
    Living Through Extinction

    Secular Humanist and Skeptic Ruby Pommer, (she/her/hers), began the show with a friend, but when they decided podcasting wasn’t for them, she turned it towards her personal passions. Science and Skepticism are her main jam. The truth matters, no matter if we like it or not. It can be political and harsh at times, but will always be based on scientific skepticism. #skeptic #skepticism #beskeptical
    enRuby Pommer93 Episodes

    Episodes (93)

    104 Conservapedia

    103 Climate Myths, Climate Friendly Flying, Sandbox Trees, Skin Cancer Soap

    102 Graveyards/Cemeteries; do we need to change our burial practices?

    102 Graveyards/Cemeteries; do we need to change our burial practices?

    Be Skeptikal Dammit:  Spotting Misinformation

    Environment:  Synthetic Sponges to Soak up Microplastics

    Wildlife:  Right Whale Numbers May be Levelling Off

    Positive:  Incredible New Blood Cancer Treatment Being Offered to Those For Whom Other Treatments Have Failed

    Show Notes:

    Spotting Misinformation
    blood cancer treatment
    whale numbers may be stabilizing

    101 The Rapture & the damage done from its teachings

    101 The Rapture & the damage done from its teachings

    Be Skeptikal Dammit:  The Book Banning Klanned Karenhood

    Environment:  Crushing Volcanic Rock for Crop Lands

    Researched:  The Rapture & Rapture Anxiety

    Positive:  Smart Knife 'Smells' Cancer

    Show Notes:

    Adding Crushed Rock to Farmland
    Rapture Anxiety
    Knife That Smells Tumors

    100 100th Episode Celebration and some other shit

    100 100th Episode Celebration and some other shit

    Be Skeptikal Dammit:  Counterfeit Drug Puts Australians in Hospital

    Environment:  Plastics in the Ocean Help Make Pathogens More Virulent

    Main and Positive:  I Made it to 100!

    Show Notes:

    Fake weight loss drug
    micro plastic exposure makes microbes more virulent
    synthetic sponges soak up microplatics

    99 Evolving Language, Dying Amazon, Warming Oceans, Real Hearing for Kids Born Deaf

    99 Evolving Language, Dying Amazon, Warming Oceans, Real Hearing for Kids Born Deaf

    Be Skeptikal Dammit:  History of They/Them as a singular

    Environment:  The Dying Amazon & Ancient Carvings Revealed

    Wildlife:  Where did the snow crabs go & a mass die off of pink river dolphins

    Positive:  One injection and kids born deaf can hear

    Show Notes:


    98 Project 2025's Mandate for Leadership part 3

    97 Project 2025 & The Mandate for Leadership; a Republican fascist manifesto part two

    96 Project 2025 & The Mandate for Leadership; a Conservative Fascist Manifesto

    95 A (Nazi) Night At The Garden

    95 A (Nazi) Night At The Garden

    Be Skeptikal Dammit:  The Damage From Sound of Freedom to Actual Anti-Trafficking Organizations

    Environment:  The Dangers of Our Slowing Ocean Currents

    Researched:  How the American Nazis of 1939 Were the Same as the Republicans We See Today

    Positive:  Iclendic Townsfolk Tossing Pufflings

    Show Notes:

    60 Minutes: 11/27/2022

    94 Transgender People in History

    93 Abortion Is Healthcare & Women Are Losing Their Reproductive Futures

    93 Abortion Is Healthcare & Women Are Losing Their Reproductive Futures

    Be Skeptical Dammit:  The Numbers Are In & It's NOT Drag Queens Harming Children

    Researched:  Abortion Is Healthcare & Women Are Losing Their Reproductive Futures

    Positive:  Penis Lore

    Show Website:  https://sites.libsyn.com/223904

    Show Notes:


    92 Gay Behaviour in the Animal Kingdom

    92 Gay Behaviour in the Animal Kingdom

    Be Skeptical Dammit:  Sex Talk With Sue Johanson

    Environment:  Eco-friendly Sex Play

    Wildlife/Researched:  Gay Behaviour in the Animal Kingdom

    Penises:  3 Penis Studies

    Show Website:  https://sites.libsyn.com/223904

    Show Notes:



    91 Backing Up My Accusations of Deflection & Hypocrisy

    91 Backing Up My Accusations of Deflection & Hypocrisy

    Be Skeptical Dammit:  When People Are Wrong, But Cannot Admit It, They Lie

    Environment:  AI Pipe Bots to Fix and Prevent Water Leaks

    Wildlife:  Hacking Photosynthesis

    Researched:  Backing Up My Accusations of Deflection & Hypocrisy

    Positive:    It's Not Winter

    Show Website:  https://sites.libsyn.com/223904

    Show Notes:


    90 Retracting Studies, Using Microbes, Australian Fish & Bee Vaccines

    89 Tech For Early Alzheimer's Detection & Treatment

    88 Fascism; Then & Now

    88 Fascism; Then & Now

    Be Skeptical Dammit: Podcast Recommendation; Science Vs

    Wildlife:  Probiotics to Protect Coral

    Researched:  Fascism; Then & Now

    Positive:  Gene Editing for Genetic Lung Disease

    Show Notes:


    87 Bigot Bill, GMO House Plants, Amazing Orcas, High Profile Allies

    87 Bigot Bill, GMO House Plants, Amazing Orcas, High Profile Allies

    Be Skeptical Dammit: Tennessee Bigot Bill

    Environment:  GMO Plants to Clean Indoor Air

    Wildlife:  The Surgical Precision of Orcas

    Positive:  High Profile Allies


    86 The Canadian LGBT Purge

    86 The Canadian LGBT Purge

    Be Skeptical Dammit:  Deflection, Deflection, Deflection

    Environment:  Damages to strucrtures in the Alps

    Researched:  The Shameful bit of Cdn History Known as the LGBT Purge

    Positive:  Wearable Tech to Help With Epilepsy 


    85 Religion Where It Doesn't Belong; Part 2

    85 Religion Where It Doesn't Belong; Part 2

    Using the Bible to Defend Hitting Special Needs Kids

    Replacing Trained School Counselors with Untrained Clergy

    Christian Jurors Assume Non-Believers Are Guilty

    Religion Used to Defend and Commit Atrocities 

    Sharing:  Thought I Would Raise My Kids With Belief
