
    Living Tantra Podcast

    Axioms of Grace is more than a podcast; it is a catalyzing transmission in service to your authentic passion, purpose, and place in the world. As your guide, I invite you to join me on an inner journey of recalibration, remembrance, and revitalization. This transmission series is a guiding light for those on a path of authentic embodied liberation.
    enKatherine Zorensky39 Episodes

    Episodes (39)

    #19 RITUAL: en-rich-u-all

    #19 RITUAL: en-rich-u-all

    Happy Solstice, Happy Holidays, and Happy Holy Nights. This time of year we are innately invited back into the importance of ritual.


    What is the purpose of ritual and how do we create ritual in ways that reflect our current values and desires?


    This short and sweet podcast is a poetic invitation into the orientation process of ritual and its necessary purpose in keeping us connected to the nourishment and sustenance of living a meaningful life.

    #18 Initiations and New Choices through Polarity with Andrea Michelle Haeckel

    #18 Initiations and New Choices through Polarity with Andrea Michelle Haeckel

    Astrologer and counsellor Andrea Michelle Haeckel can speak seamlessly about the outer cosmos and it's influence on our inner experience. She embodies the interface between tantra and astrology and how the two together allow an availability to our natural evolution into love.


    In this transmissive interview we explore how collectively at this time we are being invited beyond the metabolism of our past initiations (and healed trauma) into an opportunity to make vital new choices.


    We explore how this relates to the next octave of the ‘Me Too’ movement as well as the new expression of feminine emerging in our experience at this time.


    This is an inspiring invitation into the next level of self responsibility, self love, and the courage to be ourselves simply as we are. This episode is a ‘must listen’ for any one with resonance with masculine and feminine polarity and the next octave of this refinement in their own lives.


    Connect with Andrea Michelle:

    Precious Human Birth

    Website: https://www.precioushumanbirth.com/

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81EYz5BsYQg&ab_channel=PreciousHumanBirth


    Connect with Katherine:

    Technology of Love Website: https://www.techoflove.com/

    Podcast: https://www.techoflove.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinezorensky/?hl=en 


    #17 The Primordial Essence of Love

    #17 The Primordial Essence of Love

    In episode 17 I delve into the scientific term ‘dark matter’ through an esoteric lens of the Divine Feminine.

    Dark matter comprises 85% of the material of our known universe. Because of it’s ultra magnetic qualities vs. reflective (which would enable a luminosity) it is felt as a spaciousness or ground that holds the entirety of our experience. It can be articulated as the highest octave of the archetype of Divine Mother, or that which ‘embraces all.’

    Becoming more intimate with the experience of ‘Dark Matter’ brings us more in touch with a support, love, and ground that holds us beyond the ups and downs of our emotional experience. This can be most directly accessed through the womb. In this episode, we also explore a brief meditation to open more experiential access to ‘Dark Matter.'



    #16 Gratitude and Grief

    #16 Gratitude and Grief

    In this episode I share poetry and life story as an entry point into the exquisite gift, gravity, and gratitude of our grief. Grief is a guest that sometimes arrives in our experience stimulated from outside circumstance, other times for no reason at all. She is a profound guide into our inner most depths, and capacity to love ourselves, and the world, simply as we and they are. To venture into our journey with her, we must be courageous enough to undress the ways we have exaggerated our reality, to simply accept life as it is. And this enables such a profound brilliance and beauty to emerge in and through us that is untainted and unscathed by the transiency of this world. For those who are ready to soften, to sink, and to see more clearly, join me in the gift of grief.


    For more information on my upcoming feminine embodiment course, Venus Portals, visit: https://www.techoflove.com/venusportalsfeminineembodimentcourse

    #15 Venus Portals: A Map of Embodiment through Sexuality and Soul

    #15 Venus Portals: A Map of Embodiment through Sexuality and Soul

    In this short but sweet episode, I speak of the map of embodiment through the feminine biological and sexual anatomy. This map was revealed to me in part through my daughter’s birth in the Pacific Ocean, in part through journeying through sacred sites throughout Europe, in part through study with a guide, and deep internal exploration of my own body in relation to realization.

    Born in a female body, we have different access to the capacity of awakening. By going deeper in, we find the vastness of our being.

    This podcast is a brilliant introduction to the gold-standard Venus Portals Course offered to women twice a year online.


