
    Lisa A Romano Breakdown to Breakthroughs

    A podcast committed to healing from codependency, narcissistic abuse, with a heavy emphasis on raising consciousness for the benefit of healing mind, body, and soul.
    enLisa A. Romano100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Self Confidence: How to Overcome Low Self Worth

    Self Confidence: How to Overcome Low Self Worth

    Do you struggle with low self-confidence and low self-worth? If so, you are not alone. Low self worth is tied to subconscious beliefs and the emotions that appear when you lack esteem for the self. Feeling detached from the self can be tied to growing up feeling invisible and unheard. Self-esteem is a reflection of your individual self worth, which encompasses your beliefs and the emotional response to those beliefs. In order to experience happiness, self esteem is a determinant of adolescent mental health, according to the DSM. 

    Anyone struggling with self-confidence and low self-worth must consider that how you feel about yourself is a reflection of childhood experiences. If you grew up feeling emotionally neglected, unseen, or unheard, and your needs were not met, these external experiences create emotional responses. From there, the brain wires accordingly. Subconscious programs then run by default outside of conscious awareness. When you are going about your day, and you feel trepidation or anxiety about making an autonomous decision, setting a boundary, or following a dream or a goal, you will not know that what is happening on the subconscious level is controlling your life. 

    Are you ready to have your mind expand beyond your subconscious programming so you can conquer low self confidence and low self-esteem and live a happier, meaningful life? Awesome! Then grab a cup of coffee and get ready to take notes on how Lisa A. Romano, a world renowned Life Coach helps her clients develop self confidence despite painful pasts. 

    Join Lisa for a live group call every month, and benefit from her private healing community and library of resources, courses, meditations, and worksheets, videos and workbooks all created to help you live a conscious healed life, in tandem with your authentic self. 


    Approval and Attention Seeking: Looking Outside of You To Feel Good Enough

    Approval and Attention Seeking: Looking Outside of You To Feel Good Enough

    As children, our sense of worthiness hinges on the approval, attention, validation, and protection of others. When we do not receive the consistent, maternal warmth every child needs to develop the psychological sense that we are enough, we matter, and that we are good, and acceptable even when we make a mistake or do not always behave as our parents prefer, this mystical connection to the self is fractured. 

    In this space, our survival brain and even the root chakra, operate from a place of survival. Rather than live from our hearts, embracing ourselves as works in progress, without self loathing and internal self-abuse, we develop hypervigilance codependency traits and are soaked in insecure attachment issues. All these effects are normal, considering being raised to feel alone, invisible, abandoned, and detached from the authentic self. 

    On the road to personal development, spiritual healing, and living an authentic life, all serious truth seekers find themselves questioning the thoughts, emotions, patterns, and behaviors that inhibit their spiritual growth. If you are here, and you are learning to become more objective about how you show up in the world, that's incredible. It may also be painful. However, to grow we must all confront what we feel, why we feel what we feel, and how the past organically recreates itself in our future, all outside conscious awareness. In this episode, Lisa A. Romano will help you explore how you show up in the world and reveal signs that indicate you might be stuck, living out unhealed childhood patterns by seeking approval and attention outside of yourself. Awareness is necessary for spiritual healing, personal growth, and living a conscious, authentic life, so buckle in Dear Ones. 

    Lisa has created a private Membership for those who are ready to ascend the patterns of the past and who understand that real healing can only happen at the subconscious level. Join Lisa and her healing private community here.



    Are You Living for Others and Ignoring Your Authentic Self?

    Are You Living for Others and Ignoring Your Authentic Self?

    All humans are born asleep, and dream in duality, falsely believing the thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and opinions they hear their minds wrestling with are facts. Yet, they are the result of mental constructs and subjective in nature. In the West, we are not taught to question the quality or source of our thinking. Instead, we live below the veil of consciousness, and assume, without any critical analysis, that all we think is absolute. This is why humans have the ability to harm one another and why nations find it difficult to get along. The ego does not see, nor does it want to see the big picture. If it did, it would die. 

    The emotional healing journey is complex, and without the ability to question what you think, how you feel, and how you live your life, you are a slave to the past, and mental constructs and live your life unaware you are unaware. In this episode, Lisa A. Romano will help you to think more critically about the way you think and live your life.  When you grow up feeling unworthy, and invisible, natural default survival settings govern your emotional and mental bodies. You are a reactionay being, vs a creative, autonomous being who knows who they are and who they are not. 

    If you do not know you are living for others at the expense of your authentic self, you have a problem you do not know you have, and without identifying the problem, there is no solution, only stuckness. 

