
    Living Unscripted Podcast

    Living Unscripted Podcast
    enCaitlin Hansen73 Episodes

    Episodes (73)

    Death, Drugs & Babies

    Death, Drugs & Babies


    Thank you to our listeners who have reached out and shared your concern and that you miss our weekly shenanigans and shit talking. For the rest of you that welcomed the break from us, you're welcome, but you couldn't get rid of us forever. 

    We are opening up our worlds to you in order to let you in on where we have been and how our lives got flipped upside down. (Now I have the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air song in my head-lovely.) We realized six months ago in the midst of some serious life hurdles that we weren't staying true to the messaging we've always preached here: Be gentle with yourself and give yourself some fucking grace. So, we paused, allowed ourselves to be consumed in our personal challenges, and we are coming up for air more aligned and excited to blast our nonsense on the airwaves again. 

    If you didn't give up on us, thank you. If you did, same, we almost did too. But give a listen, another chance, and in case you were worried that we lost some of our ratchetness..PALEEEEAAASSE, we are back and worse than ever. 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - It's Gonna Be A Long Summer

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - It's Gonna Be A Long Summer

    Let's be real, we talk a lot about trying to improve ourselves and doing "the work" on this show. But, sometimes you just want to let loose, make some impulsive decisions and have fun. This week we are embracing the YOLO mindset and leaving behind the "hard" for a season. As Brookie's wise 2-year-old put it, "it's gonna be a loooong summer" and we are here for it. So, if you're in the trenches right now, we support you, we are cheering for you, and the work you're putting in will pay off. But, if you're ready to leave that behind and PLAY, here is your permission. Whether that means tucking yourself in at 9pm like Brooke or living by Caitlin's current motto "sleep when you're dead", YOU DO YOU BOO! 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.





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    Muchacha Mary - Just Be F*#&ing Real With Me

    Muchacha Mary - Just Be F*#&ing Real With Me

    This week Mary Ann Cruz Horne aka Muchacha Mary joins us for a drink and some real talk. Why are we using our platforms for nonsense? Let's take a stand, use our voices, and BE F*#&ING REAL. Like it or not, she embodies authenticity and we could all benefit from taking a page out of her book. We talk about the highs and lows of her infertility journey and finding a surogate. Plus, her insight on the power behind a positive mindset. You can have anything you want and Mary's life is the proof. So sit back and get ready for a lot of cussing and realness. 


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    #BehindTheBROADcasters - Forgive Us For We Have Sinned

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - Forgive Us For We Have Sinned

    Forgive and forget? Do I look like Jesus or that I have Alzheimers? You know it's gonna be good if our inspo this week is from a meme, again. We are discussing forgiveness. Of self, and others. But, how do you get there without closure from the other person? And are you like us, and you punish yourself endlessly for mistakes you've made? Sadly, holding on to anger or resentment is only hurting ourselves. So let go, and set yourself free. 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.




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    #BehindTheBROADcasters - I'm Not Lonely, I'm Just Alone

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - I'm Not Lonely, I'm Just Alone

    When was the last time you were truly alone? What does independence look like to you? Is it freeing? Or lonely? Do you lose yourself and your unique identity in a relationship? This week we are sharing personal stories and strategies on how to stay true to yourself while being apart of life and responsibilities outside of yourself.

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.





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    Syanna Wand - Good GRIEF

    Syanna Wand - Good GRIEF

    This week we dive into the often heavy, yet beautifully connective topic of healing and grief. Syanna Wand is an Embodied Trauma Recovery Practitioner who is both a student and teacher of somatic, embodied healing and trauma-informed health coaching. Syanna guides her clients back to a sense of wholeness by helping them restore a healthy nervous system, uncover the unconscious roots of their painful patterns and create safe, loving relationships with themselves and others. We are so thankful for her tenderness and grace as she walks us through some of her process this week and offers our audience the opprotunity to join her in the work. 

    Sign up for the Embodied Healing Retreat, June 23-26, 2022 at Maple Grove Hot Springs, Utah. REGISTRATION CLOSES MAY 31, 2022:



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    #BehindTheBROADcasters - To Meditate Or To Medicate

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - To Meditate Or To Medicate

    This week we are calling on both Eastern AND Western healing techniques. Because sometimes sitting on your cushion just isn't enough. There is no shame in a prescription, CAITLINNNN. So, is it time to throw your meditation out the window and call a doc? Or have you been over medicating in order to numb...and it's time to feel some shit and sit still? 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.




