
    Live Without Borders: A Stoic Podcast for Traveling Citizens of the World

    A podcast about how to live the good life through Stoicism, personal development, and cultural exploration. Host Sarah Mikutel is an American expat in England who's here to help you make the most of your brief time on Earth. Memento mori. It’s time to make every moment matter.

    enCommunication & Mindset Coach Sarah Mikutel192 Episodes

    Episodes (192)

    Roadtrip through Turkey: Bursa, Ephesus, Pamukkale, and More

    Roadtrip through Turkey:  Bursa, Ephesus, Pamukkale, and More

    Welcome, fellow citizen of the world. Today we are roadtripping through Turkey with my friend Michelle Warner-Martin. 

    Michelle recently roadtripped across Turkey through:

    • Bursa
    • Ephesus
    • Pamukkale
    • Konya
    • Istanbul 
    • Adana 
    • Mersin 
    • Cappadocia

    And she’s here to highlight the incredible experiences you can when traveling across Turkey. 

    Michelle is a wedding photographer, which allows her to travel in the off season when things are less crowded and less expensive. 

    Have you been to Turkey? Share your favorite memories with me! I’d love to hear from you on Instagram, or you can email me :)


    Hi 👋 I’m your host Sarah Mikutel, an American expat in England. I love meeting fellow citizens of the world. Things I’m into: Stoicism, travel, and helping introverts communicate with confidence. Want to be friends?

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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    Conflict: 4 Stoic Solutions for Managing Difficult Conversations

    Conflict: 4 Stoic Solutions for Managing Difficult Conversations

    Why do we get angry? How can we challenge our immediate reactions? And what's the best way to articulate our feelings without passive aggression or a blow-up? 

    In this episode, you'll learn  four Stoic tips to turn potential conflicts into opportunities for personal growth and stronger relationships.

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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    Find the Good in this Very Moment

    Find the Good in this Very Moment

    Travel can be restorative, fun, and, in my opinion, it’s the greatest form of diplomacy there is. Because we get to know people as individuals rather than stereotypes. We develop deeper connections as true citizens of the world. We experience life.

    Yet travel and trading countries is not a magic pill for happiness. There is no perfect place, and wherever we go, we take our problems with us.

    I’m reading David Fideler’s excellent book Breakfast with Seneca, where he quotes Seneca in one of his letters: 

    “If you want to escape your troubles, you don't need to be somewhere else: you need to be someone else.” 

    Those searching for meaning or purpose in life might think a new place will provide answers. But a new location, a new job, a new partner doesn’t guarantee a better life or a fresh start. 

    Finding purpose involves understanding your values, interests, and goals. It’s internal work that can be done anywhere.

    Looking to live a more Stoic life? Let's chat.

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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    4 Best Tips to Communicate with Intent and Impact (Stoic style)

    4 Best Tips to Communicate with Intent and Impact (Stoic style)

    Our intentions don’t always line up with our outcomes, and misunderstandings lead to anger, sadness, frustration, and conflict. In this episode, I’ll talk about intent vs impact, which is more important, and how to effectively and ethically communicate your intentions. Of course, I’ll be weaving in the timeless wisdom of the Stoics.

    Hi, I’m Sarah Mikutel, your communication and mindset coach, an Enneagram 9 expat in England, and practicing Stoic.  Introverts come to me to learn to speak confidently in front of a room, online, and in social situations without becoming a sweaty, blushing mess with a stress headache.

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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking with Stoic Psychology

    Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking with Stoic Psychology

    Introvert Emergency Kit

    Click here if you're ready to become a less anxious, more charismatic public speaker.

    When it comes to public speaking, what exactly are you afraid of? 

    Most people I talk to don’t explore their fears at all – and this makes them worse. 

    The thought of public speaking brings up such uncomfortable feelings that they try to ignore them or stuff them down – which is why they continue to suffer from speaking anxiety, one of the most common fears in the world. 

    How is an amorphous ‘fear of fear’ holding you back and keeping you quiet?  

    I’m Sarah Mikutel, your communication and mindset coach. By the end of this episode, you will know:

    • what you’re really afraid of when you say you don’t like public speaking – no more amorphous clouds of discomfort,
    • how anxiety manifests in our mind and body and why not managing it is so harmful,
    • the beliefs underlying the four different flavors of public speaking anxiety, and 
    • Stoic practices you can do to let go of anxiety so you can more eloquently express your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

    So no more holding in what you want to say and then internally screaming when someone else voices what you’d been thinking. It’s time to start feeling more calm and confident when you speak. 

    Let’s dive in. 


    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more content on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration. 

    That’s right, blogging is cool again. Over on the Substack platform, you can chat with me in the comments and I have plenty of bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read hew posts for free.

