
    Midlife Love Out Loud

    Midlife Love Out Loud supports single women to have a magnificent second act in their love life. Offering powerful, uplifting conversations with top relationship coaches, healers, dating experts, spiritual mentors and sacred sexuality leaders, women get to claim this precious life stage in authentic, delicious ways. There are reasons love seems so elusive and difficult. This podcast will give you the love map necessary to call in Next Level Love
    aaJunie Moon234 Episodes

    Episodes (234)

    224: Embracing Health And Fitness After Menopause with Barb Hawken

    224:  Embracing Health And Fitness After Menopause with Barb Hawken

    Menopause brings significant changes to our bodies, often leading to feelings of complacency and the belief that we can't shed unwanted weight or regain that vibrant energy we once had.

    In this enlightening podcast, Barb Hawken, a Functional Sports Trainer and Macro Coach, delves into the intricacies of fat regulation and feeling good in our bodies, especially during the second half of life. 

    She underscores the vital role of protein for menopausal women while accommodating various dietary preferences. Barb also sheds light on thyroid issues and the importance of proactively advocating for our health. 

    Join us for an insightful conversation that's bound to empower women on their journey to a healthier and more vibrant life.

    For more information about Barb Hawken go to: www.barbhawkenwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barbhawkenwellness

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/barb.hawken

    Grab her Gut Reset here: https://tinyurl.com/375aj4jh

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    223: Understand Your Soul's Blueprint with Holly Herbig

    223: Understand Your Soul's Blueprint with Holly Herbig

    Curious about the impact of the Human Design model on personal growth and relationships? It turns out, it's all in our energetic makeup. So intriguing how our energy guides our impact and interactions!

    Holly Herbig, a Human Design expert, introduces the 5-energy types, emphasizing how this knowledge can enhance self-awareness and relationship fulfillment. She delves into the specific characteristics of manifestors, a rare energy type known for initiating change, and discusses their challenges in relationships and societal expectations. 

    Remember, understanding and honoring your unique energy type is not just about self-awareness; it's about unlocking the potential for deeper connections and a more fulfilling life. So, are you ready to discover the blueprint of your soul? 

    Tune in to this episode as Holly Herbig shares insights that can lead to greater fulfillment and self-awareness.

    Grab Your Manifestor Beginning Pack: www.themanifestorcommunity.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehollymaree
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamhollyherbig/

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    222: How To Have A Healthy, Fit Body After Menopause with Joe Hoye

    222: How To Have A Healthy, Fit Body After Menopause with Joe Hoye

    Having a healthy, fit body after menopause can be very challenging to achieve and maintain. There’s so much to consider. What do you eat? Which exercise is best? How can you get fit and not feel deprived?

    In this powerful episode with the amazing Joe Hoye, the extremely wise owner of Hoye Fit, we pull back the curtains on this huge topic. He knows his stuff! Get ready to learn a ton of hot tips!

     You can have it all sister. Tune in and enjoy.

    For more information about Hoye Fit, go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/newtritionapproach

    Win a free 6-months of coaching- apply here. https://forms.gle/S8D2DANvt4tAt6fq9

    Facebook: facebook.com/joe.h.hoye
    Instagram: instagram.com/hoyefit

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    221: Zen & the Art of Relationship Maintenance with George Pitagorsky

    221:  Zen & the Art of Relationship Maintenance with George Pitagorsky

    Imagine treating each connection as a path back to the core of absolute love.

    Relationships are like great teachers, and in my recent chat with George Pitagorsky, we talked about "relationship yoga." George's perspective on loving awareness as an unbounded clarity that deepens our bonds is genuinely transformative. It's all about expanding love beyond its limits.   

    After watching the entire episode, take some time to reflect on these ideas and consider how you can apply them to your own relationships. 

    Remember, small changes can lead to improvements in how we connect with others and experience love.

    Remember, small changes can lead to improvements in how we connect with others and experience love.

