
    Marilyn Devonish's Podcast

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    Episodes (10)

    Accessing Consciousness

    Accessing Consciousness
    MARILYN DEVONISH INTERVIEWS FARHAN REHMAN ON ACCESSING CONSCIOUSNESS I recently offered a free Huna and Access Consciousness Teleseminar to those on my mailing list. The idea was to unlock stuck energy and clear limiting beliefs and judgements for those one the call. The results were astounding to say the least. Within minutes of completing the call the e-mails started to flood in: “Thank you very much for a fantastic call. It was amazing and I felt so relaxed.” “I welled up and my eyes released water when you mentioned the clearing statement about holding on to the past.” “I just wanted to thank you for this evening’s session. I am not sure if this is something to note but my hands were tingling during the session.” “I am not sure if you did anything last night (referring to the additional remote Huna Session after the call on Thursday night) but I’ve been full of energy and the pain in my back has reduced.” “I just want to say thank you for a fantastic call, you were amazing.” “Thanks for the call and the recording which is to be sent. I feel very serene now.” “Thank you for yesterday’s session. Wow. It was so liberating and every single subject you touched on for releasing was relevant for me personally.” “Today I dealt with stuff I’ve been putting off for a long time like clearing a pile of clutter which has been sat there for weeks.” “On the eating, I haven’t felt that hungry and I’ve been eating healthy. I had cakes in my shopping basket and I chucked them out before I got to the till.” I then made the call recording available and wondered if those listening at a later date would also receive the same benefits. Farhan Rehman was one of the people that missed the live event but listened to the recording at a later date. The next day he sent me an e-mail which read: "Hey Marilyn Just finished listening to your recording. Energetically, it was full on! As soon as you had finished describing the explanation of the statement, and I gave my consent, I suddenly connected with this massive flow of energy (it may also have been because I then applied it directly to my health right after you had finished describing it). But then as you finished describing Huna, and were about to start the 'actual' process, I figured I had better sit down, and really focus! (Was washing up dishes when I started listening!) Anyways, as I connected, and you started the process there was so much inter-dimensional stuff I was connecting with, as well as all the other participants. As outside of the dimension of time, I was connected to the same collective group energy and resonance, it was most surreal. At moments, I literally saw the edges of people's spaces.. or their energetic biosignatures, and holographic, multi-dimensional beingness, as the statements were unravelling, and things were shifting with each statement. It literally felt as if you were addressing me directly, and that everything was personal, to me, and my issues, so definitely value in using and re-using the recording with others." Farhan Rehman Conscious Communications Web: http://consciouscomms.co.uk This episode is Farhan's experience of listening to the recording. If you would like to listen to the Huna and Access Consciousness call for yourself go to: http://tranceformationstm.com/resources.php where you will also find additional free downloads and resources. Marilyn Devonish TranceFormational Change Coach E-mail: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com Web: http://tranceformationstm.com/