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    Plovdiv, Bulgaria: Insider Travel Tips on What to See, Do, and Savor

    Plovdiv, Bulgaria: Insider Travel Tips on What to See, Do, and Savor

    Want to come to Bulgaria with me? For real. My friend Zlatina (who's also today's guest) and I are bringing a small group here for an authentic  Balkan experience in May. This is not some naff bus tour. We're inviting a max of 10 world travelers to join us to explore Bulgaria's hidden gems (as well as its most culturally significant sites).

    Get on the waitlist now so you get priority to come plus a special early-bird rate

    How amazing does this sound: walking along the ancient Roman amphitheater; sipping award-winning wine in the Thracian Valley; inhaling the floral fragrance of roses in the fields; soaking in the waters of a life-giving spa; dining with new friends in excellent restaurants – if that sounds like your idea of a good time, come with us May 15-21, 2024.

    Back to today's episode...

    Plovdiv, Bulgaria  is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Walking through the Old Town is like walking through an open museum, with its cobblestone streets, centuries-old houses, and ancient masterpieces — including the Roman amphitheater, where you can still watch shows. 

    But this isn’t a city frozen in time. 

    Named a European Capital of Culture, it's a city of festivals and creative energy, especially in districts like Kapana (“the Trap”). 

    Today I’m speaking with my friend Zlatina Ervenlieva,  a world traveler, tour guide, Bulgarian native, and all around fantastic spirit.

    In this episode, you’ll hear insider travel tips on what to see, do, and savor in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and beyond. 

    Get on the waitlist to join Zlatina and I in Bulgaria for a trip of a lifetime in May

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    How to Stop (Negative) Self-Comparison and Increase Your Confidence

    How to Stop (Negative) Self-Comparison and Increase Your Confidence

    We often hear how negative self-comparisons can be, especially when it comes to social media. But what if we could use comparison as a force for good? A tool to help us grow and flourish at work and in our personal lives?  Great news, we can!

    Today you’ll learn how to stop negatively comparing yourself to others and start measuring your progress in healthier and more productive ways. Plus, you’ll learn the scientific theory about why you’re actually more likable the less perfect you are.

    Hi, I'm your host, Sarah Mikutel. Ready to take this work deeper and radically transform your life? Let's talk. Book your call here


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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    Self-Mastery: How to Transform Your Life by Taking Control

    Self-Mastery: How to Transform Your Life by Taking Control

    Have you ever wondered why the richest countries on Earth consistently rank so high in anxiety and depression? 

    Research says this is because we’re so overstimulated by instant gratification that our brains never feel satisfied and become increasingly unhappy in the quest for more. We’re literally addicted to pursuing pleasures that will never satisfy us.

    The cure to this man-made misery? Self-control. 

    I know, I know. Your body might be rejecting this idea as too boring or hard. But stay with me. 

    In this episode, you’ll learn how hyper-access to indulgence is physiologically changing your brain, and I’ll coach you on what to do so you can calm your mind and start experiencing more vitality and true joy on a permanent basis. 

    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more content on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration. 

    That’s right, blogging is cool again. Over on the Substack platform, you can chat with me in the comments and I have plenty of bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read hew posts for free.

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    When You're Interrupted, Do This

    When You're Interrupted, Do This

    Ever been cut off mid-sentence and feel a whirlwind of emotions – frustration, anger,  embarrassment? Why do we take interruptions so personally, and how can we handle them with grace?

    I'm your host, Sarah Mikutel, and in this episode, I dive into effective communication and mindset strategies that will help you be seen and heard. By the end, you'll be equipped to handle interruptions confidently, communicate effectively, and enjoy life with less anxiety.


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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    (Encore) Bridging the Past and Present: How WWII Values Inspire Purposeful Living

    (Encore) Bridging the Past and Present: How WWII Values Inspire Purposeful Living

    What do courage and resilience truly mean?

    As the anniversary of D-Day approaches, I reflect on the incredible bravery of the 'Greatest Generation' during World War II, drawing inspiration from my visits to historic locations such as Auschwitz and Churchill's War Rooms in London.

    From blackouts to rationing, the everyday experiences of European civilians during WWII serve as a testament to human resilience.

    In the film Saving Private Ryan, a dying Captain Miller says to Matt Damon's character: "Earn this." He was also speaking to us.

    We have a responsibility to earn the lives that other people died for. In this episode, I talk about how we can do this by showing up as Stoic leaders and embodying courage, wisdom, moderation, and justice in our own lives.

    By giving ourselves space to think and show up as our best selves, we can strive to live a life of meaning that honors the sacrifices of the Greatest Generation.


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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    Salzburg: Mozart, The Sound of Music, and Much More

    Salzburg: Mozart, The Sound of Music, and Much More

    In a few days I’m headed to Salzburg, Austria for my friend’s birthday (We need more of these kind of trips! Destination parties should go beyond weddings. Do you agree?)

