
    Making It Happen with Henry Ammar

    Making It Happen with Henry Ammar is a podcast that will provide real-world insights and evidence-based principles to create an empowered life that you can wake up excited for. The podcast is a mix of the best speeches, interviews, and any important empowering thoughts I will record intentionally to help you create a life you wake up excited for. It's time to fully live life making it happen the way YOU want it to! Henry Ammar is a human behavior specialist, impact entrepreneur, award-winning empowerment coach, and a visionary leader with in-depth experience in the personal development, business leadership, entertainment, and education industries. As a keynote speaker, he has positively impacted people across the globe, speaking to audiences as big as 35,000+ people at a time. Henry is also published in Forbes and is a two-time TEDx speaker. In his professional career, Henry began in music and has performed on a Grammy Award-winning album and traveled the world sharing the stage with legends. Henry went from creating music to creating businesses, growing his Los Angeles based company into an international success. Following the sale of his company, Henry returned to school and graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business. Upon graduating, he put his knowledge to use by overseeing the investment and management of over $2 billion dollars in real estate. Henry graduated from Wharton’s Executive Education Program in entrepreneurship. Henry now leverages his successes in music, leadership, and coaching to bring pop culture and practical empowerment together to free the world from fear and limiting beliefs and inspire confidence. Henry has helped create powerful partnerships/campaigns for important causes reaching millions internationally. He has worked closely with the Exit Festival (Best Major European Music Festival) to create an international peace project with Yoko Ono and an international movement to support the severely hungry with the UN World Food Programme (Nobel Peace Prize 2020). He has also helped create many other campaigns and partnerships including a music project reaching millions to support Operation Underground Railroad to end trafficking. Henry is the founder of the Ultimate Impact Institute for Leadership, created to give leaders and corporations powerful, science-backed tools to increase their impact and bottom line through an influential, trauma-informed, and empowering proven leadership approach. With 25+ years of obsessive study of human behavior, Henry is also an award-winning master coach and consultant, working with celebrities, billionaires, influencers, executives, and leaders to help them in their personal lives and with the impact they have on those in whom they influence. Henry is one of the stars in documentary “Perception: Seeing is Not Believing” with Trent Shelton, Tom Bilyeu, Lilian Garcia, and more. The movie has won “Best Picture” and “Best Documentary” at film festivals across the world. Combining his many years of experience with music festivals, campaigns, emotional health, and partnerships, Henry is the founder of the Higher Love festival experience and campaign. In partnership with the Exit Festival and with some of the top world leaders and advisors, this campaign will positively impact over 10 million people internationally in 2023.
    enHenry Ammar175 Episodes

    Episodes (175)

    Season 5: #02- "How to Break Through Your Limits." with Henry Ammar

    Season 5: #02- "How to Break Through Your Limits." with Henry Ammar

    In this podcast episode, we're bringing you a taste of the live event that had some incredible feedback and sparked some powerful questions. We've taken a portion of our powerful workshop, "Break Through Your Limits," and turned it into an episode.

    We're talking about releasing those mental blocks and unlocking your inner powerhouse. In this snippet, we dive into the journey of transformation. We go into how patterns go from being unconscious to conscious and how to create more abundant patterns.

    No more spinning your wheels or playing small - it's time to step into your full potential and make a real impact in your life and the lives of those around you. Check this episode out!!!

    Click here to watch the full 90 minutes event for free



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    Season 5: #01- "How to Break Your Limits. You Need This Breakthrough Now!" with Henry Ammar

    Season 5: #01- "How to Break Your Limits. You Need This Breakthrough Now!" with Henry Ammar

    In this powerful solo episode, Henry shares the recent massive revelation he’s had in his own life and how much it will be shifting.

    This episode is a little different, it is a heart to heart directly from Henry to the community. 

    It is also an open invitation for anyone who is ready to break through and unleash their powerful purpose to start creating absolute inner freedom for themselves.

    We’re talking about transformational change on an internal and external level. We’re talking about psychological and emotional liberation from a deep, subconscious place inside that will resolve the blocks keeping you stuck.

    This is no longer about changing your behavior, this is about getting underneath the hood and discovering what exactly is happening inside you on a nervous system level. 

    One of the biggest takeaways from this episode is that you are not your limits. 

