
    MedicalMissions.com Podcast

    Resources for students, residents, and healthcare professionals who want to learn more about healthcare missions. Includes sessions from the Global Missions Health Conference.
    en996 Episodes

    Episodes (996)

    Training Nurses and Other Healthcare Workers to Serve Cross-Culturally on Short-Term Missions

    Training Nurses and Other Healthcare Workers to Serve Cross-Culturally on Short-Term Missions

    Cultures around the world have differing worldviews, practices, and behaviors related to health, disease, healing, suffering, death, and dying. According to scripture, humility is an attitude believers need to adopt, especially when working cross-culturally, “Clothe yourselves in humility (1 Pet. 5:5). Training nurses and other healthcare workers to use cultural humility allows believers to approach another person with openness, compassion, and the love of Jesus. When believers take the time to appreciate other cultures and beliefs, bridges to the gospel will be built. This session will focus on best practices for serving on missions, ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and strategies for approaching other cultures with compassion and His love.

    Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #2 at 10:00 AM EST ; speaker: Rebecca Meyer

    Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/training-nurses-and-other-healthcare-workers-to-serve-cross-culturally-on-short-term-missions

    Honor Shame Dynamics: How to serve effectively

    Honor Shame Dynamics: How to serve effectively

    People interpret what we do based on their worldview. In Honor-Shame cultures, people might misinterpret and see in our actions merit making, proselytization or apostasy, however pure our motivation may be. We’ll look at honor-shame based worldviews, understand how and why people may misinterpret what we do, look at risks and practices to help show and share God’s love appropriately. We’ll use observations from relief and urban poor work in SE Asia to illustrate. Application is relevant both overseas or close to home when reaching out to neighbors from honor-shame contexts.

    Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #2 at 10:00 AM EST ; speaker: Alex Tee.

    Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/honor-shame-dynamics-how-to-serve-effectively

    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enFebruary 28, 2024

    Get Emotionally Healed: A training course

    Get Emotionally Healed: A training course

    Your emotional health matters as you join God in His work among the nations. Learn to apply biblical principles to experience emotional healing and minister to others. In this session you will walk away with 4 keys that will help you receive God's emotional healing.

    Session recorded on Thursday, November 9th during Session Block #1 at 3:45PM EST ; speaker: Francis Bukachi.

    Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/get-emotionally-healed-a-training-course

    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enFebruary 14, 2024

    Bridge Building for Christ’s Kingdom

    Bridge Building for Christ’s Kingdom

    There are tens of thousands of bridges all over the world. We cross them to get over to the other side. We often take them for granted and sometimes we marvel at them. The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus to take His Gospel into all the world is meant for everyone, without exception. But most believers hardly know where to start and how to effectively communicate His Truth with the lost. We can do so by building bridges to take the seeker across the abyss and into His light. It’s a whole lot easier than we think. And there are a myriad of ways to do so. In this session, we will learn how to establish a bridge in order to help expand our Lord’s Kingdom here and on earth.


    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enFebruary 07, 2024

    Five principles for creating long-term sustainable impact on short term mission trips

    Five principles for creating long-term sustainable impact on short term mission trips

    The Great Commission is a call for all Christ followers to make disciples wherever we are. So often, however, we think that this takes place on a short-term trip where we "do" a project for the national or indigenous people. Discipleship requires more time than what a short-term trip offers. We will consider how we might have a long-term impact even on a short-term trip by working with and not just for our indigenous brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Session recorded on Thursday, November 9th during Session Block #1 at 3:45PM EST ; speaker: Jaime Saint

    Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/five-principles-for-creating-long-term-sustainable-impact-on-short-term-mission-trips-2

    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enJanuary 31, 2024

    Making Psychopharmacology Easier in the Trenches - Yes, There’s an App for That!

    Making Psychopharmacology Easier in the Trenches - Yes, There’s an App for That!

