
    Mike and Tim Visit Earth

    Comedian Mike Cannon and Healer/Explorer Tim Rothschild have never quite felt like there were of this planet. This could be due to the large amounts of psychedelics they've done over the years or they could be onto something because of the large amounts of psychedelics they've done over the years. Together they record a weekly breakdown of their Earthly experiences and try to get to the bottom of the whole pesky consciousness thing.
    enThe Third Thing Network51 Episodes

    Episodes (51)

    The Holy Trinity

    The Holy Trinity

    watch the entire Video Episode on Mike's Youtube

    The THIRD EPISODE of the podcast reunion you all have been waiting for! My brother Tim Rothschild and I jumped back in the pod saddle again to update the MATVE faithful on our lives and how we were basically correct about everything during our past podcast(s). LEAVE A COMMENT on YOUTUBE if you're interested in seeing/hearing more!

    For more Tim - Tim has An Online Class starting January 9th 2024 - Click here to sign up Follow him on IG @thethirdthingnetwork and go to thethirdthing.net/upcomingcourses for healings, readings and gear. Then head on over to @thedivinemvmnt on IG to see where Tim and DJ Gina Turner will be next around the world!

    For everything Mike - TOUR DATES: www.mikecannoncomedy.com/tour Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammikecannon TikTok: https://tinyurl.com/mpkmzw2c Twitter: https://twitter.com/iammikecannon Facebook: https://facebook.com/iammikecannon

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enDecember 20, 2023

    Heart of Darkness

    Heart of Darkness

    Mike follows Tim's journey through the heart of darkness....

    The SECOND EPISODE of the podcast reunion you all have been waiting for! We have jumped back in the pod saddle again to update the MATVE faithful on our lives and how we were basically correct about everything during our past podcast(s). LEAVE A COMMENT on the FULL VIDEO EPISODE ON YOUTUBE if you're interested in seeing/hearing more! 


    For more Tim - 

    Tim has an upcoming online class that starts on Tuesday November 7th - Click here for more info and to register 

    Follow Tim on IG @thethirdthingnetwork and Then head on over to @thedivinemvmnt on IG to see where Tim and DJ Gina Turner will be next around the world!

    For everything Mike -

    TOUR DATES: www.mikecannoncomedy.com/tour

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammikecannon

    TikTok: https://tinyurl.com/mpkmzw2c

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/iammikecannon

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/iammikecannon

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enOctober 25, 2023

    the reunion

    the reunion

    The Podcast Reunion you've all (there's at least 20 of you) been waiting for! My brother Tim Rothschild and I jumped back in the pod saddle to update the MATVE faithful on our lives and how we were basically correct about everything during our past podcast(s). LEAVE A COMMENT on the full video version of this episode on youtube if you’re interested in seeing/hearing more!


    For more Tim - Follow him on IG @thethirdthingnetwork and go to thethirdthing.net for healings, readings and gear. For Tim's new online courses head to thethirdthing.net/upcomingcourses Then head on over to the divine movement instagram  to see where Tim and DJ Gina Turner will be next around the world!

    For everything Mike - TOUR DATES: mikecannoncomedy.com/tour  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammikecannon  TikTok: https://tinyurl.com/mpkmzw2c  Twitter: https://twitter.com/iammikecannon  Facebook: https://facebook.com/iammikecannon 


    Please share, subscribe and rate this podcast! ❤️


    About the show: Comedian Mike Cannon and Healer/Explorer Tim Rothschild have never quite felt like there were of this planet. This could be due to the large amounts of psychedelics they've done over the years or they could be onto something because of the large amounts of psychedelics they've done over the years. Together they record a weekly breakdown of their Earthly experiences and try to get to the bottom of the whole pesky consciousness thing. #mikecannon #timrothschild #mikeandtimvisitearth #comedypodcast

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enSeptember 21, 2023

    Tim and Mike are dead, brutally murdered.