    If you are ready to work with Lisa and benefit from her enormous library of training resources, and join her private Membership community of those whose mission it is to breakthrough the chains of the past so to finally live an authentic life while helping to shift human consciousness forward, visit:



    Confronting the Fear of Intimacy: Understanding the Link to Feeling Unwanted

    Confronting the Fear of Intimacy: Understanding the Link to Feeling Unwanted

    The ability to develop intimacy within relationships is directly tied to how well you were able to attach to those who raised you. The quality of the bond to those you love matters and is the blueprint for all future relationships, including the one you have with your inner self. All humans develop a false self, the one they believe is who they indeed are, until their consciousness expands and they being to question this inner voice and wonder from where it truly comes. 

    How you feel about yourself may be the result of unhealed wounds as well as a lack of personal insight as to who you are in regards to your innate worth and divine essence. Feeling unworthy and needing to care for others are signs you were raised to worry more about others and how they felt about you than how you feel about yourself.

    Welcome to the magical world of healing and transformation, as Lisa A. Romano helps us to better understand ourselves from a higher state of consciousness, beyond judgment, fear, or criticism. Here, you will learn to understand yourself, and in that new expanded space of self awareness, you will give birth to choice.  You are not your thoughts, emotions, past, trauma, memories or patterns. You are a facet of the divine, and until you know that, you believe what your brain and emotions tell you. 

    If you are ready to work with Lisa and to become part of a incredible, conscious community of those who are ready to heal their lives by transforming their consciousness, visit;




    Adult Children of Trauma: Healing the Wounded Self

    Adult Children of Trauma: Healing the Wounded Self

    Are you the adult child of trauma, who has grown up confused, feeling not good enough, and full of confusion over why life has become so complicated? Was your mother or father an alcoholic, narcissist, emotionally immature, and were you forced to figure out life on your own due to emotional neglect? Those of us who find ourselves listening to self-help podcasts, seeking therapy, and are drawn to spiritually healing information are often adults who have grown up feeling unworthy due to unhealed wounds from childhood. 

    In this episode, you will hear Lisa A. Romano, who is best known for her remarkable work in the field of codependency and narcissistic abuse recovery, help those who have called into her webinar understand themselves from a higher perspective. Lisa is also well known for her understanding of consciousness as it relates to childhood trauma, subconscious programming, and living below the veil of consciousness. So, if you are ready to understand how to heal your wounded self through living a compassion based and conscious life, this episode is for you.

    Join Lisa's and her Breakthrough Healing Warriors inside her private membership. Learn more here:


    Childhood Abandonment Issues: Healing Feeling Like Everyone Will Abandon You/Life Coaching Tips

    Childhood Abandonment Issues: Healing Feeling Like Everyone Will Abandon You/Life Coaching Tips

    In this podcast episode, learn about symptoms of abandonment issues and unhealed wounds of the inner child as the cause.

    Discover the effects of abandonment issues and how to cope with childhood abandonment issues as Lisa A. Romano, the Breakthrough Life Coach, interviews Holly, a member of The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program, on her journey toward healing from the abandonment wounds of childhood.

    In this candid interview, Holly offers personal insights into how unresolved abandonment issues from her childhood eventually masked how she related to others in many of her adult relationships. Holly is a graduate of The June 2023 12-Week Breakthrough Coaching Program. She has offered her experience to others, hoping that her story may inspire others to look within and take a deep dive into the past with the help of Lisa A. Romano's 12-Week Roadmap.

    Take Lisa's Codependency Quiz https://www.lisaaromano.com

    3 Healing Programs for 1 https://www.lisaaromano.com/btwm-special

    Healing Books amazon.com/author/lisaaromano

    Listen for FREE 📚 Codependent Now What https://adbl.co/2Q484CV

    13 Weird Signs You Might Be Codependent; Here's What a Codependent Person

    13 Weird Signs You Might Be Codependent; Here's What a Codependent Person

    13 Weird Signs You Might Be Codependent. In this episode, you will learn what a codependent person is like and how they feel and relate to the world. Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where you gave more than you received?

    Do you feel like you always put others' needs before yours? If those questions resonate with you, then listen to this episode!

     Lisa Romano will discuss the 13 characteristics of codependency and help you identify if you or someone you know might be struggling with this issue. Discover what a codependent person looks like and how it can negatively impact their lives and relationships. In this episode, you'll learn about the effects of low self-worth, untreated mental health issues, and childhood experiences that lead to codependency. Lisa will also offer guidance on breaking free from codependent patterns and creating healthier relationships that nourish your well-being. 💪

    Join Lisa for this eye-opening and empowering discussion and finally understand how to identify and heal from the negative effects of codependency.

