
    Life Rebalanced Podcast

    As highly driven women in pursuit of continued personal and professional growth, we are constantly rebalancing and reprioritizing aspects of our lives while raising children and growing our businesses. Every other Tuesday, join us as we interview guests and discuss automation, habits, and mindset that has led to efficiencies in our lives and how improvement in one area can allow for growth in another. If you’re a mother, a business owner, or a highly passionate career woman interested in seeking wellness alongside success, this is the podcast for you!
    enLauren H & Donna Grace37 Episodes

    Episodes (37)

    The Importance of Your Network

    The Importance of Your Network

    The personalities, experience levels, and mindsets of the people you choose to surround yourself with have an irrefutable impact on your behaviors, health, and yes, even your level of success. It’s time we all take notice of what attitudes and types of influence we desire in our lives and intentionally pursue friendships and connections with people who will help us grow. Contribute toward others abundantly and foster collaboration over competition on purpose. More on IG @life_rebalanced

    Lifestyle by Design with Becky Blake

    Lifestyle by Design with Becky Blake

    This week Becky from the Find Your Freedom podcast joins Donna to chat about how she’s successfully designed a life of financial freedom, is currently pursuing her entrepreneurial and travel dreams, and consistency in areas of health, happiness, and purpose - all by 26 years old. Becky strongly relies on goal setting, her journaling practice, and making decisions in alignment with her 4 core values, but also allows for flexibility with her expectations and timelines. 

    More on IG @life_rebalanced

    How To Do A Mid Year Check-In With Yourself

    How To Do A Mid Year Check-In With Yourself

    We start off the year with big ideas for becoming better versions of ourselves. Goal setting and thoughtful plans in 5 key areas: physical, relationships, education/personal development, emotional/spiritual growth, and finances help move the needle the most. Now that it’s mid-year, we should reevaluate and celebrate accomplishments toward our goals, even if they aren’t fully achieved. This is also the perfect time to adjust or create new goals and timelines if needed. More on IG @life_rebalanced

    Listener Profile: Andrea Binley Murray

    Listener Profile: Andrea Binley Murray

    Today, we interview and highlight an achievement-oriented mom who’s seemingly “juggling it all” just like you. This mama is a fire captain in her full-time job, focuses on personal development through journaling, affirmations, and podcasts/books, and juggles a home-based supplement business and a family of 5. Get details on her time-management system and how it supports all the moving pieces of her day and snag her best advice for the 20-year-old version of herself.

    More on IG @life_rebalanced

    The How and Why of Meditation with Kristen Fewel

    The How and Why of Meditation with Kristen Fewel

    Many of us have at least tried some form of yoga or meditation, in search of clarity, understanding, or peace. Kristen Fewel, author of The Gift of Awakening, helps us understand different types of meditation and the varying stages of the emotional journey one may experience. With over two decades of experience, she recommends different types of yoga or meditation from person to person, as well as finding an optimal time during the day based on personality. More on Instagram @life_rebalanced

    Grieving the Loss of our Expectations and Finding Meaning

    Grieving the Loss of our Expectations and Finding Meaning

    The grieving process, whether from personal or collective loss, isn’t straightforward. We’ve all heard of the five stages of grief, but recently, the sixth stage of grief was discovered - finding meaning. While we as a society have adjusted to life in quarantine and the “new normal” that brings, we’re also collectively grieving the loss of what we expected this year. One stage of that grief is our desire to find meaning or a positive take away from this experience.

    Follow us on IG @life_rebalanced

    Reclaim Your Calendar

    Reclaim Your Calendar

    We chat today about time blocking, calendaring, electronic and paper planner resources, morning routines, and evening routines. Using time efficiently, in an intentional, planned way while also being there for the kids, avoiding multitasking, and getting enough sleep is a skill we have been refining for years. We’re sharing what works for us currently and how things have changed recently. Our perspective on all things is to take what works and leave the rest.