    For more information on the upcoming Venus Portals Course starting on January 9th, 2023, visit this page: https://www.techoflove.com/venusportalsfeminineembodimentcourse


    Join me for a half hour of questions and answers around the upcoming feminine embodiment course, Venus Portals.

    Now more than ever we need to claim and live from our deeply embodied feminine love, wisdom, and power. This creates safety within ourselves, our partnerships and families, and our world for connection, creativity, and the building of a new template for human life on earth.

    NOVEMBER 27TH,   17:00 CET / 08:00 PT

    Register here: carolyne@techoflove.com


    #14 My Sweet Shadow

    #14 My Sweet Shadow

    In this episode, I offer a gentle invitation into the dance with shadow.

    Our shadow grants deeper entry into the love that we are. When we have the courage to meet her, to see him, we realize how deeply threaded through the human experience we are through our vulnerabilities.

    This episode opens an opportunity for you to start to feel the wisdom and the blessing of your shadow as an essential ally on your path. When we approach our darkness with reverence, respect, devotion, and curiosity we welcome more of the light that we are. May this short and sweet share inspire a deeper reverence for the parts of you that until now, you’ve been unwilling to love.

    Living Tantra Podcast
    enNovember 15, 2022

    #13 Embodying the Divine through Relationship with Fabiana Sacca

    #13 Embodying the Divine through Relationship with Fabiana Sacca

    Fabiana Sacca is an unprecedented leader in embodied relationship as a pathway to bringing heaven to earth.


    In this interview we delve deep into the power we have in doing our own inner shadow work, as reflected to us in our most intimate relationships. We uncover the pre-requisites necessary within ourselves and another to determine the capacity of a relationship to be a path to deeper union. And we reveal the reality of what it takes to truly embark on a path of sacred union with another.


    Fabiana has so much wisdom and lived transmission in connection to the shadow, eros in relationship, and true connection and the chemistry of our synergy makes this all accessible and applicable to daily life in a simple and loving way.


    Connect with Fabianna:

    Instagram: @fabiana_sacca

    LinkedIn: Fabianna Sacca 



    Living Tantra Podcast
    enNovember 08, 2022

    #12 Earth as my Body

    #12 Earth as my Body

    Earth is our home. She's our support. She's our mother. She is a part of us. As we are a part of her. She provides the container for the preciousness of our lives and love to occur. She is the ground beneath our feet that enables us to walk our evolutionary lessons and surrender into a deeper unity. Her fields, mirror our own electromagnetic fields. And we live in a living web of relationship.

    The earth is one of our greatest allies. The more we live in harmony and connection with her. The more she can nurture, sustain and support us in living a life of soulful, physical and worldly fulfillment. The earth holds many keys for our own evolution, embodiment and connection to the vastness of our souls. In this podcast I speak to the many levels of connection between our bodies, physically, energetically, and soulfully. I bring a short meditation to support your deeper connection into your relationship with her.

    #11 Erotic Sovereignty with Matt Sturm

    #11 Erotic Sovereignty with Matt Sturm

    This incredibly juicy interview with Matt Sturm explores the inherent mechanism of tantra he’s coined as 'Erotic Sovereignty.’ Matt and I follow this thread through its expression in polarity, sexuality, relationship, and realization. Matt reveals his experience as a male and how deeply sexuality informs his relationship with the world.

    The synergy is rich, and the conversation is evocative, enlivening, and enlightening. This is a must-listen for all men and women regardless of your level of embodiment or sexual awareness.


    Matt's website: https://livingkosmos.com/

    The November course is called Subtle-Energy Bootcamp, Nov 9 - Dec 21st. 

    Participants will learn how to activate Kundalini through:
    Yoga and Breathwork
    Reiki I and II attunements
    Voice activation
    All from a grounded, trauma, and somatics-informed approach. 
    It's a strong container to motivate your daily practice and initiation into working with subtle energy. 


    #10 Five Initiations of Shakti

    #10 Five Initiations of Shakti

    Shakti is the pure life force of Creation. She wends her way through our bodies as sexual energy and aliveness in her never-ending service to Love. Her only agenda is to bloom consciousness more fully into the next octave of form.


    In this episode, I explore five expressions of Shakti: Desire, Discernment, Dark Eros, Death, and Devotion, and the movement through these soul expressions of sexuality as an alchemical process.


    Warning: you may feel changed after listening.


    If this topic is of interest to you, in November, I'm holding a teaching in-transmission series on the five initiations of Shakti. 


