
    Media Savvy Moms

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents to talk to their kids and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. Join in along with guest experts for open conversations covering topics of prevention, communication, sexual exploitation, addiction, healing, and more! We are here to encourage and guide parents through the challenges of raising kids in a media-saturated world. For complete show notes, visit parentsaware.info
    enMedia Savvy Moms100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    [4-10] One Mom’s Mission to Help You Untangle The Tech with Your Teen

    [4-10] One Mom’s Mission to Help You Untangle The Tech with Your Teen

    Tell me if this sounds familiar? You love your kids, you love technology, but when they're together, you’re terrified of both. Ok, terrified might be too strong a word. But, when you stop and think about it, there’s just so much that can go wrong with kids and tech. Yet we live in a digital age. We're all on screens—for homework, entertainment, and everything in between. To survive emotionally, while raising kids in this media-saturated world, we gotta figure out how to untangle the tech, and fast! 

    In this episode, I speak with Andrea Davis. Andrea is the mom of five children, aged 17 and younger. She’s also the founder of Better Screen Time, an incredible organization helping parents worry less about tech, and connect more with their kids. Today we’re focusing on teens.

    For complete show notes, visit www.ParentsAware.info

    Media Savvy Moms
    enMay 20, 2022

    [4-9] The Art and Science of Talking to Teens About Pornography

    [4-9] The Art and Science of Talking to Teens About Pornography
    With the ease of access to today’s online pornography, it makes sense to have open, honest conversations with children from an early age. That’s the ideal. But it’s not often how it goes, right? In fact, you may have a teen already—and you’re just starting to think about how to broach this sensitive topic. You’re not alone. My guess is you want to know how to break the ice in a way that doesn’t feel awkward. You want to know the art and science of talking to teens about pornography!

    In this episode, I speak with Gabe Deem, international speaker and creator of Reboot Nation—a free online recovery community that’s helped thousands of individuals overcome problems related to compulsive porn use. Gabe takes a non-shaming, fact-based approach to this important conversation. 

    For complete show notes, visit www.ParentsAware.info

    Media Savvy Moms
    enApril 27, 2022

    [4-8] Unrestricted Internet for Kids is Like Asking Little League to Compete Against Pros

    [4-8] Unrestricted Internet for Kids is Like Asking Little League to Compete Against Pros

    Imagine your child’s little league team facing off against top NFL players. Ridiculous, right? A mismatch in every sense of the word. We would never allow it. It’s dangerous. It’s reckless. Our children would get hammered. They might never recover. Yet every day, children and teens enter an arena with just as many odds stacked against them. Unrestricted internet for kids is like asking Little League to compete against the Pros.

    I’ve got a sports analogy for you today. I’m using my son’s experience of playing organized football for the first time to highlight the disadvantage children and young teens have as they try to navigate an internet that was not designed for their safety. But here’s the thing. With the right coaching and practice routine, this is a game we can win!  

     For complete show notes, visit www.ParentsAware.info

    Media Savvy Moms
    enApril 13, 2022

    [4-7] The Secret to Building Safer Screen Habits With Little Ones

    [4-7] The Secret to Building Safer Screen Habits With Little Ones

    Ever tried to distract a restless child in a grocery store, doctors' office, or while traveling? Portable screens can feel like a magical pacifying gift, right? But what if they become the norm? Are there long-term implications? Does excessive screen time affect child development? Or are we just letting the guilt and fear get the better of us? It seems that tech is here to stay. So let’s discuss a savvy way to build safer screen habits with our little ones.

    In this episode, I speak with Penny Marenge, the creator of Screens n Kids, an online platform with a mission to preserve the Early Years. Penny comes to the conversation with a wealth of knowledge she’s gathered as a mental health nurse practitioner and mother of two pre-school-age children. 

    For complete show notes, visit www.ParentsAware.info

    Media Savvy Moms
    enMarch 30, 2022

    [4-6] Empowering middle-schoolers to make safer media decisions

    [4-6] Empowering middle-schoolers to make safer media decisions

    Ever have trouble motivating your young teen to follow the family rules around tech and screens? Kids this age still need lots of love, guidance, and direction. Yet, they’re naturally prone to push boundaries and gravitate toward peer influence. That can feel scary for us moms and dads. But following their peers is not ALWAYS a bad thing. Especially if we can get our youth to mentor each other in a positive way. Imagine! Middle-schoolers empowering middle schoolers to make safer media decisions.

    For complete show notes, visit www.ParentsAware.info

    Media Savvy Moms
    enMarch 16, 2022

    [4-5] New Bill Aims to Protect Minors from Exposure to Pornography

    [4-5] New Bill Aims to Protect Minors from Exposure to Pornography

    You try everything in your power to protect your kids from online pornography. Yet, you know it’s probably not enough. You’re swimming against a raging current. The content coming at kids is relentless. Exposure seems inevitable. At some point, we have to say enough! Governments across the globe must act. We need real legislation that can protect minors from the constant threat of exposure to pornography

    In this episode, I speak with Canadian Senator Julie Miville-Dechêne who has proposed new legislation with bill S-210 An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material. If passed, pornographic websites would be required to implement meaningful age verification processes or face significant fines.  

     For complete show notes, visit www.ParentsAware.info

    Media Savvy Moms
    enMarch 03, 2022

    [4-4] Want to Trust Your Teen Online? 3 Ways to Model Honesty

    [4-4] Want to Trust Your Teen Online? 3 Ways to Model Honesty

    Let's talk, trust and honesty. Thinking about all the things that could go wrong for kids is going to stir up some big worries. Yet, kids are online every day. Whether they’re on a smartphone, tablet, gaming console, or school-issued laptop, we want to trust that they will be safe. That our child or teen will make smart decisions online. The best way to arrive at that trust is to model honesty in our own communication.

    For complete show notes, visit www.ParentsAware.info

    Media Savvy Moms
    enFebruary 17, 2022

    [4-3] Protect Children NOT Porn: A Rallying Cry for Online Age Verification

    [4-3] Protect Children NOT Porn: A Rallying Cry for Online Age Verification

    What makes you most angry, upset, or frustrated about parenting in the digital age. Think about it and make a mental checklist. Next, shift your focus to what in this world is most worth protecting? Finally, imagine if the internet would protect children not porn? What if you could help? 

    In this episode, I talk with Helen Taylor the Vice President of Impact for Exodus Cry an organization committed to abolishing sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Helen helps us understand the intersection between pornography and sex trafficking. As well, she shares a simple action we can take to make the internet a safer place, not just our children, but all children, everywhere.

    For complete show notes, visit ParentsAware.info

    Media Savvy Moms
    enFebruary 02, 2022

    [4-2] Dear Savvy: Is it worth starting the conversation with an older teen?

    [4-2] Dear Savvy: Is it worth starting the conversation with an older teen?

    We often try to wait for the perfect moment or the right age to talk to our kids about pornography and other tricky topics. Then, in a blink, our kids have grown up. The perfect moment never arrived. What do we do then? Are we too late? Is it worth starting the conversation with an older teen? 

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, click here

    Media Savvy Moms
    enJanuary 19, 2022

    [4-1] Establishing Direction in a Media-Saturated World

    [4-1] Establishing Direction in a Media-Saturated World

    Ever made what you thought was a great resolution only to be defeated before you start? Yup, you and me both. So what do we do to build safer screen habits? How do we resolve to improve knowing full well we’re going to face challenges, obstacles, and maybe even failures right at the outset? It comes down to establishing direction.

    Keep in mind that this is a journey. And every good journey requires a navigation tool. Something to move you in the right direction—like a compass or a map. Building safer screen habits isn't about passing or failing, winning or losing. It’s about able to recenter when you get off track. It’s about moving ever forward in the direction that you want to go.

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.


    Media Savvy Moms
    enJanuary 05, 2022

    [3-40] Decoding boys and Their Journey Through Puberty

    [3-40] Decoding boys and Their Journey Through Puberty

    I’ve said it a gajillion times. I’ll say it again. Our kids are waiting for us to start this conversation! But what if we get mixed signals in return? Like slammed doors. Or a son who suddenly grunts most of his words. What then? Is there a different approach for boys than girls? And how does a boy’s journey through puberty impact their response to pornography? 

    In this episode, I am talking to Cara Natterson, MD, a pediatrician, consultant, and New York Times, bestselling author. She’s written numerous books on parenting and puberty. Her latest work, Decoding Boys: New Science Behind the Subtle Art of Raising Sons, is the inspiration for today’s discussion.  

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enDecember 08, 2021

    [3-39] I Don’t Think I Can Tell My Parents About This

    [3-39] I Don’t Think I Can Tell My Parents About This

    I’ve heard it both ways. Either “I could never tell my parents” or “telling my parents was the best thing I ever did.” Sometimes from the same kid! The truth is, it’s often when our kids need us the most that they retreat and distance themselves from help.

    Think about it. If it’s hard for us to talk to our kids about pornography, imagine how they must feel if they’ve been struggling with it. In this episode, I invite parents to listen while I speak directly to tweens and teens. I give them advice on how to understand their parents’ reactions. But more importantly, why their parents can be trusted to help with any challenge they face.

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enDecember 01, 2021

    [3-38] Helping boys build identity and self-worth free from pornography

    [3-38] Helping boys build identity and self-worth free from pornography

    Porn is a health issue that impacts EVERYONE—women and men, girls, and boys. Still, the statistics are clear that boys consume porn more frequently and earlier than girls. So while we work hard to dispel the myth that “only boys struggle” we certainly don’t want to minimize or dismiss their specific challenges. What do they need? How can we reach them? And how can we help boys build identity and self-worth free from pornography?

    In this episode, I talk with Sathiya Sam, the creator of DeepCleanTM, an addiction recovery program for men. Sathiya knows firsthand how early exposure can negatively impact a boy’s sexual development. He was just 11 years old when a friend showed him pornography in the computer lab at their school. We talk about his initial reaction. And how, in the absence of another. framework, porn continued to shape his ideas about sex throughout adolescence.

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enNovember 24, 2021

    [3-37] Dear Savvy: How can I avoid scarring or scaring my child with too much information?

    [3-37] Dear Savvy: How can I avoid scarring or scaring my child with too much information?

    TMI, too much information. It’s a real thing. And it can present real challenges when talking to kids about pornography. How do we balance the desire to protect children while preparing them with the information they need? 

    This episode is part of our #DearSavvy series. Sometimes you just want a quick answer to a burning question. These shorter episodes are designed to give you just that. Tune in to the podcast to hear the whole scoop, and check out the show notes for helpful tools and information. If you’d like to submit a question, click here to Contact Us

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enNovember 17, 2021

    [3-36] Managing Media and Tech with Multiple Ages Under One Roof

    [3-36] Managing Media and Tech with Multiple Ages Under One Roof

    It's tricky enough managing media and screens with one child, right? What do you do when you have a whole crew of kids? A lot of well-meaning parenting advice tends to gloss over the reality that most families are navigating multiple ages and stages of development simultaneously. How do you shelter the youngest while giving your older children the autonomy they need?

    This week I am excited to chat with Candance Larson, mother of eight children and host of the Thriving with 8 Podcast. Candace is an advocate for recognizing motherhood as the best profession in the world and is also very passionate about educating on media safety and technology. 

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enNovember 10, 2021

    [3-35] Ready, Set, Get Off the Fence: Talking to Kids About Pornography

    [3-35] Ready, Set, Get Off the Fence: Talking to Kids About Pornography

    Time and again, the same questions come up. When should I talk to my kids? How do I get started? Won’t I make them more curious? Almost every parent feels this, I think. This is why I am excited to announce that Get Off the Fence is finally available! This course is a guided method to help parents move from feeling anxious to confidently talking to their child or teen about pornography. Ready to get started? 

    In this episode, I’ll explain exactly what I mean when I say get off the fence, what the fence is, how to take that first step, and what to do when you feel stuck.

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enNovember 03, 2021

    [3-34] What it Takes to Realize a City Free From Porn

    [3-34] What it Takes to Realize a City Free From Porn

    Think about your city. Then think about the children that live there. What are their needs? What are their wants? What is their cry? Once we start asking the right questions, that’s when we start to get answers—solutions. For one woman the solution was to collaborate with her mayor and launch the City Free From Porn campaign. 

    This week, I am thrilled to have Letitia Shelton return to the podcast. You may remember, I spoke with her in season two about instilling value, beauty, and purpose in girls (Ep. #2-9). Back then we briefly talked about the City Free From Porn campaign. This year she’s taken it to a new level and it deserves our full attention. 

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enOctober 27, 2021

    [3-33] Ready to Start Bold, Brave Conversations with Your Kids?

    [3-33] Ready to Start Bold, Brave Conversations with Your Kids?

    When it comes to talking to kids about pornography, what’s better, boldness or bravery? The answer is YES! With a topic that takes most of us far outside our comfort zone, we need to gather all the strength we can muster. 

    A phrase I often repeat is: be bold, be brave, be honest. I believe these are the secret sauce ingredients to building, not just our own confidence around tricky topics like pornography, but also in opening the doors and getting our kids to engage in the conversation. All three are necessary. Today, we’ll focus on the first two.

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enOctober 20, 2021

    [3-32] 5 Tips to Ensure A Safer Sleepover Experience

    [3-32] 5 Tips to Ensure A Safer Sleepover Experience

    Did you grow up going to sleepovers? Do you have fond memories? Best friends, hanging out all night? Are you eager to carry on the tradition? Or would you rather it disappear altogether? What about the risks? Are they greater in the digital age? Or is there any way to ensure a safer sleepover experience?

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enOctober 07, 2021

    [3-31] Healthy (Not Awkward) Sex Talks with Children and Teens

    [3-31] Healthy (Not Awkward) Sex Talks with Children and Teens

    The sex talk has gotten a bad rap for decades. Awkward. Uncomfortable. Embarrassing. Does it have to be that way? Not at all. Many of our preconceptions about sex talks with children and teens are actually false. If we want to help our kids understand the harms of pornography, the truth is, we have to start with healthy and positive conversations about sex. Let’s find out how. 

    In this episode, I am joined by Natasja Visser, the creator of Let’SEXplain, a program designed to help parents and teens talk openly about sex. Natasja’s approach is down-to-earth and inviting. With all her amazing practical tips I dare you to listen and not want to talk to your kids. Actually, that’s silly. Just go talk to your kids! Natasja makes it easy!

    Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.

    Media Savvy Moms
    enSeptember 29, 2021