
    Living Water Community Church

    We are a spiritual hospice for redeemed sinners. We seek the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ through the balm of His word applied to our broken hearts. Join us as we drink deeply of the Living Water of Jesus Christ.

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    Episodes (168)

    Episode 9: 1 Kings 3:1-15 Seeking Wisdom

    Episode 9: 1 Kings 3:1-15 Seeking Wisdom

    we explored the passage where Solomon begins his first steps as ruler over the kingdom of Israel. There were several cautionary points made at the beginning of the section. Solomon made a marriage alliance with Pharaoh king of Egypt. This was in essence a way of looking to someone other then God as an ally and support. Solomon did not need to do this and it was ultimately a way in which his relationship with God was undermined, and we will see this as the story progresses. It is also pointed out how the people were sacrificing at the high places, and while this is not ideal it appears God met them in this way until the temple was built. Solomon also made these kinds of sacrifices. But we also see it stated how Solomon loved the Lord. This attribution is only given in print to Solomon in the Bible. In pursuit of this love for God he made a thousand burnt offerings at the high places in Gibeon. After this offering God appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and asked what he would like for God to give him. Solomon states the greatness of God and His blessing on His people and His father David. He then pointed out his own insignificance for the great task before him. He asked God to give him understanding and discernment to govern the people well. God was pleased with this request and pleased he did not ask for wealth or a long life or victory over his enemies. Because of this told him He would give him wisdom and in addition God would grant him riches and honor. God also promised to give him a long life if he walked faithfully before God. When he awoke we see right away he has wisdom because he leaves the high place and returns to Jerusalem and offers sacrifices to God before the ark of the covenant which was there. 

    Episode 7: 1 Kings 2:10-46 The Way the Kingdom is Established

    Episode 7: 1 Kings 2:10-46 The Way the Kingdom is Established

    we worked through the kingdom of Israel being firmly established in the hand of Solomon. This was done through the elimination of opposition to the kingdom leadership. Solomon did not just have these people taken out as many other kings did but he responded to acts which indicated plotting and rebellion. Adonijah sought to have Solomon grant him king David’s former concubine Abishag. This was a way of Adonijah continuing to assert his desire for the throne and Solomon saw through the plot. Solomon had promised to spare his life even though he had attempted to claim the kingship if he showed himself to be a loyal or worthy man. This request for Abishag clearly revealed his ongoing disloyalty. This request revealed his heart and the desire to continue to cause unrest in the kingdom so Solomon had him executed. Joab must have been involved in this because he immediately went to the altar and sought refuge like Adonijah had earlier in 1 Kings. Once Joab’s guilt was revealed Solomon ordered his execution as well. Shimeai had opposed king David and Solomon brought him to Jerusalem and ordered him to remain there or face death. He agreed to the terms but after 3 years left Jerusalem to go after some run away slaves. Upon his return Solomon had him executed. This chapter marks the way Solomon’s kingdom begins and is established. It is a kingdom of peace but it is established with the elimination of opposition. This is important because this story becomes a foreshadowing of the kingdom of God and how it will be ultimately established with the elimination of the opposition to His kingdom. 

    Episode 8: Life currently in Heaven

    Episode 8: Life currently in Heaven

    we talked about what the Bible reveals about life currently for people in heaven. We explored the details which scripture reveals about what life in heaven right now is revealed to be like. We looked at how scripture paints a picture of people in heaven remembering what went on here on earth. Some people claim we will not remember anything in heaven from our earthly experience, but there are important passages which affirm we will remember what we experience here to the glory of God. The martyrs before the throne of God remember they were killed and ask God when their blood will be avenged. Jesus has scars in his hands and side which would be meaningless to us if we did not retain our memory. The names of the twelve tribes are inscribed on the gates of the new Jerusalem and the names of the twelve apostles are inscribed on the foundation. If we have no memory of earth then these inscriptions would be entirely meaningless. It would be like driving down a road named for someone you have no connection with. You would not know who they are and it has no personal meaning. But the names of the tribes and the apostles have meaning and it will be important to us because we will remember. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus Jesus indicated that they both remember their experience on earth and their connections to others. When there is judgement of actions and rewards for good done there is clearly a memory of doing those things. The martyrs cry out with a loud voice which means they have a way of expressing themselves and people can hear what they are saying. Not only can people communicate to each other but they apparently can see what God is doing on the earth because they rejoice over the judgement He brings on it. Heaven is currently a place where real people engage in real conversation and see in real time the work God is doing here on the earth. 