    Your limits are created by your nervous system and by your subconscious programming based on past experiences. And if you can reach inside your programming you can change the beliefs, patterns, and identities you hold that no longer serve you. 

    You no longer have to stay caged. 

    There is a way to break free and this short, power-packed episode will explain exactly what you need to do to go from inner fear to inner freedom, from scarcity to abundance, from anxiety to liberation. 

    Enjoy this episode!



    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 3 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    "The REAL Reason You Are Stuck...Backed By Science" with Henry Ammar

    "The REAL Reason You Are Stuck...Backed By Science" with Henry Ammar

    In this value-packed, powerful episode, Henry Ammar breaks down what is happening inside us that keeps us stuck.

    If you’re trying to reach your next level and make a difference but you keep hitting the same blocks or resistance, you’re about to find out why your body does this and what’s on the other side.

    Tune in to learn:

    • Why your body goes into panic mode or feels stuck
    • Why you feel so much misalignment with the future you really want
    • How can you master your emotions so they don’t master you
    • What to do when you face limits or resistance
    • The 7 essential pillars of success and how to apply them
    • Why you need to change your relationship to fear if you want to move forward
    • A simple, evidence-based understanding to:
      • Releasing traumas from the past
      • Empowering yourself in the present
      • Reprogramming your subconscious for your desired future

    Enjoy this episode!



    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 3 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Season 4: #49- "Stepping Into Optimal Health: Lessons From Health Expert Rachel Scheer"

    Season 4: #49- "Stepping Into Optimal Health: Lessons From Health Expert Rachel Scheer"

    On this podcast episode, Henry Ammar interviews former fitness model turned gut-health expert, Rachel Scheer!

    This is such a good, information-packed episode, and Rachel shares so much important info on gut health and why it’s absolutely essential for your wellness overall.  

    She breaks down why gut health can be the key to unlocking better physical health, fitness, and strength, as well as emotional and mental health too. More people need to know about it because this aspect of wellness is dangerously overlooked.

    Tune in to the episode for an evidence-based, deep dive into:

    • Gaining clarity on what health means to you especially if you’re more invested in how you look on the outside than how you feel on the inside
    • How important gut health is to your physical but also mental and emotional health
    • What the root causes of disease in your body usually come from
    • The 3 most important diet changes you can make to improve gut health
    • What belief systems you need to change if you want to make healthy transformations easier for yourself
    • How it affects your family in such a powerful way when they see you taking care of yourself

    Remember, your mental and emotional health aren’t complete if you’re neglecting your physical health too!

    There’s so much goodness to unpack here so if you’re interested to learn more, check out our full conversation.

    Enjoy this episode!



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    Yin on Fire Festival:

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    Season 4: #48-"Authenticity, Healing, And Dealing With Deep Emotions " with Wendy Bunnell

    Season 4: #48-"Authenticity, Healing, And Dealing With Deep Emotions " with Wendy Bunnell

    In this podcast episode, Henry Ammar interviews Wendy Bunnell for a raw, honest conversation about the importance of trusting your intuition and your emotions.

    As a survivor of trauma herself, Wendy knows firsthand what work needs to be done in order to heal from difficult emotions and is now sharing her wisdom with the world.  

    Tune in to this incredibly moving conversation to learn more about:

    • What self-betraying behavior is and where it comes from
    • The 2 most common ways women betray themselves and why
    • The importance of feeling ALL your emotions even when they hurt
    • What makes men suffer in silence and why this hurts everyone around them
    • The more loving, judgment-free way to really listen to what your emotions are trying to say
    • The art of tuning in to your body to identify where the pain is and how you can help yourself heal

    Even if you haven’t experienced past trauma, these are principles that everyone needs to know to understand your own emotions in a more loving way. Because the more emotional wellness you have and the more inner peace you have, the more authentic you will allow yourself to be.

    Enjoy this episode!



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    Yin on Fire Festival:

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    Season 4: #47-"Emotional Intelligence: What You Really Need To Know" with Greg Witz

    Season 4: #47-"Emotional Intelligence: What You Really Need To Know" with Greg Witz

    In this podcast episode, Henry Ammar interviews the amazing Greg Witz who’s an expert at training leaders to have less stress, more impact, and more emotional intelligence.

