
    Me to We Talk Podcast

    🎧 Listen to the Me to We Talk Podcast! Join us as we discuss all things dating and marriage! Gain dating advice to drive your relationship towards marriage! Fun, relatable daily tips to keep your relationships on its toes! Nothing is off limits! Our goal is to help relationships move from Me to We through dating, engagement and marriage...one couple at a time. We promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...So Help Me God! Text "MetoWe" to 22828 to SUBSCRIBE to be a part of our TRIBE!
    en-usMe to We Talk Podcast142 Episodes

    Episodes (142)

    Things Are Looking Up! Me to We Talk Podcast- Episode 142

    Things Are Looking Up! Me to We Talk Podcast- Episode 142

    If I told you to look up, what would you be looking for? Would you be checking for the sun, stars, or the moon? Or would you look up to see what your Father was saying to you?  We are in turbulent times, the signs are all around us, and we see them every day on the news (wars, famine, death, earthquakes, etc.). God is trying to tell us something! The GREAT news is we know how this ends for those who love God! Things are looking up!  

    Luke 21:28 King James Version

    28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

    Join the Me to We Talk podcast as we look up together and discuss exactly what is going on in the world, and what God is saying to us all.

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    Does your Fire…Work? Episode #141 - Me to We Talk Podcast

    Does your Fire…Work? Episode #141 - Me to We Talk Podcast

    Happy Fourth of July!!  It's something about this day that brings out the kid in all of us!  Just as fireworks go off around the U.S., so do fireworks in your relationship. Are there fireworks in your relationship or do you find there is only Fire…no works? 

    Does your anger ignite just like a firecracker until your temper explodes?  Or does your fire have a slow burn.  How do you handle anger in marriage? Let’s discuss managing your temper and understanding long and short fuse responses.  

    Join the Me To We Talk Podcast as we discuss the fire that burns within your relationships, and how we need to fan the flame in some instances but not to the point where the fire consumes us. 

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    Joint or Separate?? Me to We Talk Podcast- Episode # 140

    Joint or Separate??  Me to We Talk Podcast- Episode # 140

    In marriage, do we really have to share everything? What if that doesn’t work for you? What if it does? What if you don’t want to?  Does not having a joint account make you less married?

    Traditionally, couples have been taught to keep their money in a joint bank account. But what if a newlywed couple decides to have separate accounts and come together to pay the bills. Who’s to say it won’t work!

    Join Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins on the Me to We Talk Podcast as we get to the bottom of this discussion.  And ask ourselves if we’re married or thinking about marriage, should everything automatically be joint?  Check out this weeks episode to see if this discussion will break the bank! 

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    You Only Get One! Episode 139

    You Only Get One! Episode 139

    That’s right, you only get one! Couples, friends, and family you only get one mother! Now, you may not like her all the time, you may not agree with her all the time, but she is still your mother!

    In today’s episode, we will list ways for you to forgive your mother, give honor to your mother, mourn your mother and appreciate your mother, the way GOD intended! 

    Listen in as elders, Conell and Rhonda Hollins appreciate all the single mothers, grandmothers and caregivers that have stood in as mother for you. You don’t want to miss this hilarious yet poignant take on why moms rule the world! Thank you God for all the mothers in this world! 

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    A Real Man Opens More Than Just Doors! Episode 138

    A Real Man Opens More Than Just Doors! Episode 138

    I take it upon myself as a husband to make sure that I always hold the door open for my wife, because chivalry isn’t dead. My children; my three little boys see this and because of my example they will hold the door open for anyone in need, especially their mother.  So as a father I feel I’m doing something right. But as a man we should be doing more than just opening doors.  We should be opening our Bibles, and continuously praying for our family, friends, love ones and leaders. Listen in and find out what it means to be a real man. 

    One that can open the doors to God’s never ending blessings that no man can ever shut!

    Join the Me to We Talk Podcast as we discuss this topic and more.

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    Do You “Know” Me? Episode # 137

    Do You “Know” Me?  Episode # 137

    Can I be my authentic self?  Do you really know me?  Will I be judged, will I be an outcast, or will I be cancelled if I make a misstep.  In a “real” marriage you don’t have to filter yourself until only the best version of yourself is available.  Real marriage loves the “ugly parts”. 

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    Friends of the Opposite Sex- Episode 136

    Friends of the Opposite Sex- Episode 136

    When is it ok for your spouse to have friends of the opposite sex? Or is it never ok? Or are you like me, and say “ No new friends!” Join the Me to We Talk podcast as we discuss this very topic. 

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    Is Love Blind? Episode 135

    Is Love Blind? Episode 135

    Is love really blind or can love see? What happens if love can see?  What are the consequences if the ones we love we can’t get past their faults, their frailties and their weaknesses?  God is made perfect in our weakness!  That is why we LOVE God whom we can’t see!  Join the Me To We Talk Podcast as we discuss and investigate this question, how blind love really is or are we looking at love from the wrong view point? 

    Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiants, Relationship experts, and Marital truth coaches help you learn if Love is Blind? Or are we seeing things the right way.

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    Make It Make Sense! Episode # 134

    Make It Make Sense! Episode # 134

    The Urban Dictionary defines “Make It Make Sense” as using the common sense you were born with and not being delusional. So when someone tries to make something so impossible make sense, it’s up to you to decide if your going to believe them. 

    The saying goes " Who are you going to believe me or your lying eye's".  Join the Me to We Talk Podcast as we try to make it all make sense when, none of it does!

    Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiants, Relationship experts, and Marital truth coaches help you learn how to Make it Make Senses when nothing adds up!

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    A Come to Jesus Moment! Episode #133

    A Come to Jesus Moment! Episode #133

    A come to Jesus moment is defined as, a moment of sudden realization, comprehension or recognition that often precipitates a major change. In other words, will you place your faith in Him?  Are you willing to change and face the music of where you really are with God…or will you continue to to think you can do it all by yourself?

    We encourage you to look at the signs of the times. No one knows the day or the hour of His return but we can see by the season…

    Luke 21:28

    King James Version

    28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

    Join the Me to We Talk Podcast as we discuss those Come to Jesus Moments, and how you need to have an ear to hear what He is trying to say to you!

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    Trauma Dumping Episode 132

    Trauma Dumping Episode 132

    When your first get to know someone when is it ok, to fully open up and tell them all about yourself? Do you wait 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, or simply just give it time? What if your concept of time is giving it all to the other person in one day!? The good, the bad, and everything in between…Is that too much, too soon?!  The key is permission.  Did you ask?  Did they ask to know everything all at once? Dumping everything on a newfound romance all at once can be a little much to someone you say you love.  In fact, it can be detrimental to a budding romance.  Join the Me to We Talk Podcast as we discuss “Trauma Dumping” and how it can have an effect on the dumpee.

    Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiants, Relationship experts, and Marital truth coaches help you figure out how to effectively release the Trauma Dumping you may experience in relationships.

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    Are You Ready For Love? Episode # 131

    Are You Ready For Love?  Episode # 131

    How do you know your Ready for Love? How do you know the love your receiving is exactly what you need and want? Join the Me To We Talk Podcast as we figure out " If your Ready for Love!"

    Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiants, Relationship experts and Marital truth coaches help you figure out how you know if your Ready for Love

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    Get Over Yourself, It's Not All About You! Episode #130

    Get Over Yourself, It's Not All About You! Episode #130

    Has anyone ever told you that sometimes, you only think about yourself, so much so that they need to tell you to get over yourself.  Join the ME To We Talk Podcast as we discuss how it's not all about you.   Galatians 5:13  You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.  

    Join the Me to We  Podcast as we discuss how sometimes you have to get out of your own way, and realize it's not all about you.

    Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiants, Relationship experts and Marital truth coaches help you figure out how to Get Over Yourself, because It's Not All About You!

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    Make Bad Things Better and Good Things Great! Episode # 129

    Make Bad Things Better and Good Things Great! Episode # 129

    Have you ever heard the saying that your attitude determines your altitude? Well, that saying is SO true!  Remember, you have the power to determine your own outcome by simply thinking yourself happy. 

    Join the Me to We  Podcast as we discuss how you have the power to make bad things better and good things great!

    Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiants, Relationship experts and Marital truth coaches help you figure out how to Make Bad Things Better and Good Thing Great!

    Download, Share and Subscribe today! Don’t forget to hit the notification button to hear future episodes! Support the show (http://paypal.me/metowetalk) Support the show

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    Sleep On It! Episode #128

    Sleep On It!  Episode #128

    Have you ever wondered why God designed us to rest? Maybe so we can think before we act.  Rest is so important to your relationship, in fact it is vital that you both get shut eye before you make a decision that you both regret!  Do you know how many relationships break up because someone moved off of impulse, to soon and too quick?  We encourage you to reflect before you react then take a nap!

    Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiant’s, Relationship experts and Marital truth coaches help you figure out why you may be sick and tired…it may be for all the wrong reasons.  Now go sleep on it!

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    Me to We Talk Podcast
    en-usJuly 22, 2022

    Believe What You Want To Believe! Episode # 127

    Believe What You Want To Believe! Episode # 127

    Why is it that I must say I'm telling you the truth before you choose to believe me?  Why is it easier for some to lean into the worst part of others to find comfort in someone else’s downfall?  What if you have no justification…just fear to go off of?  Or sometimes you just choose to believe what you want to believe because it's more convenient and it supports your own conclusions.  Join the Me To We Talk Podcast as we discuss how rumors can become truth and how we as people sometimes choose to believe what we want to believe.

    Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiant’s, Relationship experts and Marital truth coaches help you figure out why you choose to believe what you want to believe…sometimes over the truth!

    Download, Share and Subscribe today! Don’t forget to hit the notification button to hear future episodes! Support the show (http://paypal.me/metowetalk) Support the showSupport the show

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    Are WE There Yet?! Episode # 126

    Are WE There Yet?! Episode # 126

    Why aren’t we there yet? Shouldn’t our relationship be there yet? Why aren’t we progressing at the same pace as everyone else? In marriage and in dating if you don’t know where you stand with your loved one…well there’s the first problem. Ask God what you should do…use your GPS (God positioning system) to discern through the Lord what’s the next best step for your relationship.  If you don’t like where your relationship is, God doesn’t like it either! Step up and stop asking, “are we there yet?” and get there!

    Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiant’s, Relationship experts and Marital truth coaches help you figure out Are We There Yet!

    Download, Share and Subscribe today! Don’t forget to hit the notification button to hear future episodes! Support the show (http://paypal.me/metowetalk) Support the show

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    Fear Has Killed More Dreams Than Failure Ever Has! Episode125

    Fear Has Killed More Dreams Than Failure Ever Has! Episode125

    The old saying goes, “That there’s nothing to fear but fear it’s self”.  Isaiah 35:4 says “Be strong, do not fear, your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come and save you.” So if we know who God is, and what he can do. Then why is it so hard for us let go of  fear and let God do what he does best! Nothing beats failure, but a person who didn't even try (due to fear)!

    Join the Me to We Talk Podcast as we ask ourselves why do some people kill there own dreams due to fear of the unknown?  Listen in as Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins, Marriage officiants, Relationship experts, and Marital truth coaches help you learn how to overcome your fears! God wants you to WIN! 

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    Spring Cleaning Episode 124

    Spring Cleaning Episode 124

    We’re Baaaaaack!  Hello Family, Thank You for sticking with us and we're glad to be back!   But this time…some things can’t come back with us!!!  It’s time to clean up around here!  Some relationships have been collecting dust while others have a new shine to it! Are you ready to join Elders Conell & Rhonda Hollins for some Spring cleaning?! Of course you are!  

    Join the Me to We Talk Podcast as we discuss Spring Cleaning. It's more than okay to ask God for clarity when it comes to removing some old garments from your closet then start putting on the full armor of God instead! 

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    Betrayed By A Kiss Episode # 123

    Betrayed By A Kiss Episode # 123

    In the Bible, Mark 14:43 refers to Jesus being betrayed by Judas with a kiss. This betrayal is unthinkable, unimaginable and it hurts the most because it’s by someone so close to Him! So how do you reconcile yourself to marriage when someone so close to you meaning your spouse can betray you with a kiss?  Join the Me To We Talk Podcast as we discuss the five pitfalls that can lead to the deepest betrayal by the ones we love the most.

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