    For more information about George Petroski go to: https://self-awareliving.com/ 

    Sign up for a 15-minute introductory conversation with George here: http://tinyurl.com/georgeconvo

    Grab George’s Book The Peaceful; Warrior’s Path: Optimal Wellness through Self-aware Living here : http://tinyurl.com/georgepeacepath

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/george.pitagorsky

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/george.pitagorsky/

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    220: Spending Valentine's Day Alone (And Loving It) 5 Hot Tips with Junie Moon

    220:  Spending Valentine's Day Alone (And Loving It) 5 Hot Tips with Junie Moon

    Are you ready to spice up your Valentine's Day? 

    February is the month of red hearts, pink flowers, and "be mine" messages plastered everywhere. But let's be real: Valentine's Day isn't everyone's cup of tea and...

    If you're single, you might think, "This day isn't for me, and I've got nothing to do about it."

    It doesn't have to be that way! 

    Who says Valentine's Day is just about romantic love, right?

    Valentine's Day is a celebration of love in all its forms.

    That's why, in my latest Midlife Love Out Loud Podcast episode, we're keeping it real about self-love, celebration, and finding joy in the journey of being single.

    Grab your notebook and dive into this episode so you can create a magical Valentine's day that will fill you up. 

    Junie Moon, CEO of Midlife Love Out Loud, a Global Love Mentor, Best-selling Author, Women’s Empowerment Leader, and Certified Shadow Work Coach, has supported thousands of women over the past 30 years to claim what is their birthright: the freedom to be and love themselves without apology. When women experience this freedom to love themselves without apology, they attract life-long Next Level Love and experience an extraordinary second half of life.

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    219: How To Enjoy The Holidays Alone with Junie Moon

    219: How To Enjoy The Holidays Alone with Junie Moon

    As we all know,  the holidays can bring up a lot of emotions and cause a ton of stress AND hopefully offer a lot of fun as well. To enjoy the holidays and limit the drama, here are some very easy strategies you can implement to make your holiday season the best ever - even with your loved ones that can get under your skin!

    Junie Moon, CEO of Midlife Love Out Loud, a Global Love Mentor, Best-selling Author, Women’s Empowerment Leader, and Certified Shadow Work Coach, has supported thousands of women over the past 30 years to claim what is their birthright: the freedom to be and love themselves without apology. When women experience this freedom to love themselves without apology, they attract life-long Next Level Love and experience an extraordinary second half of life.

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    218: Holiday Survival Guide: Radical Self-Care with Junie Moon

    218: Holiday Survival Guide: Radical Self-Care with Junie Moon

    The holidays can be difficult to navigate, especially when you’re single. In this episode, you’ll discover effective self-care strategies that fill you up so that no matter what the holiday brings, you’re prepared to enjoy it. You’ll learn easy ways to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally, providing a survival guide that prepares you for those difficult moments and encounters. Whether it's finding joy in solitude, choosing to hang with the family or looking for your Next Level Love online,  these hot Holiday Survival Tips will be a valuable resource for you to navigate the festive season with grace and self-compassion.

    Junie Moon, CEO of Midlife Love Out Loud, a Global Love Mentor, Best-selling Author, Women’s Empowerment Leader, and Certified Shadow Work Coach, has supported thousands of women over the past 30 years to claim what is their birthright: the freedom to be and love themselves without apology. When women experience this freedom to love themselves without apology, they attract life-long Next Level Love and experience an extraordinary second half of life.

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    217: From Shame to Empowerment: How Sharing Personal Stories Can Change Your Life with Molly Sider

    217: From Shame to Empowerment: How Sharing Personal Stories Can Change Your Life with Molly Sider

    Have you ever felt like you have to hide your truth?  Do you feel shame about some of your life experiences and it holds you back from revealing your authentic self? In this podcast episode, Molly Cider, a midlife change coach and podcast host, discusses the power of sharing personal stories as a way to shed shame and find new ways to connect with confidence. The conversation explores the themes of vulnerability, letting go of limiting beliefs and embracing vulnerability as a super power to love.

    Molly Sider is a midlife change coach and the creator and host of the podcast “I Am This Age,” proving you’re never too old to make a significant change. When Molly turned 40, she needed proof that she wasn’t too late or too old to find her “extraordinary.” Career, love, friendships – she sought meaning in all of it and found her life purpose in the process. Now an ICF-accredited CPC, motivational speaker, and podcast host, Molly coaches people in midlife, turning their “crisis” into meaningful change and helping them to write their next life chapter with clarity and confidence.