    Tim and Mike are dead, brutally murdered.

    The End.

    Do not weep for me for I have not gone.
    I am the wind that shakes the mighty Oak.
    I am the gentle rain that falls upon your face.
    I am the spring flower that pushes through the dark earth.
    I am the chuckling laughter of the mountain stream. 

    Do not weep for me for I have not gone.
    I am the memory that dwells in the heart of those that knew me.
    I am the shadow that dances on the edge of your vision.
    I am the wild goose that flies south at Autumns call and I shall return at Summer rising.
    I am the stag on the wild hills way.
    I am just around the corner.

    Therefore, the wise weep not.
    But rejoice at the transformation of my Being.

    ---For more Mike, buy his comedy albums and listen to Irish Goodbye Podcast!!

    ---For more Tim, check out what he is up to at thethirdthing.net - go to the shop for healings, readings and gear. Then head on over to thedivinemovement.com to see where Tim and Gina will be next around the world!

    We love you all, thank you for coming along for the ride.

    Never forget - 8456410099. <3


    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enFebruary 01, 2018

    The Real Final Episode

    The Real Final Episode

    Episode 47.

    That's all folks - thanks for coming along for the ride!

    Check out our last hurrah, a live MATVE show with lots of surprise guests at Stand Up NY Comedy Club on December 18!!! Grab tickets at www.standupny.com


    Healings, Readings, and lots more over at www.thethirdthingnetwork.com

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enDecember 11, 2017

    Stroke 3, You're Ouuuuuggggghhhhh!!!!

    Stroke 3, You're Ouuuuuggggghhhhh!!!!

    Episode 46.

    In another groundbreaking episode of Mike and Tim Visit Earth, the guys somehow manage to delve deep into their hearts for a brief moment, only to come leaping out and across every possible line of human decency. This super fun episode has it all. Enjoy!



    Want some awesome brain vitamins and Nootropics? Visit www.Timislimitless.com to give Tim a piece of the action! Might consider giving Mike some too!

    Check out the new and improved www.thethirdthing.net to see what Tim is up to over there...GET SOME HEALINGS AND READINGS TOO!

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enDecember 01, 2017

    Buzz From Home Alone is a Liar

    Buzz From Home Alone is a Liar

    Episode 45.

    On this very special holiday episode, Mike and Tim offer up their hearts to all, except one - who is a dirty, dirty liar. Buzz's girlfriend, Woof!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!! Enjoy!



    Want some awesome brain vitamins and Nootropics? Visit www.Timislimitless.com to give Tim a piece of the action! Might consider giving Mike some too!

    Check out the new and improved www.thethirdthing.net to see what Tim is up to over there...GET SOME HEALINGS AND READINGS TOO!



    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enNovember 22, 2017

    Bachelors at BSU

    Bachelors at BSU

    Episode 43.

    A tear rolled down Mike's cheek as he gave himself permission to take in the shimmering beauty of what stood before him. Standing on the top of the mountain, freezing, he didn't care about the cold. There was never such a sight of splendor, and it seemed to him that it was the depth of this experience which touched his heart space that actually gave him warm sensations, keeping the freezing cold at bay. In fact, it was like he was seeing beauty itself for the first time. Is this what they talk about when we allow ourselves to feel the glory of what it means to be human? It was impossible. Astonishing. He was in a such a state of disbelief that the tears kept on rolling. There, right in front of him, was Tim. Shirtless. Ripped abdominals. Smiling. Happy. They were both happy...

    Enjoy the show!!



    Want some awesome brain vitamins and Nootropics? Visit www.Timislimitless.com to give me a piece of the action! Might consider giving Mike some too!

    Check out the new and improved www.thethirdthing.net to see what Tim is up to over there...

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enNovember 08, 2017

    Changa Cat!

    Changa Cat!

    Episode 42.

    Another great episode - Season 4 is changing the game. And now...this weeks fan-fiction submission! Enjoy!!

