
    May I Be Heard

    "May I Be Heard": A new podcast for women about overcoming fear, embracing vulnerability, and celebrating authenticity.
    enJessica Hannaford9 Episodes

    Episodes (9)

    One Woman's Journey to Motherhood with Dr. Sharla Sundberg

    One Woman's Journey to Motherhood with Dr. Sharla Sundberg

    A beautiful interview with Dr. Sharla Sundberg, a Stanford-trained general surgeon, on her struggle to create a family of her own. Dr. Sharla gives us an inside look at her fertility journey and what it took to bring her children into this world. We also discuss the difficult task of practicing medicine as a mother, and how she is redefining herself now that she is a mom.  




    3:45 How Sharla met her husband

    8:30 Trying to have children

    10:50 Beginning her fertility journey

    12:20 IUI Attempts

    12:50 Cost of fertility treatments

    13:55 IVF

    15:50 Struggling with infertility

    17:40 Feeling like a failure

    18:20 Considering adoption

    22:00 Coming up with a new plan

    25:00 Donor eggs and surrogacy

    28:00 Getting pregnant

    29:00 And then came Savea!

    32:00 And then came Soren!

    32:45 Deciding when their family is complete

    34:45 Dealing with loss

    36:45 Making plans for the future

    41:00 Leaving the practice of medicine

    45:00 Redefining herself

    May I Be Heard
    enFebruary 15, 2024

    3 Ways to Be More Authentic with Amy Guin, Esq.

    3 Ways to Be More Authentic with Amy Guin, Esq.

    Are you interested in dropping the heavy weight of other people's opinions and expectations of you and your life? Are you ready to be your true, authentic self? Attorney Amy Guin went through this process in her journey to recovery, and is here to share her advice and experience in becoming a more authentic human being. 

    In this episode we discuss insecurities, not being enough, how to make time for your self, recovery, and so much more!  


    Intro 2:00

    4:30 Peeling back the layers

    5:30 Fear of not being enough, falling short of expectations

    6:00 Doing enough for yourself

    6:40 How Amy grew up

    9:00 Authenticity defined

    9:30 My own fears and insecurities

    10:45 How Amy began to practice authenticity

    12:00 “I have to give things to the people they belong to- I can’t carry other people’s stuff. A lot of what I thought was me  really wasn’t- it was the manifestation of me carrying other people’s stuff.”

    13:00 If I am not ok I can’t help others

    15:00 Amy’s journey to sobriety

    18:00 Amy’s calling to help others

    23:00 How Amy began her career in law

    24:55 The people who impacted Amy’s life

    29:45 When we lost touch with reality

    33:00 What Amy was like in high school and when she knew she was gay

    35:40 Not defining yourself by labels

    41:00 Exploring ways to do things your own way

    43:00 The motherhood tax

    45:00 Exploring our motives

    49:00 The one thing Amy wants to do that she hasn’t

    52:00 Listening to other people’s experiences

    56:00 Goodbye!

    Pushing Past Your Limits with Tara Weiffenbach

    Pushing Past Your Limits with Tara Weiffenbach

    We all have our limits; or at least we think we do. But what if we could push past the excuses and do something we never thought possible- like run 100 miles. In this episode, runner Tara Weiffenbach and I discuss how she was able to train for and run an ultramarathon while working fulltime and still showing up as a mother and wife. You don't want to miss this!



    1:45 Why Tara wanted to run an ultramarathon

    5:35 Doing something you've never done even though you could fail

    6:50 Putting things out in the universe- what is meant for you will always be for you

    8:20 One step at a time

    10:45- Training- time commitment

    12:30 Overcoming adversity when things are out of your control

    17:45 How struggles help us in future endeavors

    20:00 Knowing how far to push yourself

    21:45 Having the right support system

    31:35 Daughters watching me sacrifice

    35:00 The hardest thing I've ever done

    37:00 What my husband's support meant to me

    44:00 Trying things for the first time

    46:00 Inviting the right opinions

    48:25 Running your own race

    49:45 Getting over your own excuses

    53:00 Getting over the fear of pain

    54:00 Showing up how your life allows you to show up

    59:30 Knowing your why

    1:03:00 Support systems

    1:12:00 Go big or go home

    1:15:00 Goodbye

    May I Be Heard
    enJanuary 11, 2024

    How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

    How and Why to Forgive with Natalie Baird-King

    TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains the topic of domestic abuse. 

    DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or therapist if you are struggling with mental health issues. This is not medical advice and is based solely on mine and Natalie's personal experiences.


    We all know the power of forgiveness, but most of us don't know how to forgive someone, especially ourselves. In a heartfelt interview with Author and Speaker Natalie Baird-King, we discuss her incredible journey to forgiving her abusive father after his unexpected death in 2012, as well as her new book on forgiveness. 

    Order Natalie's new book here!

    Forgiving Unforgivable: The Four Essential Secrets to Overcome Trauma, Stand Empowered, and Step Into Purpose


    Natalie's TedX Bradenton talk is not yet available. I will post as soon as it is released!



    1:30 Natalie's history with domestic violence

    3:00 Natalie's struggles with the effects of domestic violence

    6:00 How and why to put it all out there and be vulnerable with others

    9:15 4 Steps to finding Forgiveness- HOPE

    10:35 Step 1: Hark back, recall the memory of the past as an observer

    12:15 How our bodies and minds suppress fear and pain from the past

    14:00 Different techniques to bring forth suppressed memories from the past so we can process and release them

    16:55 How to center yourself around the memory through meditation

    18:25 DMT's role in bringing forth suppressed memories

    21:00 Natalie's first experience with domestic violence and her dark closet

    23:00 Everybody has a dark closet and a traumatic event

    25:30 Climbing up our mountains and releasing past versions of ourselves

    27:00 Our goal on this Earth before we pass is to find love for ourselves, because when we find love, we can share that, and then other people can find their own love and they can forgive and find freedom. 

    27:40 Step 2: Open our hearts and feel the emotion associated with the traumatic event. 

    28:40 Unless you can understand what those emotions are, you can't release them. 

    29:30 Step 3: Proclaiming forgiveness isn't for anybody except you. 

    33:45 Step 4: Experience the freedom and release the emotions of the past. 

    35:00 Physical benefits of forgiveness 

    40:00 Research behind the physical benefits of meditation

    44:30 Research supporting alternatives to traditional forms of mental health treatment

    47:45 Natalie's experience during her Ayahuasca ceremony at Rythmia Life Advancement Center

    56:00 Conclusion















    May I Be Heard
    enDecember 21, 2023

    How to Reclaim Your Happiness, Time, and Wellbeing with Meredith Killingsworth

    How to Reclaim Your Happiness, Time, and Wellbeing with Meredith Killingsworth

    Have you ever wondered what a life-coach actually does and why so many people are using them nowadays? Me too! Until I worked with one. On this episode I discuss my journey through life-coaching with my coach, Meredith Killingsworth. Meredith and I discuss how she helps people reclaim their happiness, time and wellbeing. 


    :30 Introduction

    2:20 Meredith's background

    3:25 When Meredith began to rediscover herself after kids

    6:30 How Meredith's life-coaching journey began

    10:30 When Meredith knew she wanted to help people through life-coaching

    11:45 The 1st step in Meredith's life-coaching program

    13:40 How life-coaching helped me the most

    15:00 Why you should challenge yourself

    16:10 Feeling fear and doing it anyway

    18:00 Becoming aware of your thoughts

    20:00 Boundaries

    24:30 The biggest obstacle people face when trying to change

    25:45 Getting around women who expand you and challenge your thinking

    29:15 Inviting the right people's opinion in

    30:50 Trusting your own intuition

    31:45 Why you must get into action

    35:00 Getting through difficult seasons

    36:30 Real-life application of life-coaching

    First Solo Episode- Things You Should Know About Me!

    First Solo Episode- Things You Should Know About Me!

    TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains topics such as eating disorders and substance abuse.

    DISCLAIMER: You should always consult a licensed physician or therapist if you are struggling with any of these issues. This is not medical advice and is based solely on my own experiences. 

    :30 Introduction

    1:20 Introvert vs. Extrovert

    3:30 My family background- Parent’s divorce   

    8:00 My dream- I want to be interviewed by Oprah.

