
    Magnified Grace

    Magnified Grace is the premier podcast that addresses mental health, addiction, the journey to gain healing, and to focus on relationships. This podcast aims to address many of the issues that challenge our society, typical stigmas, and how we can respond to those challenges; particularly when it comes to addiction and recovery! We view these topics through a grace-based lens and with patience, perseverance, and understanding.
    en-us31 Episodes

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    Episodes (31)

    S1 EP 31 - Attachment Trauma and Disorders Pt. 3

    S1 EP 31 - Attachment Trauma and Disorders Pt. 3

    Welcome back!  Thanks for joining the podcast once again where we continue to discuss attachment traumas!  In this episode your host, Manny, addresses self-sabotage, what it is, and why people develop the need to self-sabotage.   Trauma-blocking behaviors are also discussed and why these behaviors are connected to attachment and our attachment styles and relationships!  Have a listen and please share this very informative podcast with your friends and family!

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    S1 EP 30 - Attachment Trauma and Disorders Pt. 2

    S1 EP 30 - Attachment Trauma and Disorders Pt. 2

    Greetings all!  In this episode we dive into the Psychological Symptoms of Attachment Trauma.  We go into depth on the tendencies to feel guilt, shame, and humiliation from our childhood trauma(s) and we discuss why individuals may experience hyper-reactive stress, and we barely scathe the surface on Enmeshment and the incessant need to please others no matter what!  Ultimately people need to understand that trauma, in all its forms, are the bleeding.  Our coping mechanisms and choice of addictions are merely the band aid over the bullet hole.  We need to learn to address our issues and seek help and recovery to really heal from our past.  I hope you find great insights and help from this episode today.   

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    S1 EP 29 - Attachment Trauma and Disorders Pt. 1

    S1 EP 29 - Attachment Trauma and Disorders Pt. 1

    Magnified Grace begins a new series on Attachment Trauma and Disorders.  Amidst the rising popularity in attachment types and attachment personalities, there also arises the lesser known facts about Attachment Trauma and how this can directly  shape and affect how you form attachments!  In this first episode of the series, your host Manny discusses what Attachment Trauma is and its impacts on your physical health.  Our bodies are amazing and incredible vessels which often give us signs and symptoms in order to address underlying issues.  Can these issues be mental health related or trauma related?  Find out in our episode today!




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    S1 EP 28 - New Year, New Goals and What is Family?

    S1 EP 28 - New Year, New Goals and What is Family?

    Happy New Year everyone!  Welcome to 2023!  In this episode, I discuss the goals and objectives I wish to accomplish in order to bring more online presence to the podcast, how to promote it, what may change as far as the content is concerned and finally.....we talk about family!  We discuss how we are, at times, selfish when it comes to making decisions that can be sometimes self-serving.  And while self-serving isn't always a bad thing, we need to stop using excuses for why we choose to NOT spend more time with our family.  We talk about giving grace to those who are our friends and family and to make it a goal to reach out more often to our parents, kids, cousins, etc. in order to incorporate our families into our busy lives.


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    S1 EP 27 - Confirmation Bias and how it relates to Mental Health and Relationships

    S1 EP 27 - Confirmation Bias and how it relates to Mental Health and Relationships

    Welcome back to Magnified Grace!  I'm back with another episode pertaining to our mental health and relationships!  Today we are talking about confirmation bias, what it is, how it impacts our relationships, and why understanding what confirmation bias is matters to us.  We need to understand what our core beliefs and convictions are so that we can eventually get to a place where we choose to challenge those beliefs and convictions to determine if they're worth keeping or if they're worth compromising over newfound information, data, and statistics that prove contrary to what we believe!  We need to learn to grow and entertain a thought without accepting it because it may also help us to be more understanding, empathetic, kind, and gracious to someone who needs to feel free to express themselves without feeling judged.  We can be better at being compassionate and loving to others if we just extend our reach over to the other side to understand their pains, hurts, and traumas.  

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    S1 EP 26 - Current Events: Adderall Shortage!

    S1 EP 26 - Current Events: Adderall Shortage!