    The gristle of last night’s vomit clung to Mike’s chin as the light of dawn struck the couch. It was a hard night of not drinking, typical of these Mike and Tim days. Mike managed to wipe most of the remnants from his disgusting hangover face. A quick check of his watch confirmed his fears, it was almost 10 o’clock. There would be no time to clean himself up. He half-stumbled to the computer and flopped into his chair.

    “Fucking stupid fucking piece of shit computer!” Mike hammered at the keyboard to bring up Skype. In the kitchen, Nicole dropped a fork. “Oh my god! Do you have to make so much noise? I’m trying to be professional here!” Mike shouted at her, but he smiled so it was okay. Totally just a joke, no biggie. Suddenly, his computer shone with transcendental light, Tim had picked up the skype call.

     Mike shielded his eyes, but the pure spiritual magnitude of the light permeated his every pore. Instantly he felt marginally better and cheered the fuck up slightly. Maybe, who knows? Tim toned down the light show and started talking. He was saying… something. Mike didn’t know, he wasn’t even sure if Tim knew, but he smiled slightly and laughed occasionally to keep the conversation going. He drifted in and out, waiting for his chance to tell his much more interesting story. He had just opened his mouth to plug his album, I Think It Just Kicked In, available on iTunes, when he noticed a shadow creeping in behind Tim’s luminescence.

    That flat bastard.
    Mike booked it out of the house, running as fast as possible to get to Rockland and warn Tim. The limits of human endurance were nothing to a man as overworked as he, and he ran day and night for weeks on end until he crashed through Gina’s door. The room was in disarray, cats crawling all over the furniture, half-eaten sandwiches everywhere. There, standing over Tim, infecting his aura with his own sickly green light, was Dave.
    “Tim!” Mike cried out. Tim said something, but nobody could really hear so Mike just went on. “Sorry, I would have gotten here sooner but I had to stop and tell everyone how much I kicked ass at high school basketball. I’m not sure if I mentioned it to you, but I was possibly the greatest.”
    Dave stepped away from Tim. His Duraflame log pulsed menacingly through his shorts, engorged with scepticism. Tim said effectively nothing. Dave stalked closer to Mike. He began opening up videos on his phone, pointing out “fake” blood and “staged” interviews. He droned on and on, forcing insults clumsily into the names of celebrities. Mike tried to get a word in edgewise but was quickly being buried under 70 plus hours of required YouTube viewing. “Just watch it on double speed, just watch it on double speed!” Dave taunted.
    Mike tried to focus through the bullshit. He had to pull it together and try the only thing that he knew would stem the flow. He summoned all of his willpower, channelling the patience of MLK. “Dave,” He lied through his teeth. “ I think you may have a point.”
    “What?” Dave’s barrage of “truth” stopped. He stood stunned and surprised like a cop being filmed, debating whether to continue the senseless violence. Dave stammered “Um…uh…yeah! Of course.”
    Tim may have said something as he got to his feet. Tim quickly aligned the energies of the universe, gathering positive energy into his hands. He was finally ready to heal Dave. Tim slammed his fist into Dave’s kidney, feeling something pop beneath his fist. Dave vomited his negative energy and a good portion of his breakfast onto Gina’s carpet as he collapsed like a tower.  He may have also shit himself. Tim that is, not Dave.
    Tim stood in the center of the floor watching the saddened Dave wipe at the vomit on the carpet. Tim might have also said something here, but Mike had already left.



    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enNovember 01, 2017

    Stupid Little Mike and Tim Irish Goodbye Doing DMT

    Stupid Little Mike and Tim Irish Goodbye Doing DMT

    Ep 41.


