
    Mahri Minute Message

    http://mahribest.com This is your opportunity to experience a “point of view”, translated into rhyme, to inspire you, the listener and help to create a feeling of well-being. You will be uplifted and perhaps this may even provoke some special thoughts of your own. Listen and see what you think. I welcome your comments. Ooooodles of love - Mahri Thank you Scott Horton, for lending your beautiful, voice to our lead in song entitled, "One People and One Soul" written by yours truly, Mahri Best and arranged by Gerry Kunkel
    en-us20 Episodes

    Episodes (20)

    Episode 20 - The SECRET Behind Soul Song Coaching

    Episode 20 - The SECRET Behind Soul Song Coaching
    The secret to Soul Song Coaching is finally revealed. Mahri Best, the innovator of this unique form of Life Coaching, is now, after 10 long years of research and practical experience, presenting her special coaching practice to the world. Mahri has created a powerful, process of connecting her clients to their inner song. She is all about seeking those inhibiting thoughts and self-talk of her clients and turning them into an amazing symphony. This same symphony will help form the foundation for an incredible new beginning to life. The initial process is a 'blow your mind' process that will enable you to find your life purpose. And this revelation will serve as a launching pad to a superb future. Got questions? Contact Mahri Best at www.mahribest.com You can also read, a few of the many, testimonials from her clients who have assisted Mahri in fine tuning this unique aspect of coaching. You will be thrilled. The song of your soul is just waiting to be written and Mahri Best is ready to write it with you – now!

    Episode 19 - Learning Should Be Fun

    Episode 19 - Learning Should Be Fun
    I was thinking about, way back, when I was in school and how the classes that I did well in were, as I remember, a direct result of my experience of the teacher. I loved those teachers and thought fondly of them. Those teachers made,  what they were teaching me, interesting. They even invoked some fun into these classes. I actually looked forward to being in their class. Yet there were other teachers I was terrified of. I was so scared to answer a question in the event it was the wrong answer. Oooodles of Love - Mahri http://mahribest.com http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 18 - Others will Always be Different

    Episode 18 - Others will Always be Different
    It is so easy for me to think, that if others don’t believe in life the same way that I do, they are wrong! I can so easily step into the judgment seat and cast aspersions. My way could be to look down on those who don’t feel the same way that I do. And guess what – I do! And when I do I am simply holding up a mirror before myself. At that point I am no different than they are. It was these thoughts that led me to write this poem. Ooooodles of Love - Mahri  http://mahibest.com http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 17 - Who Says Bigger is Better?

    Episode 17 - Who Says Bigger is Better?
    I am glad that I have made America my home for this past 45 or so years. Though there is one thing that may often upset me and that is the need for competition. In my mind, America is a wonderful country and so is Great Britain and so is Spain and so is Germany and so on.With the world getting so much smaller, I believe that we should pay attention to our conversation and instead of saying we are bigger and better, we might be more open to learning from other countries in the world, who have the ability to show others new and improved ways of being or doing. Ooooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 16 - We have all Had Enough

    Episode 16 - We have all Had Enough
    With all the tumult in the world around us, many of us are feeling our energy fractured. We may be feeling pressure and not truly recognize where that pressure is coming from. There may be a feeling of desperation and no real connection to where that desperation is coming from. And my feeling is that this is all good. We need to be feeling this now and recognize that we all can do something about it. It is time for a shift of a positive kind. Oooodles of Love , Mahri http://Mahribest.com http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 15 - Isn't It Pathetic?

    Episode 15 - Isn't It Pathetic?
    Sometimes I feel that I am being herded like a little lamb; simply following the gang and not even thinking about the consequences. I want to shake my head in disbelief that I am caught up in the drift - going along with the program - then suddenly I realize, no, I don't want to do that. Then it is time for me to speak up! Ooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com

    Episode 13 - Broken Promises

    Episode 13 - Broken Promises
    I recently ran into a couple from New Jersey that were planning to move here to Delaware. The wife, had taken a position with the State approximately 15 years before, drawn by the attractive retirement package that she would enjoy at the close of her tenure there. However, it seems that all those monies have since disappeared and all the time she has put in is for naught. I could feel her immense disappointment and sadness and wonder when we (the g.p.) are going to stop allowing this kind of behavior to be acceptable. Needless to say it was this conversation that inspired these words. Ooooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 11 - In Only a Fleeting Moment

    Episode 11 - In Only a Fleeting Moment
    Recently I have been thinking a lot about an old friend of mine. Each time I thought about calling her it just wasn’t the right time to call. So I put off calling her. This has been going on for several months and then yesterday I decided to write a note to her on Facebook.  This morning I arose to find the reason she had been on my mind.  It turned out that 9 weeks ago, around the time I felt the urge to call her, her husband had died. Ooooodles of Love , Mahri  http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK  http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 10 - The Underlying Fear

    Episode 10 - The Underlying Fear
    Today an ugly truth reared its head.  For several years now I’ve known what I wanted for my life and I have been working on bringing it all about. It has been an interesting journey and at times quite painful. However, through it all I have remained faithful to my purpose. There was one thing I was not recognizing in all of this and that was the underlying fear. Which is the title of this poem. The Underlying Fear   Oooooodles of Love, Mahri  http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK  http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 9 - No Guns Just Love