    He’s been leading powerful leaders and companies for such a long time and it’s so eye-opening to hear him give deep, and nuanced insights into important topics like emotional intelligence, emotional mastery, and what really makes a good leader. 

    Tune into this incredible conversation to learn:

    • What the 3 main emotions responses are and how to identify when they show up
    • The difference between fear-based leadership and love-based leadership
    • How to stop your cycle of negative self-talk
    • Love-based ways to build healthy authority and establish trust as a leader
    • Why most of us are bad listeners even when we mean well
    • The dangers of minimizing someone’s pain instead of validating it
    • Why lack of emotional intelligence creates bad leadership

    If you want to learn about leadership, emotional intelligence, or psychological mastery, this episode is a must-listen. 

    Enjoy this episode!



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    Season 4: #46 -"The REAL Reason You Are Stuck...Backed By Science" with Henry Ammar

    Season 4: #46 -"The REAL Reason You Are Stuck...Backed By Science" with Henry Ammar

    In this value-packed, powerful episode, Henry Ammar breaks down what is happening inside us that keeps us stuck.

    If you’re trying to reach your next level and make a difference but you keep hitting the same blocks or resistance, you’re about to find out why your body does this and what’s on the other side.

    Tune in to learn:

    • Why your body goes into panic mode or feels stuck
    • Why you feel so much misalignment with the future you really want
    • How can you master your emotions so they don’t master you
    • What to do when you face limits or resistance
    • The 7 essential pillars of success and how to apply them
    • Why you need to change your relationship to fear if you want to move forward
    • A simple, evidence-based understanding to:
      • Releasing traumas from the past
      • Empowering yourself in the present
      • Reprogramming your subconscious for your desired future

    Enjoy this episode!



    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 4 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Season 4: #45-"Find Purpose (And Find Deeper Love)... Even In The Chaos: A Deep Conversation" with Marcus Black

    Season 4: #45-"Find Purpose (And Find Deeper Love)... Even In The Chaos: A Deep Conversation" with Marcus Black

    On this podcast episode, Henry Ammar and Marcus Black have a raw, honest conversation about how the pains in their life affected their journeys for the better.

    If you’re determined to evolve into the most empowered version of yourself, but feel like there’s too much chaos around you to properly succeed, I highly recommend you check out this episode.

    Tune in for a deep discussion into:

    • Why some people reach happiness faster regardless of how “successful” they are
    • How to break out of pain and into purpose
    • How your relationships change for the better when you intentionally practice  gratitude
    • Why the promises you make to yourself are the ones that matter more than anything else
    • And most importantly; What you can unlock by shifting your focus towards gratitude

    When you’re grateful you’re not just being thankful, you’re practicing radical self-love by loving exactly where you are on your journey. 

    So if you’re looking to accelerate your journey and add more abundance, freedom, purpose, and impact to your life, start by being grateful for the chaos and the pain you’ve experienced.

    It was amazing having a conversation with someone who, like me, values truth, growth, and evolving.

    But what I think is the most important part of this episode is how gratitude can unlock so much power and energy within you.

    Enjoy this episode!



    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 4 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Season 4: #44 -"5 Things You REALLY Need to Go From Fear to Freedom!" with Henry Ammar

    Season 4: #44 -"5 Things You REALLY Need to Go From Fear to Freedom!" with Henry Ammar

    This might be our most important episode yet.

    In this solo episode, Henry dives into the 5 fundamental processes that will take you from fear-based living to love-based living.

    This is one of the most detailed breakdowns he’s ever given on why we live in such a fear-based state, what it limits us from, AND how to overcome fears.

    If you’re ready to reclaim your freedom and live in abundance, love, inner peace, and radical confidence, this episode is for you.

    Check out this power-packed episode now to learn:

    • The difference between fear-based and love-based living
    • The 5 specific, actionable steps you must take to create a life of freedom
    • The difference between the 2 main types of fear
    • What living in a stress response does to your mind, body, and nervous system
    • The key to unlocking deep emotional wellness and inner peace
    • How to avoid getting sucked into other people’s stress-responses

    This episode isn’t only about how fear limits you.

    This episode is about giving everyone real, proven solutions to stop living on autopilot and start putting their energy into the work that matters and developing an inner freedom that changes everything!

    Where you are now doesn’t have to be where you’ll always be! You can change so much and so fast just by having the right steps.