    Grab Molly’s FREE the first session:  www.mollysider.com

    Instagram: @mollyatthisage https://www.instagram.com/mollyatthisage/

    Facebook: Molly Sider https://www.facebook.com/mollyatthisage

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    216: Chafed Thighs & Love: A True Story About Resilience with Junie Moon

    216: Chafed Thighs & Love: A True Story About Resilience with Junie Moon

    Picture this: a hot day, a long challenging hike to a pine forest, and thighs chafing with every step. Sounds tough, right?

    But here's the thing - amidst the discomfort and pain came a huge revelation.

    This happened to me when I was a kid and this memory has since served as a powerful reminder that I can persevere through life's difficult times. I just had to share it with you because you too can go the distance even when it feels difficult and painful.  

    Junie Moon, CEO of Midlife Love Out Loud, a Global Love Mentor, Best-selling Author, Women’s Empowerment Leader, and Certified Shadow Work Coach, has supported thousands of women over the past 30 years to claim what is their birthright: the freedom to be and love themselves without apology. When women experience this freedom to love themselves without apology, they attract life-long Next Level Love and experience an extraordinary second half of life.

    Come to Sedona! Click here to find out about the upcoming ‘Ignite Your Queen’ 3-day Transformational Retreat. https://pages.midlifeloveoutloud.com/sedona

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40


    215: Overcoming Fear and Maximizing Life with Brad Axelrad

    215: Overcoming Fear and Maximizing Life with Brad Axelrad

    Fear robs you of having the love and life you desire.  It sabotages your dreams. It builds walls around your heart and keeps you from experiencing a full, authentic life.  What if it could be different for you?

    In this powerful episode “Overcoming Fear and Maximizing Life”  with Brad Axelrad, we went deep! We unpacked a ton on love, life and how to work with your fear so it doesn't block you from healthy love. 

    He even shared what men really want when it comes to a woman's emotional expression!

    For over a decade, Brad’s been an event producer, consultant, strategist and podcast host, having produced over 150 live events with top business leaders and best-selling authors.

    As a consultant and speaker, he utilizes his message to support coaches, visionary entrepreneurs, and consultants by helping them create the business that sets them free to live a life of fulfillment and truth.

    He’s a proud founding member of the Association of Transformational Leaders Southern California since 2010 and is a Co-Founder of The Association of Transformational Leaders Costa Rica.

    On his Face Your Dragon Podcast he interviews celebrity thought leaders and icons including don Miguel Ruiz, Arielle Ford, JP Sears and The Kin, musicians seen on Conan O’Brien and who opened up for Coldplay and Pink.

    Brad’s been featured on numerous media outlets, including NBC Nightly News, PBS Television, OC Register, LA Times, USC News and CBC News Canada.

    Learn more about the 5-Dragons here: www.courageintoclients.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bradaxelrad

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradaxelrad

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bradaxelrad

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    214: How to Get a Man to Pursue You with Junie Moon

    214: How to Get a Man to Pursue You with Junie Moon

    Dating is challenging.  We know that. And if you find yourself doing all the heavy lifting (exhausting) and he isn’t pursuing you like you want, there are reasons…and ways to change it. 

    Listen in as I unpack this very common complaint.  Learn hot tips on how to get a man to show up for you.

    Come to Sedona! Click here to find out about the upcoming ‘Ignite Your Queen’ 3-day Transformational Retreat. https://pages.midlifeloveoutloud.com/sedona

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    213: Dating App Alternative: Finding Love Organically with Junie Moon

    213: Dating App Alternative: Finding Love Organically with Junie Moon

    Don't fancy online dating apps? Discover a new (or not so new) approach that actually works! If you're yearning for a more organic way to meet someone special, this episode is a must-listen.

    Listen in as I unveil a profound and authentic method to attract your divine right partner. Keep an open mind as we explore a refreshingly different perspective on the dating scene, offering hope to those who've faced their fair share of challenges. It's time to embrace a new path to love!

