
    Mama Says Namaste Podcast

    Looking for input to shift your family from chaos and reaction to a life with intention? Ashley's audio blog series is theme-focused with binge-worthy content on how to create the family and lifestyle you love to come home to. She's a fulltime RVing, location independent, unschooling mama of three, focused on authenticity, awareness, personality styles and embracing love in the present moment.
    enAshley Logsdon342 Episodes

    Episodes (342)

    My Kid Isn't Reading!

    My Kid Isn't Reading!

    Yes, it can feel scary when your child is a late reader, or just continues to resist reading when you just know it's such an important part of their learning! 

    I was an avid bookworm who started reading early and thrived on books, so it was pretty hard for me when all three of my children lacked my same enthusiasm. 

    My thirteen-year-old daughter, Ellie, suggested we discuss this topic, and she shared her top three tips that shifted her from being a very resistant late reader at ten to now absolutely loving reading. 

    If you have a late reader or a child who is just resisting books, check this out. What book opened the door to enjoying reading for you? How about your child? 

    Cultivating Mindfulness By 54321

    Cultivating Mindfulness By 54321

    Have you ever heard of the 54321 exercise to engage the senses? It's a great way to reset and find appreciation even amidst the craziness around us. 

    We always have control of what we want to focus on - and we've found with more intention so often comes more gratitude. 

    Join Juliet and me this week as we go through a quick exercise you can do alone and with your family to cultivate gratitude, calm, and awareness this week. 

    Why You May Need A Financial Therapist - GUEST EPISODE

    Why You May Need A Financial Therapist - GUEST EPISODE

    This week I have financial therapist Celia Roberts Hughes on to share what this even means. I've known Celia since I was 14, and it's been fascinating seeing her uncover this whole new world of financial therapy. 

    We talk about getting to the root of our relationship with money, what "life math" is, and why we say to NOT think about money first when you're in survival mode. 

    Check out the blog that goes along with this, and look at what questions she poses. Do you feel like you have achieved good financial health, or is now a time to dig a little deeper?

    Does Awareness and Quiet Have A Place In Your Home?

    Does Awareness and Quiet Have A Place In Your Home?

    Is your home loud and chaotic? That's not necessarily a bad thing. There is a time for lots of noise and fun! However, learning how to bring more awareness and quiet in your home can allow for the bandwidth to recharge and recover, truly making your home a sanctuary. 

    In this episode, we share the lessons learned from our "Quiet Experiment" when our children were 4, 6 & 9, and what guidelines we set for bringing more awareness and peace in our home. 



    7,650 days - that's the number of days you have your child before they turn 18 and are considered a legal adult...whether they are ready for it or not.

    Instead of "flipping the switch" to adulthood, look at it more as the turning of a dial - that will continue to go up a notch with every life lesson and experience we have. 

    Nathan and I talk about our insights from my interview with Nellie Harden last week, and we share why discipline is important....and most likely not what you're thinking here. You'll have to listen to find out! 

    Teenagers, Adulthood, and the 3 Foundational Elements to Thrive

    Teenagers, Adulthood, and the 3 Foundational Elements to Thrive

    I'm back with a guest, and a lot of talk about those teenage years! Nellie Harden is a wife, mother, family life and leadership writer, author, and speaker who is passionate about helping parents raise the next generation with a strong foundation of worth, esteem, and confidence. Her own journey of lacking these qualities when she left home led her down dark and difficult paths. 

    Nellie believes that parenting is like being an architect, where the responsibility is to plan, design, and build the beginning of someone else's life. Drawing from her previous experience working with animals and their clear purpose of preparing them for life, Nellie approaches parenting with the intention of raising adults rather than just kids. She is determined to make the highest impact possible in her own daughters' lives by instilling in them a foundation of worth, esteem, and confidence to launch them into the world.

    Tune in to hear about fostering 3 foundational elements in your children (and yourself), the 5 needs we all have, and some simple steps to repair relationships and foster deeper connections in your home. Full blog digging deeper and video here: https://www.mamasaysnamaste.com/nellie-harden-teens

    Facing Fears, Finding Confidence: A Kid's Perspective

    Facing Fears, Finding Confidence: A Kid's Perspective

    I'm back with my 10-year-old daughter Juliet to talk about facing fears and taking action.