    So while we could talk all day long about how much fun it was to record with comedians Mike Feeney and Brendan Sagalow following an epic trip to inner space, there are more important issues at hand - such as the first approved very real fan fiction submission by supporter of the show, Shane R. So, without any further ado, here it is:

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth Fan Fiction 

    October 18, 2017
    By: Shane R**** 
                                                                          Chapter 1 
    Deep in the forests of a time long forgotten, a hooded man moved quietly through a misty twilit morning. For a long time all was quiet, but suddenly there was a brilliant flash of light paired with the crackle of electricity. The hooded man moved warily toward the sudden anomaly. A new man was seen face down, his neck kinked against a tree’s root and his arm twisted awkwardly underneath him.
      As the hooded man reached the strange visitor, all he could hear were muffled sobs, murmurs of “I want to kill myself,” and what sounded like a single airy fart. The visitor was wearing a heather gray t-shirt and red heart boxers; somehow his pants were down to his ankles, perhaps explaining his less than graceful landing. Upon closer inspection the t-shirt was more of a kaleidoscopic tie-die of sweat stains than a single color, clearly the wearer was in bad shape. 
    “Deine Hoesen!” the hooded man shouted in a playful voice, not so much matching his knightly frame. “Ughh...Umphh....Fuck….” The visitor was finally stirring. Just in time too, the previously hooded man had disrobed down to a single pair of silky purple underwear, which just barely concealed his excitement. “Ooohhh Deine Hose ist runter du sexy Schlampe!” As the semi-nude man zeroed in on his ass, the visitor barrell rolled away in the knick of time. He quickly moved on the attack after pulling up his jeans, and with a single punch to the nose rendered his puzzling foe unconscious. 
    The visitor pulled out several syringes, and quickly injected the unconscious threat several times. “That better fucking stabilize him” he muttered as he took a generous swig of bourbon from a flask in his backpack. He then pulled out a tiny sharp device labeled “ENGLISH, AMERICAN” and stuck it behind the man’s head. “TIM!” yelled the visitor. “Mike?” Tim mumbled, my head is killing me! “Here, take this you faggot” Mike handed Tim a sky-blue headband that not only looked fabulous, it took the pain away like nothing else ever had. “I charged it with….love energy" Mike said as he quickly scrapped off a crusty flake from the fashion accessory.
     “Ok man, while you were out I gave you some treatments, your hormones are going to stabilize  over the next 30 seconds, so I’m warning you tha-- Suddenly Tim turned a sickly green, projectile vomited and sprayed more shit out of his ass than a pissed off hippopotamus (seriously, YouTube that shit) before sprinting into a nearby stream and collapsing. Mike dragged Tim out, and did all of the difficult and unpleasant work of cleaning him up, drying him off and dressing him in new, warm, Lulu Lemon clothing he’d brought from the future. Mike would go on to receive seemingly zero benefit from these caring actions, but proved himself to be a key asset in Tim’s long journey. Secretly though he understood things differently and observed, and at this point in the story, is mostly dormant. Yet deep inside of a dark crevice within his being, something stirs that cannot be stopped. 
    As Tim came to, Mike said to him “we’ll deal with what just happened right now later, but now we have to move. Hopefully the memory serum worked, because if my information is correct you’re a different incarnation the soul that came into the 1980s New York time period with me in the form of Tim Rothschild. Tim stared blankly at Mike, a single tear streaming down his face. Without wasting any more time Mike locked arms with Tim, pointed a small device at them, and said “we’re going to Rainbow Road.” And with a flash they were flung through the fabric of the universe to their surreal destination. 
                                                          TO BE CONTINUED... 
    Enjoy the Show!!!
    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enOctober 25, 2017

    Season 4 Ep 4: Spiritual Harvey Weinstein

    Season 4 Ep 4: Spiritual Harvey Weinstein

    Episode 40.

    Mike and Tim have another super fun episode enjoying each other's company from afar, but it feels oh so close as their conversation warms Mike's freezing apartment as well as his icy heart. Check out the newest addition to the show: the OBExpress - giving metaphysical traffic updates every Wednesday morning. 