    Take a journey exploring the epidemic level of mental health disorders that has made primary care the de facto mental health system globally. Hear how primary care clinicians can overcome the growing lack of access to mental and behavioral health specialty services. Discover how the Waco Guide to Psychopharmacology, a free, tangible, evidence-based, point-of-care tool providing high-quality mental and behavioral health care support, is helping busy primary care clinicians to make impactful treatment decisions.

    Session recorded on Thursday, November 9th during Session Block #1 at 3:45PM EST ; speaker: Carena Chai


    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enJanuary 24, 2024

    Making short-term global healthcare mission trips ethical, equitable and ecologically responsible

    Making short-term global healthcare mission trips ethical, equitable and ecologically responsible

    This session will discuss how short-term global healthcare mission trips can benefit medical students and residents, but also be beneficial to their global hosts. Ways to make these trips ethical, equitable and ecologically responsible will be presented.

    Mission and academic agencies are paying critical attention to “Global Healthcare Education” experiences. Short-term mission trips in a Christian context may meet this need. How can we make these experiences ethical, equitable, and ecologically responsible? This workshop will look at the ethics of taking teams from HIC to LMIC, the preparation and training required to make these trips valuable to the hosting site and visitors, who initiates the request, the expertise visitors bring, and what needs to be considered to leave something which is beneficial to the hosts.

    Session recorded on Thursday, November 9th during Session Block #1 at 3:45PM EST ; speakers: John Tarpley; James D. Smith; Maggie


    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enJanuary 17, 2024

    Team Conflicts: How to navigate and overcome challenges with team dynamics

    Team Conflicts: How to navigate and overcome challenges with team dynamics

    Team Dynamics in low resource, high demand, multi-cultural environments is challenging. We will discuss a wide range of coping skills including clear boundaries, sabbath and transparency. We will also discuss how to build team consensus and agreement on the foundational principles related to self-care in a healthcare missions environment. The creation and communication of personal and team boundaries will be discussed with practical application examples shared.


    Session recorded on Thursday, November 9th during Session Block #1 at 3:45PM EST ; speakers: Rick; Jim Ritchie

    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enJanuary 10, 2024

    Empowering Women through Short-Term Trips

    Empowering Women through Short-Term Trips

    Join us as we share our experiences in leading women on cross-cultural short-term trips. Hear about the techniques we have developed to help team members break down barriers, connect with other women, and effectively communication the love of God. This session will focus on the wholistic approach to training and equipping women for short-term trips and the impact they leave on others they meet. Properly preparing teams to minister to the whole person (Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual) helps create lasting changes on and off the field.

    Session recorded on Thursday, November 9th during Session Block #1 at 3:45PM EST; speaker: Pamella Bukachi and Sarah Boles


    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enJanuary 03, 2024

    Separating Progress from Hype in Medicine: Fragility, Flaws, & Fallacy in Scientific Evidence

    Separating Progress from Hype in Medicine: Fragility, Flaws, & Fallacy in Scientific Evidence

    Although new therapies are being discovered all the time (medical progress), current research shows that many of these advances are ultimately demonstrated to be false in subsequent studies. In order to understand which discoveries are likely to be true progress vs. mere hype, every clinician should understand these basic but surprising aspects of scientific evidence before recommending a new therapy for a patient. We will explore the concepts of the fragility (Fragility Index), flaws (Critical Appraisal), and fallacy (Ioannidis Equation) in this lecture.

    Session recorded on Thursday, November 9th, 2023 at Session Block 1 at 3:45pm EST; speaker: Burton Lee

    Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/separating-progress-from-hype-in-medicine-fragility-flaws-fallacy-in-scientific-evidence

    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enDecember 27, 2023

    Treatment of Parasitic Diseases

    Treatment of Parasitic Diseases

    This session will review common treatments for soil-transmitted helminths, Chagas disease, HAT, and leishmaniasis. Although these parasitic infections are often acquired outside of the United States, with a recent increase in immigrants and refugees entering the United States, more are being identified as patients present for medical care. The goal of this session is to educate providers and increase awareness of how to identify and treat these parasitic infections. The brief discussion of the treatment of each of these infections will include medications, dosing, side effects, and monitoring.