    Access Consciousness Huna Breakthrough Review

    Access Consciousness Huna Breakthrough Review
    ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS HUNA BREAKTHROUGH TESTIMONIAL Currency Trader and Nu Skin Consultant Marc Foster took the plunge and did my 1-Day Huna and Access Breakthrough Session. The session is a combination of some of the powerful techniques, approaches and change technologies that I have been using and training in over the past 12 years. In the video below Marc shares his experience of the session and some of the benefits he has received as a result. For those of you that receive my e-mail Newsletter Updates over the past couple of months you will know that I’ve been experimenting with something called Access Consciousness since completing my training with Rikka Zimmerman. I started off casually using it with a few friends over the phone, and the results were amazing to see the least, money turning up in exact amounts, the creation of new long term contracts out of the blue, long held feelings dissipating, old beliefs being uprooted, and that was after just a few minutes here and there. Intrigued by these results I decided to put an offer out to my mailing list offering some Free 30-40 minute Access Taster Sessions. That too was interesting, people who had been pretty much depressed for many years suddenly getting juiced up and raring to go, procrastination melting away, views about body image changing, and more clarity and confidence about plans for the future. This recording is a testimonial from one of the the clients to go through the 1-Day Huna Access Breakthrough Session. As well as sharing his experience of the sessions and what has happened in his life since then, he also gives some very good tips and advice about how to get the most from these sessions and this type of work if you are going off to do something similar yourself. Marc said of the sessions: "I've tried a lot of different things and was frustrated with some of the same issues holding me back. I was sick to death of stressing out about work, felt burnt out and frustrated and got to the point where enough is enough. When I heard about Marilyn's Access Breakthrough Sessions I was both curious and excited about clearing out old energy. I trust your approach and the fact you are always looking to improve. During the session Marilyn made it as comfortable as possible as I confronted some old stuff that had been holding me back for some time. I felt you explained everything that was going to be done, and I was also aware that I didn't need to understand what you were doing, I mean, where had my rational self got me so far? You were picking up on things that you couldn't have known about me (during the intuitive energy clearing). You made it as much fun as possible so that made me relaxed. The Access Clearing Statement does make me grin and laugh but I gradually felt better throughout. Immediately after the session I felt different, I can't put my finger on what that was. I felt lighter, everything just felt easy and calm because I can be a bit of a stress head. I feel nothing, like a weights been lifted off me. I woke up the next day feeling awesome. I have started attracting effortlessly the sort of people I want to work with and the situations that work with that. I have a lot more clarity and calmness despite the chaos going on around me. You did give me a way of splitting my day in a way that suits my personality - I did enjoy the personal approach. I was able to project my future vision forward and I fully believe it's gonna happen; it has started already. Things that felt hard for me in the past, they just weren't there. Everything's just different, I am so much more calm. People are responding differently to the way I am, it's totally positive. I do feel like a different person. For anyone thinking of doing these sessions with Marilyn I have just 2 words, DO IT!!! Just do it. You must come with an open mind and have a willingness to change things. Prior to the sessions I was literally banging my head against a brick wall, and that need was enough to break down my analytical mind. Marilyn will give you the tools to achieve whatever you want to achieve to move forward. Just be completely honest with yourself and ask, (doing what I've always done): Am I any better off than I was 5 years ago? Understanding why this works isn't necessary, I just know it does. You just need to be open and prepared to move forward. I am so thankful that I know Marilyn and I am super happy I did the session. It was a brilliant day, totally, totally, worth it." MARC FOSTER, NU SKIN GENE TARGETED CONSULTANT

    Using PhotoReading to Reach Higher States of Consciousness

    Using PhotoReading to Reach Higher States of Consciousness
    The following recording is an interview with Harun Rabbani, Author of Shattering the Grandest Illusions. He attended one of my PhotoReading Weekend Workshops and certainly got far more than he had bargained or hoped for. He had been looking for many years to find ways to connect easily to higher levels of consciousness, and by the end of the first evening just one very simple but powerful technique from Step 1 of the PhotoReading Whole Mind System had opened up a new realm of possibilities. Harun also shares some of the benefits he received through attending my Weekend Workshop. For further information about Harun's new book and to purchase a copy please go to: http://exposeillusions.com As well as doubling your reading speed, improving your memory and recall, increasing your levels of comprehension and enhancing creativity, delegates have also found it to be a very powerful way of opening up their intuition, creating an incredible life-long connection and rapport with their inner mind, and reaching deeper states of relaxation. For further details about PhotoReading go to: http://tranceformationstm.com/photo.html ABOUT MARILYN DEVONISH Marilyn Devonish is a Certified PhotoReading Instructor, Certified Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, and Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy. She is also a Certified Life and Executive Coach, and practitioner of Huna, DNA Theta Healing, Reiki, EFT, and Archetypal Profiling. She completed her PhotoReading Instructor Training with PhotoReading Creator Paul Scheele in March 2002, and has been running public PhotoReading Classes, private bespoke corporate workshops and one-to-one PhotoReading Coaching Sessions since that time. Marilyn is also a Keynote Speaker, recently appearing at the O2 for 3 days with Sir Richard Branson, Lord Sugar, Stedman Graham and and a host of other top speakers from both the UK and abroad. Her first book co-authored with Anthony Robbins, Dr Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, Paul Scheele, and Marie Diamond from The Secret was published in 2007 and signed copies are available to purchase from Marilyn's website. Tel: +44 1923 337282 Web: http://tranceformationstm.com Email: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com