    Ready for a vacation and a love reboot?

    Come to Sedona! Click here to find out about the upcoming ‘Ignite Your Queen’ 3-day Transformational Retreat. https://pages.midlifeloveoutloud.com/sedona

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    212: The Most Mind-Blowing Orgasm You've NEVER Heard Of with Junie Moon

    212: The Most Mind-Blowing Orgasm You've NEVER Heard Of with Junie Moon

    There’s a new orgasm in town!  It’s not related to sex but rather an energetic shift and it’s truly mind-blowing. This is huge and will take you and your fulfillment to a whole new level. Here’s a clue - it’s about the importance of listening to your own heart and setting some healthy boundaries.

    Listen in and learn how to be true to yourself and consciously design your life to have the pleasure you desire. It’s so much more than sex! 

    Ready for a vacation and a love reboot? 

    Come to Sedona! Click here to find out about the upcoming ‘Ignite Your Queen’ 3-day Transformational Retreat. https://pages.midlifeloveoutloud.com/sedona

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40


    211: Powerful Beauty Rituals for Inner Transformation with Amy Wall

    211:  Powerful Beauty Rituals for Inner Transformation with Amy Wall

    Getting older is no small thang! Not only is your body changing, your society has conditioned you to think you’ve lost value. When you’re wanting to date and feel amazing, this inner negative self-talk can wreak havoc on your confidence.  

    I just had a captivating conversation with the remarkable Amy Wall,  an esteemed esthetician who ties consciousness and beauty together. 

    Amy Wall takes us on a profound exploration of self-image and emphasizes the transformative power of inner image work. We talked about embracing natural aging and navigating the relentless pressures of societal beauty standards.

    Amy Wall is an award-winning esthetician leading the beauty industry forward with consciousness.

    With 20 years of experience, Amy was mentored by the formulator who discovered the peptide for the cosmetic industry, giving her a unique insight into the behind-the-scenes of skincare science.

    Amy's fascination with beauty and wellness began in 1984 when she began meditating in the mirror while applying her skincare products.

    As a pioneer and visionary of conscious beauty, Amy is committed to using only natural and sustainable ingredients in her products. Her dedication to ethical and environmentally friendly practices, along with adding consciousness to our everyday skin routines, has earned her a reputation as a maverick in the industries of beauty and skin.

    With her expertise, knowledge, and devotion to combining topical ingredients, energy, and the power of the self-image, Amy will help you take back the reins of how you feel about yourself as you age and transform you from a Sleeping Beauty into an Awakened Muse.

    Check out her FREE The Glowing Skin Jouney: https://tinyurl.com/ym9j6y2h

    The Beauty Blueprint course found at the bottom of each quiz result and in the email sequence here: https://higherselfbeauty.com/products/the-beauty-blueprint

    Enter this code to receive at no cost: juniemoon

    FB and IG social media handles:



    Come to the “Ignite Your Queen” retreat in Sedona. Click Here to find out the details. Early Bird Special going on now. https://pages.midlifeloveoutloud.com/sedona

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz/

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    210: How Taking Cold Showers Can Strengthen Your Path to Love with Junie Moon

    210: How Taking Cold Showers Can Strengthen Your Path to Love with Junie Moon

    Do you like cold showers? Probably not. 

    What if you make the decision to take one anyway because you’ve heard it’s great for your health? 

    What if you face the dread of the shivers, the discomfort, and shift your mindset from avoidance to acceptance?  

    Good news! I am not going to encourage you to take cold showers. It’s a metaphor for love! (And it is great for your health too) 

    Just like the cold plunge, in your quest for love, you’ll encounter challenges that might make you hesitate or feel anxious. You might hate online dating or dread that first difficult conversation. 

    Rather than shying away from those sometimes challenging moments, what if you made a choice to lean in and do it anyway because you know it’s bringing you closer to your goal?  

    Check out this week’s podcast on the importance of mindset when it comes to love.