    We've both faced our fair share of fears, like debating on scuba diving and auditioning for a performance.

    But we've also learned a lot about how to overcome our fears.

    Jules wanted to share her top 5 tips for facing her fears, and I can't wait for you to hear them. 

    So if you're feeling afraid, don't give up! Take action and face your fears head-on...unless...(you'll have to listen to find out).

    You'll be surprised at how strong you really are.

    Thanks for listening, and Juliet and I hope you have a great day!


    10 Steps to Financial Genius "Rich Dad" Style

    10 Steps to Financial Genius "Rich Dad" Style

    Want to hear the 10 steps to awaken your financial genius? Each is a superpower I definitely believe you need to truly be "wealthy". This week on the podcast Nathan and I dig into our review of the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki, and lay out these 10 steps and how to apply them not only in your business - but your overall family and life, including how to create a legacy of financial literacy in your home. 

    What is your "why" for being wealthy? (Be sure to hop over to the blog this week as it gives more insights to what we share on the podcast!)

    We Need More RULES Around Here!

    We Need More RULES Around Here!

    Rules - are they too extreme, or necessary in a home? This week we share an acronym of RULES that addresses the parameters to make a home thrive. We like to call them guardrails - and everyone is a part of making them - not just the parents. 

    This isn't about authoritarian parenting. How is your whole family accountable to working together so your house is one you find sanctuary in and love to come home to?

    Have You Considered How You Lead?

    Have You Considered How You Lead?

    Have you considered how you lead in the home? We can be effective parents and raise children to adulthood...yet have you ever thought about consideration as a key component of leadership? We break down five considerations to keep in mind to lead - and parent - in a way that empowers and engages your family. 

    Stepping Stones from A-Z with Juliet: A Hero's Journey

    Stepping Stones from A-Z with Juliet: A Hero's Journey

    The Hero's Journey involves stepping stones that aren't always easy...or even intended. Yet our growth opportunities can take us to another level.

    This week my guest is 10-year-old Juliet, and she asks some powerful questions on how to move forward and not get stuck in the process. We delve into the concept of finding your ultimate goal or purpose (Z) and using that as motivation to reach shorter-term goals along the way.

    Embrace struggles and challenges as opportunities for growth, and see what may happen. Tune in to discover insights on building competence and breaking down larger goals into smaller steps to achieve success.

    8 Fights Worth Picking With Our Kids

    8 Fights Worth Picking With Our Kids

    This episode was inspired by a social media thread that was shared titled, "8 Fights Worth Picking With Your Kids". While we aren't quite fans of picking fights with anyone, we agree with the 8 components he shared as a battleground worth standing on. 

    So here is our take - shifting the fights to nudges, and calling out us as parents to model what we want to see in our kids. From food fights to reading to battling boredom, some things are life skills that aren't simply a kid battle, but a recipe for the batter of life, and the beautiful cake you want to produce. 

    What are your biggest desires to impart to your children?

    From Mess to Masterpiece: 10 Tips for a Fulfilling Day

    From Mess to Masterpiece: 10 Tips for a Fulfilling Day

    I know how hard it can be to balance work and family time. Life gets messy, and we can get overwhelmed quickly. 

    In this episode we share how we found solutions by prioritizing intentional family time, waking up early, and taking breaks to rejuvenate. We share about "big rocks" and grace for seasons, and ten key tips to make your day as fulfilling as it is eventful.

    How do you create the days you look forward to instead of simply enduring them?

    Read the blog that goes along with this here: https://www.mamasaysnamaste.com/podcast-from-mess-to-masterpiece-10-tips-for-a-fulfilling-day-episode-305/

    Understanding Your Cycle of Conflict with Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo

    Understanding Your Cycle of Conflict with Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo

    On this episode, we have repeat guests Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo, authors of the book Six Pillars of Intimacy: Conflict Resolution: The Secret to Breaking the Conflict Cycle in Your Marriage.

    They share insights into navigating conflicts between spouses and breaking negative cycles. We discussed the 5 stages in the conflict cycle, and how, even when you go through them all, it doesn't always mean a healthy resolution. 

    Understanding conflict resolution frameworks shaped by our family of origin, as well as being intentional in identifying triggers and needs during escalations, can help manage conflicts proactively. And, we talk about intimacy and play (the last two episodes) and how healthy relationships can have a positive ripple effect on all aspects of life. 