    Also, this is our standard bi-weekly request for more fan fiction. We hear a lot of "oh yeah totally gonna do it" and "just about finished, sending it right over" but then nothing. NOTHING. Mike and Tim are left on the edge of their seat, fingers in their butts...and really thats just not fair to us. Shame on all of you. Shame! Enjoy the show!


    THE DIVINE EVOLUTION RETREAT in JOSHUA TREE 11/9 - 11/12 Coupon Code "Timetofuckthemoon" for 6.9% off






    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enOctober 18, 2017

    Season 4 Ep 3: Under Construction

    Season 4 Ep 3: Under Construction

    Episode 39.

    At the culmination of much hard work and preparation - almost a year of diligent planning - Mike found himself running down the steps of the museum about as fast as he could without risking a fall, hyper aware of the importance of what he was carrying in his hands. He could hear the screech of tires as Tim whipped around the corner, arriving at their meeting point just in time. So far so good.

    “We cool”? Tim asked calmly, as Mike slid into the back seat of the Jeep, keeping a close eye on what was behind them.

    “No.” Mike said with a clear focus as he locked eyes with Tim, seeming to communicate something nonverbal which they both understood. “Someone knew we were coming.”

    Tim nodded silently. He relaxed his shoulders and took a deep breath, then exhaled. It was always a pleasant surprise to realize how alive he felt during the worst of times. He was reminded of all the past adventures he and Mike had been through - the narrow escapes, and how easily either one of them could not have made it home without capture, or worse. But they always did, and they always came back for more. Luck was ALWAYS on their side.

    “Time to dance.” Tim floored the Jeep.

    Mike knocked out the back window with the end of his rifle, careful not to disturb the relic inside his pouch.

    Almost immediately, what appeared to be a small army of vehicles came up quickly from behind and in front, blocking the Jeep at the nearest intersection.

    “GO!” Mike yelled, handing the relic to Tim with the most delicate touch. Tim knew what this meant. He put it in a special container designed to ensure that if something did happen to the relic, it would remain intact. The container alone cost nearly $50,000, something Tim wasn't too happy about at the time, but now he knew it was the right choice - this wasn't going as well as he hoped. He cut the jeep and drove it directly into the nearest coffee shop, narrowly missing a few unsuspecting customers as glass blew everywhere. Screams erupted as Mike opened fire on the pursuing vehicles, a familiar tinge of guilt running up his spine as he connected with a few shots. 

    And then it happened - a bullet screamed past Mike’s face, and then another striking him on the side of the head.

    Tim, sticking to the plan, was already gone.

    Enjoy the show!



    THE DIVINE EVOLUTION RETREAT in JOSHUA TREE 11/9 - 11/12 Coupon Code "TDMPOD" for 10% off


    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enOctober 11, 2017

    Season 4 Ep 2: Emotional Crack Baby

    Season 4 Ep 2: Emotional Crack Baby

    Episode 38. Season 4! Season 4! Season 4!

    This chapter is deliberately left wide open for listeners of the show to send in their own fan-fiction to be acted out by Mike and Tim in following shows. Prizes, awards, and recognition will be showered upon worthy participants! If by next week nothing is submitted, a prize will be awarded to Tim, who will be at that time the only person writing the fan-fiction, adding an interesting dimension to this whole thing - one that we wish to avoid but which feels somewhat inevitable. Tim is looking forward to it, to be honest.

    Enjoy the show!



    THE DIVINE EVOLUTION RETREAT in JOSHUA TREE 11/9 - 11/12 Coupon Code "TDMPOD" for 10% off





    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enOctober 04, 2017

    Season 4 Episode 1: Grandpa's on Patrol

    Season 4 Episode 1: Grandpa's on Patrol

    Episode 37.

    Mike stumbles onto Rainbow Road for the first time, questioning how he got himself into this predicament in the first place. Tim, never questioning the information he receives in the dream state, knew exactly when Mike would arrive, and was waiting. 

    "Aho!" Tim yells, his grin spreading widely across his face.