    Junie Moon, CEO of Midlife Love Out Loud, a Global Love Mentor, Best-selling Author, Women’s Empowerment Leader, and Certified Shadow Work Coach, has supported thousands of women over the past 30 years to claim what is their birthright: the freedom to be and love themselves without apology. When women experience this freedom to love themselves without apology, they attract life-long Next Level Love and experience an extraordinary second half of life.

    Come to Sedona! Click here to find out about the upcoming ‘Ignite Your Queen’ 3-day Transformational Retreat. https://pages.midlifeloveoutloud.com/sedona

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40


    209: The Magic of Surrender: Discovering the Gifts it Brings with Kute Blackson

    209: The Magic of Surrender: Discovering the Gifts it Brings with Kute Blackson

    In this captivating podcast interview,  renowned speaker and transformational teacher, Kute Blackson, delves into the profound concept of surrender and the extraordinary gifts it brings to our lives. Join us as we explore the transformative power of surrender and embark on a journey towards personal liberation and calling in your soulmate.

    In a world that often encourages control and resistance, Kute Blackson takes us on a remarkable exploration of surrender, revealing its hidden magic and the immense liberation it offers. Through his heartfelt anecdotes, wisdom, and practical insights, he invites us to consider surrender as a potent catalyst for growth, healing, and true love.

    KUTE BLACKSON is a beloved inspirational speaker and transformational teacher. He speaks at countless events he organizes around the world as well as at outside events including A-Fest, YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization), and EO (Entrepreneurs’ Organization). He is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a select group of one hundred of the world’s foremost authorities in the personal development industry. Winner of the 2019 Unity New Thought Walden Award, Blackson is widely considered a next generation leader in the field of personal development. His mission is simple: To awaken and inspire people across the planet to access inner freedom, live authentically and fulfill their true life’s purpose

    Join Kute in Bali! Here is the link for his December event : ​​www.boundlessblissbali.com/

    *Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kuteblacksonlovenow 

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kuteblackson/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/kuteblackson 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/kuteblackson09 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kute-blackson-35755519/

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz/

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    208: Embracing The Beauty of Death To Call Love In with Andrea Deerheart

    208: Embracing The Beauty of Death To Call Love In with Andrea Deerheart

    In our culture, we don't talk about death. It scares us, and yet, it's everywhere and part of life. What if we could actually embrace death in a new way that actually opens us up to a more fulfilled life?  

    What if embracing the beauty of the inevitable end can be a transformative and life-affirming journey? 

    In this episode, I had the deep honor of interviewing  Andrea Deerheart about this huge topic. She shared how death and dying can lead us to experiencing a more rich life. Dearheart also shared a powerful tool called Yoga Nidra, which helps us be more in the present moment and magnetize more love into our lives. 

    Take a deep breath and enjoy this new perspective on death, dying and opening to love out loud.

    Dr. Andrea Deerheart is the passionate founder of The HeartWay, a nonprofit organization dedicated to embracing life by honoring death. She is the author of Yoga Nidra: Graceful Transitions, Elli's Ride: Death Beyond Imagination, Principles of End-of-Life Care & Clinical Skills for End-of-Life Practitioners. Using wisdom gathered from decades of guiding the living and dying physically, spiritually, and psychologically, Dr. Deerheart has provided loving care, education, counseling, and ministry dedicated to co-creating a visionary map with the dying and their families. With this map, she helps people navigate the labyrinth of fear, perplexing medical systems, emotional and spiritual landscapes, and practical end-of-life decisions. She also offers diverse programs emphasizing the relevance of the lessons learned near death for living a more loving and compassionate life. Dr Deerheart is an End-of-Life Practitioner, Mythologist/Depth Psychologist, Yoga Nidra Master Teacher, & Mamani. She is a sought-after consultant, educator, writer, and poet.

    Watch her Yoga Nidra Graceful Transitions Youtube Video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzw0T-oh1Kg&t=42

    Find her on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/theheartway

    And on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/the.heartway/

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz/

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    207: Women, Money and Freedom After Divorce with Mikelann Valterra

    207: Women, Money and Freedom After Divorce with Mikelann Valterra

    Being in the second half of life and dreaming about your future can be exciting. It can also be scary if you don’t understand your finances.  Mikelann Valterra, a master money coach, has been where you are and knows how to navigate these sometimes confusing money waters. 