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    #BehindTheBROADcasters - 2 Surgeries & A Miscarraige

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - 2 Surgeries & A Miscarraige

    Nope, we are not dead, but frankly it has been a bit touch and go the last while. After a one month hiatus we are back and as unruly as ever. Join us for this week’s episode as we recap, regroup and move forward. 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.





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    #BehindTheBROADcasters - Let's Get Down To Business

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - Let's Get Down To Business

    Have we got some tips for you. Unsolicited and coming in hot. We are sharing some lessons and tips for success from our experience in business. Yes, it's Women's History Month, but we don't care how you identify, there is always room for growth and maybe, just maybe, you'll get more than just profanities and drunk jokes out of this episode. We are sharing how to beat the overwhelm of starting something new, why you should be the dumbest person in the room, and a few more golden nuggets. 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.




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    Sarah Williams - Push The Damn Button

    Sarah Williams - Push The Damn Button

    We are kicking off Women's History Month by learning how to build a successful business and bet on yourself with badass entrepreneur, Sarah Williams. Sarah is the CEO and Founder of two 7-figure businesses, "Framed By Sarah" and "Launch Your Box", where she has worked with thousands of subscription box owners and those wanting to start a subscription box, providing in-depth training that takes them through each step of starting, launching, and growing their business. She is also the host of the "Launch Your Box" podcast. Tune in to witness her genius and learn some practical tips for success. 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.


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    #BehindTheBROADcasters - We Don't Know Sh*!

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - We Don't Know Sh*!

    How can you ever be certain of anything? Don't ask wishy-washy indecisive, Caitlin. There are always options and you can drive yourself crazy trying to make the "right" choice. So, do you spend countless hours spinning weighing your options or just blindly jump? What's your strategy? How is that working for you? Asking for a friend. Send help. Also, we are chugging Baileys and coffee in our sweats-enjoy the visual. 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.




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    Living Unscripted Podcast
    enFebruary 28, 2022

    Rob Sirstins - Be A Real Man

    Rob Sirstins - Be A Real Man

    Get ready for a powerful conversation with Author and Empowerment Coach, Rob Sirstins. Rob started this life in a world of abuse, racism, suicidal ideation, self-loathing and hopelessness. Today he is a happy, successful and confident coach, healer, father, and partner. He embodies masculinity and addresses what that word can actually mean. In his newly released book he shares his heartaches, healing process and a peek into the "Warrior Work" that he offers to so many. Men and women, you don't want to miss this episode. Link to his new book below.

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    Order Rob's book "Ego Of The Warrior"








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    Kate Purmal - Ditch Your Imposter Syndrome And Level Up In 2022

    Kate Purmal - Ditch Your Imposter Syndrome And Level Up In 2022

    This week we are getting schooled in the art of executive presence by the one and only Kate Purmal. Kate is an Executive Coach, Corporate Board Director, and Business School Lecturer at Stanford, Georgetown, and the University of Michigan. She has served as CEO, COO, and CFO for numerous technology companies. It is safe to say she knows a thing or two about owning your power in business and life. In her new book, “Composure: The Art of Executive Presence” she teaches us all how we can replace self-doubt, inadequacy, and worry with confidence, self-worth, and courage. In this week’s episode, Kate breaks down the imposter behaviors that are holding you back and gives simple game-changing tools to unlock what’s standing between you and your best self.





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    Kelsey Borlan Lee & Robert Lee - Is Cancel Culture Killing Comedy?

    Kelsey Borlan Lee & Robert Lee - Is Cancel Culture Killing Comedy?

    This week we are sitting down with Kelsey Borlan Lee and Robert Lee, the Executive Producers of "Laugh After Dark", Amazon’s award-winning stand-up comedy TV show.

    The pair never set out to be comedy producers. When they first started "Laugh After Dark" in 2018 they filmed the first two seasons in their living room. They had no idea what it would become and with the popularity of cancel culture it has never been more difficult for an aspiring comedian to break through. This week they are sharing their belief in a comedian's ability to take the irony, injustice, and idiocracy of this world as well as their own pain and synthesize it into something we can all laugh about, and when it’s done right, something we can think about too. 