    In today's podcast, I discuss the current events of supply chain issues, COVID, and how it has impacted Adderall and thus creating the Adderall shortage.  This can be a real problem!  This problem won't be going away any time soon according to the experts and main stream media.  So what can we do about it?  What are the alternatives?  How can we change our mindset and perceive this as an opportunity to do things a little different?  Consider these questions as you search your soul for the answers that will help you to navigate these uncertain times and how you can approach this issue.  We must be willing and able to adapt!  Let's grow and let's overcome the issue!

    S1 EP 25 - Exercise Addiction

    S1 EP 25 - Exercise Addiction

    Hey!  I'm your host Manny and I'm glad to be back with you and feeling 100% after being a little under the weather.  This week I discuss exercise addiction and how to spot the signs that your gym time may be a compulsive behavior over just a healthy lifestyle.  We discuss what exercise addiction is, what it looks like, the signs and symptoms of this addiction, the types of exercise addiction, and the risks associated with being addicted to the gym.  Let's face it, being at the gym is really good!  There are lots of great benefits from working out, but when you're going there because you hate yourself, your body, or because of the guilt or shame that you carry with you, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons!  Love yourself for where you're at!  Give grace to yourself and set realistic and achievable goals for yourself because you love yourself...not because you can't accept yourself or face your demons!

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    S1 EP 24 - Grace vs. Repentance

    S1 EP 24 - Grace vs. Repentance

    In this week's episode I discuss what grace is, what repentance is, why we need both and what they mean for our recovery.  We also talk about the merits of living a life of repentance and constant growth; that we are always under construction and we should strive to never stop growing until the day we pass!  We also discuss why grace isn't weakness and how there can actually be immense strength and self control that comes from giving grace to people and being gracious with others.  

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    S1 EP 23 - Recovery Meme Review 1

    S1 EP 23 - Recovery Meme Review 1

    In this week's episode, I discuss some really good, positive memes versus some not-so-good and confusing memes.  I decided to change it up a bit and start a podcast series where I review both positive recovery memes and some recovery memes that can be confusing and even promote negative self-talk.  I break down some memes so take a listen and let me know your thoughts on this new series!

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    S1 EP 22 - Approval Addiction

    S1 EP 22 - Approval Addiction

    This topic is near and dear to my heart since I seriously struggled a lot with approval addiction and I really put a lot of value in what other people thought of me.  But then as I was getting better, becoming more sober, and beginning to see my self-worth and value, I began to cure myself of this kind of addiction.  Losing ourselves to approval addiction for the sake of gaining the validation from others wrecks havoc on our mental health and we can become resentful, bitter, passive aggressive, etc.  Take a listen in and learn a bit about approval addiction!

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    S1 EP 21 - Unhealthy Boundaries

    S1 EP 21 - Unhealthy Boundaries

    In this week's episode we talk about the very opposite of healthy boundaries and address what some unhealthy boundaries look like!  I discuss  some examples and help people realize and identify what those unhealthy boundaries are in the hopes that people will change course and make adjustments in their lives to thrive!  TRIGGER WARNING:  A Bible verse was used in the making of this episode, but as I have said before, I will only really use these as a means to help people realize something about themselves and make people self-examine their own thought-life, patterns, and behaviors!  And above all, I want people to be encouraged by these verses and feel great once life is spoken into them!





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    S1 EP 20 - Healthy Boundaries

    S1 EP 20 - Healthy Boundaries

          In this week's episode, we discuss healthy boundaries and how to set them!  We define what makes a boundary healthy and what makes them good!  If the boundary isn't life-giving or life-changing for the better, it's probably not a good boundary!  We discuss why we need boundaries in our lives and in relationships and finally we also dive into the consequences of not having healthy boundaries.  

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    S1 EP19 - Depression and Addiction

    S1 EP19 - Depression and Addiction

    TRIGGER WARNING!  This episode is packed full of some unpopular opinions and some Bible verses, BUT.....they are here to encourage you and to shed some light into this thing called "depression!"  We talk about what depression is, the risks of depression, depression and its link to addiction, and Andrew Tate's perspective on depression.  It's all found in this episode and it's definitely worth listening to!  

