, PhD. In the first episode -- entitled "What is Resurrection?" -- we consider ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Hebrew ideas about the afterlife: what it was, what it was not. Then we examine biblical references to life after death in the psalms, prophets, apocalyptic literature, and the Book of Wisdom. Future episodes will closely examine the four biblical accounts of Christ's resurrection to discover the bedrock of Christian belief in bodily resurrection. We will also consider how we may begin living resurrected lives even now, as sons and daughters of the resurrection. At this time of great disharmony, fear, crisis, and suffering in our world, one thing remains certain: The love of God is everlasting. PLEASE SHARE these "Life, Love, & Light" podcasts. They are available on Apple, Google, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon, and all the major directories as well as on https://lifelovelight.buzzsprout.com/. Podcaster VERONICA MARY ROLF is a medieval scholar, retreat leader, and master teacher of dramatic arts. She is the author of "Living Resurrected Lives: What it Means and Why it Matters" (Cascade Books, 2020), co-authored with Eva Natanya, PhD, which won a 2021 Catholic Media Association Book Award for Spirituality, and "Suddenly There is God: The Story of Our Lives in Sacred Scripture" (Cascade Books, 2019), which won a 2020 Catholic Media Association Book Award for Scripture. She is also the author of "An Explorer's Guide to Julian of Norwich" (IVP Academic, 2018) and "Julian's Gospel: Illuminating the Life and Revelations of Julian of Norwich" (Orbis Books, 2013), which have won numerous awards, including a First Place Catholic Media Association Book Award and the Nautilus Gold Medal for Spirituality. Veronica leads Virtual Zoom Retreats and blogs on two websites: www.VeronicaMaryRolf.com and www.JuliansVoice.com. Her "Life, Love, & Light" podcasts are also available on: https://www.lifelovelightpodcast.com/
    en-us60 Episodes

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    Episodes (60)

    "Betrayal & Healing"

    "Betrayal & Healing"

    In her Fifteenth Revelation, Julian of Norwich reveals that Christ taught her the importance of patience in our times of suffering and that we must try to "overpass" our pain so that we, who have been chosen by love, may take delight in our salvation even now. The aftermath of this sublime Revelation, however, is completely unexpected and utterly shocking. Indeed, it is rarely mentioned by those who write about or discuss Julian's Revelations. In the most candid and personal language, Julian confesses her own momentary betrayal of the Revelations when her physical pain returned. If you wish to understand the human vulnerability of the woman, Julian, you must hear this story. It will explain why Julian sympathizes so deeply with our own doubts, betrayals, and need for healing. Please share this podcast with family and friends who wish to be reassured that no betrayal is beyond divine healing. Blessings to all!

    "The Motherhood of God"

    "The Motherhood of God"

    In the Fourteenth Revelation of Julian of Norwich, we discover Julian's mystical theology of The Motherhood of God. These inspired reflections on divine nurturing have made Julian's writings both challenging and extremely relevant for our time -- especially regarding the role of women in the church. In language that is extremely daring and tenderly intimate, Julian reveals the full range of the work of our Mother Christ, who labors to give birth to us on the cross, feeds us with himself, teaches us, disciplines us, and brings us up into the fullness of graced maturity. And even when we fall, our Mother Christ embraces, heals, and comforts us. This is an unparalleled understanding of Christ as our truest Mother who will never leave us. Please share this "Life, Love, & Light" podcast with family and friends who may be in need of consolation and reassurance during these traumatic times. Blessings to all!

    "How Christ Saves Us"

    "How Christ Saves Us"

    In this episode of the Life, Love, & Light podcasts, we continue delving into the Fourteenth Revelation of Julian of Norwich. We enter into the mystery of the Parable of the Lord and a Servant that took Julian twenty years to interpret. It is a many-layered dramatic story, full of discoveries about why it is that God looks at us without blame, even in our sinfulness. Julian's understanding of this Parable became the foundation for her entire mystical theology and the key to her understanding of all the other Revelations. Please listen and share this extraordinary Parable -- and Julian's interpretation of it -- with family and friends. For those who have longed for clarity about how Christ saves us, it will be a source of great illumination. Blessings!

    "Mercy and Grace"

    "Mercy and Grace"

    This week's Life, Love, & Light podcast continues delving into the Fourteenth Revelation of Julian of Norwich, in which she insists that in her visionary experiences, she did not see any "wrath or blame in God" because "God is that goodness that may not be wroth, for God is nothing but goodness." Julian reveals how God's unconditional love is expressed through his constant outpouring of mercy and grace -- that heal, comfort, teach, and guide the soul on its journey into divine love. Julian's understanding of the "two forms of judgment" -- how God sees us and how the church judges us -- are powerful insights for the conflicts so many have within the church right now. And her soaring faith in God's compassion and all-encompassing love offer us profound reflections to take into the Guided Meditation. Please share this and all the podcasts with family and friends who seek the comfort of mercy and grace. May Julian bless you abundantly!