    Tune in to the episode now! It is a game-changer!



    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 4 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Season 4: #43 - "How TV Star and Dancer Ashleigh Di Lello Used the Power of Bio Emotional Healing to Heal Her Mind, Body, and Heart"

    Season 4: #43 - "How TV Star and Dancer Ashleigh Di Lello Used the Power of Bio Emotional Healing to Heal Her Mind, Body, and Heart"

    On this podcast episode, Henry Ammar interviews the amazing Ashleigh Di Lello.

    You may know Ashleigh from So You Think You Can Dance, Broadway, or the Ellen Degeneres Show, but what you may not know is that she overcomes all odds by using what she calls bio emotional healing.

    If you want to know what your body is really capable of, you need to listen to Ashleigh’s unimaginable story of being diagnosed with terminal illness at 13.

    She didn’t survive just because she got lucky.

    She survived because she knew how to listen to her own body. Deep down she knew that she cannot die so she willed her body to live.

    Tune in to hear Ashleigh’s incredible story and learn:

    • How to make peace with fear when it shows up in your life
    • Experiencing legitimate danger vs. your body panicking and sending a “false alarm”
    • When to listen to your body instead of your mind
    • The difference between identifying with your pain vs. making your pain your whole identity
    • Why we need to stop tuning out emotions that feel “bad”
    • The power of identifying “with” your emotions instead of “in” them

    We’re not taught to trust our intuition enough.

    We’re not taught how to harness a deeper connection between our body and our mind.

    Ashleigh’s story really opened my eyes to how much more power we can unleash when our body becomes aligned with the vision we want to create for our lives. 

    Tune in to the episode now!



    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 4 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Season 4: #42 - "Wise Words From A 6-Year Old: Jojo and Henry Discuss Happiness: Inspiring (And Funny!)"

    Season 4: #42 - "Wise Words From A 6-Year Old: Jojo and Henry Discuss Happiness: Inspiring (And Funny!)"

    This episode was originally going to be about the journey from fear to freedom, but when little Jojo came to my podcast studio and started typing, I knew what I had to do!

    You should have seen how happy she was when I told her that she was going to be my next guest.

    If you’re ready for an overdose of cuteness plus some surprisingly deep nuggets of wisdom from one insightful little girl, check this out!

    This is by far the most fun I've ever had filming an episode. Hope you enjoy it as much as Jojo and I did!




    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 4 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Season 4: #41 - "Manifestation, Self-Love, and Confidence: How Does It Work?" Lesson From Jon Hillstead

    Season 4: #41 - "Manifestation, Self-Love, and Confidence: How Does It Work?" Lesson From Jon Hillstead

    In this episode, Henry interviews the incredible Jon Hillstead for a super important discussion on how to hit reset on a life that doesn’t fulfill you.

    Jon went from crippling social anxiety and being on the brink of suicide to growing and evolving so much he’s now sharing the modalities and principles that helped him get to the level of growth and freedom he’s embodying now.

    Tune in now to learn:

    A 3 step formula for knowing if you’re truly connected to your purpose or not

    The power of living in true alignment with your values (and what happens when you don’t!)

    Why you must listen to your instincts and body more to heal from anxiety

    How to unlock an elevated level of self-love and trust within you so you become your own guide

    What it means to be “walking yourself home”

    How to tune out the noise of everyone around you and hyper focus on YOUR needs

    How to manifest the future you want to create

    Using visualization and embodiment techniques to tap into the identity you want to become

    There’s so much noise out there on what people need to be doing right now to keep growing and the truth is it doesn’t always work for everyone.

    That’s why it’s so refreshing to hear Jon share the modalities that worked for him because they’re based on listening to your body, learning to trust your gut, and finding an elevated sense of peace and safety within yourself. It’s a must-listen for anyone ready to take their next step in life!

    Episode is out now! Tune in and enjoy.




    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 4 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Season 4: #40 - "Ready to Stop Settling? Step Into Your Power and Purpose" with Henry Ammar

    Season 4: #40 - "Ready to Stop Settling? Step Into Your Power and Purpose" with Henry Ammar

    I’m not interviewing anyone here, I just want to speak completely and openly from the heart.

    I want to be real with you.

    I can’t let people who want to make a difference and KNOW they can make an impact to waste their gift while I stand back and watch.