    In this episode Mikelann shines a light on some very important aspects of planning for your future as well as enjoying your present. This is so much more than how to invest or what’s in your bank account. This is about your happiness and creating a life you love feeling empowered, clear and in charge.  

    For more than two decades, Master Money Coach Mikelann Valterra, MA, AFC®, has helped women transform their relationship to money. A highly respected expert in financial psychology, she has written and spoken extensively on powerful, practical ways to reduce money anxiety as well as effective methods for earning, saving, reducing debt, and managing money. 

    Mikelann has been quoted in national publications, including Forbes, USA Today, and Business Insider. She also guests on podcasts all over the world. Mikelann is the author of Rise Above the Money Fog: The key to confidence, clarity, and control. When not writing and speaking, she teaches clients how to rise above the money fog and craft their ideal life—letting go of financial stress forever. When not working, you can find Mikelann on the dance floor indulging her love of Argentine tango.

    Grab her free opt-in eBook on how to stop stressing about money here: www.seattlemoneycoach.com

    Out in September her book: Rise Above the Money Fog: The Key to Confidence, Clarity and Control Over Your Life. 

    Find her on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/MikelannSeattleMoneyCoach

    And on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/seattlemoneycoach/

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz/

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40


    206: The Upside of Dating Mr. Wrong with Junie Moon

    206: The Upside of Dating Mr. Wrong with Junie Moon

    In the journey of love and life, you’ve often heard about the elusive "Mr. Right" who is destined to sweep you off your feet and bring you everlasting happiness.

    But what about those you might have labeled as "Mr. Wrong"? The “what was I thinking being with him” kind of person? 

    Could it be that they might have played a huge part for you in your personal growth and self-discovery?

    What if your Mr. Wrong was actually your Mr. Right? 

    What if your “mistake” of picking the narcissist, or the betrayer, or the partner that didn't show up for you was actually PERFECT FOR YOU? 

    Check out this week's podcast and perhaps shift your perspective and consider that there might be no "Mr. Wrong" after all.

    Junie Moon, CEO of Midlife Love Out Loud, a Global Love Mentor, Best-selling Author, Women’s Empowerment Leader, and Certified Shadow Work Coach, has supported thousands of women over the past 30 years to claim what is their birthright: the freedom to be and love themselves without apology. When women experience this freedom to love themselves without apology, they attract life-long Next Level Love and experience an extraordinary second half of life.

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40

    205: How to Lose Weight and Feel Vibrant with Amy Wilson

    205: How to Lose Weight and Feel Vibrant with Amy Wilson

    Calling all Menopause Warriors!

    This week on Midlife Love Out Loud we dive deep into the world of healthy eating and weight loss during your second half of life.

    Say goodbye to dieting myths and hello to practical tips on how to nourish your body in your new, older, beautiful self.  Amy Wilson, our expert guest, will guide you through fueling your body with the right foods, maintaining a healthy weight, and taking proactive control of your well-being for a vibrant future. 

    Uncover the secrets to feeling empowered, healthy, and thriving, so you can steer clear of nursing homes and live your absolute best life. Let's tackle menopause head-on together! 

    Amy Wilson is a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist, a certified fitness professional, and a certified nutrition coach who is disrupting the diet industry and helping her clients take their health back. 

    Amy’s mission is to empower and equip her clients to take charge of their health and find balance in their lives. With over 30 years of experience, Amy specializes in developing individualized health plans that navigate through her client’s individual barriers, allowing them to be successful in their efforts.

    Grab your 30 min free consult here: www.callwithamy.live Get a free set of resistance bands if you sign up as client!

    Grab your “Quick & Easy Tips to Lose Belly Fat” here:  www.amykwilson.com/podcast 

    Find her on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/thenutritioncoachpharmacist/ 

    And on Facebook here: ttps://www.facebook.com/amywilsonfitness

    Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz/

    If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

    And don’t forget to subscribe to Midlife Love Out Loud so that you don’t miss a single episode. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/  and don’t forget to join the FIND FABULOUS LOVE AFTER 40 group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findfabloveafter40