    We all deal with conflict. Do you have the tools for it to not stay in a repeat pattern in your life?

    At one point, Nathan and I handled many disagreements with "rock, paper, scissors." It lightened the mood and helped us put what we disagreed on in perspective on whether it was worth the relationship. How about you?


    In-To-Me-See - Prioritizing Our Most Vulnerable Sides

    In-To-Me-See - Prioritizing Our Most Vulnerable Sides

    On this episode of Mama Says Namaste, we dive deep into the importance of physical touch in relationships.

    We know there is scientific evidence supporting the claim that physical connection improves patience and overall connection. We challenge listeners to examine their physical and sexual intimacy with their partner, noting how finding out what kind of touch their partner likes is crucial.

    We emphasize the importance of carving out intentional time for physical touch and suggest ways to connect physically even during busy seasons of life.

    We also discuss the significance of sexual intimacy in relationships and offer tips on how to make it a daily habit.

    Finally, we present several challenges to take action and start today on your most intimate relationship. Join us as we explore how physical touch can enhance emotional and relationship health, leading to a deeper level of vulnerability and connection that can impact all aspects of life.

    "It's hard to remain emotionally distant when you physically connect on a daily basis."

    Lighten Up And Live A Little

    Lighten Up And Live A Little

    In this episode of Mama Says Namaste, we delve into the importance of play and fun in relationships.

    Our habits are formed during dating and can persist throughout our relationships, but it's important to create new ones to connect with each other.

    Breaking negative cycles and adding fun and discovery to your relationship can positively impact all your relationships. We discuss the role that playfulness and humor play in creating a successful partnership.

    Join us as we explore the benefits of play and the tools to improve all our relationships, not just our marriage.

    Pride Goeth Before A Fall...

    Pride Goeth Before A Fall...

    In this episode of Mama Says Namaste, the topic is all about relationships and learning how to deconstruct preconceived notions. Nathan and Ashley take us through a variety of examples, including insights from author Merrick Rosenberg on how to treat others in a way that brings out the best in them.

    Along the way, we see how pride can sometimes be a hindrance to communication and how recognizing and utilizing our unique strengths can help build strong relationships.

    Ashley shares personal stories, including her experience balancing traditional gender roles and the importance of being vulnerable in admitting one's mistakes.

    In short, this episode is all about recognizing strengths and weaknesses, and being open to growth and change in order to cultivate healthy and fulfilling relationships beyond an expectation or traditional role.

    "When you've done something wrong, admit it and be sorry. No one in history has ever choked to death from swallowing his pride."

    6 Lessons for Every Relationship

    6 Lessons for Every Relationship

    We've officially launched our 300th podcast episode!

    We've summarized some of the biggest lessons learned for relationships, and bring you six powerful lessons - for yourself, your most intimate relationship, parenting, and beyond.

    Be sure to go to MamaSaysNamaste.com/6-lessons-for-every-relationship to dig deeper into this episode and access the audio clip and video I reference. 

    What lessons have you learned that you'd add?

    What would you like to hear on the Mama Says Namaste podcast next?

    Help Yourself! Trauma, HMR, And Pathways To Healing

    Help Yourself! Trauma, HMR, And Pathways To Healing

    This week I bring back trauma healing practitioner Lenora Edwards, who I've had as a guest before on the podcast talking about speech therapy. We went a bit deeper into the healing she discovered during her "side hustle", and how baking, two root canals, and some YouTube videos sent her down a path of healing that has opened doors for a whole new way she helps others. 

    Lenora and I discuss trauma, HMR, and pathways to healing that go beyond "self-help" to truly helping yourself. 

    How To Be A Chameleon Without Losing Yourself

    How To Be A Chameleon Without Losing Yourself

    We review the book, The Chameleon: Life-Changing Wisdom For Anyone Who Has A Personality Or Knows Someone Who Does by Merrick Rosenberg. We cover 7 essential principles we gleaned from the book.

    We highly recommend this book, not just for adults, but the whole family - with 22 little bird-focused parables, it's an easy and fun read and really helps you connect the dots on how you can connect with others and speak their language while still being authentic to who you are.