    "How to Pray"

    "How to Pray"

    In the Fourteenth Revelation, we hear the most sublime teachings on prayer that Julian of Norwich received directly from Christ -- how to pray, the manner of prayer, prayer in times of desolation, prayer of thanksgiving, contemplative prayer, and the prayer of union. Julian reveals her own personal struggles with prayer, and shares her radical new understanding of who actually initiates our prayer. For anyone who has ever questioned the value of prayer, the methods of prayer, or the goal of prayer, these teachings are invaluable. They will transform your attitude toward prayer forever!
    Please share this Life, Love, & Light podcast with your family and friends who may be struggling with prayer right now. May Julian guide you all into the prayer of Christ!

    "The Working of Miracles"

    "The Working of Miracles"

    Continuing her account of the Thirteenth Revelation, Julian of Norwich reveals what Christ told her about his working of miracles. She understands that miracles always follow upon great "sorrows, suffering, and anguish." We examine the inexplicable transformations of healing and forgiveness that have occurred in our own lives and realize that we, too, have been the recipients of miracles. Julian also admits that Christ told her she would sin, but that he would never love her -- or us -- any less, even in our sinfulness. Christ also reveals that the suffering we must endure as a result of our misdeeds will be given great "honors" in heaven. This is a groundbreaking Revelation, filled with divine teachings for us to take into our hearts in meditation. Please share this podcast with family and friends who are in need of miracles right now. Julian's words will be a source of profound hope and encouragement.  Blessings to all!

    "The Great Deed"

    "The Great Deed"

    In this episode, part of the Thirteenth Revelation of Julian of Norwich, we hear Julian's deep concern that “there are many evil deeds done in our sight and such great harms suffered, that it seems to us that it would be impossible that it ever could come to a good end." Julian questions the all-pervasiveness of sin and wonders how Christ's promise that "all shall be well" can be fulfilled if even one soul is damned. Then Julian reveals her understanding of the "Great Deed" that will be done at the end of time to make all things well. Is it universal salvation? Julian warns us against speculation and teaches instead that we must trust that there will be a Great Deed, without knowing what it will be. There is so much to ponder in this Revelation that pertains directly to the problem of evil in our world right now. Please share this Life, Love, & Light podcast with your family and friends, especially those who are asking tough questions about how God overcomes evil and makes all things well.

    "All Shall Be Well"

    "All Shall Be Well"

    In the Thirteenth Revelation of Julian of Norwich, at last we delve into the sublime words she heard Christ speak to her; words that are uniquely associated with Julian throughout the world: "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." There are some surprising discoveries to be made concerning what Christ's words to Julian mean and what they do not mean. We explore their implications for how we move through the crises and carry the crosses of our lives with faith and trust. Please share these Life, Love, & Light podcasts with your family and friends who are in such need of spiritual guidance and hope right now. Julian’s Revelations of God’s love and compassion for what we have to suffer can provide such healing and comfort. Blessings to all!

    "I It Am That Thou Lovest"

    "I It Am That Thou Lovest"

    In the Twelfth Revelation, Julian of Norwich experiences Christ in glory more fully than she had before and hears him pour out a magnificent litany of who he is: "I it am. . ." This litany describes, in Christ's own words, the endless ways in which he is present to the human mind and heart. We reflect on what "I it am" means to us, in our present time of suffering, fear, and anxiety. The Guided Meditation at the end of the podcast reflects on the nature of our awareness that is one continuum with Christ's own awareness. And even though sorrow and suffering seem very real, hope in divine transformation and resurrection are infinitely more real. Please share this "Life, Love, & Light" podcast with your family and friends around the world who may be in need of renewed courage and hope. And know that I keep you in my heart and prayer every day.  Blessings to all -- and peace!

    "Wilt Thou See Her?"

    "Wilt Thou See Her?"