    Don't miss out on this transformative podcast!

    Codependency Quiz https://www.lisaaromano.com

    FREE Codependency Presentation https://www.lisaaromano.com/your-vide...

    Ready to break the chains of the past, heal codependency and become the confident, self assured, self actualized being you were born to become? https://www.lisaaromano.com/12-wbcp

    Codependency Recovery with the Help of Brain Exercises

    Codependency Recovery with the Help of Brain Exercises

    Ready to revolutionize your healing journey? Dive into the world of brain exercises with the incredible Lisa Romano as she guides you towards breaking free from codependency!

    It's time to shift your focus inward and develop a profound empathy for yourself – a pivotal step on your path to healing. Discover how to nurture your own emotions, needs, and aspirations while embracing the transformative power of self-compassion.

     Join us in this captivating episode, where Lisa Romano shares her expertise, personal insights, and actionable tips to guide you through codependency recovery like never before.

    Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth as you learn to mend the pieces of your soul. Remember, your healing matters, and embracing empathy for yourself is a game-changer!

    Lisa A. Romano is a Life Coach and bestselling author specializing in helping people reclaim their lives by ascending old thought patterns and healing faulty childhood subconscious programs.

     She is an expert in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and elevating consciousness. She is also one of the most popular meditation teachers on Insight Timer and is the creator of the 12-Week Breakthrough Coaching Program.

    If you feel invisible, unworthy, and lack a sense of self or purpose, Lisa's work in personal development can help you gain the self-awareness required to break through. coach@lisaaromano.com

    Codependent Love: DO you Love to be Loved in Return?

    Codependent Love: DO you Love to be Loved in Return?

    Relationships can trigger unhealed wounds of the past, and if we are not careful and self-aware, we may love others in an unhealthy way.

    In this episode, you will learn from Lisa A. Romano, who will help explain why some of us love to be loved in return and why that is not the healthiest way to operate within relationships.

    Visit Lisa's website here to take her codependency quiz and to join her free newsletter: https://www.lisaaromano.com

    Codependency in relationships destroys love. When you are codependent, you seek approval and love others, hoping to be loved in return.

    On the surface, this sounds appropriate. However, when we dig in deeper, we learn that relationship dynamics that are rooted in insecure attachment and abandonment issues are anything but easy.

    Signs you're codependent include seeking approval, enabling unhealthy behaviors, denying your own needs, putting the needs of others before your own, having poor boundaries, having difficulty with mature communication, lying for a partner, feeling over-responsible for other people's emotions, rescuing or fixing other people's lives, and then feeling angry when others don't do as you would expect them to.

    For more help on breaking free of codependency, insecure attachment, or narcissistic relationships, reach out at: coach@lisaaromano.com

    Thank you for listening, Codependent Love: Do you love to be loved in return?

    How I Transformed My Entire Life: The Power of Emotional Control

    How I Transformed My Entire Life: The Power of Emotional Control

    In this groundbreaking episode, we dive deep into the incredible journey of Lisa A. Romano as she shares her profound insights on healing codependency and understanding the intricate relationship between emotions and the subconscious mind. Lisa's transformative story will leave you inspired and empowered to take control of your life and create your reality.

    To learn more about Lisa's books and online courses, visit;


    Why Do You Keep Doing What You Don't Want to Do? Mastering Your Consciousness in the Nonphysical

    Why Do You Keep Doing What You Don't Want to Do? Mastering Your Consciousness in the Nonphysical

    In this episode, Lisa A. Romano delves into the profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Lisa delves into the essence of what it means to be human: the pursuit of integration. As human beings, we strive to bridge the gap between our past experiences and our current reality. We yearn to comprehend the intricacies of our thoughts, words, behaviors, and emotions - to decipher why we do what we do, say what we say, and act the way we act. Lisa A. Romano encourages us to embark on a voyage of self-inquiry, urging us to question the very essence of our existence. Why do we resonate with certain thoughts and emotions? Why do we attract certain situations into our 3-D reality, even when we consciously wish for something different? These profound questions lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

    Lisa extends an invitation to pause and reflect on our own lives. She challenges us to explore the root causes of the patterns that continue to manifest in our reality, especially when they are not aligned with our desires. By asking these critical questions, we can begin to unravel the mysteries of our existence and make conscious choices that lead us toward a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. So, if you've ever found yourself pondering the intricacies of your thoughts, actions, and the world around you, this episode is for you.