    And that’s why today I’m speaking with Vivien Conacher, a trained opera singer from Sydney who now lives in Salzburg.

    From Mozart's birthplace and Sound of Music locations to the historic fortress and breweries, discover the magic of Salzburg and its hidden gems. Perfect for a solo or group trip or an adventure with your dog (this is a very animal-friendly place).

    Before moving to Austria, Vivien  founded Songhaven, a not-for-profit that organizes free concerts by top classically-trained artists for people with dementia. How wonderful is that? 

    Clearly, Vivien has a passion for helping people and the performing arts. 

    And today she’s helping us by sharing her favorite must-have experiences in Salzburg, Austria. Enjoy!

    If you have a dream like moving abroad but you’re feeling stuck, let’s chat. 

    Book a consult with me — https://sarahmikutel.com/chat — and let’s talk about what we can do together to move you forward. Perhaps literally!

    How long will you wait before you start demanding the best for yourself? 

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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    When You Think People Are Judging You

    When You Think People Are Judging You

    Have you ever noticed how our thoughts and reactions can create unnecessary stress, or cultivate empathy and understanding for others?

    On a recent flight to Florida, I was reminded of the power of perception and emotional resiliency.

    I share the story of passengers clapping after a smooth landing, the reactions of those around me as a father rushed to exit the plane, and how the simple words of a child turned turbulence into an exciting adventure.

    Inspired by the wisdom of Epictetus, we'll discuss how to be more emotionally resilient by challenging our first impressions and choosing more rational thoughts.


    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more content on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration. 

    That’s right, blogging is cool again. Over on the Substack platform, you can chat with me in the comments and I have plenty of bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read hew posts for free.

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    Choose a Life Philosophy

    Choose a Life Philosophy

    Do you have a philosophy that you live your life by?

    My guest today thinks you should — and so do all the Stoics who came before her.

    I’m speaking with Brittany Polat, author of Tranquility Parenting: A Guide to Staying Calm, Mindful, and Engaged and  Journal Like a Stoic: A 90-Day Stoicism Program to Live with Greater Acceptance, Less Judgment, and Deeper Intentionality. She’s also a steering committee member of Modern Stoicism, and co-founder, along with Eve Riches, of the nonprofit Stoicare, which “aims to share Stoicism with everyone who cares about people and the planet.”

    We discuss the importance of having a life philosophy for yourself before you can hope to influence other people — especially kids. We also talk about how to cultivate more positive emotions in your life; how to be more mindful; how to fit reflection into your day, and more. 

    As you’re listening to this conversation, think of one thing you want to start implementing to live a more harmonious life.


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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    Cambridge, England: Explore the Best of this University City from Punting to Pubs

    Cambridge, England: Explore the Best of this University City from Punting to Pubs

    Today, we’re exploring the picturesque city of Cambridge, England, home — or at least temporary home — of some of the world’s greatest minds across the centuries. Cambridge is known for its prestigious university, beautiful architecture, and punting — and if you’re not sure what that is, you’ll know by the end of this episode. 

    I’m back with tour guide Sib Jackson, who’s here to share insider tips on the must-sees and hidden gems of this historic city with cobbled streets and breathtaking spires of the colleges. 

    Sit back, relax, and soak in some travel inspiration for this charming city.

    Are you living the life you want to live, or are you ready for something braver and bolder? 👉 https://sarahmikutel.com/

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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    How to Start Over

    How to Start Over

    What happens when life upends you? Things seem to be running smoothly, then all of a sudden you lose your job, someone walks out on you, you graduate, you retire. Some big shift happens — now what?

    Do you ruminate about the past, or do you honor it and reflect on how to move forward?

    My guest today chose the latter. Sib Jackson is a German living in England as a Cambridge tour guide, amongst other fun things. But she didn’t start out that way. 

    In this episode, we talk about how Sib’s story unfolded like a literary novel. Seriously, I think her life is a beautiful time capsule of our age. You’ll see what I mean on this episode. 

    In the next episode, Sib and I will talk about all the experiences you should have in Cambridge.

    Today is more about rolling with life and being present with it. Enjoy. 

    I’m passionate about helping as many people as possible avoid the Top Five Regrets of the Dying, a list put together by palliative carer Bronnie Ware:

    1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

    2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

    3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

    4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

    5. I wish I had let myself be happier.

    Every day could be our last, no matter what we have planned. 

    Someday is today. Take action on the dreams that scare you. Today. Give voice to what you believe in. Today. Bring joy to someone. Today and every day.

    Want to talk through what a braver life could look like for you? I’m here for you

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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    Food of the Italian Islands: Sicily, Sardinia, and Beyond

    Food of the Italian Islands: Sicily, Sardinia, and Beyond

    Get ready to be transported to the sun-soaked beaches, charming coastal villages, and rolling hillsides of Sicily, Sardinia, and beyond. 