    "What the hell is your problem and where am I? And since when do you say 'Aho'?" 

    "That's the official greeting of The Rainbow Road. You don't like it?"

    "I don't like any of this." Mike replied

    "Oh, you will." 

    And with that, Tim was gone. Using an old trick Mike learned to discern between waking and dream states, he looked down at his feet, and they were there. He looked at his hands. Yeah, those were there too.  "I guess this isn't a dream." He muttered to himself.

    The vibrating colors of the road, undulating like a swell in a deep sea, swallowed by the darkest of the dark light, should have made him uneasy, but the soft glow radiating off of the road offered some sort of unnatural relaxation to his system.

    Mike looked as far as he could see - behind him, nothing. Pure darkness. He shuddered. Before him, The Rainbow Road, with no end in sight. The Road was calling to a place deep inside of him. What was it that it wanted? This place is ancient, he thought.

    Inside the recesses of Mike's brain, he thought he heard Tim chuckle. Shaking it off, he took another step on the road, and then another.

    It was then that he realized that Tim had not been wearing his bandana...





    Coupon Code "TDMPOD" for 10% off





    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enSeptember 27, 2017

    End Of Season 3

    End Of Season 3

    Episode 36.

    As season 3 comes to an end, Mike and Tim take no time to reflect on its transitory nature, but instead choose to tell hilarious stories. But the facts don't change - production has turned chaotic, it is nearly impossible to see each other in person outside of highway rest stops, and both Gina and Jessica are gone, presumed to be dead. 

    But as the two boys, now quite obviously men, press forward through the haze - catching a glimpse of light every now and then - only to be overtaken by the fog of what we are actually doing here...what can we all expect? Season 4 is coming. Change is coming. There is always chaos before order. Order before chaos. Nobody is ready for Season 4, except us. You're definitely not ready at all. Get ready.

    *note* Mike and Tim did take time to reflect AFTER the show which is why we know we are ready and you are not. GET READY.

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enSeptember 20, 2017

    Tim Takes a Stand

    Tim Takes a Stand

    Episode 35.

    Mike and Tim trade spots on opposite ends of the country, triggering story after story from Tim's dark past. Also, Mikes 1 year wedding anniversary, his album absolutely crushing the charts and anyone else who stands in his path, and Tim goes off on climate change, gays and asians (and really feels uncomfortable about it).


    BUY MIKE'S NUMBER ONE RANKED ALBUM HERE: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/i-think-it-just-kicked-in/id1273372368

    HEALINGS AND READINGS WITH TIM @ www.thethirdthing.net/shop


    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enSeptember 13, 2017

    The Day After Tomorrow

    The Day After Tomorrow

    Episode 34.

    A lasting friendship endures the day after Rabbit Hole. The day after Tim's birthday party. The day after Mike drinks too much. The day after Tomorrow.



    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enSeptember 06, 2017

    DMT (Deep'inside Mike and Tim)

    DMT (Deep'inside Mike and Tim)

    Episode 33.

    Christ Consciousness. Also, I think we said several times during this show that the DITRH reunion will have already been recorded by the time this comes out and we were absolutely wrong...and DMT.

    *Some audio issues were not fixable so you just gotta deal - its fine, just not perfect. Like you're romantic partner. Same thing.

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enAugust 29, 2017

    Deca Durabolin 250

    Deca Durabolin 250

    Episode 32.

    Now that the sun is gone, what shall we do? Mike and Tim discuss a surplus of extremely complex topics and break them down in a way that is easy for any listener at any level to digest and immediately integrate into their lives - proving to be beneficial on multiple levels, often indicating dramatic positive life changes. This episode breaks down barriers and builds them back up in a truer, more steadfast form. Taking a holistic, yet skeptical view, deep truths are uncovered regarding every facet of the human race. This is the only episode on this planet like it.

    Mike and Tim Visit Earth
    enAugust 23, 2017