    In the Eleventh Revelation, Julian of Norwich sees Christ look down from the cross to where his mother stood during his passion. He asks Julian "Wilt thou see her?" Julian greatly desires to see Mary as she sees Jesus in physical form, but is given instead an imaginary sight of her in heaven, "exalted and noble and glorious and pleasing to Christ above all creatures.” Julian understands that Christ wants us to rejoice in Mary his mother and that he exalted her above all other creatures precisely so that Julian might see how much she is loved . . . and how much we are loved.
    Please share these Life, Love, & Light podcasts with your family and friends around the world who are in crisis at this time. I hope Julian's Revelations will be a great comfort to them. The podcasts are available on Apple and Google, Spotify and Stitcher, on Buzzsprout, and on many other platforms. Be sure to click SUBSCRIBE so that you receive notification of each new weekly episode. And for more information about my books on Julian of Norwich, visit my dedicated podcast website:   https://www.lifelovelightpodcast.com/

    "Lo, How I Loved Thee"

    "Lo, How I Loved Thee"

    In the Tenth Revelation, Julian of Norwich accepts Christ's tender invitation to enter mystically into his Sacred Heart and there find rest, and joy, and the greatest bliss in his unconditional love. It is an astounding revelation of Christ's deep desire to tell Julian -- and each one of us -- "Lo, how I loved thee." Please listen and share with those you love, especially on this day, June 19th, which is the Feast of the Sacred Heart and the celebration of Juneteenth. Blessings to all!

    "Are You Well Satisfied?"

    "Are You Well Satisfied?"

    In the Ninth Revelation, Julian of Norwich hears Christ ask her if she is "well satisfied" that he suffered and died for her on the cross. She stutters her great thanks and Christ responds: "If thou art satisfied, I am satisfied." This astonishing Revelation gives a completely new meaning to the medieval theology of redemption. There are many more surprises in store, as Julian realizes how much Christ wanted to redeem us and the great joy and delight he had in doing it. Please listen and share this episode with family and friends who may be in need of courage and hope during these challenging times. Blessings to all!

    "Transformation of Suffering"

    "Transformation of Suffering"

    In the astounding Eighth Revelation, Julian watches the sufferings of Christ as he languishes on the cross in front of her. She fully expects to see him dead. Instead, suddenly he is transformed into glory before her eyes! Her joy is ecstatic. She reflects on the fact that we are now with him on the cross "in our pains and in our passion, dying." But suddenly, he will transform everything we suffer into his own perfect joy. More than ever before, when the world is mired in so much suffering, we need to reflect on this Revelation!

    "Mood Swings in Prayer"

    "Mood Swings in Prayer"

    In the Seventh Revelation, Julian experiences a series of spiritual mood swings between the most blissful joy and security in divine presence and a sense of acute annoyance and desperation within herself. She understands that God allows these extreme oscillations to occur in our life of prayer so that we learn not to cling to feelings, but only to our faith. She counsels that God wants us to "pass over" all our pains and sufferings and "hold ourselves in the endless delight that is God." A powerful teaching that challenges us right now!

    "I Thank Thee"

    "I Thank Thee"

    In the Sixth Revelation, Julian of Norwich hears Christ on the cross thank her for her service and her labor in her youth! This astonishing experience generates Julian's vision of the heavenly banquet and the three degrees of bliss that every man or woman shall receive who has served God in any station in life. It is a joyous Revelation that should encourage us all!

    "The Precious Plenty"

    "The Precious Plenty"

    On this, Julian's Feast Day, we explore the Fourth Revelation, in which Julian sees "the precious plenty of Christ's dearworthy blood" flowing out from his wounds on the cross to cover, forgive, and heal the whole world. In our Guided Meditation, we allow Christ to pour out his healing light from our own hearts to those we love who are suffering right now.



    In the Third Revelation, Julian of Norwich experiences "God-in-a-Point" of mystical awareness and realizes that God is in all things and does all things and that all God does is righteous and good. However, she also questions: "What is sin?" but admits she was not shown the working of sin in creatures, only God's sublime working of good in all creation. This brings Julian the ecstatic joy of beholding God in all things.

    "Seeking and Beholding"

    "Seeking and Beholding"

    In this episode we explore Julian's Second Revelation as she watches Christ suffer on the cross in front of her. She longs to have more light to see Christ better. Then she comes to understand that the spiritual life is a constant balance between "seeking" and "seeing" (or "beholding") God. Julian tell us how to seek patiently and persistently, always trusting "mightily" that God will appear "suddenly" and then we may "behold' him.

    "Sheltering In Place"

    "Sheltering In Place"

    In this episode we examine the deeper spiritual meaning of "sheltering in place" during a pandemic by exploring the life and times of Julian of Norwich, the fourteenth century English mystic who survived at least four cycles of the Bubonic plague and became a solitary anchorite, "sheltering in place" for twenty-five years! During a near-death illness, Julian received sixteen Revelations of Christ on the cross and set them down in the first book ever written by a woman. She is best known for the words Christ spoke to her: "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and thou shalt see thyself that all manner of thing shall be well." But there is so much more to discover about Julian and her Revelations on the unconditional love and mercy of God, the nature of prayer, the Motherhood of God, and the ways in which Christ transforms all our sufferings into glory. Julian will be our guide to inspire and reassure us through this time of fear and anxiety so that we may grow in our love and trust of God. Each episode includes a guided meditation at the end.


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