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    S1 EP18 - ADHD, Adderall, and Addiction

    S1 EP18 - ADHD, Adderall, and Addiction

         Whoa...I know I'm gonna be stepping on some toes with this one, but we have to cover it!  In this week's episode, we talk about ADHD, Adderall, and addiction, and the impacts these topics have on our mental health.  We cover what ADHD actually is and its symptoms, what Adderall is and its unique properties and what it's used for, and finally we talk about the correlation between ADHD and addiction!  Finally, I have some parting opinions and thoughts on both the pros and cons of living with an ADHD diagnosis and the pros and cons of Adderall.  It's all found in the episode!  Let me know your thoughts!!!

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    S1 EP17 - Cross Addictions

    S1 EP17 - Cross Addictions

    Greetings!  This week, we talked about cross addictions.  We cover in today's episode: 

    • What cross addictions are
    • How it's defined 
    • Why people choose cross addictions
    • How it can lead to a depraved state
    • How cross addictions feed off of each other
    • Treatment and Help

    The reality is that cross addictions tend to happen by accident and are not always the fault of the addict, but with the right timing of love, encouragement, grace, and intervention you can help the addict get the help they need before they slip deeper into their addictions and behaviors.  Realize that this condition is a byproduct of an impulse control disorder.  Have grace with those who are struggling and encourage them to get help!





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    S1 EP16 - What's in a Name?

    S1 EP16 - What's in a Name?

         Greetings to all!  It's your host Manny with some exciting news!  We have updated the name of the podcast to reflect the true heart and nature of the podcast and the content of this channel.  I believe that the re-naming of this podcast encapsulates the course and audience that we are trying to reach.  Join me as we look at my reasons for re-naming the podcast, what the new name will do for the podcast in the long-term, the target audience, and lastly....we talk about what's in a name!  What is a name, why are names important, and if we feel that we are living up to our own name.  Lots of good stuff here. Have a listen!


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    S1 EP15 - Positive Thinking!

    S1 EP15 - Positive Thinking!

    In this week's episode we talk about positive thinking, what it is, why it's important to pursue, and how we can go about practicing positive thinking in order to heal and overcome negative thoughts.  We also discover the health benefits of thinking positively and adjusting our mindset in order to make positive thinking part of our belief system that drives our actions and even our physical health.  Questions to ponder for this week are:

    1) Who is easier to forgive:  yourself or others?

    2)  Do you believe that your mindset and positive thinking can drive you to action?

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    S1 EP14 - Insecurities

    S1 EP14 - Insecurities

         Hey all, this week we talked about insecurities and its affect on mental health and even our physical health and why this needs to be addressed before it gets worse.  We discuss some of the causes of insecurities and how some of them are based on our environments growing up or our current environment.  We also discuss insecurities in romantic relationships and the effects of insecurities over time.  I also give some insight on what can be done to combat those insecurities in our lives and finally, some words of encouragement in your journey to being free from insecurities.




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    S1 EP13 - Social Media and its Impact on Mental Health

    S1 EP13 - Social Media and its Impact on Mental Health

    Whew!  This one is my longest podcast yet and it's jam packed with all kinds of statistics on social media and its impact on our mental health as well as some of the positive outcomes if we choose to NOT consume as much social media and instead, choose real-life friends and social interactions in place of media!  Some of those experiences that are the by-product of social media are: inadequacy, isolation, depression and anxiety, and self-absorption to name a few.  But we also tackle ways in which to clean ourselves and live a life a bit more unplugged from our screens and social media!




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    S1 EP12 - Book Review: Understanding Shame by Jonathan Daugherty

    S1 EP12 - Book Review: Understanding Shame by Jonathan Daugherty

         In this week's episode I decided to try something a little different!  I've decided to review a book!  In this episode, I expand a bit more on the subject of shame and what better way to expand on shame than to review a book that is precisely on that very subject?  This week, I talk about why I recommend this book and who I would recommend this book to in order to understand the deeper concepts behind shame.  I also briefly talk about the background of the author and his personal testimony and ministry.  

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