    It’s time to step into your power, your light, and your gifting.

    It’s time to go from fear to freedom and from fear into your power.

    If you feel called to go to the next level of your life, this episode is for you! 

    Check it out!




    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 4 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Season 4: #39 - "World Expert on Anxiety Shares the Truth About Anxiety (Tools Included)" with Dr. Russell Kennedy

    Season 4: #39 - "World Expert on Anxiety Shares the Truth About Anxiety (Tools Included)" with Dr. Russell Kennedy

    On this super informative podcast episode, Henry Ammar interviews neurologist Dr. Russell Kennedy to uncover how traditional medicine fails those seeking treatment for anxiety and trauma.

    As a neurologist who also practices cutting-edge healing modalities, Dr. Kennedy beaks down a refreshing, holistic view on healing that focuses on the body and spirit instead of just the mind.

    Check out this episode to learn:

    • Why so many traditional “cures” for anxiety don’t actually work long-term
    • The difference between simply coping vs healing
    • Where trauma and anxiety really come from
    • Methods and guided techniques for identifying the source of your trauma and anxiety
    • Why so many people deny they have trauma, to begin with
    • How abandonment and abuse in childhood affects all future relationships 
    • Why anxious people must listen to their body more than to their mind
    • How your body keeps track of all the painful emotions you lock away
    • What happens when you don’t heal and all your pent-up emotions come out 

    Not only does Dr. Kennedy combine traditional and non-traditional healing modalities, but he's also suffered from anxiety for most of his life. This isn't another doctor suggesting more coping mechanisms that might or might not work. This is someone who knows firsthand how it feels to be overcome by anxiety and what you need to do to heal for good.

    Tune in now!


    I’m so excited to announce that we are finally opening up applications for Henry’s most awaited Inner Circle Program.

     In the Inner Circle you will spend 4 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Season 4: #38 - "Overcome Imposter Syndrome, High-Functioning Anxiety, and Burnout" with Lindsey Schwartz

    Season 4: #38 - "Overcome Imposter Syndrome, High-Functioning Anxiety, and Burnout" with Lindsey Schwartz

    On this podcast episode, Henry Ammar interviews the incredibly wise, intuitive, and inspirational Lindsey Schwartz, the creator of Powerhouse Women.

    There is so much goodness to unpack here. I strongly recommend this episode for anyone who knows in their soul that they’re made for greatness and are ready to put in the work to find more fulfillment, success, deep peace, and purpose in life.

    Tune in to gain deeper clarity on:

    • Overcoming imposter syndrome
    • Why women especially are prone to burning out
    • What to do when you have trouble saying “no”
    • The healing power of staying still when there’s so much noise in the world
    • Techniques for tuning in to your intuition
    • When to listen to your mind and when to listen to your body
    • The leap of faith you need to take you from autopilot mode to creating your true destiny
    • The inner work you need to do before diving into unfamiliar territory

    Lindsey isn’t just another motivational speaker, she’s actually walked the walk and is now dedicated to building a community of women to help them reach their higher purpose in life.

    This is a MUST-LISTEN for anyone who’s ever dealt with high-functioning anxiety, burnout, imposter syndrome or felt like they want more out of life but aren’t sure of their next step.

    Tune in now and enjoy the episode!


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    Season 4: #37 - "From Homeless Teen To Millionaire Author: Principles for Success" with Marvin Peake

    Season 4: #37 - "From Homeless Teen To Millionaire Author: Principles for Success" with Marvin Peake

    On this podcast episode, Henry Ammar interviews the incredible Marvin Peake for an unforgettable discussion on how to find your cosmic, divinely-given strength when all the odds are against you.

    His journey from homeless, unwanted teen to multi-million dollar business builder and author is literally like something out of a movie. 

    This is NOT just another rags-to-riches story. Marvin was literally thrown into the streets as a teenager, completely cut out and unsupported by an alcoholic mother. 

    He has so many jaw-dropping stories to share and I am super excited for you to learn the principles and actionable techniques you can start implementing right now to create abundance and power in your life.