    Session recorded on Thursday, November 9th during Session Block #1 at 3:45PM EST ; speaker: Charles Mosler


    MedicalMissions.com Podcast
    enDecember 13, 2023

    And Then the End Will Come (Expanded)

    And Then the End Will Come (Expanded)

    We live in the most amazing days since Jesus walked the earth. The global church is sprinting toward the finish line of the 2000-year Great Commission race, and by God’s grace, our generation may be the one to finish it. In this session, Douglas Cobb of The Finishing Fund will explain the global effort to get the gospel for the first time to the world’s last few unengaged people groups and will present the amazing promise of Matthew 24:14 that the completion of the Great Commission will open the door to the return of Christ. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_douglascobb_andthentheend

    Managing Diarrheal Diseases in Children in under-resourced Communities

    Managing Diarrheal Diseases in Children in under-resourced Communities

    Globally, diarrheal disease is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in children under five years, accounting for over half a million deaths annually. Diarrhea arises mostly from contaminated food and water sources. Worldwide 2.5 billion people lack proper sanitation, and 780 million lack access to safe drinking water. Diarrhea contributes to the incidence of malnutrition in children as each episode deprives the child of optimal nutrition. In resource-poor communities, children under three years have about three episodes of diarrhea annually.

    Real-Life Struggles with Medical Ethics at the Mission Hospital

    Real-Life Struggles with Medical Ethics at the Mission Hospital

    Medical missionaries from Western industrialized nations frequently encounter ethically disturbing situations when providing care in the developing world. This may be due to generally-recognized ethical principles being largely influenced by Western realities, beliefs and values. Individuals in resource-limited settings may have very different views on the risks and benefits of medical care, widely disparate access to reliable treatment, and decision-making that emphasizes honoring the opinions of the group over those of the individual. After briefly reviewing some basic tenets of medical ethics, this session will work through a number of actual cases with the goal of finding potential ways forward in each.

    Human Trafficking in Children and Youth

    Human Trafficking in Children and Youth

    Trafficking in persons is one of the greatest violations against humankind. Human trafficking happens locally, nationally, and internationally; with all ages, ethnicities, socioeconomic levels and genders. While any person can be lured into exploitation, children have additional vulnerabilities due to their dependence on adults and developmental issues. This presentation seeks to address human trafficking in children and youth and how the healthcare provider can be integral in the prevention, identification, and intervention of human trafficking in this population.

    Caring for the Caregiver - A platform for the continuum of care for those in healthcare

    Caring for the Caregiver - A platform for the continuum of care for those in healthcare

    Every day healthcare workers face a lot of stressful and emotionally challenging situations at work. Moreover the long drawn pandemic has had its impact on healthcare workers. Numerous deaths, making difficult choices due to resource constraints and overstretched days are some of the challenges that have affected health workers mentally and emotionally. With daily work demands being constant many of them are left with these issues unresolved. How then can we care for our caregivers who support the health and quality of life of their patients and their relatives? This is a taster of a program that uses large group learnings, small group sharing, peer-to-peer interactions and role-plays. This session will also provide an overview of the program that provides healthcare teams a platform to address their unaddressed pain, and emotional as well as psychological hurts Using a structured and sustained approach the program provides the supportive environment, caring community and appropriate skills for the healing of healthcare workers and equips them to go on to become better careers in the workplace. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_mathewmulavelil_caringforthecaregiver

    Navigating the Unique Obstacles of Raising Kids in the Mission Field

    Navigating the Unique Obstacles of Raising Kids in the Mission Field

    How do we serve in the mission field without losing our kids? Third Culture Kids or Missionary Kids live a unique life experience that at its best can form amazing faith and character and at its worst, disillusionment and unbelief. The session will address how we can try to parent well, while living and growing up in Christian systems differentiating from what is Biblical and what is cultural.