
    Messages from the King

    Sermons from King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL - For more information, visit VisitKoK.com. #ConnectWithTheKing

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    Episodes (10)

    1.28.24 - Know Jesus, Know Joy: Know Whom You're Following (Mark 1:21-28)

    1.28.24 - Know Jesus, Know Joy: Know Whom You're Following (Mark 1:21-28)

    Authority is the power to determine what happens, the ability to give direction or even commands. Authority is limited. Authority is limited in duration. Parents have authority over their children until they grow up and move out. Authority is limited in scope. A governor has authority over the people of his state only, not the neighboring state. Authority is limited by levels. A manager has authority over employees unless the company owner—a higher authority—demotes him. Authority is limited in duration and scope. It is limited by higher levels of authority. 

    This week we see that there is one man—only one!—who has absolute authority. There is no one, not even the demons, who is outside his authority. As the Son of God there is no higher authority than Jesus. And his authority is everlasting. But here is the best part of this epiphany: Jesus graciously uses his absolute authority for our benefit and blessing. 

    The Bible reading for this message is Mark 1:21-28.

    Video for this message can be found here.

    This is the third in our Epiphany worship series: Know Jesus, Know Joy.

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    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!

    1.21.24 - Know Jesus, Know Joy: Motivated by Christ's Love (2 Corinthians 5:14-21)

    1.21.24 - Know Jesus, Know Joy: Motivated by Christ's Love (2 Corinthians 5:14-21)

    To whom does the work of salvation belong? Simple question. There is only one Savior. But this is how good Jesus is. So that our lives might have profound meaning and eternal purpose, he shares some of that work with us. He calls us not just to be followers, but to be follower-makers. Jesus asks some—prophets, apostles, pastors, missionaries, teachers—to do this full time. But ultimately Jesus asks all believers to serve as his ambassadors, sharing the gospel with whomever he brings into our sphere of influence. This lofty charge requires commitment—a willingness to abandon everything else should faithfulness require it. This is the life-changing revelation for this week. Jesus has committed us to a lofty charge: the privilege to play a role in his saving work.

    The Bible reading for this message is 2 Corinthians 5:14-21.

    Video for this message can be found here.

    This is the second in our Epiphany worship series: Know Jesus, Know Joy.

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    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!

    1.14.24 - Know Jesus, Know Joy: Baptized into a New Life in Christ (Romans 6:1-11)

    1.14.24 - Know Jesus, Know Joy: Baptized into a New Life in Christ (Romans 6:1-11)

    At his baptism in the Jordan River Jesus was publicly anointed with the Holy Spirit and designated by God the Father as his chosen Messiah. Thus, Jesus’ baptism was the beginning of his public ministry. Jesus’ baptism revealed that he was not just a nice guy who could make a sturdy table. He was God’s chosen servant, the one who had come to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Jesus is the one willing to stand in our place as our substitute and Savior.

    Jesus’ baptism reveals to us who he really is. Our own baptism does the same! Our baptism was the beginning of a new and better life—eternal life!—a gift graciously given to us by our truest friend. Jesus’ ministry and our eternity with him. It begins with baptism.

    The Bible reading for this message is Romans 6:1-11.

    Video for this message can be found here.

    This is the first in our Epiphany worship series: Know Jesus, Know Joy.

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    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!

    1.7.24 - Good News of Great Joy: The Light of the World Shines Brightly (Matthew 2:1-12)

    1.7.24 - Good News of Great Joy: The Light of the World Shines Brightly (Matthew 2:1-12)

    On Christmas Eve the angel told the shepherds, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10). One wonders if those words struck those Jewish shepherds as odd. For centuries, God had given special attention to one nation—Israel. There were Jewish religious leaders who taught that only members of that special people would be saved. Not according to the Christmas angel! The birth of the Savior was good news for all people.

    Today we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord. Epiphany comes from a Greek word meaning “reveal.” When the Savior was born, he was first revealed to Israelites: the shepherds, Simeon, Anna. But today, the Lord miraculously guides foreigners across countless miles, so the Savior could be revealed to them as well. How did the magi respond? “They were overjoyed” (Matthew 2:10). Epiphany is sometimes known as “The Gentiles’ Christmas.” We Gentiles (non-Jews) rejoice in the good news that this Jewish baby is not just the Savior of Jews. He is for all people—the Savior of the world.

    The Bible reading for this message is Matthew 2:1-12.

    Video for this message can be found here.

    This is the fourth in our Christmas worship series Good News of Great Joy.

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    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!

    12.31.23 - Good News of Great Joy: Sing a New Song in the New Year! (Luke 2:22-40)

    12.31.23 - Good News of Great Joy: Sing a New Song in the New Year! (Luke 2:22-40)

    On Christmas Eve a choir of angels sang, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace, goodwill toward mankind.” So, where is this peace on earth? Between nations? There are always wars going on somewhere. In our country? Disagreements have only grown more contentious, one group screaming angrily at another group. We might not even have perfect peace in our homes! So, what were the angels singing about?

