
    Millennial Minded

    Navigating a new career can be intimating - especially if you're armed with nothing more than some college classes and advice from friends. So, why not listen to the person we're all working to impress - the CEO. We reserve 15 minutes each week to pick the boss lady's brain. What can we really be doing to become the best that we can be?
    enDavid Blackburn85 Episodes

    Episodes (85)

    The First 90 Days - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    The First 90 Days - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    To celebrate the new year, we decided to relaunch our How to Land a Job series. We've broken the job hunt down into eight easy-to-follow steps to ensure the maximum success: 1) The Connection 2) The Resume 3) The Informational Interview 4) How to Land the Interview 5) The Interview 6) The Follow Up 7) Closing the Deal & 8) The First 90 Days.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this series, we learn how to land a job...

    Closing the Deal - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    Closing the Deal - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    To celebrate the new year, we decided to relaunch our How to Land a Job series. We've broken the job hunt down into eight easy-to-follow steps to ensure the maximum success: 1) The Connection 2) The Resume 3) The Informational Interview 4) How to Land the Interview 5) The Interview 6) The Follow Up 7) Closing the Deal & 8) The First 90 Days.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this series, we learn how to land a job...

    The Follow Up - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    The Follow Up - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    To celebrate the new year, we decided to relaunch our How to Land a Job series. We've broken the job hunt down into eight easy-to-follow steps to ensure the maximum success: 1) The Connection 2) The Resume 3) The Informational Interview 4) How to Land the Interview 5) The Interview 6) The Follow Up 7) Closing the Deal & 8) The First 90 Days.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this series, we learn how to land a job...

    The Interview - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    The Interview - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    To celebrate the new year, we decided to relaunch our How to Land a Job series. We've broken the job hunt down into eight easy-to-follow steps to ensure the maximum success: 1) The Connection 2) The Resume 3) The Informational Interview 4) How to Land the Interview 5) The Interview 6) The Follow Up 7) Closing the Deal & 8) The First 90 Days.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this series, we learn how to land a job...

    How to Land an Interview - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    How to Land an Interview - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    To celebrate the new year, we decided to relaunch our How to Land a Job series. We've broken the job hunt down into eight easy-to-follow steps to ensure the maximum success: 1) The Connection 2) The Resume 3) The Informational Interview 4) How to Land the Interview 5) The Interview 6) The Follow Up 7) Closing the Deal & 8) The First 90 Days.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this series, we learn how to land a job...

    The Informational Interview - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    The Informational Interview - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    To celebrate the new year, we decided to relaunch our How to Land a Job series. We've broken the job hunt down into eight easy-to-follow steps to ensure the maximum success: 1) The Connection 2) The Resume 3) The Informational Interview 4) How to Land the Interview 5) The Interview 6) The Follow Up 7) Closing the Deal & 8) The First 90 Days.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this series, we learn how to land a job...

    The Resume - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    The Resume - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    To celebrate the new year, we decided to relaunch our How to Land a Job series. We've broken the job hunt down into eight easy-to-follow steps to ensure the maximum success: 1) The Connection 2) The Resume 3) The Informational Interview 4) How to Land the Interview 5) The Interview 6) The Follow Up 7) Closing the Deal & 8) The First 90 Days.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this series, we learn how to land a job...

    The Connection - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    The Connection - #FBF - How to Land a Job Series

    To celebrate the new year, we decided to relaunch our How to Land a Job series. We've broken the job hunt down into eight easy-to-follow steps to ensure the maximum success: 1) The Connection 2) The Resume 3) The Informational Interview 4) How to Land the Interview 5) The Interview 6) The Follow Up 7) Closing the Deal & 8) The First 90 Days.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this series, we learn how to land a job...

    #FBF - If your internship goes south...

    #FBF - If your internship goes south...

    Internships don't always go as planned. Maybe you got a little too tipsy at the after-work happy hour, or you keep missing meetings. Despite what you might think, it may be possible to turn it all around and get a full-time offer.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. On this episode, we chat about what to do if your internship goes south...

    #FBF - If you're going to a holiday party...

    #FBF - If you're going to a holiday party...

    Holiday parties are a great opportunity for coworkers to celebrate, bond, and be together as people. Despite what some people think it is NOT an opportunity to let loose and get wasted. A holiday party is a social event, but the code of conduct that’s present in the office extends to your work offsite.

    What should you wear? Should you go to the party with a drink limit in mind? When should you leave?

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this episode, we learn what to do if you’re going to a holiday party...

    #FBF - If you disagree with your boss...

    #FBF - If you disagree with your boss...

    Disagreement at work can be good. If everyone nodded their head yes at every crossroads, then a business wouldn’t progress. Critical discussion is a positive force for businesses (for the most part).

    But how do you disagree with your boss? Keep in mind this is the person who controls your compensation.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. On this episode, we learn what to do if you disagree with your boss...

    #FBF - If you want to develop your personal brand...

    #FBF - If you want to develop your personal brand...

    Whether you like it or not, you have a personal brand. The clothes you wear, the company you keep, and the ideas you present all culminate into a unified identity of what it means to be you.

    At least that's the way it used to be. Now your personal brand is also influenced by your online presence - your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace profile (this is a joke, but no judgment...).

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. On this episode we learn what to do if you want to develop your personal brand...

    #FBF - If you're going on vacation...

    #FBF - If you're going on vacation...

    Vacation is bliss isn’t it? No emails. No coworkers asking for ‘one more thing.’ But before you sign off, you should make sure you prep your team with everything they need. You'd hate for productivity to come to a grinding halt during your absence, right? Or even worse, imagine your beach day being interrupted by a request to access a Google doc.

    Lucky for you, we sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this episode, we learn what to do if you’re going on vacation…

    #FBF - If You’re Offended By a Coworker...

    #FBF - If You’re Offended By a Coworker...

    You’re in a meeting and a colleague says something offensive. The other people in the room ignore it or laugh it off, but you’re offended. Deeply offended. You’re taken out of the moment and can no longer focus on the task at hand. What’s your next move? And what are the implications of that next move?

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this episode, we learn what to do if you’re offended by a coworkers comment...

    #FBF - If you want to WFH…

    #FBF - If you want to WFH…

    A flexible work schedule and the option of working from home can do wonders for your productivity and personal happiness. That being said, your home is fraught with potential distractions (Vanderpump Rules, the urge to do laundry, your adorable puppy, etc.).

    So how can you prove to your company that you will be an effective remote employee? We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this episode, we learn how to work from home...

    #FBF - If your boss is an asshole…

    #FBF - If your boss is an asshole…

    Making sure you’re following through on the work you’ve committed to, is not a sign of an asshole boss. That’s just a boss doing their job. But someone who is disrespectful, makes their sloppiness your problem, or doesn’t appreciate the work at hand, is an asshole boss. What can you do if you find yourself working for someone who fits that description?

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this episode, we learn what to do if your boss is an asshole...

    #FBF - If you don't know what to do with your career…

    #FBF - If you don't know what to do with your career…

    Early in your career, it’s difficult to know what industry is right for you. Should you stay in PR? Switch to Marketing? Pursue a law degree?! The options are dizzying and often people end up doing nothing – afraid to make the wrong choice. But we’re here to tell you there is no wrong choice.

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this episode, we learn what to do if you’re confused about what to do with your career…

    If wanna quit your internship...

    If wanna quit your internship...

    In some somber teenage moment, we’ve all probably been told by someone, “You can do anything you want in life!” Confidence like that can make entry level work difficult to put up with. All of the sudden it feels like you’re watching dreams drift away as you run to pick up yet another coffee order. But what if that’s all a part of the story? How can you know if you’re just wasting your time or investing in something bigger?

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. On this episode, we chat about what to do if you wanna quit your internship...

    If you’re interested in getting the most out of your job...

    If you’re interested in getting the most out of your job...

    There are so many perks to a new job; sometimes the best benefits require a little work to unearth. There may be money on the table for that Adobe course you’ve been dying to take. Who knows, you could be getting some of your master’s work paid for. Why wait to save yourself some money?

    We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. On this episode, we chat about what to do if you’re interested in getting the most out of your job...