    WHITNEY HOUSTON INSPIRED - SHINE & SHARE YOUR GIFTS WITH THE WORLD With the very sudden death of Whitney Houston, many were left stunned that she could be out partying one night and no longer with us the next. Aside from the controversy about the ultimate causes of the tragedy, much has also been made of the beautiful gift that Whitney Houston shared with the world. Oprah Winfrey summed it up as: “To me Whitney was THE VOICE. We got to hear a part of God every time she sang.” Truly a remarkable gift as music has the wonderful ability to transcend barriers of age, race, gender, and time. But what of those of us that haven’t been blessed with the voice of an angel, or those who despite being extremely talented are not able to reach and impact the world in such a way? I believe that we all have a gift to share with the world. Such gifts will come in different forms, modalities, shapes and sizes but they are gifts nonetheless. In this Podcast I share with you some ways that you can begin to either identify or get more clarity on your gift. For some it’s obvious. For others it’s a little like unearthing a buried treasure which may have stood plainly before them yet gone un-noticed. You may want to have a pen and paper handy so that you can record your initial thoughts. Feel free to stop the recording at various points to notice and record your initial thoughts and ideas. For further information about Marilyn Devonish go to www.tranceformationsTM.com I would love to hear about the gifts that you have uncovered or re-discovered so do e-mail me at: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com

    Banish Procrastination - A Proven Approach to Really Getting Things Done

    Banish Procrastination - A Proven Approach to Really Getting Things Done
    How to Banish Procrastination - A Proven Approach to REALLY Getting Things Done http://banishprocrastination.eventbrite.com/ Procrastination can be the killer of dreams. The silent saboteur that keeps you stuck in unhealthy situations. A black cloud of guilt that follows you around from place to place relentlessly reminding you of all the things you could or should have done. This recording is an introduction to my 60-Minute Teleseminar looking at the 'Ninja Approach' to really getting things done. The reason for this Podcast is that I have noticed recently that one of the biggest issues many of my clients seem to be facing is that of Procrastination. However, it is rarely the reason why the call me, it is usually couched in things such as: "I want to write but feel blocked." "I know I'm not meeting my full potential." "I've attended courses, read books, yet still nothing seems to really work in moving me forwards." "I feel as though I'm living on a hamster’s wheel and repeating the same old patterns." "I feel as though my life is a car crash in slow motion yet I feel powerless to take even simple actions" None of those presenting problems seem to have much to do with Procrastination, yet it's consistently been one of the things at the heart of the issue as we get into establishing the root cause of what is going on for them. For many people the worry, guilt and constantly having your must do, should do, could do list hanging over your head or at the back of your mind takes up far more physical and emotional energy than the actual task itself. Yet despite this obvious imbalance, it still isn't enough motivation to get the task done. Marilyn Devonish is a Certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy, a Certified PhotoReading Instructor, Life & Executive Coach, Practitioner of Huna, DNA Theta Healing, EFT, EmoTrance, Archetypal Profiling. She is also a Corporate Trainer, Keynote Speaker and Freelance Emotional Health & Well-Being Writer.

    Power Principles to Change & Transform Your Life - Part 2

    Power Principles to Change & Transform Your Life - Part 2
    In this recording I share the 2nd principle out of 5 which helped me to dramatically change my thinking and the way that I achieved results. Here we look at the concept of Reasons vs. Results and I share with you some of the questions that can help you to move on faster, identify greater resources, and move you forward to success rather than being stuck with a sense of failure or raking over the past. Marilyn Devonish Certified PhotoReading Instructor, Certified Life & Executive Coach, Certified Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy, Certified Trainer of Hypnosis. Website: http://tranceformationstm.com/ E-mail: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com

    The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of - How to Remember & Interpret Your Dreams