    To work with Lisa one to one, or to participate in one of her transformational online courses, visit:


    Learning to Love Yourself Again After Narcissistic Abuse: Healing Childhood Trauma

    Learning to Love Yourself Again After Narcissistic Abuse: Healing Childhood Trauma

    Welcome to our empowering journey with a remarkable woman who, at 75 years young, embraces healing and self-love after enduring a lifetime of childhood trauma. In this podcast episode, you'll meet Ellen], a courageous soul who has embarked on a transformative path of recovery. Ellen is the adult daughter of a narcissistic mother who has felt emotionally arrested due to childhood trauma and codependency. Ellen often felt invisible, alone, and like she could never be her true self. When she found Lisa's work, she decided to work with her during a live launch of

    The 12-Week Breakthrough Coaching Program. She is learning about sefl love at 75, healing from childhood trauma, the covert narcissist mother, finding inner strength, resilience, and recovery, and embarking on a self-healing journey that is leading toward her inspirational life transformation.

    Join us as we delve into Ellen's courageous journey of overcoming the deep scars left by her covert narcissist mother and how she found strength, resilience, and ultimately self-love in her later years. Her story is a testament to the human spirit's ability to heal, grow, and thrive. If you or someone you know has experienced childhood trauma or seeks inspiration to embark on a journey of self-discovery, listen to the whole episode now!


    To work with Lisa one to one, or to participate in one of her transformational online courses, visit:


    Healing Emotional Triggers

    Healing Emotional Triggers

    Emotional triggers take us back in time, to when we felt powerless and overwhelmed, and our brain and mind were unable to process all of the emotions that were taking place. The more dependent we are upon someone, the deeper the emotional wound. And like a quantum rubber stamp, our painful emotions root us to a place back in time. 

    Often but not always, emotional triggers are tied to childhood experiences. Of course, they would be, considering how powerless and dependent children are upon their caretakers, teachers, and family members. The brain of a child lacks the neural circuitry to be able to handle the energetic emotional overload and so, what cannot be fully processed gets shunted deep into the emotional body until a later date, when a current situation triggers unhealed emotional trauma. 

    In this episode, Lisa A. Romano dives into the mysterious world of emotional triggers and in her unique, easy to understand way, helps us understand ourselves in a way that allows us to gain clarity, ownership and freedom over our lives. By understanding how emotional triggers work, we are far more able to manage them when they occur.

    To work with Lisa one to one, or to participate in one of her transformational online courses, visit:



    3 Expert Tips to Conquer Emotional Triggers and Thrive

    3 Expert Tips to Conquer Emotional Triggers and Thrive

    In this enlightening podcast episode, renowned author and life coach Lisa A. Romano shares invaluable insights and expert tips on conquering emotional triggers and achieving emotional mastery. Learn how to identify, understand, and effectively manage your emotional triggers to lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

    Expand your emotional awareness and take charge of your responses to life's challenges with Lisa's expert guidance. Discover practical techniques to navigate through emotional turbulence and foster emotional well-being.

    If you are ready to begin your inner transformation journey, honor your authentic self, all while breaking free of the subconscious limiting chains of the past visit:


    to begin your transformative inner healing journey today. 

    Narcissist's Mental Manipulation Tool: Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse

    Narcissist's Mental Manipulation Tool: Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse

    In this podcast episode, you will learn about a narcissist's mental manipulation tool, chronic invalidation.

    Chronic invalidation leads to cognitive dissonance, emotional and psychological dependency, trauma bonds, and eventually physical symptoms caused by chronic stress.

    By identifying this manipulation tactic, you can guard yourself against the toxic consequences of dealing with someone with high narcissistic traits.

    If you are ready to begin your inner transformation journey, honor your authentic self, all while breaking free of the subconscious limiting chains of the past visit:


    to begin your transformative inner healing journey today. 

    Childhood Emotional Neglect: Growing Up Feeling Invisible

    Childhood Emotional Neglect: Growing Up Feeling Invisible

    Did you grow up feeling seen, heard, understood, and like you belonged to a loving family, or did you grow up feeling invisible? Childhood emotional neglect can lead to people-pleasing, agreeableness, repressed anger, and enmeshed relationship dynamics such as codependency. Feeling invisible can create a need to feel seen, which may lead into augmenting the self to fit in, regardless of the consequences. 

    On the healing journey, where one is becoming aware and able to confront the wounds of the past, learning to speak the truth is often the first step, yet the most difficult. Most people do not know they are not truly thinking, and instead their minds are regurgitating the memories of the past and lost in expectation, as well as locked within neurological pathways created in response to trauma. 