    Episode 9 - No Guns Just Love
    During a conversation, with a new, teacher friend of mine, I found a chill running through me as a result of our discourse.  None of the dialogue was new to me but this really impacted my soul. When my friend revealed the fact that a child she was speaking to was, as she said, “looking forward to going home and getting his gun so that he could feel safe”. Even as I write these words I feel the tears fill my eyes and my heart fill with pain. These are our children that we are talking about; the future leaders of our country; I must set a more positive example. Notice, I said, “I” – if it is to be it must begin with me. And so I wrote this:  No Guns Just Love  Ooooodles of Love,  Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 8 - And Life Goes On

    Episode 8 - And Life Goes On
    Do you ever just want to strangle that person in your life who is irritating the poop out of you? Or when that child nearby is constantly saying, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! do you just want to scream? Well, isn't it about time that we stop, take a deep breath, and realize that there are much more important things going on. We need to save our energy for those other important things! Think about this! We have so much to be grateful for. Oooooodles of Love , Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 7 - Let Compassion Rule

    Episode 7 - Let Compassion Rule
    When the haunting news reels, taken in Arizona recently, showed up on my screen, I couldn't help but notice how deeply I was being affected by them. Then it became clear to me that there is a grander picture. If I was feeling compassion for all those affected and then anger for the perpetrators, chances are that anger would over shadow my feelings of compassion. Therefor all the compassion I may have felt was not making its mark. Ooooodles of Love, Mahri  http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 6 - Shift the Statistics

    Episode 6 - Shift the Statistics
    Recently I was privy to a conversation that involved a young girl, only 16 years old, who was pregnant and burdened with decision making! I couldn’t help noticing, how all the adults, surrounding this young person, were so focused on the statistics, they seldom took time to create any pro-active possibilities for shift.If we are ever going to shift the statistics, we must examine our behavior. I totally believe, that if we focus on any particular outcome, we simply attract that same outcome into the mix. We need to switch the focus and be clear on what we DO want. Once we have determined what we DO want, we go forward, with clear intention and a complete vision of the ultimate goal, constantly in our mind.It was with this, shift in statistics, in mind, I was awakened with these words forming in my mind. Ooooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 5 - A Direct Correlation

    Episode 5 - A Direct Correlation
    There is no doubt that I am affected by all that I see and I hear. And mostly that is good. However, if I don’t pay attention, I can easily cause myself bodily harm. There is a direct correlation. If I allow negative world happenings to infiltrate my being, without my placing a protective shield around me, I soon become aware of bodily discomfort or even depression. I witness others in my life, also, who, when they are relating a negative occurrence, they have witnessed, or are a part of, I see how quickly they retake that anger and their body contorts; they reveal to me , in that moment, precisely how they are affected; once again a direct correlation. This doesn’t mean that I should remain ignorant of all that is going on in my world. This simply means that I must always be aware of how those events are affecting me . I must protect myself and be pro-active in my personal care. Oooooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 4 - What is Stopping You?

    Episode 4 - What is Stopping You?
    So often we say we have dreams, that we also say we’ll never achieve.  The considerations we place in our own pathway have become a huge part of our negative belief program. My point of view on this is, it is never too late to change these haunting beliefs that are getting in our way. All it takes is a willingness to make new choices in our self chatter. Dispense with the old and bring on the new. Be positive about your abilities and choose to learn more about all you can do. It will never cease to amaze you just how quickly new doors will open for you that may have previously been firmly closed. Ooooodes of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 3 - Try Saying that to this Mirror

    Episode 3 - Try Saying that to this Mirror
    Would you ever feel good about saying unkind things to someone? Would you tell them that they have no chance? So – why would you ever talk that way to yourself? Don’t wait! Pick up a mirror and take time to look into your own eyes and just soak in that being you are. Don’t say a word; just keep looking right into those eyes which are the gateway to your own soul; you may find you are wondering who is this? That’s because this is all new to you. Take a deep breath and speak to those eyes you are staring into and tell them something good. It is time to be good to you. This is only the beginning of a wonderful new relationship that needs to take place right now! Ooooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahribest

    Episode 2 - Recognizing our Responsibilities

    Episode 2 - Recognizing our Responsibilities
    There comes a time in our life, when it is crucial, that we begin to take responsibility for how we are being and how we are contributing to our world. Every time we open our mouths to talk we must choose to be mindful of all that we say. That vibration that we are emanating is powerful and can be the difference between joy and pain. Let’s be responsible and watch how we, one by one, can change the world. What do we have to lose? Nothing! Oooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 1 - If I Think I am Better Than

    Episode 1 - If I Think I am Better Than
    I’m recognizing a whole lot of judgment going on around me and I begin to look inside myself to see how this may be a mirror me. Sadly, I see the truth; I am no different to anyone else. Shame on me. Well, it was with this thought in mind that this poem began to form. If I am ever going to experience a shift in all of this, the shift must begin with me. I know that I choose to take responsibility and now my inner healing will begin.   Oooooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahribest