
    Miles To Go

    Join award-winning journalist Miles O’Brien as he explores developments in technology, science, aviation, space and the environment. A 35-year veteran of the news business, Miles is currently an independent producer, writer, and director for PBS NewsHour, NOVA, Frontline, and the National Science Foundation. An experienced pilot himself, he also serves as aviation analyst for CNN (And he does it all with one arm).
    enMiles O'Brien35 Episodes

    Episodes (35)

    Episode 15: Inside the Filter Bubble - with Eli Pariser, the man who coined the phrase

    Episode 15: Inside the Filter Bubble - with Eli Pariser,  the man who coined the phrase

    The Internet was supposed to provide a utopian virtual world where all of us could come together in peace, love and harmony to better understand each other and our differing viewpoints…

    But we got derailed on the road to utopia, didn’t we? Eli Pariser, the man who coined the phrase “filter bubble”, knows as much about this as anyone. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.

    Episode 14: Understanding the Eruption at Kilauea – with Geologist Mike Garcia

    Episode 14: Understanding the Eruption at Kilauea – with Geologist Mike Garcia

    As Hawaii trembles with earthquakes and the Kilauea volcano continues to spew forth lava and gas, residents and the wider world watch and wonder: how long will this renewed activity continue? To find out, we turn to Mike Garcia, professor of geology at the University of Hawaii and funded by the National Science Foundation. He has been following the eruption since its beginning, which actually bubbled to life in 1983. To better understand the history and possible future of Kilauea, I sit down with Garcia on this episode of Miles to Go.

    Episode 13: A Junk News Pioneer - with Cyrus Massoumi, Part 2

    Episode 13: A Junk News Pioneer - with Cyrus Massoumi, Part 2

    Russian actors may have run an online disinformation campaign during the 2016 US presidential elections, but they likely learned their tactics from Americans. As part of our investigation, PBS NewsHour series producer Cameron Hickey tracked down one of these junk news pioneers, Cyrus Massoumi. He runs liberal and conservative junk news sites, which have millions of followers on Facebook. I continue my conversation with Cyrus on this episode of Miles To Go.

    Episode 12: A Junk News Pioneer - with Cyrus Massoumi, Part 1

    Episode 12: A Junk News Pioneer - with Cyrus Massoumi, Part 1

    Russian actors may have run an online disinformation campaign during the 2016 US presidential elections, but they likely learned their tactics from Americans. As part of our investigation, PBS NewsHour series producer Cameron Hickey tracked down one of these junk news pioneers, Cyrus Massoumi. He runs liberal and conservative junk news sites, which have millions of followers on Facebook. To find out more about the murky world of junk news, I sit down with Massoumi on this episode of Miles To Go.

    Episode 11: Mapping Misinformation and Russian Influence Online – with Data Journalist Jonathan Albright

    Episode 11: Mapping Misinformation and Russian Influence Online – with Data Journalist Jonathan Albright

    Top US intelligence agencies agree that Russia meddled in the 2016 US Presidential election using an organized campaign of online trolling and misinformation. The details of exactly how are harder to uncover. Jonathan Albright, data journalist and Research Director at Columbia University’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism, studies information flow in networks. Recently, he has been mapping how Russian propaganda spreads on the web. I sit down with Albright on this episode of Miles To Go.

    Episode 10: Whose Best Interest - Can Facebook's Business Model Be Repaired?

    Episode 10: Whose Best Interest - Can Facebook's Business Model Be Repaired?

    The Cambridge Analytica scandal has placed Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook at the center of the data privacy debate. But is Facebook’s ad-driven business model fundamentally incompatible with protecting users’ personal data? And, if so, what can be done to fix it? Miles O’Brien Productions team members Brian Truglio and Fedor Kossakovski hash it out on this special edition of Miles To Go.