    Living Water Community Church
    en-usDecember 18, 2022

    Episode 6: 1 Kings 2:5-9 The Justice of the King

    Episode 6: 1 Kings 2:5-9 The Justice of the King

    We explored the second section of King David’s charge to Solomon. He urges Solomon to use wisdom in dealing with several men who were potentially threats to the security of the kingdom. He also urged him to grant special favor to the gentile descendants of Barzillai the Gileadite for the special favor he showed King David when he was exiled because of Solomon. On the surface some of this has been seen as David being vindictive but when we press on the story we find the men David is concerned about were men who acted in ways that were selfish and opportunistic. These types of men were not to be trusted. They may have been related by blood in the case of Joab, but he had shown himself to be a murderer and one driven by selfish interests. Even siding with Adonijah when he had attempted to make himself king. We also looked at the way that Israel’s kings were different from other kings. These kings were chosen by God to be rulers over His people. These were the first kings appointed by God directly since God had appointed Adam as king over creation. Since they were God’s kings any acts against them were indirectly acts against God’s man. These kings all foreshadow the greater and better king who was coming. The second Adam our Lord Jesus who now sits at God’s right hand. 

    Episode 5: 1 Kings 2:1-4 How God’s Kingdom is Established

    Episode 5: 1 Kings 2:1-4 How God’s Kingdom is Established

    we explored the opening verses of chapter 2. Here we see David recognizing he will die soon. This spurs David to cover some important items with Solomon before he dies. It is interesting what David covers first because this shows what is of primary importance. David wants Solomon to know that more than anything else following the Lord and being obedient to Him is the most important thing he can do as king. It is this commitment to God alone which will cause him to prosper. It is also only in following God that Solomon and his sons will continue to be included in the linage of the eternal throne God had promised David he would establish. Of course this ultimate establishing of David’s throne is found in Jesus who God has established as King of kings and Lord of lords. David uses the promises of God as the foundation for encouraging Solomon to be faithful in his personal pursuit of God. Encouraging him to take a long term perspective on the legacy of his royal throne. David does not stop with this foundation for leading the people of Israel. He turns his attention to things which could be divisive in the kingdom he is turning over to Solomon.

    Episode 4: 1 Kings 1:41-53 Yielding to the True King

    Episode 4: 1 Kings 1:41-53 Yielding to the True King

    we worked through the way in which God brought a peaceful conclusion to the crowning of Solomon as king. The renegade king Adonijah and his entourage heard the noise of of the people celebrating the crowning of Solomon. This was soon followed by the appearance of Jonathan the son of Abiathar who brought news of the crowning of Solomon as king. The guests who had come to make Adonijah king quickly left the now failed ceremony. Adonijah now fearing for his life went to the bronze altar looking for the kind of freedom from death which could be found in a sanctuary city. Solomon offered him the freedom from death which he sought if he will act in a worthy manner, if not he would die. At this news Adonijah came and paid homage to king Solomon. This wrap up to chapter one really foreshadows Paul’s declaration of Jesus exultation. In Philippians Paul talks about how at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. This declaration is without qualification and one day even those in rebellion against God will declare that Jesus Christ is Lord. Adonijah paying homage to Solomon in this context foreshadows that great and coming day.

    Episode 3: 1 Kings 1:11-40 The True King is Crowned

    Episode 3: 1 Kings 1:11-40 The True King is Crowned

    We began by seeing King David is old and unable to rule as he once did. He has trouble just keeping warm. During this time and without his knowledge Adonijah decides to crown himself as king. This is not only a bold move but it really signals how weak David had become. Adonijah had successfully pulled Joab and Abiathar into his plans. He also invited all the kings sons and the officials of Judah. He gathers everyone outside of Jerusalem by the serpents stone and makes sacrifices and has a great feast with everyone he had assembled. Meanwhile Nathan the prophet and Bathsheba go to the king with the news. They also ask David if he intends to do as he has promised and make Solomon king. David’s response is to take action and make the crowning of Solomon a priority which happens the same day. It is a crowning which pleases the people and the earth is described as splitting with the noise of the celebration. These things of course should cause us to consider the greater reality which is being foreshadowed. We see Adonijah very much like the first Adam independently making decisions and going against the order God had ordained. He also is doing his crowning by the serpent stone. This is interesting because Adam made his move for independence from God by the influence of the serpent. Adonijah makes his move for the kingdom by the serpent stone. David upon learning of this sends Solomon that same day to be crowned. This should cause us to think of the second coming of Jesus. His coming will be in a moment. He will suddenly take the throne. The mount of olives is prophesied to split in two. 

