
    Made To Give Life Podcast

    Biblical womanhood is a largely debated topic in our culture and in our church. It seems that no matter where we turn someone is trying to tell us what it means to be a woman. The culture certainly cannot agree about what it means to be a woman, and the church cannot agree on what it means to be a woman. As women, we were made to give life. God uniquely designed and fashioned us for the purpose of growing life within us and nurturing life around us. Each Tuesday, you can join Leigh Ann Dutton for a conversation about what it means to be a woman...a true woman...a biblical woman. The Made to Give Life Podcast is dedicated to helping you get crystal clear on your purpose, so you can become the woman of God you were created to be. It is time to reclaim the life we were created for. It is time that we return to God’s original design for womanhood and start living as though God’s Word is true. It is time that we take up the torch of influence we have as women for the purpose of breathing life back into our families, our churches, and community for the sake of the Gospel. It is time that we rebel against our culture and refuse to listen to the lies of Satan because there is no better time to be a woman than right now.
    enLeigh Ann Dutton31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    Ep 003: How Can I Become the Woman of God I Was Created to Be?

    Ep 003: How Can I Become the Woman of God I Was Created to Be?

    Biblical womanhood is not reserved for just wives and mothers. In every season we are called to give life with our words, actions, and attitudes.

    In this episode you'll hear:

    • How womanhood is a calling no matter what season of life you're in right now
    • Teaching from Proverbs 4:20-27
    • The difference between a wise woman and weak woman (there's a free printable in the show notes) 

    Ep 002: What Does it Mean to Be a Woman?

    Ep 002: What Does it Mean to Be a Woman?

    Let me ask you a question.

    What's the first thing you think of when you hear these two words: biblical womanhood?

    I don't know about you, but these two, seemingly innocuous terms, make the hair on the back of neck prickle.

    In this podcast, we are going to take a look at the narrative being woven throughout our society today about biblical womanhood.

    Then we're going to take a deep dive into the Creation story and uncover what God's Word says about His original design for womanhood.