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    Jessica Gunn - Cardio Won't Make You Happy

    Jessica Gunn - Cardio Won't Make You Happy

    Calm down, this isn’t another "new year, new me" podcast, but it is a new year and this week’s guest proves that you can make changes no matter what phase of life you are in. Now fitness influencer and personal trainer, Jessica Gunn wasn't always a gym junkie, in fact far from it. Just 5 years ago Jessica was in full mom mode and approaching 40 when she realized that she needed to make a change. Not because she wanted to look good, but because she wanted to feel better and in turn become a better mother. Since that day Jessica has taken her fitness journey and the challenges she encountered and used it to empower countless women through her instagram and training programs. Stop doing endless cardio, pick up some heavy weights and get strong. Both mentally and physically. You go girl. 

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    Silicon Slopes






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    #BehindTheBROADcasters - Christmas Calories Don't Count, Right?

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - Christmas Calories Don't Count, Right?

    Eating season is upon us. Cue the candy, carbs, cocktails and food comas. We are helping you set yourself up for success and not guilt this holiday season. Enjoy the festivities and foods, all while feeling great about yourself and not destroying all the hard work you've put toward your health this year. You can have your cake and eat it too. Does that apply here? Anyways, we are making a plan for avoiding the holiday hangover...well at least making it a bit gentler. 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.




    Silicon Slopes






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    #BehindTheBROADcasters - Happy Holidays, Holy Shit! Where's The Tylenol?

    #BehindTheBROADcasters - Happy Holidays, Holy Shit! Where's The Tylenol?

    Brooke has gone rogue and the holidays have just begun. Do you have crazy neighbors that drive you to act a little nutso yourself? Well Brooke is running for Dictator and we are just hoping she doesn't get arrested before Christmas. Ha! Happy Holidays people...Let the madness begin. 

    #BehindTheBROADcasters is where we share our opinions and get vulnerable with you. No guests. Just US, Brooke and Caitlin, and our soapbox of course. We are peeling back the layers and going UNSCRIPTED about whatever we feel like. No offense intended, but ya know, we can be offensive so hang on for the ride and grow some thick skin.




    Silicon Slopes






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    London Lazerson - WTF Is TikTok?

    London Lazerson - WTF Is TikTok?

    London Lazerson has been going viral since 2015. He’s directed, produced, and edited thousands of videos, most of which are pretty funny-so he tells us. He has destroyed the TikTok game, gaining over 3 million followers in just 12 months using specific strategies that he now teaches in his “Viral Blueprint” TikTok course. What even is TikTok? Asking for a friend. He tells us what it means to be TikTok famous. We are asking all the questions and London is giving all the answers. Starting with teaching Caitlin how to download the app (not kidding). You, like us, may have thought that TikTok was just a silly app for wasting time, but the money being made on the platform is insane. London tells us how he calculated his rise to TikTok superstardom and is sharing how anyone with enough determination and creativity can do the same.

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    Silicon Slopes





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    Reena Vokoun - "Perfect" Is A Dirty Word

    Reena Vokoun - "Perfect" Is A Dirty Word

    This week we talk to a pro about finding that work-life balance we all dream of achieving. Reena Vokoun, Founder and CEO of Passion Fit, left her high-powered career to become an entrepreneur - for the sake of her mental and physical health. After years of being a perfectionist, people pleaser and overachiever working for top corporations including Google, Reebok and Yahoo, she hit a wall. In her new book, The Wellness-Empowered Woman, Reena shares what she’s learned on her own personal journey towards total mind and body fitness.

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    Candice & Chris - What Do You Know About Neurodiverse Couples And Micro-Pleasures?

    Candice & Chris - What Do You Know About Neurodiverse Couples And Micro-Pleasures?

    **TRIGGER WARNING**Sensitive and graphic content**

    It’s pretty rare that we are without words for nearly an hour, but that is what happened when this week’s guests shared their stories. Candice and Chris' expertise in healing trauma and their willingness to be vulnerable about their own pasts stopped us in our tracks. These two own and operate Namaste Center For Healing and are leading experts in trauma and sexual-relationship recovery. Spoiler alert, they are also married. In this week’s episode Candice opens up about her relatively recent autism diagnosis and how it has impacted her career and relationship with Chris. Chris spent 20 years in law enforcement. His heroic service from SWAT to 9/11's Ground Zero did not come without a cost and we get to hear his HUMAN experience. These two give hope to neurodiverse couples and a path to healing that is unparalleled.  Grab some tissues and get ready for this one.

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