    Follow us on IG @life_rebalanced

    Stress and Your Health with Dr. Bridget Casey

    Stress and Your Health with Dr. Bridget Casey

    Naturopathic Doctor Bridget Casey of www.rinaturalmedicine.com talks with us about women's bodies, stress, and our internal reaction to stressful situations. As we age our bodies change and sometimes seem to be working against us. Weight gain or loss, fertility, energy levels, our ability to plan well or think clearly, digestive issues and so much more can be addressed naturally and become integral toward leading a fulfilling life. More on IG @life_rebalanced and @ri_naturalmedicine

    Easing Money Anxieties with Dr Joy Lere

    Easing Money Anxieties with Dr Joy Lere

    Psychologist Dr. Joy Lere of www.joylere.com brings into clear focus the widespread intense discomfort in discussions about money. When is your earliest memory of money from childhood? Our financial belief system is often created before we even really know how money works. Joy walks us through how and when to talk to kids about money and how to handle financial anxiety as a family during these uncertain times.



    External roadblocks that won’t allow you to do what you want and/or internal ones that show up as self-doubt or disbelief are inevitable throughout life. We aren’t immune to these invisible barriers either. Today’s we're sharing personal stories of diagnoses and injuries, when it’s okay to have a little pity party, and how we’re attempting to navigate toward positive habits and a healthy routine, even if that looks different than it did at the beginning of the year.   

    On Insta @life_rebalanced

    Connecting the Dots of Your Career Path with Carole Ann Penney

    Connecting the Dots of Your Career Path with Carole Ann Penney

    Strategic Career Coach Carole Ann Penney of www.penneyleadership.com opens our minds to the possibility that our many talents actually intersect to create a fulfilling career path. Are you a multi-passionate professional? Instead of feeling scattered, try the simple exercise mentioned during the show to see the commonalities that connect your “many hats”. At this time, she’s focused on enjoying the journey as opposed to the constant striving hustle we’ve been told defines entrepreneurship. 

    Strengths with Caitlin Hawekotte

    Strengths with Caitlin Hawekotte

    Certified Strengths Coach Caitlin Hawekotte of www.caitlinhawekotte.com joins us today in a discussion about using our natural personality strengths as assets via CliftonStrengths. She also shares how StrengthsFinder results altered her path in college for the better and how she’s navigating motherhood in combination with her career aspirations. Like many of us, she’s rebalancing to focus on a growing family while remaining aware that she can reach her goals, just not all at the same time.

    *Bonus* There Will Always Be Something

    *Bonus* There Will Always Be Something

    In this bonus episode (surprise!) we share about the seemingly unreal experience of social distancing. We’ve set aside all the “projects” and are focusing on the basic day-to-day tasks that must be done to keep things rolling. Meanwhile, we’re ever-impressed with businesses’ creativity and thankful for technology while we’re all under quarantine. Routine is always important, so take care of yourself during this time of disarray so that you CAN continue to care for everyone else.

    Goals vs Systems

    Goals vs Systems

    Goals are desired results. Systems are processes. Reliance on goal setting can lead to feelings of loss if a goal is missed, or satisfaction that’s only temporary if the goal is met. Systems, often disguised as habits or lifestyle changes, are imperative parts of supporting our progress and the level of continued fulfillment once goals are achieved. By implementing systems, we remove conscious decisions from our daily lives and support our subconscious toward “becoming a person who…”

    Introducing Life Rebalanced

    Introducing Life Rebalanced

    Welcome to the show for high-achieving, driven moms who are passionate about personal and professional growth and wellness. Our interviews will explore how the lives of highly driven women are constantly in a state of re-balance AND will share how changing behaviors and mindset around money will help in the pursuit of wellness in other areas, like health, relationships, and professional development. Join us in seeking balance while we do ALL THE THINGS.

    What's Your Biggest Challenge to Meeting Your Goals?

    What's Your Biggest Challenge to Meeting Your Goals?

    Highly-driven, career-forward, successful women tend to also be excellent planners who are well organized. This has a downside though. We often set big, amazing goals only to put them off until we can get other things in place SO THAT we can start working toward the goal. Researching, coordinating, time-blocking, rearranging and other very useful activities are often disguised as procrastination toward our audacious, yet achievable dreams. What can you quit so that you’ll just start?

    You can Do It All, Just Not All At The Same Time

    You can Do It All, Just Not All At The Same Time

    Our lives as highly-driven women are constantly in a state of re-balance. Together, we explore our current focus, areas in which we’re giving ourselves grace, and a few tips and habits we’ve implemented to make that intense goal-oriented focus possible. Managing growing families and businesses takes energy, coordination, and intention. This is exactly why we’ve chosen to ask for help in certain areas of life - so we can funnel as much energy as possible toward a specific focus at this time.