    The good news is, it is possible to breakthrough the subconscious limiting beliefs of the past and learn to live above the veil of consciousness, to align with the authentic self. It is possible to speak your truth, and reclaim your lost self, and end relationships that are toxic! To do so begins with admitting your truth to yourself first. 

    We got this!

    If you are ready to heal the unhealed wounds of the past created by family dysfunction, visit Lisa's website to learn more;


    Narcissists Hijack Your SuperPower

    Narcissists Hijack Your SuperPower

    Did you know that narcissists hijack your superpower? Do you know what your superpower is? Your superpower is the power of your beliefs. What you believe dictates your entire life and every decision you make. When you are under the spell of a narcissist, your emotions, beliefs, and perception of reality are controlled through psychological manipulation. Tactics include gaslighting, triangulation, future faking, mirroring your empathy, and training you to fear negative outcomes, especially when you do not think, speak or behave as they would like you to. 

    In this episode, Lisa A. Romano goes all in to explain the importance of honoring your superpowers, so you can shield your mind, thoughts, and emotions from becoming enabled in toxic relationship dynamics. 

    If you are ready to begin your inner transformation journey, honor your authentic self, all while breaking free of the subconscious limiting chains of the past visit:


    to begin your transformative inner healing journey today. 

    Childood Trauma Makes it Hard to Make Friends as an Adult

    Childood Trauma Makes it Hard to Make Friends as an Adult

    Are you the adult child of a toxic, alcoholic, or narcissist? If so, you may find it hard to make meaningful friendships. If this is the case for you, that is not your fault. Survival strategies created during childhood to keep you safe, may be keeping you stuck and in fear as opposed to taking chances on making new friends. 

    Childhood trauma, emotional neglect and narcissistic abuse, inhibit our ability to trust others and it also disrupts our ability to trust the self. Making friends is incredibly challenging for adult children of narcissistic and alcoholic parents, because we have been programmed to associate pain, rejection, and abandonment with close relationships. However, it is possible to find your way back to the divine self through inner child recovery work. 

    If you are interested in working with Lisa one to one or if you would like to begin one of her healing self study courses, visit:


    Or reach out at coach@lisaaromano.com

    Narcissistic Abuse: Gaslighting and Psychological Manipulation

    Narcissistic Abuse: Gaslighting and Psychological Manipulation

    Narcissistic abuse is a form of psychological manipulation that relies on dominance, power, and control, and is enforced most often through various forms of mental abuse. Gaslighting is a tool that narcissists rely on to cause their victims to consistently doubt the validity of their thoughts. Whether a narcissist is aware of their mind games is not as important as recognizing these forms of abuse. Once you recognize gaslighting, projection, and various forms of invalidation, you can far more guard yourself against the trauma bonds these relationships create.

    In a trauma bonded relationship, your cognitive ability to trust your thoughts, emotions, needs, ideas, opinions, and perceptions will become hindered due to being manipulated to believe that questioning a narcissist is a form of disloyalty. Your very thoughts and emotions will work against you, that is until you gain the invaluable insights you need to arm yourself against narcissistic abuse. 

    If you are ready to heal and commit to the authentic self, check out this limited time offer. For a short time, I am offering you the opportunity to register for three of my powerfully healing programs for less than the price of one. 


    Codependency Recovery: What Every People Pleaser Needs to Know

    Codependency Recovery: What Every People Pleaser Needs to Know

    Codependency is a deeply ingrained pattern of behavior that can be challenging to confront and overcome. It stems from a dysfunctional relationship dynamic where one person enables and relies on another to meet their emotional and psychological needs. As a result, the codependent individual often loses touch with their identity, desires, and boundaries.

    Confronting codependency can be difficult for several reasons. Firstly, it often arises from childhood experiences and learned behaviors, making it a deeply rooted pattern that feels familiar and comfortable, even if it is unhealthy. Confronting codependency means facing these deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors, which can be unsettling and uncomfortable.

    Furthermore, codependency often involves a fear of abandonment or rejection. The codependent individual may have developed a strong sense of responsibility for others' emotions and well-being, fearing that if they assert their own needs or boundaries, they will be met with rejection or abandonment. This fear can make it incredibly challenging to confront codependency, as it requires stepping out of the caretaker role and prioritizing one's own well-being.

    However, it is important to remember that confronting codependency is an essential step toward reclaiming your own autonomy, self-worth, and emotional well-being. It requires a willingness to explore and challenge deep-seated beliefs. You can learn how to expand your awareness, and become more honest with yourself, although this is incredibly challenging for someone who fears abandonment, criticism, and rocking the boat. 

    If you are ready to breakthrough codependency, here is a link to a FREE 10 Day Challenge!