    This will awaken and activate in your own body, your mind, your experience, and your context how these faces of Shakti live, breathe, and move through you and your life. For more information, please visit my website.




    #9 Sacred Relationship

    #9 Sacred Relationship

    Sacred Relationship is a consciously chosen container between two people in pursuit of their own deepening in love and sharing with each other. These relationships have an evolutionary capacity to simultaneously serve and support their communities and collective humanity as an effect of the honest intimacy and depth of commitment to integrate love into lived expression.

    In this episode, I share the context of relationship AS a spiritual path. I offer a powerful exercise to work with the deepest triggers that arise in our most intimate relating. May this episode support you in clarifying what it is you want for yourself in relationship, and enable you to find the next level of sovereignty and vulnerability with another.


    To find out how we can work together in mentorship:  https://www.techoflove.com/couplessessions

    #8 Heeding the Inner Call with Asil Toksal

    #8 Heeding the Inner Call with Asil Toksal

    In this compelling interview with healer and channel Asil Toksal, we go in-depth into the quickening of these times in the evolution of human consciousness. We discuss how this influences all areas of our life, desires, relationships, and service.

    We talk about the intensity of dark and light (not necessarily good and evil) and the challenges and gifts of deeply heeding our inner calling at this time. This is an inspiring interview for anyone questioning their life as it is and ready to trust the invitation from within to become more of who they are in service to humanity at this time.


    #7 Mother as Love, Mother as Lover

    #7 Mother as Love, Mother as Lover

    Today I share about the soulful, biological, and divine role of mother in our embodiment.

    In many cultures within the old paradigm. becoming a mother was seen as an obstacle to becoming awakened. This reflects a profound separation between human life and the divine. In actuality, motherhood offers the opportunity to merge both. As this capacity is built into our physiology and our shakti. We will deeply explore how this innate nurturing intelligence is held in both our bodies and our sharing of ourselves with others.

    This is a powerful transmission that can inspire both men and women.


    The Soul's Guide to Birthing - Birthing a New Paradigm Book


    5 Initiations of Shakti - Virtual Course 



    #6 The Pleasure of Hating

    #6 The Pleasure of Hating

    Today, I share about the pleasure of hating. When we have the courage to enter into some of our deeper and darker emotions as they're arising, we afford ourselves a doorway into the depth of a love embodied in our human forms. That is not accessible to us, purely through love and light. Purely through the upper realms.

    I speak about how entering into our authentic hating brings both a power and a ground to anchor the love that we are further into our 3d lives. And I give you an experience of how you can enter this more fully in your bodies. All of us hate. As long as we love, we hate. As long as we desire, we hate.


    #5 Tantra Undressed with Adam Gainsburg

    #5 Tantra Undressed with Adam Gainsburg

    In this compelling episode I interview Adam Gainsburg founder of Soulsign.com and facilitator of individuals and groups at the leading edge of human inner transformation.

    We uncover the essence of what tantra means from eastern and western perspectives and how it can be applied to bring fullness into our everyday mundane experience.

    We also speak in depth about Desire and how it reveals itself to us on the many levels of our experience, drawing us more directly into our purpose here on earth.

    Listen to this one with your heart and your mind, the transmission runs deep as does Adam’s wisdom and love.


    Connect with Adam Gaisnburg 



    #4: The Map of Manifestation

    #4: The Map of Manifestation

    Let’s enter the realms of conception and birthing as it relates to manifestation, not just of children, but of our projects and even paradigms. Let’s explore how this map is held in our bodies, both male and female, and the transformative alchemy that is available to us through this creative process.


    For more information on the Venus Portals Course, visit: https://www.techoflove.com/venusportalsfeminineembodimentcourse



    #3 Unlocking Potential and Purpose

    #3 Unlocking Potential and Purpose

    Our ovaries and testes are more than reproductive glands in our bodies. They hold the life force, the potential, and the creativity that fuels our purpose in this life. In this episode we explore through direct experience the soulful qualities of the ovaries and testes and how they aid our embodiment through healing, connection, and manifestation and their connection into the earth’s energy lines and all sentient life.

    #2 The Courage to Meet our Desires

    #2 The Courage to Meet our Desires

    Desire is that voice of our soul, urging us further on, further in, further toward that which is ours to experience in this life. Are we safe enough to receive our desires, and what does it look like to live a life guided by desire? Through a brief meditation we will embrace the sacred fear guarding our desires, and find a deeper level of honesty in where we are in relation to receiving all that we truly want.