    Episode 2: 1 Kings 1:1-10 The Kingdom of Self

    Episode 2: 1 Kings 1:1-10 The Kingdom of Self

    we started to explore this great record of the history of the kingdom of Israel. It starts from the end of David’s reign. We come onto the scene with David as an old frail man. He is unable to keep warm. The servants of David sought a young woman to serve the king and try to keep him warm. Abishag the Shunammite was found and she attended to king David. Because of things which happen later in this book we believe she was given to him as a concubine or second level wife. While all of this was transpiring Adonijah David’s oldest living son or at least the oldest living in the area was making plans to establish himself as the next king. He exalted himself and prepared an entourage of chariots and horsemen and 50 men to run before him. He was a handsome fellow and the passage frames him as a young man who had never been disciplined. He had successfully allied himself with Joab the leader of armed forces of Israel and Abiathar one of the key priests of Israel. While these were key political alliances Adonijah was not connected with the Zadok the high priest, or Benaiah the head of the special forces of Israel’s military or Nathan the prophet or Shimei or Rei who had some significant position with David. David’s mighty men remained loyal to David as well. This appears to be an revolt which is happening in a sly semipublic way. Adonijah sets up the self crowning outside of Jerusalem by the serpent’s stone. He invites all his brothers, the kings sons, and all the royal officials of Judah. The people he did not invite are important to note because if Adonijah’s revolt is successful these notable absentees are probably going to be killed. He did not invite Nathan the prophet, Benaiah, or Solomon. What this opening section sets up is how the kingdom of Adonijah is allied with the kingdom of Satan the original serpent who revolted against God’s kingdom. Adonijah is a prideful young man who seeks his own exultation to a counter kingdom and he does it by means of the serpent stone. This is a stark contrast to Jesus who came in humility, became the great cornerstone which crushed the serpent and He was exalted by God to rule the true and everlasting kingdom.

    Episode 1: Introduction to the book of Kings

    Episode 1: Introduction to the book of Kings

    The books of 1st and 2nd Kings were historically tied together in one book called in the Hebrew text, “Kings”. This combined book of Kings was maintained in the Hebrew Bible down until 1518 when Bomberg’s Hebrew Bible was last printed. The division of the book into 1st and 2nd Kings was done by the writers of the Septuagint (the greek translation of the Hebrew Bible) sometime around 400 B.C.. This split of the book was maintained by Jerome when he put together the Latin Vulgate. These two divisions in Kings by the Septuagint and the Vulgate set the pattern which has been followed by all the following translation work. The point is these two books of first and second Kings are really 1 book of Kings and we will treat it as such in our exposition of the text. 

    Living Water Community Church
    en-usNovember 13, 2022

    Giving to the Glory of God

    Giving to the Glory of God
    In this message Adam Gray and Argyl Dickson explore the topic of giving and the core issues that hamper our giving. We explore the different reasons that people give. We also attempt to lay a groundwork for Biblical reasons to give.
    Living Water Community Church
    en-usJanuary 19, 2019

    Genesis 4:17-26 Competing Legacies

    Genesis 4:17-26 Competing Legacies
    This time we see a picture of God's work preserving for Himself a remnant. There is a stark contrast in this section of scripture. Abel comes to God on God's terms. Cain comes to God on his own terms. Lamech does not even come to God yet feels completely justified in his own eyes. But God does not allow society to drift into complete oblivion. He preserves a remnant. Join us as we explore God's work here together.

    Genesis 4:7-16 The Wonder of God’s Grace

    Genesis 4:7-16 The Wonder of God’s Grace
    Here we explore the amazing display of God's grace in Cain's life. Cain is treated more than fairly by God. In his pride he turns from God and pursues his own way. Cain and Abel are a real study in contrast. They display for us the dramatic difference between true religion and false religion. Join us as we gain clarity on this important issue through the lives of Cain and Abel.

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