    8:30 Staying small because of what other people will think or say

    9:00 Takeaway: Allow yourselves to dream big dreams and be brave enough to tell other people what your dreams are

    10:30 History with eating disorder

    11:15 Factors contributing to eating disorder

    13:00 Therapy harm

    14:00 Recovering from eating disorder

    16:00 Still struggling with body-image issues

    16:45 History with alcoholism and drug addiction

    18:30 How I got sober

    20:00 Florida Bar troubles

    21:30 Mental health

    24:00 My family life

    25:15 Realizing I wanted to marry Kane

    26:00 Getting pregnant

    27:15 Enjoying my marriage

    28:00 Enjoying my kids

    28:30 Wrap-up

    29:10 Next episode: Meredith Killingsworth

    Living A Life Of Your Dreams with Alexis Smith-Frady

    Living A Life Of Your Dreams with Alexis Smith-Frady

    You know that one friend you have who you call when you have a crazy idea you just have to share with someone who won't judge you? An idea like writing a book or quitting your day job. For me, that person is Alexis Smith-Frady. As an entrepreneur, actress, mother of 3, wife, and real estate agent, Alexis does it all and she does so unapologetically. 

    Enjoy this in-depth interview on how Alexis started chasing her dreams and why you should chase yours too. 

    Click Here to Connect with Alexis!

    Visit Alexis' Instagram!

    Intro :30-4:30

    4:30 Alexis’ background and family of origin

    6:30 Recognizing the theme in your life and why you are the way you are

    8:00 Alexis’ first dream and how that went

    13:35 Dictating your own path

    13:50 Reassessing your path

    15:00 Looking inside to determine your path

    18:00 Alexis’ acting career

    21:30 Having an “and life”, not an “or life”

    23:45 Climbing the ladder to your dreams

    24:45 The perfectionism trap and fear of failure

    27:15 Steering our kids away from perfectionism

    28:40 Why you should stop comparing yourself to others

    32:00 How and why you should envision what you want

    33:30 Learning when things don’t work out the way we thought they would

    34:30 Advice for those who have lost themselves

    Prioritizing Rest with Jamie O'Neill, R.N.

    Prioritizing Rest with Jamie O'Neill, R.N.

    In a culture where "the grind" and "the hustle" are encouraged and rewarded, how do we give ourselves permission to slow down and rest? Jamie O'Neill, a Registered Nurse, Mother, and Spiritual Advisor, discusses how and why we must prioritize rest in order to optimize our mind, body, and soul. 


    1:00 Intro

    3:55 Jamie's background and personal experience with the need for rest 

    6:30 Finding rest in motherhood

    8:00 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

    10:00 Rest and meditation

    13:30 Sleep and decision-making

    15:00 Achievement culture and kids

    17:00 Examining your motives

    20:00 Resting in who you are

    22:00 Behaviorally-induced insufficient sleep syndrome

    22:45 Encouraging others to rest 

    23:15 Statistics and facts about sleep 

    24:30 My experience with needing rest

    26:00 How to create space in your life for rest

    28:00 Conclusion



    Speaking With Purpose with Jennifer Fury, Esq.

    Speaking With Purpose with Jennifer Fury, Esq.

    A beautiful interview with Attorney Jennifer Fury, of FuryLaw, on speaking from the heart. Throughout her 26 year career as a criminal defense attorney, Jennifer has honed the craft of persuasive speaking. In this episode, she shares what is behind everything she says and tips and insights from her journey to becoming an effective speaker in every aspect of her life. 

    Jennifer Fury, Esq., 941-900-9153, jlfurylaw@gmail.com

    433 8th Ave W
    Palmetto, FL 34221-5119




    3:45 Jennifer's legal background

    6:05 Name of the podcast

    7:30 Jennifer's family of origin

    8:30 What do you think and how did you arrive there? 

    10:30 You must provide space for others to share their opinions too- we learn from other people

    11:30 Less fear and more caution when saying hard things to people or about people or circumstances

    12:30 What am I trying to achieve here? Be mindful about how you do that

    14:00 Think before you speak- put yourself in the person's position

    17:00 Being different vs. being true

    19:00 Encouraging your children to be honest with you by being honest with them

    21:30 If you teach your children what to think they will have no idea how to defend ther position; you must teach them how to think

    24:00 Being who you are 

    26:00 Loving your child exactly the way they are

    28:30 Getting people to agree with your position

    30:50 If it has purpose and it speaks to your heart, then it's worth saying. If it doesn't, then you're just saying words

    31:00 Starting her own business

    33:30 Women speaking up- times are changing