    Tune in for a deep discussion into:

    • The process of getting comfortable with discomfort and lack of certainty
    • Everything in the universe is already yours
    • Why to stop seeing the world through a lens of pain and suffering
    • Why living in comfort and certainty is the worst thing that can happen to you
    • Why your presence in this world at this time has so much cosmic significance
    • How to harness your purpose and your gift which cannot exist without your presence
    • Becoming the force that creates certainty and comfort in your own life when the outer world doesn’t give you any

    If you feel stuck in life and you’re unsure of what your place is in this life and how much you really deserve, this is your sign from the universe to watch this episode.

    Tune in now and enjoy!


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    Season 4: #36 - "Understanding Men and Understanding Women" with Alison Armstrong

    Season 4: #36 - "Understanding Men and Understanding Women" with Alison Armstrong

    On this episode, Henry interviews relationship expert, Alison Armstrong!

    She is one of the top experts in the world and will not only help you understand yourself better but also help you understand your relationships better. 

    This episode is packed with a lot of practical and powerful wisdom that you could apply to help you understand and improve both yourself, and your relationships.

    This episode is a rerelease and many people are still playing it. We had to put this on the top for everyone to listen to it! She is brilliant and can’t wait for you to hear it! 



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    Season 4: #35-"4 Things You NEED For Confidence" with Henry Ammar

    Season 4: #35-"4 Things You NEED For Confidence" with Henry Ammar

    In this podcast episode, Henry Ammar shares the four things you need in order to develop confidence.

    He talks about important principles on building real confidence as well as how to apply them in your life to make an impact in your life and the world.

    Sharing his personal experiences and the journey of developing confidence, this episode helps you understand how to develop confidence and the profound impact confidence will have.

    Tune in as Henry discusses:

    • A different insight on confidence
    • The four Cs of confidence

    • Process of developing real breakthroughs 

    • Using confidence in navigating resistance and fear

    • Internal beliefs and feelings about oneself

    • Gaining clarity about your goals and desires in various areas of life

    • The shift from fear-based living to love-based living

    • Being present and powerful
    • The role of confidence in effective leadership and making a positive impact

    This is a powerful and important episode!

    Confidence affects everything you do! This will show you what you need to develop it.

    Enjoy this episode!


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    Season 4: #34-"What It REALLY Takes For Healthy, Passionate Relationships: Real Talk" with Henry and Terrin Ammar

    Season 4: #34-"What It REALLY Takes For Healthy, Passionate Relationships: Real Talk" with Henry and Terrin Ammar

    Follow Terrin Ammar on

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    Follow Henry Ammar on

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    Season 4: #33-"Unmasked, Vulnerable, And Breaking Free: Stories And Principles to Overcome Struggles" With Kathryn Gordon

    Season 4: #33-"Unmasked, Vulnerable, And Breaking Free: Stories And Principles to Overcome Struggles" With Kathryn Gordon

    In this podcast episode, Henry Ammar interviews the absolutely inspirational Kathryn Gordon for a real, raw discussion on how to make our relationships and commitments to ourselves work. 

    After navigating a career, a rocky marriage, and being a mom all while dealing with drug addiction from her teen years, alcoholism, binging, and her struggles with sobriety, Kathryn is now selflessly dedicated to helping others work through the issues that troubled her. 

    Tune in as Kathryn and Henry discuss:

    • Why hitting rock bottom is a blessing 

    • Having faith that you CAN overcome addiction and unhealthy habits 

    • Overcoming the shame that comes with addiction and unhealthy coping habits 

    • Having a “good enough” life is a mindset that keeps you stuck 

    • What sobriety purgatory is and how to overcome it

    • Signs that you’re ready to move on from unhealthy habits 

    • Why self-love must be at the root of everything you do and say if you want to move on

    • The foundational must-haves you and your partner need to put into your relationship to make it work

    • Why there is no healing without love 

    • What NOT to do to put people in defense mode - whether it’s in a long term relationship or a casual conversation

    • Acting in fear turns your biggest strengths to your biggest weaknesses 

    Regardless of whether you or someone around you is dealing with addiction, sobriety, or relationship issues, this episode is unmissable. 

    Everyone knows what it’s like to hit rock bottom, and everyone knows what it’s like to feel shame but not enough people talk about how to manage these tensions within us.

    That’s why Kathryn’s complete transparency and raw honesty is so amazing. It’s rare to see someone so open about their struggles and the ups and downs of their healing journey. 

    Enjoy this episode!


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