    The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of - How to Remember & Interpret Your Dreams
    HOW TO MORE EASILY PROGRAMME, REMEMBER & INTERPRET YOUR DREAMS http://tranceformationstm.com/ A lot of people that I meet say they're not even aware of having dreams, never mind being able remember them long enough to analyse, interpret or understand them. This recording shares with you practical tips which will help you to more easily remember, recall and interpret your dreams so that you can uncover the deeper meanings and significance that they hold for you. There are also powerful ways that you can utilise your dreams. In a study carried out at Harvard Medical School* 99 participants were taught to navigate a virtual maze on a computer screen. Half the group were then allowed to take a nap for 2 hours, whist the other half remained awake. Later that day all participants were re-tested on the task. Those who reported dreaming about the maze significantly improved their performance. They did better than people who had slept, but did not dream. And better than those who stayed awake rehearsing the task in their minds. Specifically, the dreamers bettered their performance more than six times the improvements of all other participants. The fascination with dreams dates back to ancient times with the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Christians all interested in dreams and their interpretations. Many looked upon them as sources of wisdom which it was important to pay attention to. In this recording I will share with you ways that you can tap into the inner wisdom hidden within your dreams. *Harvard Study published in Current Biology, http://www.livescience.com/9874-naps-dreams-boost-learning-study-finds.html

    Power Principles the Change & Transform Your Life - Part 1

    Power Principles the Change & Transform Your Life - Part 1
    http://tranceformationstm.com/ My name is Marilyn Devonish, I'm a Certified Coach, Hypnotherapist, PhotoReading Instructor, Trainer of NLP and Time Line Therapist. I am also a Huna, EFT, and DNA Theta Healing Practitioner. On this Power Principles recording I share with you some of the simple yet profoundly powerful ideas and principles that helped change my life and move me from a place of feeling hopeless, into the space where I felt more in control and able to resolve the issues that I was facing. I hope that you find them as useful as I did. I will share the remaining 4 Principles in future recordings so be sure to click on the 'Follow' Button if you would like to be notified when those are available.

    Power Up Your Study Sessions

    Power Up Your Study Sessions
    http://tranceformationstm.com/photo.html This Podcast shares 5 Power Steps that can transform your study and revision sessions. The information here has helped students absorb information more effectively, have better recall and retention, and gain better results in their academic and professional exams. Click on the 'Like' button if you want to be notified about the next update where I share how one of my PhotoReading coachees went from failing his exams 4 years in a row to being in the Top 25 percentile of the entire country after a 2 hour PhotoReading Coaching Session. Based on tried and tested techniques which I've been using with both students and adults/professionals aged 8 to 74 years of age for the past 11 years, this recording will put you on the path to making revising and studying a more focused, results driven, productive experience. ABOUT MARILYN DEVONISH Marilyn Devonish is a Certified PhotoReading Instructor, Accelerated Learning Coach, Corporate Trainer, Certified Trainer of NLP, and Life & Executive Coach. She is also an accomplished public speaker, published Author, and magazine and newspaper writer. Marilyn has been speaking and writing on the topic of Accelerated Learning and Emotional Health and Wellbeing since the year 2000. For further information visit: http://tranceformationstm.com/ or e-mail Marilyn Directly via: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com I do hope that you enjoy the recording and find it useful! Do click on the 'LIKE' button for updates about further free Podcasts. Best regards, Marilyn Devonish

    Banish Exam Stress & Anxiety the Easy Way

    Banish Exam Stress & Anxiety the Easy Way
    http://tranceformationstm.com/ This Podcast shares 5 simple but powerful tips that will help you banish exam and revision stress and anxiety forever. Based on tried and tested techniques which I've been using with students and PhotoReading Clients aged 8 to 74 years of age for the past 11 years, this recording will put you on the path to making studying a more relaxing, enjoyable, and most importantly, a super productive experience. Marilyn Devonish is a Certified PhotoReading Instructor, Accelerated Learning Coaching and Trainer, Certified Trainer of NLP, and Life & Executive Coach. For further information visit: http://tranceformationstm.com/ or e-mail Marilyn Directly via: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com I do hope that you enjoy the recording and find it useful! Best regards, Marilyn