    They were singing about peace between a holy God who hates sin and human beings who sin every day. Because of what Christ did as our Savior, there is no hostility between us and God, only peace and love. We have the peace of salvation in our hearts. As we draw near the end of life, like elderly Simeon or Anna, we have the peace of knowing of the glorious eternal life that is to come. As this peace with God fills our hearts, it moves us to live in peace with each other too.

    The Bible reading for this message is Luke 2:22-40.

    Video for this message can be found here.

    This is the third in our Christmas worship series Good News of Great Joy.

    Support the show

    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!

    12.10.23 - Confident in Christ Forever (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

    12.10.23 - Confident in Christ Forever (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

    We find lasting comfort in Jesus, who gives us confidence in his life, death, and resurrection. This message was preached for the Christian Victory Service of Garnet Haggerty on 10 December 2023 @ King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    The Bible reading for this message is 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

    Video of this worship service and message can be found here.

    Support the show

    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!

    12.10.23 - The King Shall Come: Expect the Unexpected (2 Peter 3:8-14)

    12.10.23 - The King Shall Come: Expect the Unexpected (2 Peter 3:8-14)

    Scriptures teach that King Jesus is the Son of God in flesh and the only hope for salvation. Jesus himself claimed that he is the only way into the glorious kingdom of heaven. You do not approach meeting someone like that casually or carelessly. You prepare meticulously. What does that mean? What does a life of readiness—ready to meet such a King—look like? In one word: repentance. If we insist on hanging onto our sins, how can we receive the One who came for the very purpose of taking those sins away?

    Throughout history, God has raised up called servants—like John the Baptizer—to preach a message of repentance. This repentance is central to our preparation for the Lord’s coming. Without repentance, the King’s coming only terrifies. But all those who believe and repent look forward to the coming of the King and the consummation of his everlasting kingdom.

    The Bible reading for this message is 2 Peter 3:8-14.

    Video for this message can be found here.

    This is the second in our Advent worship series The King Shall Come.

    Support the show

    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!

    12.17.23 - The King Shall Come: The King Comes to Give Gifts of Joy (Isaiah 61:1-3, 10-11)

    12.17.23 - The King Shall Come: The King Comes to Give Gifts of Joy (Isaiah 61:1-3, 10-11)

    The historic Christian Church gave Latin titles to each Sunday. They titled the Third Sunday in Advent “Gaudete,” which means “Rejoice!” As we reach the midway point of Advent, we remember that when the King shall come, he will bring us perfect and everlasting joy.

    Joy is not the same thing as happiness. Happiness is an emotion. Joyfulness is a condition. Happiness comes from your circumstances. Joyfulness comes from your King entering into your heart and assuring you of his abiding love and your glorious future. Therefore, happiness is fleeting. Joyfulness is enduring.

    The Bible reading for this message is Isaiah 61:1-3, 10-11.

    Video for this message can be found here.

    This is the third in our Advent worship series The King Shall Come.

    Support the show

    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!

    12.3.23 - The King Shall Come: Hosanna to the Coming King! (Mark 11:1-10)

    12.3.23 - The King Shall Come: Hosanna to the Coming King! (Mark 11:1-10)

    Rulers plan and administrate and govern. They typically do not save. If your house is on fire, it will not be the mayor who shows up to save you from the flames. If America were attacked, the President would serve as the commander in chief of the armed forces. The President would not pick up a weapon, go to the front lines, and fight to save you from the enemy.

    Jesus is different. He is both infinitely greater than all other rulers, yet also infinitely humbler. He does not consider it beneath his rank as King to risk his life for his subjects. He is willing to fight for us. He is willing to die for us. For King Jesus came into our world for one reason—to save us.

    The Bible reading for this message is Mark 11:1-10.

    Video for this message can be found here.

    This is the first in our Advent worship series The King Shall Come.

    Support the show

    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!

    11.26.23 - The Time in Between: What a Day It Will Be! (Matthew 25:31-46)

    11.26.23 - The Time in Between: What a Day It Will Be! (Matthew 25:31-46)

    Consider the Christian man whose body aches from both the cancer and the chemo. Look at that faithful old woman, back arched by time, fingers twisted by arthritis, eyes close to blindness. These believers may pray for death, precisely because they know that for the children of God, death is not the end of life. Death is the end of sorrow and pain. They yearn for the end of those things, and the beginning of their perfect eternity with Jesus.

    We have come to the end of the Church Year. It is time to talk about the end of this world on Judgment Day. That day does not scare the believer. The first time Christ came he saved us from our sin and the accusations for the devil. The second time Christ comes, he will save us from everything else. On that day, disease, gone. Abuse, gone. Heartache, gone. Even death is ended. None of those things will exist ever again. But we will exist forever with our Lord Jesus. Until then we live in the time in between. As we look at all Christ did at his first coming, we yearn for him to come again to end this broken world and to usher all the saints into everlasting glory.

    The Bible reading for this message is Matthew 25:31-46.

    Video for this message can be found here.

    This is the fourth in our worship series The Time in Between.

    Support the show

    Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.

    To find out more about King of Kings...

    Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!