    Episode 9: Aviation and the “Tombstone Mentality” - How Southwest 1380 Could Have Been Avoided

    Episode 9: Aviation and the “Tombstone Mentality” -  How Southwest 1380 Could Have Been Avoided

    The uncontained engine failure of Southwest flight 1380 reminds us once again that commercial aviation is a business that does not always put safety first - and regulators seem reluctant to change that. Jennifer Riordan’s death could have been avoided if only the FAA did not have a “Tombstone Mentality.” My guest on this special edition: former FAA inspector general and aviation attorney Mary Schiavo.

    Episode 8: Just the Facts - with Brooke Binkowski of Snopes.com

    Episode 8: Just the Facts - with Brooke Binkowski of Snopes.com

    Long before Facebook, Twitter or even Google existed, the fact checking website Snopes.com was running down the half-truths, misinformation and outright lies that ricochet across the Internet. Today it remains a widely respected clearinghouse of all things factual and not. As part of my series for the PBS NewsHour on the rise and role of misinformation in our democracy, I spoke with Snopes.com managing editor Brooke Binkowski.

    Episode 7: Misinformation on the Internet - Untangling the Web

    Episode 7: Misinformation on the Internet - Untangling the Web

    How did the internet become a tangled web of misinformation? Miles speaks to danah boyd, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, founder of Data & Society, and Visiting Professor at New York University. boyd offers insight into the history of misinformation on the internet and the role social media plays in the proliferation of fake news. It's an interview we did for our upcoming series on "junk news" for the PBS NewsHour.

    Episode 6: How Your Facebook Newsfeed Works

    Episode 6: How Your Facebook Newsfeed Works

    Who or what determines what's in your Facebook Newsfeed? It's a complex algorithm that aims to put what interests you most at the top of the queue. Increasingly, Facebook is focused on trying to determine what content is fake, junk or misleading - and sending it to the bottom. But the purveyors of this content are a determined adversary. Miles speaks with their foe at Facebook, the Director of Analytics for the News Feed, Dan Zigmond. It's an interview we did for our upcoming series on "junk news" for the PBS NewsHour.

    Episode 4: Entering A New Dimension In 3D Printing

    Episode 4: Entering A New Dimension In 3D Printing

    When you think of 3D printing, you may envision useless trinkets, a cheesy iPhone cover, or extruded cheese doodles. But that would be so 2014 of you!

    In this episode of Miles To Go, Miles sits down with John Hart, an MIT Engineering Professor and Entrepreneur who is leading the way to a new era in 3D manufacturing. If things go as he plans, it could change just about everything.



    Episode 3: Inside North Korea's Nuclear Complex

    Episode 3: Inside North Korea's Nuclear Complex

    Siegfried Hecker is a Metallurgist and Nuclear Scientist. He served as the director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1986-1997 and is a professor at The Center For International Cooperation at Stanford University. One of the few people who have actually visited North Korea’s nuclear facilities, Hecker recently sat down with Miles To Go to discuss the development and capabilities of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal.

    Episode 2: Talking Trash

    Episode 2: Talking Trash

    Eugene Tseng describes himself as the most “overeducated garbage man” in the world. An environmental engineer and lawyer who teaches at UCLA and Cal State Northridge, he has spent decades understanding what we throw away and what happens to it after the garbage truck picks up the bag on your curb. Obviously, it’s not a pretty picture, but it’s worse than you think. We all can do better. The first step: listen to this podcast… Oh, and of course we will ask him about the oddest things he’s found in the landfill. Could diapers be radioactive? Depends...

    Pilot Episode: The Worst Airline Accident That Nearly Happened

    Pilot Episode: The Worst Airline Accident That Nearly Happened

    In July of 2017, an Air Canada passenger jet loaded with 135 passengers and 5 crewmembers nearly landed on a taxiway at San Francisco International Airport, where four jets were waiting to take off.

    At the last moment, the pilot aborted the landing, averting what could have been the worst aviation accident in history. How was this possible in this day of automation and super-accurate GPS navigation? Join Miles and Lars Perkins to find out.