    Katie Parla is back and just published her third book: Food of the Italian Islands

    Katie’s an American who has been living in Rome for about 20 years as a food and beverage writer, culinary guide, and cookbook author.

    We will be diving deep into the cultural and historical significance of the island’s regional cuisine, and tell you where to find Katie’s favorite food. 

    Get ready to be inspired and hungry!

    Katie's other cookbooks:
    Tasting Rome: Fresh Flavors and Forgotten Recipes from an Ancient City: A Cookbook

    Food of the Italian South: Recipes for Classic, Disappearing, and Lost Dishes: A Cookbook


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    Make More Meaningful Connections (Oikeiosis)

    Make More Meaningful Connections (Oikeiosis)

    What would life be like if we felt more happy connections with people on a regular basis? How can we embrace the wider world and bring people closer to us, even if for a few moments at the seaside? 


    Stoics believe we are all citizens of the world, part of one global community. This is Stoic cosmopolitanism. 

    The Stoic philosopher Seneca said: 

    Our relations with one another are like a stone arch, which would collapse if the stones did not mutually support each other, and which is upheld in this very way.” Seneca, Letter 95, Tao of Seneca

    Just like each stone in an arch depends on the strength of the others to maintain its stability, we human beings are part of a harmonious system meant to support one another.

    Stoics believe meaningful connection is important to our wellbeing, and for society as a whole. 

    We’re here on this Earth to take care of one another, and this starts with taking care of ourselves. I’ve talked previously about the Stoic concept of the circles of concern, which describes our relationships to everyone, including ourselves.


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    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration.  We can chat together in the comments and I have fab bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read new posts for free.

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    The Key to the Good Life: Who You’re With on the Journey

    The Key to the Good Life: Who You’re With on the Journey

    Harvard researchers have been studying what makes people happy for decades. 

    Since 1938, they’ve been following the same people, and then their families, to learn more about what makes a good life. This is the longest-running study of its kind involving hundreds of people across different walks of life. JFK was even involved when he was a student. 

    So what did they discover in this happiness survey? 

    Money, fame, and awards don’t lead to long-term happiness. Here’s what does — good relationships.

    Think about a trip you took a few years ago. A vacation or time abroad or in a new city that you really loved. What do you remember? 

    When you first got home and a friend asked, “Oh, how was your time away?” chances are you recited the things you did. But years later, when you think of that trip, you remember your interactions with people, those you were traveling with and also complete strangers.

    The key to the good life is developing good relationships and being open to encounters with everyone.

    And there’s both science and magic behind why.


    Let’s continue the conversation. Head on over to my blog on Substack for more content on how to thrive through better communication, Stoicism, and global exploration. 

    That’s right, blogging is cool again. Over on the Substack platform, you can chat with me in the comments and I have plenty of bonuses for paid subscribers. Or, you can read hew posts for free.

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    Sign Up Now: Goal-Setting Workshop Jan 14

    Sign Up Now: Goal-Setting Workshop Jan 14

    I’m hosting a 2023 Goal-Mapping Workshop on Jan. 14. It’s free and a replay will be available for a few days after if you register in advance

    This isn’t a lecture – it’s a very interactive session. You’ll:

    • Create a vision for your year that aligns with your values and priorities
    • Break down your big goals into manageable tasks that don't overwhelm you
    • Develop a plan of action to stay on track and avoid procrastination
    • Prioritize your tasks and projects in a way that helps you stay focused and motivated
    • Overcome obstacles and setbacks in a way that allows you to stay true to your values and goals

    You'll leave this workshop with a clear and actionable plan for the year ahead. And you'll have the tools and strategies you need to stay focused and motivated, no matter what life throws your way.

    What: 2023 Goal-Mapping Workshop

    When: 10 a.m. EST, Jan. 14

    How long:  60-90 minutes

    Where: Online – you’ll receive a link closer to the date

    How: Book your space here

    This workshop will be especially beneficial for you if you’re great at meeting other people’s needs, but become easily distracted when it comes to prioritizing your own dreams.

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    Keep Your Commitments: The Real Reason People Won’t Change

    Keep Your Commitments: The Real Reason People Won’t Change

    Around January 1, we set goals that we intend to keep. But most of us break these vows before the month is over – why? What’s the real reason people won’t change? And how can we use Stoicism and modern psychology to start?

    To truly be free and move forward, we need to cultivate helpful thoughts and let go of unhelpful ones. This is how we become resilient and learn to flow with life instead of fighting it. 

    But what if you’re not even aware of your unhelpful thoughts? 

    I’ve talked about different ways to uncover your blind spots on this podcast, and today you’ll learn about a new one from Harvard’s Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey, authors of the book Immunity to Change


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